i PAGE: FOURTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCT OBER 25, 1927 m---------- Suburban and District News Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents 3 Solina, Oct. 21.--Mr. W. A. Toms, Collingwood, Mr. Isaac Bul- mer and Mr. W. A. Lammiman, Oshawa, at Mr. T. Baker and calling on several old friends in and around Selina. ; Mr. Alfred Hogrth, Mrs. Fletcher, lin visited at the home of N. C. Yel- lowlees. . HAMPTON Hampton, Oct. 24.--Among those who are called from the busy activi- ties of life we are sorry to record the death of Miss Annie Johns, Mr. Chas. St Hampton, Mr. Upton Stevens, Kedron, visited at the home of Mr. J. D. Hogarth. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Werry, Miss Audrey Werry and Miss Rothwell, Oshawa, Rev Mr. Stainton, Mr. M. A, James. Mr. Norman James, Mrs, Washington, Miss Edith Peardon, Bowmanville, Miss Elva and Irene Pascoe, Zion, at A. L. Pascoe's. { Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Penfound and sons, Toronto, at the home of J, T. Rundle and Miss Aura Osborne and Miss Marie Rundle of Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Beatty, Mrs. B. Beatty and Miss Helen Creemore, aed at the home of Sidney Hock- y. 'Miss Lena Taylor visited Mrs. BgRost Larmer, Blackstock. "Mr, and Mrs. R. Armstrong, Maple Grove, visited at Mr. and Mrs. B.A. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephens, Salem, visited at the home of Roy Lang- maid. "Mr. Alfred Hogarth, Mrs, Fletcher Mr, Stonehouse, Hampton, at J. D. Hogarth's, Miss Margaret McKessock at Port Hope over the week: end, . Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and Mr.s Thos. Baker and Mrs, J. D. Hoearth attended the play given b the Newcastle Young People's So- claty in Bowmanville on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Hardy and children attended Mrs. Fred McKen- gie's sale at Columbus, Macter Bobbv Smales with his grandmother, Mrs, Smales at Dun- ba*ton, Mr. and Mrs, H. E. Tink. Mr, 2nd Mrs, W. T. Baker and Mr. John Baker spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Stanlev Miller at Sunderland, Mr. and Mrs. Frvan Ranev, Miss Flaie ard. Neill Ranev, Miss Ada Rieeg, Orono, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Tarmer and children at W, T, Tay- lor. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Garfat, Brook- / ldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Johns, Hampton, who passed away in Bowmanville Hospital on Wednesday, October 12, after two weeks of serious illness, Miss Johns had spent about seventeen years in the law office of the late D. B. Simpson, K.C., and since his death, had been serving Mr. W. Ross Strike in the same office. She was a very efficient and faithful worker and was highly respected by a host nf friends, The funeral took place from the residence of her parents, Hampton, on Friday, October 14th, The funeral though private was attended by a large number of relatives and friends who came to pay their last tribute of respect to deceased. Service was ronducted by Rev. J. R. Bick, pastor of Hampton Circuit, and by Rev. J U. Robins, pastor of Trinity United Church, Bowmanville)": bth Eiving very comforting addresses fo the be- reaved. The hearers were Messrs, W. R. Strike, J. R. Hoidge, A. Trenouth, | and W. B. Pollard. The flower bearers were Messrs, J. A. McClellan, M. Wilkins, Malco'm Martin, Harold Salter, Geo, W. James, Will White, P, Smith, D. Hooper, S. Jacks, Harry Wilcox and Alfred Hogarth, The following were those who of- fered floral tributes: The Family, Master Ted Jobns, Mrs, RF. V. Seohell. Pollard family, The Gleaners Sunday School Class, Hampton, Mies Helen Cryderman, Miss Bertha Sargent, Mrs. DDunn, Mr, P. Smith, Yonng Ldidies' Bible Mass. Bowmanville 8.8., Mr, and Mrs, 7. Salter and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Slemoan, Mr. 8. Jacks, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Whita and fam- lv, Mrs A. Horarth, Mrs. M~hel Taylor. Mrs, A. Trenouth, Mrs. Roy Metealf Mr. and4 Mrs, W. W. Horn, Mr, and Mre. D, Hooper, Mrs. O. Horn ard Girls, Mr, and Mre R. Avery, Mrs. Edna Ruse, Mrs, Clat- I ime A Flour, ¢ Cereals and Potatoes We have FIVE brands of Bread Flour and THREE brands of Pastry Flour for you to choose from. Every bag is guaranteed. Cereals in bulk is a specialty with us. Some cock in three minutes and some in the old fashioned way. Among these are Breakfast Wheat, Granu- lated Wheat, Barley Porridge, Rolled Oats, Flaked Wheat and Corn Meal. per lb.--Try it. Our Health Bran is 5c We excell in all kinds of Feed for Poultry. Pigeons, Dogs, Canaries, Horses and Cattle, Our Potatoes are choice in quality and low in Cooper Smith Co. JUST SOUTH OF POST OFFICE worthy and daughters, Mr. and Mra. W. R. Strike, Hampton League, Mr. and Mrs. N. MacMillan, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Clatworthy Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wilkins, Mrs, C. Johns, ancy and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. H. lcox, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Holdge, Hampton Adult Bible Class, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Miss Leta L. Bragg"s room Public School, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hancock and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. A, Gully, Much sympathy is extended the family and re'atives hv their many friends, who share with them their sorrow and los<, this heing the third funeral from teir home in the last year, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson (and. family, Nestleton, visited at James Curtis on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Hastings, Toronto, at Mr. Charles Hasting's. Misses Louise fand Ruth Johns visited friends in Toronto recently. Miss L. Horn has returned after snending a few weeks with friends in Toronto and other Western points. Mr W. R. Railev, Kitchener, and Mr, G Earle. Saginaw, Michigan, at Mra. C. Horns, Mr and Mrs. Jno. Colwill, Jr. and Miss Lizzie Reeves, visited friend- at Port Hove on Sunday. Miss Reaves remained for a short vie't 'with relatives. Mrs, Burbank (nee Tonite El- ford) Saskat~hewan, is visiting at Mrs, Frank Stonehouse's, A numher nf men are emnloved on the dam, whare work is in steadv | the home nropress, makine a big improvement cn t"e approach to our village at the West, Foo» Micg. Tinftia Chalice and WM», Cox's on Qupday, A Hallanwe'an Masquerade will ha | Pal? in the hasement of tha Chursh | on Wadragdav evenine, Octoher 27. gin coma and eninv the fun. Mieq Marv Peters, Oshawa, spent jemeiny ot hame, M» and Mrs Rey, W. W. Jones, [Tavlinanihy, rallad on friends nn | ™ne~dav last and attended the W |' 8. maeet'n~ halq at the home of Mr Tpa Catwill's, Ir, My C. W @Qouec» have nleaear: visit at Yindenr with thai Aavehter, Mrs, Konrath Maverlay Mra, Mavarlav gn. eamnaniad tham hame and is snend- ing a few days here, pnA Nwg [=otrewnad fram a Ebenezer, Oct. 24.--Sundav services ot Ebenezer were of snecial interest, it being the annual Thank-offering Sunday. Three services were held with splendid gatherings at all, espec- | ially the church services when prac- tically all the pews were filled. Our pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton, was with | us but the speaker for the anniversary | was Rev. R. Richards, of Port Perry, ! In the morning Rev. Richards gave a | splendid sermon on "Faith," his text | being taken from Hebrews 11 and 1} | Special music was furnished by the hoir in two lovely anthems and a | beautiful duet by Mrs. (Rev.) Stainton and Mr. Frank Walter. In the even- ing, Rev, Richards gave another won- aerful scrmon, his text being "Loose his and let him go," found in St. John IT and 44. The music for the evening | .ervice consisted of a quartet by Mes- dames G. F. Annis, K. E. Courtice, A.' ¢. Rundle and W. R. Courtice, an an- them by the choir and a pretty solo by Mrs. G. F. Annis. Both these ser- vices were excellent and we hope that Rev. Richards will be able to come to us again in the future for there will always he 'a hearty welcome here for him. Sunday School held its regular session in the afternoon with a fairly good attendance. Miss Lyla Osborne, of Toronto, was a Sunday visitor at her home here, The Young People's League held its | weekly meeting for last week on Fri- day evening in the Sunday School room: The meeting was in charge of Mr. C. Parsons and the Young Peo- ple's group and a splendid program was given. The topic for the even- ing was given by Mr. K. E, Courtice on Temperance, which was appreciat- | ed by all. Regular meeting this week on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. A. Richards is visiting Mrs. Ira Trull. Regular monthly meeting of the Mission Circle was held Saturday af- ternoon at the home of Miss Allie with Telephone~-- 262 Four direct lines to Central Solvay Coke We are Sole Agents Jeddo Premium Coal The Best Produced in America General Motors Wood All Fuel Orders weighed on City Scales if desired. DIXON'S --_-- Naan, Worden. The meeting was in charge of Miss Hazel Rundle's group and was good. The speaker was Rev. J. H. Stainton, who gave a very interesting talk on Missions. The in A are always glad to have our pastor with them at their meetings and hope he will come often. ' Mrs. R. E: Osboriie, Miss Louise and Master Nelson, Mrs. A. E, Clem- ens and Miss Margaret Pollock, all of Bowmanville, were Sunday visitors with friends in this community. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Bercau Class will be held on Thursday afternoon, October 27, at of Mrs. Charles Osborne. 'The meeting is in charge of Mrs. Os- borne's group and all the ladies are invited to be present. Messrs. Gordon and John Pickell are visiting with their father, Mr. Dean Pickell. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. William : Marshall on the birth of a baby girl. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. A. F, Rundle has been ill. We hope she will soon be out again. Mr. Walter Snider spent Sunday at the home of Mr. W. H. Nichols. Sunday evening service on Sunday next is of special interest, it being the aunual Women's Missionary Society's evening service. The speaker will be Mrs. Day wh is a mission worker among the Italian in Toronto. The W.M.>. hope for a large crowd to hear Mrs. Day on Sunday evening next. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brooks and Miss Birdie Fallis spent Sunday with re- latives in this vicinity. The Mission Circle are masquerade party in the giving a Sunday School room on Hallowe'en night. Watch for particulars and be prepar- ed for fuh on Hallowe'en. Beautiful weather still prevails and the farmers ought to be well up with their work this fall. SYNTHETIC GAS MAIN AUTO FUEL German Chemists to Produce Product from Hydro- genated Coal S------ London, Oct, 25.--Synthetic gas- "ine from hvdrogenated coal will be Germany's principal motor fuel with- in five years. Application of similar methods to petroleum will permit extraction of about twice as mucn gasoline from the same amount of crude. These are statements of German chemists on results to be expected from the Farben process. Standard Oil of New Jersey saw possibilities of the process two years ago and in its recent contract to take over the process and con- auct experimentation in America, as- sured itself the inside position. Companies in other countries get- tin~ a license will not get as fav- orable terms, Marketing of the new fuel has berun. Standard Oil of New Jersey will share in profits from market- ing the new fuel in Germany. STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT About 12,000 ft. of good dry storage space, conveniently locat- ed, with Canadian National siding, for rent either in whole or in part. Low rental. : CHARLES M. MUNDY c/o Mundy Printing Company, Limited Telephone 35 or 312 be. Bre Se SET a Ce TR Re Navies, Oekawa, visited at H. Wil- | "Th WEDNESDAY ALL DAY AT THE ARCADE 25¢ DAY Come in the Morning--Come in the Afternoon--See What 25¢ will Buy Clean up of Odds and Ends Read About the Wonderful Things You Can Buy Here All Day Wednesday FOR 25c 25¢ Tables all Over the Store Children's Hose Children's Silk Lisle Hose, brown and black, 25¢ Pair, Check Gingham 36" wide Gingham, full range of colors, 25 yara, Babies' Rubber Pants Pure Linen Hand 1owelin 22" Pure Linen Hand Towelling, der only. Wednesday, Pure Linen Glass Towels Size 17" x 28". Very Special. .................. 25 60 yards Printed Wool Delaines 25 25 Childrem's Sample nderwear 5 dozen lot, all kinds. Come, get in the C mad scramble to get these at .................. Artificial Flowers 3 dozen only, Fancy Flowers. A real bar- 1 VY tishresssibnasniiniiins each, Children's Black Plush Hats 6 only at this orice. These are a wonderful value at ............ dear ssoisainerisbsiresrisssinsvnsnnasis Cretonne To clean up one odd lot of Fine Quality Cretonne, beautiful patterns, yard, 1urkish Bath 1owels Size 18" x 40" Twkish Bath Towels will BO BE ......comersiisictriieresnies nih a vsirirsrinss C 25¢ We List Only a Few of the Many Items we Have for 25¢ Come Yourself Bring The Children OSHAWA, Come to the LIMIIED Country Fair