PAGE FIFTEEN ET Tr ---- SA yi Real Estate for Sale LAW OFFICE, E. DOUGLAS BELL. Bradley Block, 20 Simcoe street south, (Oct. 6-Nov. 6) FRANK 8S. EBBS, BARRISTER, |? Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey- ancer, money to loan. Raed 2, ORF. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR ont, Toronto, be at his ell"s Drug Rig Saturday, m 1 til 4 for consuitation and treatment " Appointments at ry stove Phone 0 ft) f nk Bldg., Simeon pr Phone 1496. (121'mo) JONANT & ANNIS 'BARRISTERS, Bollotors, Notaries Public, Ete, Cons veyancing and general practice of Law. Offices 1% Sig 000 St. soutd; hawa. Phone Fy LLB. A. F. Annis, B.A, LLB Insurancé DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King st. Weal) Oshawa. The oldest re Agency in Oshawa. 30 Res pled En Fire Companies. (118-48) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE, Ww. B. N. SINCLATNY K£.0., BANK of Commerce Building. . (116-1 yr.) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, BABAR rister, Soliciter, Notary Public, Con-4 veyanéer. Money to loan, Office 34% King St. east, Oshawa. Phone 145. Residence phone 837. GRIBRSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- 'ic, etc. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St. Plone 12. J. ¥. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, B.A. SWANSON GERMAN & MAC- Kenzie, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notary Public, etc. All branches of Criminal and Civil Law. Money to loan. @*%ce over Lamble's store, 2 King St. east. Phone 940. D. A. J. Swanson, H. N. Gérman, F. G. Mackenzle. A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, SO- licitor," Notary Publle, Conveyafcer, money tg loan. Disney Bldg., oppo- site Poéit Office. Phones, office 1614; residence, 2239J. (621) c It R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants - -at- tended to and your interests of ear, nos¢ ana ot A SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR: SALE, brick veneer, very desirable 'home, Wesmount, Twelve minutes walk from Post Office. Good investment. large bathroom, summer kitchen, fireplace, garage, lot 130 feet deep, 100 feet froat, modern conveniences. : Moierate Jrice. Apply Box Times or phone 1373w, (Mon.-Thurs.-tf) "pr is $150, SIZE 40x1156, TERMS $10 down, $5 monthly. Good invest- mint as well as for homes. Apply P.o. Box '47, Oshawa. (98-¢) A FIRST CLASS SIX ROOM DWEL- ling on Hillcroft St,» hardwood downstairs. Terms arranged, Swan- san, German and McKenzie, (97d) TO- tected. (Oct. eS Signs corating. Signs on paper, wood cot- ton, brick; show cards. price tickete of every description, Regent block over Jerry's Barber Shop, Oshawa. i (229-t1) Window Cleaning THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEAN- ers--house cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screens and store windows put or and removéd. Phone 1302w. Transportation SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIMIT- ed, Simcoe St., 1., phone 3467, 212 Front St, B., Torouto. Phone Main 7637. Superior Traueportation Ser- vice. (42-tf) LOUISR'S. HYMAN AND COMPANY, Barristers, Conveyances, Notaries Public, etc. Money to loan. Over Dewlan@'s store, 16 Simcoe street north, Phone 67. (97tf) - Medical DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- can; Surgeon and Obstetrician. Spe- cial reference to maternity work. Two years post graduate experience, nine months having been spent en- tirely in maternity work, and di- seases of women, both in United States and Canada. Office and resi- dence, 167 Simcoe street north. (Cor. Brock). Phone 303. DR. R. E. McMULLEN, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Home and office, 666 Simcoe street south, Phone 730M. (Oct 10-Nov 10) DR. McKAY, PnYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN and surgeon Special referencer to diseases of infants and children. Of- tice and residence, 97 Bond east. COLEMAN CARTAGE AND STOR- age. 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82, 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warehouse equipment. Baggage transferred to and from all' trains. (64-10) H. R. COULDERY ARTISTIC DE: |. 5 ROOM .HOUSE. CENTRAL. ALL conveniences. Price $3,200. Cash $300. Phone 869. (96¢) FOR SALE--SIX' 'ROOM HOUSE, good location. Price $3,400. Cash $300. Balance monthly. Phone 869. (96¢) YOR SALE--FIVE ROOM BUNGA- low. All conveniences, wired for electric range. Small payment down. Apply 233 Eulalie Ave, (961) BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE ON Arlington Avenue, G. A. Salter, Fire Station. (96-t1) LOT FOR SALE ON OSHAWA Boulevard. 35 ft. wide hy 160 it. deep. Apply 165 Ritson road south. Phone 2466J, (96-¢c) For Rent FOR RENT---COMFORTABLY FUR- nished large front bedroom, Suit- able for two. Phone 1276M. 2561 Bruce St. (98a) TO RENT--2 FURNISHED DOUBLE bedrooms. Apply 122 Simcoe St. north, (98a) Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, daeore and interior trim. . F, L, Beecroft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 824. (89-2) Money to Loan UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR FIRST mortgages. Building loans arranged. Bradley Bros. Phone 169,. 420. (96tf) MONEY AVAILABLE FOR FIRST class first mortage loans. Swanson, German and MacKenzie, 2 King St. Fast, (90tr) 63% CITY AND FARM LOANS. No commission. Building loans. Le- gal work done at this office. A. J. Parkhill, Barrister. Disney Bldg. Phone '1614 1176tf) TWO ROOMS ON GROUND FLOOR to rdnt. Very close to General Mot- ars. Suitable for light housekeep- ing. Heat, light and water included. Phone 1445F, (98a) FOR RENT--SMALL HOUSE, CEN- tral location, conveniences, Phone 2641W, (98-u)y TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. Apply 106 Stacey Ave. Phone 2553W. (98-c) GARAGE FOR RENT. 317 DIVI- sion street, (98-c) TO RENT--FURNISHED 'APART- ment, All conveniences. No child- ren. 172 Mary Street. (98-c) GARAGE TO RENT. Albert St. Phone 2617W, APPLY 149 (97b) FOR RENT---THREE GOOD SIZEBR rooms. Apply 301 St. Eloi Ave., af+ ter 5 o'clock. (97b) DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and BElectro- <heopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. (tn) Dental DR. D. R. DAVIES, OFFICH OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas admin- istered for extraction, nurse at- tendant. Phone 231. Residence, 2087. (tr) DR. B. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, O¥- fice over Bassetts'. Phone 959; Residence 306. 4-1 yr. DR, H. M, COOKR, 9 SIMCOH ST. north, over Mitchelly Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 64. DR. L. BH. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- fice, Royal Bank Bldg. Pbone 948; residence, 1378M. 86-tf Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO., 87 KING ST. East. Ambulance. Residence, 19 Division St. 69 King Street east. Phone 210J." Machinery Repairing DURRANT MACHINE CO,--WB DO all kinds of machinery répairing. Excelsior starter ring gears install- id; connecting rods re-babbited, tre'wn gears or pinions supplied, for »)l makes 0% cars. 161 King St. ® Pune 619 (tt) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLRB, PAINTING, FAPER- hanging, ng, ete. Twenty years' experience. Prices right. Work guaranteed. 161 Huron street. Phone 2067W. (46-40) DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE RB- gent Theatre Bldg. Phoue 1780. Res. 669. 66 tf HERBERT C. TRENEER IS PRE- pared to accept pupils in piano, or- gan and vocal music. A free booklet giving full particulars will be fur- nished upon request. 50 William street east. Phone 1957J. (Oct, 14-1 mo) LAHOKLA, INSTRUCTOR, HAWAI- fan Guitar, Individual instruction to all pupils. Music supplied for all oc- casfons. Wilson & Lee's Music Store, Phone 2388. (Oct. 6-Nov. 6) JOHN H. RENWICK, ORGANIST and Choirmaster Simcoe St. United: Church, prepares pupils for any exam- ination in Piano, Organ and Singing. Studio at the church. Phone 251 for appointment or information. (Oct 10-Nov 10) ARTHUR W. LYNDRE (HAMBOURG Conservatory, Toronto). Teacher of Singing, Pupils prepared for al: examinations, also church, concert opera, Studio, 92 Simcoe St. N. phone 871J, Oshawa, Fridays. f{ (72tf) Watch Repairing F. A. Von GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your ronage fis solicited (29-tf Tire Repairing . ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING et ldeal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. L) Contracting TO RENT--TWO FURNISHED rooms at 256 Arthur street. Phone 997W. P, Handley. (97-e) TO RENT---NINE ROOMED SOLID Brick house, 17 John Street, opposite Central Park, oak 100115, hot water heating, electric range, elaborate electric fixtures, three piece tile bath, stationary wash- tubs, Pullman breakfast room, 2 fireplaces, garage. Possession No- vember 15. Apply Dr, Belt, 13 John street Phone 112, (97-4) ONE FURNISHED ROOM TO REN, would suit two gentlemen. 202 Ritson Road south, Phone 2491F. (97-¢) ONE FURNISHED BED SITTING room to rent. Suitable for two' gen- tlemen or young couple. Board if desired. Phone 919], (96¢) TO .RENT--NICELY FURNISHED bedroom suitable for two, or for light housekeeping. Phone 1671W. (96¢c) ANYONE WISHING built, call 1337J. specialty. Cellars coniracted for. A HOME Brickwork =a and excavations (Oct. 18-1mo) G. W. CAIN, CARPENTER, CON- tractor and builder, plans and speci- fications, R.R. No, 2, West Hill, Ontario. (Oct, 19-Nov. 19) FURNISHED ROOM "10 RENT, euitable for two gentlemen. All conveniences. Phone 1857J %(96-c) Notion Re 'Clasified Ads. . Bffective "immediately clos- ing time for classified ads 9.30 a.m. Monday to: Friday and 8.30 a.m. Saturday. Ads for Too Late to Classify and Coming Events,, received up to 10.30 a.m. ) ; FOR SALE--HARMONY, SEVEN rcoms, large garden 'and barn. 85 feet frontage on highway. Phone 902J. (98a) FOR SALE--FOUR BURNER GAS stove nearly new. Reasonable, Phone 1146M. (98-b) LLOYD STROLLER FOR SALE. IN good condition, Phone id TF 5 Rates for Classified: Ads First insertion == 13 cents per word. Minimum charge--380c. Each subsequent insertion-- 1c per word, Three consecutive insertions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum, charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Bof number--10c additional 20 worde or less; 10 cents 4 word per month for each addi+ional word. TIMES CLASSIFIED i | ADS COST LITTLE; ACCOMP. LISH MUCH TELIPHONE 85 i Ask For Classified Ad Depart. ment, FOR SALE--FALL WEIGHT OVER- coat, gray, size 40. In excellent con- | dition. Bargain. Phone 1112W. (97¢) ONE ANNEX STOVE AND WRING- er for sale. Both in good repair, Ap- ply 127 Brock St, E. (97¢) FOR SALE---RADIO, FIVE TUBE tuned R. T. receiver, 17 inch cone and accessories, power tube, equip- ped. $85. 201 St. Eloi Ave., after 6. (97b) FOR SALE--1 CONGOLEUM RUG, 1 oileloth rug (nearly new), 1900 washing machine and wringer dining room chairs, 1 couch, 2 mattresses and number of blinds. 90 Ritson road south. (97-c) ONE KITCHEN RANGE AND DOU- ble beds for sale. Apply 44 Charles street. (97-b) BELL ORGAN FOR SALE. IN GOOD condition. Phone 1591W. (96¢c) MOTOR CYCLE, SINGLE CYLIN- der, for sale. Also Male pup. Ap- ply the stables. Commercial Hote: at 7 o'clock. (96-¢) PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD furniture at 153 Agnes St. Phone 2640W. (96¢c) Notice ON AND AFTER NOVEMBER 1ST, terms at my store will be cash only. J. McCauley. (96-f) FOR SALE--DROP HEAD SINGER Sewing Machine. Practically new. Will sacrifice cheap. Apply 58 Greta St. (96¢c) FOR SALE--ONE HOOSIER WAG- on. Apply 393 King St. E. Phone 1503W. (96¢) Lost:and Found LOST ON TUESDAY, LADY'S GRAY leather purse containing money and other articles. Reward. Phone 1546F, (97h) ' Motor Cars 1927 CHEVROLET COACH FOR sale. Perfect condition. Must sell. No reasonable offer refused. Phone 1175W after 5 p.m. (98ec) FOR SALE OLDSMOBILE TOUR- ing, four cylinder. Good condition. Cheap. ° Phone 2033J, (97-¢) Board and Rooms ROOM AND BOARD TO SUIT TWO, or married couple. Phone 2345). (98e) NICELY FURNISHED WARM room, board optional. Gentleman preferred, 27 Gladstone avenue, (97¢) BOARDERS AND ROOMERS wanted. Apply 105 Colborne street east. (Oct. 18-Nov. 18) Meals Served FOR SALE--COMPLETE OXWELD cutting and welding equipment. No. 4, Practically new. Apply 220 Bruce St. Phone 1233W. (96¢c) SOUVENIR COAL AND Wuuv range, cream wicker baby buggy. Cheap, 28 Lloyd street. (96-c) A PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD furniture nearly new. Apply 137 Ritson road south, between 2 ana 8, (96-c) WILLIAMS WALNUT PIANO WITH bench for sale., Cheap for cash. Phone 14977, (96-¢) SONORA GRAMOPHONE, 50 REC- ords for sale, Cheap for cash. Phone 1782W. (96-¢) SWEET CIDER FOR SALE. 86 Park Rd. S. Phone 955W. (93e) FURNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD. 186 Bloor street east. Phone 1617M, (Oct. 21-1 mo.) $1.00 DEPOSIT SECURES DELIV- ery. Place your order now for Christmas Gifts, Ladies' and Gents' Dressing Cases, silverware, china- ware, electric floor lamps, watches, clocks, rings, jewelry of all kinds. Payments from 50 cents weekly. O, H. Dell, 22% Simcoe South, Phone 1656, (Oct, 6-Nov. 6) LAYMAN PLEADS HIS OWN APPEAL Supreme Court Indulgently * Guides Appellant on Ottawa, Oct. 27--A layman under- took to carry his own appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada Monday when William Semmelhaack, a Mont- real tradesman, appeared acting as his own counsel. © He was immediately asked by the court if he had complied with {its rule that under such circum- stances there must be produced proof of service of his notice to appeal on all parties concerned. This rule, it was explained was. for the protection of the Court and the respondents. Not 'being aware of the rule and not being able to produce" "the required affidavits his appeal was not heard. The Court, however, indulgently gave him leave to bring his case on for the next term and explained the nature of the affidavits required and stated on whom they had to be served The Court reserved judgment mn the case of the Canada:and Gulf, Terminal Railway Company versus Levesque. This is an aecident case arising out of the electrocution of an employe. The accident occurred durifig an electrical storm. The deceased was holding an electric lamp and: it was claimed that the defendant appellant had not taken all reasonable precautions .to prevent the entry of the overload by way of lightning. The appellant pleaded force majeure and act of God. DRIFTS ON ROCKS SCHOONER 15 LOST Crew Take Refuge in Light- house--Vessel Total Wreck Quebec, Oct. 27.--Three men, com- prising a schooner's crew were forced to take to their boat and row to a small lighthouse for safety on Sunday afternoon when their vessel, after floating onto the rocks near Algernon Rock, was pounded in two by heavy waves, The schooner was the H. F. from Quebec to Trois Pistoles with a general cargo. She is now beached at St. Irenee, practically a total wreck. She ran aground "at Algernon Rock, 55 miles below Quebec, during calm weather when her engine broke down. The pounding sea forced Capt. Omer Belanger, her skipper, and the two members of his crew, to take to their boat. The vessel was left on the rocks, but presently floated off, and collided with one of the Department of Marine and Fisheries buoys damaging the latter, and setting it adrift... The C. G. S. Druid replaced 'the buoy, while the C. G. S. Loos, which was in the vicinity, tied a hawser on to the schooner, and brought her up from the Traverse, whither she had drifted, to St. Irenee, off the Island of Orleans, where she is at present beached. The sailors were taken to St. Jean Port Joli by the lightkeeper, from which point they will make their way home. BIG RETURNS AL DIYIALL ATMILLET, ALTA Large Part of Business Sec- oT Edmonton, Alta, Oct. 27.--A fire which broke out at Millet, Alta., M n- day afternoon, destroyed a large jor- tion of the main business section of the village and caused damage c:ti- mated at about $35,000 A long distance telephone mes-age was received by the Edmonton fire department stating that . the main street of the village, which is on the Canadian Pacific Railway between l.e- duc and Wetaskiwin, was in flames, and requesting assistance, Quring to the fact that there is not sufficient water supply in' Millet to pumping = machines, the i destroyed were: reels were not sent down. The buildings Vic's 'Garage, A.P. Mitchell block con- taining insurance offices, living apart- ments and Graham's pharmacy; Yee Brothers' restaurant; Scharff's implement shed. Two or other buildings were badly scorched. PARALYZED SUSPECT APPEARS IN COURT St. Thomas, Oct. 26--The preiim- inary hearing in the case of Law- rence Crawford, the Port Burwell paralytic charged with manslaugh- ter in connection with the death of 16-year-old Mahlon Vaughan on the night of Sept. 16, was opened bhe- fora Magistrate 'Maxwell in Port Burwell this afternoon, and was ad- journed until tomorrow afternooc: in order that Dr. Coll Sinclair of Ayl- mer, who performed the postnor- tem on Sept. 18, may be called as a witness. The principal witness ex- amined by Crown Attorney McCrim- mon this afternoon was 13iyear-old Edwin Horlick, whose depositions made at the inquest yesterday led to Crawford's arrest. Horlick prac- tically repeated the same evidence. Mbit SATISFY THAT URGE FOR THE GREAT WOODS, BAG YOUR DEER THIS YEAR That unmistakable Fall "tang" is in the air and again that impulse to don your hunting suit--to fondle that fine old rifle and to get up North where the big fellows are-- moose, deer, caribou, bear--is urg- ently making itself felt, : Big game season is earlier and ionger this year so get ready early and make most of the time allowad. South of Rivers, season for deer and moose is from November 1st to 30, north of these rivers, October 10 to Nc- vember 30. Reports indicate big game 18 plentiful in the many fine districts on the Canadian Pacific Raflway, and as in past seasons special train service for hunters has been arrang- ed. In addition to morning ana evening trains a Hunters' Special for Sudbury will leave Toronto 10: p.m, October 29 and October 1, making all camp stops enroute. Consult neajrést Canadian Paci. fic Agent regarding your hunting trip, ask him for copy of booklet "Tips for Hunters." HOME COOKED MEALS SERVED by the day or week. = Apply 44% Simcoe street north. Phone 786J. (96-¢) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry bouy wood. Phone 660. Waterous- Mepk Ltd. (Mar 26-tf) Furniture Storage FURNITURE STORED IN SEPAR- ate compartments. * 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82. Coleman's Cart- ge and Storage. - Roomers Wanted Help Wanted--Male NIGHT PORTER WANTED. MUST be honest and have references, Ap- Apjly Employment Bureau, 12% Simcoe St. 8. (98a) ROOMERS WANTED AT 66 BRUCE street, (97-¢) Boarders Wanted Wanted to Buy APPLY (95d) WANTED -- BOARDERS. 260 Eulalie ave. DELIVERY BOY WANTED. 8. A, Gates. Butcher. 22 Simcoe St. North, (98-p) A. G. BROOMFIELD Batteries, Electric Feopaire and h Auto orion Oshawa Battery Service : 87 King St. W. Phone 1184 | sh BREAD SALESMAN WANTED. State experfénce and give references. Box "YY" Times. (98-b) MR, 8, JACOB, DEALBR IN RAGE and all kinds of metals. I am pay- ing for scrap batteries $1 and $1.50. Buying old cars. Phone 764. 156-tf TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent, 292 Celina street. GARAGE TO RENT. APPLY 163 Brock street east. (986-c) THREADGOLD BROS. GENERAL building contracors. Let us give you our estimates, Write, or phone Whi hy) 255. 73tf) Floor Surfacing NEW METHOD FLOOR SURFAC- ing (including sanding, waxing, fll- ing and polishing). O13 floors made oew. Edmondson, 261 Simcoe St South, phone 440. C(t) 3 Em | house with congenial couplg. Wanted to Rent (96-c) Pets and Livestock Waated WANTED--A HOME FOR LITTLE girl, Can be boarded for a reason- able amount. Box "I" Times. (95-1) FOR SALE--HENS AND CHICK ens $1 each. Also furniture. Phone 2129W. (97h) Piano Tuning WIDOW WISHES TO SHARE HER Rea- ond St. (98-a) ADVERTISER REQUIRES GOOD sized, well furnished room, within reasonable motoring distance of General Motors Office. Private home preferred. Box "T" Times. (98-¢) sonable terms. w. Apply 16 Seven o'clock, DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic anfmals, Cat and Dog Hospital. 503 Masson St. Phone 629. (56tf) C. 8. DICKENSON, V.8., DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifie- illy treated. Dominion Gov ent Veterinary, 34 Brock St. B: Phone 5J (131-1) I. THE UNDERSIGNED AM PRE- pared to do all kinds of sewing. Call at 354 Leslie St.,, or phone 1842). Miss Flossie Boyd, (Sept. 27-1mo) WANTED TO RENT--5 OR SIX rocmed house wanted by December' 1. Apply Box "H" Times, (98-c) TWO OR THREE ROOMS WANT. ed. Westmount preferred.- Phone 369J. (97c) NEIL YELLOWLEES, EXPERT piano tuner, will be in Oshawa once every week, Orders left at Harris' Music store. Phone 1490. (Sept. 28-Oct, 28) Taxi LOCK'S TAXI, PHONE 249,DEL- Ray Bus Station, 19 Prinee street: All Buick 'cars. (Oct, 21=Nov, 21) Situations Wanted HQUSEKEEPER POSITION WANT- ed. City home preferred. Small family. Apply 74 Bond St. E. (97-b) WANTED--TWO WELL FURNISH- ed rooms, self contained, in private home or small' apartment, . Cen'ras location preferred. Box'*F" Tims. 97-0) WANTED TO RENT--GAKAui. Vicinity Athol and Drew streets. Phone 659J. (97-b) i ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices. Call at 21 Rowe St. Phone 1347M. Jamieson Bros. Phone 438 (if) » (Oct, 20-Nov. 20) 1) A MY, y RCN WANTED TO RENT--6 ROOMED house near (0.M.C. Reasonable. Ref- XT wy erences, Apply Box "D" Times. (96¢) 78 7] 7 LADY WITH TEN YEARS' EX- perience in bookkeeping, stenography and general office work desires posi: tion. Best references. Box "J" Tater 97¢)' Help Wanted--Female HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. PHONE or eall evenings, J. F. Anderson; 268 Ritson Rd. N. (97¢), TWO FINNISH GIRLS WANT POSIT. tien a3 cook or housemaid in zood family, Phone 814J, (98a) TE LT (BBY i Work Wanted CEMENT BLOCKS LAID BY George Reid. Phone 2498J. P.O. Box 464. (96-98-100) WOOD-WORKING -- MISCOLLANE- ous wood-working shop. Screens, sashes and doors made, &lise repairs. 8. B. Edmondson, 261 Blas St i= UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order, York manship guaranteed, " Con- stable, 74 Mechanic St. * prone Rony 17680) Do not delay i in select- ing your lot in "Vista Heights." I WILSON & LEE MUSIO STORE 71 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2888 Everything in Music Architects C. 0. STENHOUSBE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second Royal Bank Building, Phone 1496. Res, Booms | 9027. ~ " o THEMAN WE WANTS AN ©" OSHAWA MAN Who 25 to 40 old, pre- ferebly fs trom OE von it outee, time Wright Funerals J. A. WRIGHT roves'. 'Slate avo ou * oy -------- SE hits sso STORM WINDOWS. Combination Doors B. W. HAYNES 161 Ki.z St. W. Offjce phone 481; Res. 180 R 2 poy USED TO MAKE" Father's money, or daughter's either, cannot buy a finer fuel than the carefully graded, wellsserecned coal we are fur- Pa to ou Bainess. And bas a good . income, Hage Vid pos win sticks to it. "vii bm Ve Apply Box "E"' the punch and METAL BUMPING AND ALL | KINDS OF BODY WORE MERRITT a Ww. J. Sargant COAL, COKE and WOOD Bloor St. E. Phone 108 -Erench. and. = Mattawa