Vv PAGE TWELVE oa THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1927 mr sn and We Ask Ourselves --Do We Need Fire 'PROTECTION? Fine Block of Stores Gutted By Early Morning Blaze Which Originated in Biltmore Cafe The above picture shows the results of the disastrous conilagration with a dam- age estimated to be $100,- Con, HOW FIRE LOSSES WERE DISTRIBUTED Lesses in connection with the fire early this morning to the Alger Block on King Street East are estimated to be as fol- lows: 2 Alger Press Limited, $70, L060, partly covered by insur- ance, Biltmore Cafe, $12,000, part- Iy covered by insurance. McWatter's Confectionery ond Lunch, $10,000, with $5,- COO insurance. Cassel, Turner, Crawford and Biggar, $200, not covered by inevrance, W. J. Sulley, realtor, $200, not covered by insurance. Misses Garrow, beanty par- Jor, $1,00¢, not covered by in- surance, The Excelsior Life Insurance Co., damage to turniture, $200. Firemen Battle Spectacular Blaze for Hours--One of Worst That Has Visited Oshawa for Years --Fire Chief Overcome By Smoke While Fighting Flames Inside Building -- One of Firemen Slightly Injured When Struck By Nozzle of Hose -- Owners and Tenants Sus- tain Heavy Loss -- Insurance Carried on the Building and Most of Tenants' Offices -- Mec- Watters' Loss Not Protected. In one of the most spectacular [and Lunch store next to the Bilt- fires that has visited Oshawa in |.ymore was badly damaged by fire and vears damage to the extent of over water. $90,090 was done to the Alger block " . on King street early today. Break- The only fortunate part of the {ing ont about 4 o'clock this morning | disastrous blaze was that no person | firemen battled the flames for | was sleeping in the building and hours before it was completely ex- | consequently there was no loss of tinguished. Heavy losses were sus- | life which would otherwise have tained by the Alger Press while the | been the case since it would be im- | Biltmore Cafe, one of the city's |possible for a human being to sur- leading restaurants was gutted with | vive the dense smoke which issued | the contents a total loss. Offices over | from the roof and windows.--Osh- [the cafe were | while the McWaters practically destroyed | awa Daily Times, Wednesday, Oct, .Confectionery | 26, 1927. Do Not Delay -- Call One of the Fol- lowing Fire Insurance Agents NOW! Make Sure in Ruins--- Your Property i is well Protected in the Event of Fire--Only a Few Moments Elapse--and that Valuable Property can be which Perhaps Represents the Earnings and Savings of Your Lifetime! V. A. Henry's Fire Protection Policies Are Complete J. H.R. LUKE OFFICE--24 King St. E.~Phone 87 1 RESIDENCE==222 Kendall Ave.--Phone 678w INSURANCE OSHAWA FIRE! FIRE! : "FIRE! Pacific Coast Fire Insurance Co. Century Insurance Co. World Mivine Insurance Co. --_-- Westerh Assurance ('o. Insurance (Co. State of Pennsylvania -- Yorkshire Insurance Co. , «New Hampshire Fire Insurance Co--London and Lancashire Globe Insurance, 'o., Ltd. Polatine Fire Insurance Co, -- Pheonix Assurance Co. Sea Insurance Co. -- Zurich Fire Insurance (o, Provincial Insurance Company of England, FIRE! FIRE! We Shecialize in ire Protection 111 Simcoe St. S. wie We Can Insure Your Property in Any of the Following Reliable Companies Facific Coast Fire Insurance Co. British General Insurance Co. Accidental Fire Insurance Co. Fire %. Insurance Office. ritish Empire Underwriters, org and Guarantee Cor- poration. Is Your Property 'Covered Against Loss Through Fire? A word to the wise is suffi- cient -- Give us a call. EARL MOORE Room 3, Dominion Bank Cffice Phone 1834--House Phone 337 2 IRE! Are You Immune from Fire? No, you're not! It may be your turn any day. Protection from fire losses should be secured at once. A.C.LYCETT Can protect you to the fullest extent. COR. KING & CELINA STs. Conflagration' s Greatest Enemy FIRE INSURANCE SEE DISNEY Phone 1550 King St. E. FIRE -- AND -- BURGLARY Protect your Home and Business against these ever-present hazards. Cutler and Preston 64 King St. West Phone 572 Every form of Insurance Séoure your PROTECTION AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE MURDOCH'S INSURANCE SERVICE All Canadian Insurance 139 Agnes St. -:- Phone 1932m Also Motor Car, Sickness and Acci- dent, Plate Glass How Would You Have Fared In a Serious Fire?--See S. J. BABE Agent for Canada Accident and Fire Insurance Co., also Canadian Fire Insurance Co. 29 Charles Street -:- Phone 511 DEFYING F-z-r-e A mere mortal laughs at Fire, the all-consuming Devourer. For the man is protected. His shield is one of Davis' Fire Insurance Policies, guar- anteeing him full restitution for any damage sustained. LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY Davis & Sons' reputation for proven integrity, and their records of having compensated thousands of policy- holders for losses, great and small, warrant your taking our insurance to- day.--Your protection begins with the policy. Davis & Son Representing some of the largest Fire Insurance Companies in existence-- Over 30 Fire Insurance Companies. 19 King St. West Phone 92 Have: 'Your Electrical Wert TENE Installed by "The Oshawa Electric Service Shop" 148 Simcoe Street S. ~¥ou Can F eel Absolutely Sure That t Your Wiring will Be 0. k. Ene