THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1927 PAGE ELEVEN STYLE REVOLUTION) Famous Paris Designer Makes Prophecy on Visit Here GIVES ADVICE Plump Woman Will Come Into Her Own Very Soon Montreal, Oct. 27.--*"A wbdman with stout legs and thick ankles commits an artistic crime by wear- ing short skirts," M. Paul Poiret, eminent Paris designer declared in the course of an interview at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. "A woman ought to be sympathetic to her personal- ity, and wear styles that will hide --_-- Men's All Wool Sweater Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St, W. Phone 2141 her physical defects and accentu- ate her .good points. Short skirts are most becoming to some women, but I do not sée how the skirts can possibly get any shorter. "A style revolution is surely com- ing," M. Poiret continued. *'Fash- ions have been becalmed for five years. 'This is due to the large number of American buyers of wo- men's clothing who refuse to tak® home anything bizarre or novel from Paris. Their clientele was so well pleased with the models of last year, that they want some more like them. In my opinion tffe 'trouser skirt which is made on long lines that trail on the floor and is caught between the ankles is the torerunner of the revolution I am predieting. Hope for Plump Women "The day is not far off when the plump woman will come into her own. The slab like figure produc- od by rigorous diet is by no means <s beautiful as the nicely curved one. I use slim girls as modeis because it takes less material to make them a frock. "I have only enjoyed a passing glance at the Canadian women in the streets, but my impression is tnat they combine the grace of old: |: France with the strength of a new | country. It sounds pleasant to my esr to hear French spoken so far trom Paris." M. Poiret was most enthusiastic over the = Canadian-made fabrics which he uses exdlusively. fin his designs while in this country. When, M. Poiret was a small boy REE DAYS' IGH 15 YOUR DANGER SIGNAL Persistent and colds lead to 'ou can stop them now ith Creomulsion, an em: creosote that is pleasant to take. : Creomulsion is a medical discovery with two-fold action, it soothes and heals the inflamed mem- branes and inhibits germ growth. Of all known creosote is recognized by high 2a one of the seat of the trouble and checks the growth of the Creomulsion is teed satisfac of RX persons isi bronchitis and p ry , and is after if cough or cold fs not relieved after taking according to directions, Ask i a on tb played not with, the wooden sol- 'diers as other little boys," he said. "I. preferred dolls for whom I fash- LASH IS SENTENCE. IMPOSED BY JUDGE Drunkenness Does Not Ex- cuse Brutality--"Dose of Own Medicine" Montreal, Oct. 27.--Edouard Roy, a wife beater, is going to get a dose of his own medicine' in the shape of fif- 'te~n strokes of the lash, This, and two months' imprisonment, was the 'sentence handed out by Judge Enright when Roy, who lives at 502 Iberville street, was arraigned on a charge of causing his wife grievous bodily harm. The accused pleaded guilty and his wife, a small woman, explained what had happened. Her husband, she said had been drinking since Saturday, and Monday came home and for the second time in fifteen days started to knock her about. He punched her round the face and body and when she fell to the ground, jumped on her ,with his | heavy working boots on, afd kicked her. She had one black eye, loosened teeth, bad bruises on' both shoulders, the chest, side, hips and legs so that her body was almost literally black and blue. "If you want to fight get somebody who can give you a battle," said the judge. "Men who beat their wives should be whipped, and I think I will FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE ' The magic of human in- ventiveness has made the StaYoung--a spring that insures perfect circulation. That is swayless, sagless and noiseless. isters to rest, comfort and health. Have your dealer That min- 1. Cross Tension 2. Exira Strength 8. Perfected Base 4. The Stabilizer explain the exclusive feat- ures of this wonderful spring. L. A. Young Industries of Canada Limited Windsor, Ontario ave promise of becoming he Jit 2 ®t reninine attire. "I |ioned new clothes. Ee : Scissors. and Pins "As a young man, I made fash- ion drawings and these were pur- | chased by both Doucert and Worth. Doucet invited me to join his estab- lishment' as a designer, and later Worth extended me a similar invi- tation. Here are all the tools I]; ever use," and M. Poiret took a small pair of scissors from his coat | pocket and turned back the lapel | of his coat to reveal a couple ot| dozen ordinary pins. M. Poiret delivered a public lec- ture in Windsor Hall Tuseday even- ing and may have to charter an air- plane to take him to Boston. CLAIMS LIBERALS RICH IN ENGLAND M.P. Says Lloyd George Gave $1,500,000 for Campaign give you a dose of some of your own medicine. You are sentenced to two. months in jail and 15 lashes. "If you beat your wife again when you come out the punishment will be greater next time," concluded the court. 1 "Vista Heights" Lots $400 to $800. bea ons Special 91.39 Leader Dry Goods Store PRICES REDUCED 82 Simcoe St. S. Phone 740 Beth Weyms School of the Dance Oshawa Studio Open Every Saturday -- 20 King St. W. Ballet, Toe, Baby, Stage, Mod- ern Dancing, etc. Instruction for Children and Adults Booklet on request 31 Breadalbane St., Toronto 5. Studio Demonstration Dances in Costume By Pupils of Toronto Studios. Sat. Afternoon, Oct. 29th at 3 o'clock All interested are cordially in- 1, 1025 Ford Tudor Sedan, balloon tires and many extras. 1, 1924 Ford Tudor Sedan. Chadbura Motor Sales PRINCE ST. ° PHONE 1160 a "Specials Are 4 on Sale at These Prices Oct. 27 to Nov. 3 For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store 28 SIMCOE S. PHONE 389 Cash or Terms ! HALLOWE'EN Will find most of us ready for an evening's fun -- Cards, Dancing and 'Games will be enjoyed, but the big time of the evening will be when the Hostess says--"Supper is ready" and the Mother who prepares her Im Hallowe'en supper from the things she buys at Loblaw's will be : | ; sure to hear pleasant remarks a i IN REPLY TO APPEAL Party Leader Gives Details - of Daily Chronicle Sale ut the food she serves. TR ---- ------ | ------ -- | 8 your rooms fire-resistant and free"from drafts and cold by erecting Gyproc ceilings and partitions in your home. Gyproc can be put up in half the time required for lath and plaster-- saving time and labor costs. Gyproc takes any decoration. Let us show you a full-sized Gyproc board ready to apply. / Write for free booklet--"My Home." It will tell you how Gyproe, Rocboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and Insulex will reduce your fuel bill from 20 to 40%. "THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA 151 until the election. The interest, how- ever, is available for the work of the | Central Liberal Organization, with | further annual sum whieh will bring | the yearly payment to £36,000. But | this is not provided unconditionally. "On a five per cent. basis the | revenue from £2900,000 is £145,000 vearly, and when the ycarly payment to Samuel is deducted, Lloyd George is left £109,000. That sum is to be used for the Land and Nation League and other sundry inquiry committees. "Samuel says that Lloyd George shares the view that the party should not be dependent on. a single source for funds, but apparently this does not apply to the Land and Nation League, which is entirely financed and controlled by Lloyd George. "Lloyd George likewise stipulated that the contribution must not be tsed to subsidize local federations or associations. After the elections Lloyd George's benefactions come to an end and decisions may have to be taken' as to which, Governmemnt the Liberals are to support. The party may then be held in ransom to compel it to en- ter whatever arrangement = Lloyd George thinks would promote his im- mediate interests." He comments that that is not the way to build up a strong Liberal party. FRANCO-AMERICAN NEGOTIATIONS S00N U.S. Note Indicates No Dif- ? ficulty in Reaching Basis Fancy, Candy, Holiday Mixture. Lb. Box, 14c 8 oz. Box, 17¢ Pesnut Taffy, Delicious Homemade. , Ib. Box, 11€C Delicious old 39c 19¢ 34c 18¢ LR CASH & 7 FLCARRY Nallboard ° Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont. WIE SELL TOR LESS For Sale By Waterous-Meek, Ltd. - F. Flintoff & Sons - =~ Cleve Fox Hardware - -~ Oshawa, Gale & Trick - =~ =~ = Oshawa, L.A. Koch - =~ =~ = Oshawa, W. J. Trick & Co., Ltd. - =~ Oshawa, Light upEconomically Chocolates, Queen Anne, fashioned chocolates, assorted hard and. soft centres. ,...... Lb. Box, Mincemeat, Libby's Fancy Quality. i Dates, Karavan, Fancy Stoneless. RELY IL ce Oshawa, Oshawa, 1 Lb. Box, Gum Drops, Assorted Flavors, ' Lb. Dox, Shelled Almonds, Selected, Fancy Quality... ....... .e Lb., Walnuts, Fancy, California, Dia- mond Bndded. ............. Lb., Popping Corn. xe luis wiry uty Medium Size Pkg, Popping Corn, Fancy Quality, Large, Lb., Brazil Nuts, Fancy Quality, Large Washed. . =............... Lb., London, Oct. 27.--R. Hopkin, Morris, | SPECIAL SPECIAL digan, after a reference to Sir Herbert Samuel's appeal to Liberals for grbers) ssorte avou IS writes to the Times: | RASPBE RRY Style . what it omits than for what it con- | : tains. The facts of the so-called | \3% Lioyd George fund were not known at {nn JAM the time of making the arrangements | In connection with the sale of the GLASS : Daily Chronicle, Lloyd George, as | 3b C C 1 C the vendor, not his trustees, received | ° oz. Bottles ® BOX 250,000, or £2,900,000 in all. "Of this, £300,000 has been paid to | election, that sum to be kept intact | Almonds, In Shell, Soft Crown Malaga, ........ Lb. Pkg., 39¢ Shelled. PEE Lb., 27¢ Layer Figs, Fancy Table, re 15c Crackers, Jack Frost, Fancy, 12 in 47¢ Crown, New Pack. .. 3; Lb, Fruit Drops, True Fruit Flavor, 19 20 1 Lb. Box, Cc Crown, New Pack, .... 1 Lb. Cc Licorice Allsorts, Sussex Brand. 10 Jelly Bemns, Assorted Colors. 19 Cc Je 15¢ 12¢ 57¢ 3c SPECIAL federal member of Parliament for Car- | ; ; Ross Brand Pure Red Maraschino "The appeal is more remarkable for | to which Sir Herbert Samuel refers. | ! JAR in cash, £750,000, and in sharcs, £1-| ® |) e Samuel for financing the next general | Suggestions for Hallowe en Parties Cluster Raisins, Fancy Quality, Five ABOX oo ean Box, Layer Figs, Fancy Table, 02. POX, SR seve sii. Box, 20¢ 19¢ 3c {sa Mincemeat, Libby's Royal Jar, Fancy Quality. Jar, Crabapple Jelly, Aylmer Brand. 16 oz. Jar, COMFORT Calionsa, Fancy Quality SEEDLESS RAISINS 2lbs. 23c¢ BRAZIL NUT : LOBLAW'S CAKE Cherry Cake, Really Delicious. Lb., 36¢ Lb., 32¢ SPECIAL 'Domestic Shortening | | Laundry Soap 3lb.mi46c | | 5 Bars 24¢ scason's large washed, fresh, clean and meatys The very thing for Hallowe'en celebration. 1b. 31¢ Red Raspberries, Fancy Quality, 43 Cc Aylmer Brand. ............ Jar, 42¢ Sliced Pineapple, Aylmer Brand, 13¢ sa, 31€ SALTED PEANUTS b. 18¢c New Rich Fruit and Nut Cake. CLUB HOUSE OLIVES Lunch Queen, Plain, No. 5 Bottle. Btl., YTS TT There's real economy in using Edison Mazda Inside Frosted Lamps. They cost no more than the glaring clear-glass lamps--they give the longest service--and they' diffuse light with practically no loss. : Fresh and Tasty Paris, Oct. 27.--The United States tariff note presented to the French Government Monday just falls short of completing all the necessary prelimin- ary negotiations of a future commercial agreement between France and the United States, was the prevailing opin- ion in official circles. It is thought that the document in- dicatgs that there will be no difficulty in réaching a basis for negotiations, L127 Dut; that the experts cannot be asked INSIDE FROSTED lo egin negotiations -until a funda- { mental basis has been defined and all A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT i possible chances of misunderstandings * dispelled,