PAGE SBCTEEN a (Conitnued from page 10) Fred Wilson--1st on writing in ki; 2nd table carrot; 4th Barred ock Cockerel; 3rd Barred Rock Pullet; 3rd Barred Rock Cockerel and trio Pullets from home flock. oreen Heaslip--6th pen and ink drawing; 2nd asters, 12 blooms. ~ Freddie Burroughs--5th on ap- ples; 3rd sheaf of barley; 3rd table 'carrots; 5th White Leghorn Cock- erel; 3rd pair Pigeons. . Billie Scott--4th on apples; plate . of tive. \ . Edith Farrow--6th on apple pie; 3rd faney needlework. Leta Hamilton--3rd on cookies; 5th hemstitching, ; Velma Hamilton-->5th tea biscuits, Berta Howlett--4th asters, 12 plain i box; 1st bow and arrow; 4th pota- Before you decide on any piane --goe the Tew Williams Living- Room ' \ Especially designed for the smaller e or apartment, and em ing all of the fea- tures of larger Williams - models, yet it costs only $450 The WILLIAMS PIANO 4 Co., Limited OSHAWA -. ONTARIO For Sale by Johns Piano Store | 80 Simcoe St. N. Phone 251 12 Simcoe St. N. i ih Oshawa Luggage ._ YOUR INITIAL FREE ~ On Suit Case or Club Bag Saywell 8 Son BOND ST. WEST Phone 1200 | following visiting her Sykes for a few days, ar mm-- ' Heights." SIGNS of all kinc's Glass Signs, Banners, Road Signs, Tickets and Posters Best Workmanship Reynolds & 7ane 1442-) Boulet de dl, Pw LA a Pe BeBeds C30 TT SL TN TOT CC NE TNT TNC WOE UC JU TNE JC CUR JOR JHC CO) 2.0.0 0.080002 000000000008 080008888 8008.8 a a a 2 2 a a a a a a 2 A 0 JRC J J NN NOR NN di TPT TTT TT TTT TITTTITTTTTTeTTY {rht'dren, Bond St. 'Do not delay in select-/ | otritarg ing your lot in "Vista, --_-- -- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1927 -- : blooms; 1st table carrots; 1st on onion; 5th Barred Rocks from home flock; 1st White Leghorn Cockerel. Fred Lindsay--3rd on oats, O.A. C. No. 144. Catherine Mitchell--4th on pen and ink drawing. + Alma Northcett--4th on flower judging; 65th om public 'speaking; 5th apple pies. » Florence' Pallant--1st. on 'apple ple; 6th on asters; 6th on jelly; 3rd on flint corn; 3rd mixed flowers; 6th on asters bouquet; 5th pumpkin; 1st on collection of vegetables; 2nd on dairy calf. : Oscar Pallant--2nd on Fling corn; 1st on Dent corn. Florence Scott--1st on Flint corn; 6th on oats; 3rd on table carrot; 4th Green Mountain potatoes; 5th on raspberries canned; 1st Barred Rock Cockerel; 2nn on Barred Rock Pullet. Wilbur Burroughs--1st sheaf of wheat; 6th Flint corn; 5th pears; 1st on sheaf of oats; 1st Irish Cob- bler potatoes; 5th model window toes; 1st mangels; 3rd turnips, Marjorie Gerry--4th writing ink; 6th tea biscuits; * 1st needlework; Ist hemstitehing. ' Douglas Brock--1st, 0.A.C. oats No. 144; 3rd sheaf of dats.' Howard Powell--#th tufnips; 6th on apples, winter variety. Margaret Tattersall--2nd light layer cake; 3rd dark layer cake. Bessie Meyer--1st mangels. Muriel Phillips--3rd flower judg- ing; 5th health poster; 6th Irish Cobbler potatoes; 5th table heet; 1st scrap book; 18%, dressed doll; 6th light layer cake: '8rd box school lunch; 6th hemstitching; 3rd collecfion vegetables; 2nd Barred Rack Cockerel; 1st Barred Rock Pal. let; 2nd Barred Rock Cookerel and two Pullets from home flock; 2nd apple pie. The Junior Red Cross of the Sr. in fancy . Room in 8S. 8. No. 11 held election nf officers on Monday afternoon. The are the new officers, President, Edith Farrow; Viice-Pres., John Cox; Secretary, Alma North- cott; Treas. Grace Farrow: Last year was very successful and hey ex- pect to have a good year this year. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Miller and habv of Windsor and Mrs. Gerrard of Oshawa is spending a few davs with Mrs,' Geo. Hamilton and Mrs. Albert Rerkett. Mrs, Hattie Master of Toronto is cousin, Mrs. Robert Mr, and Mrs. C. V. Ireland of Ogh- awa with Mr, and Mrs. Will Powell Sunday, Mr. rd Mva, George Bentley of Port Hone spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Rohert Svkes, Mr. Pogern, Mrs, Pagson, Sr. Ochawa: Sundaved with My. and Mra. Charlie Poceon' Mr, and Mrs, Wess Fice and fam- 'v Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs, WN Fice and family, Solina, and Mr, anA Mrs, N. Lvons. Harmony, all with Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Fice Sundav. Mr and Mrs. F. R. Kirby and Oshawa, Mr, "nd Mrs, A. Beckett were Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Snlamon, Mr. and Mrs. Tattersall and child- Z 18 SIMCOE STREET 6th pears; | i Radio Electric 15 Prince St. Pheoe 2477 S. COWELL, Prop. Beach Ranges Hurley Washers Estimate given on wiring jobs. Radio parts and sets in-stock. Full line of fixtures in stock. ren 'wellt to Toronto Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander went to Toronto Monday. / Mr. N. F. Tonkin and father, Mr. F. Tonkin motored to Lindsay Sun- day. Mr. Bunner of Bowmanville preached a Missionary sermon Sun- day. A good attendance is reported. Mr. and Mrs. Will Glover spent Sunday in Harmony with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Glover. Mr. and' Mrs. Geo. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley and son, all of To- ronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hamilton. Mr, Will Lee, jr., has sold his farm to Mr. Lou Dixon of St. Thomas who will move here next March, MOROCCAN TRIBES DEMAND. RANSOM Six French Prisoners Held By Brigands in Mountains 'ATTACK SOLDIERS Terms Offered Reach French Authorities -- Search Being ' Made Casablanca, Morocco, Oct. 27.-- The "Legion of the Damned," has swung into action. Coincident with the kidnapping of four white wo- men and two white men including a nephew of Theodore Steeg, French ! Resident-General, Morocoan rebels have begun small campaigns against French troops. | Three members of the famed bor 'eign Legion were killed when a col- umn of legionnaires was ambush- jed as it was taking food to an out- frost. Rifles of the survivors were 'taken by the truculent Moors. | What this guerrilla warfare w | l1ead to, not even the governor ul | 1 Morocce himself can fortell, but | Steeg anxious for the return of the isix prisoners who are believed to be hidden i nthe fastness of brigand- infested Atlas mountain. In Casablanca Monday, the French and the humble natives recalled other minor rebel attacks and mys- terious deaths, The sudden death of 8i Abd EI- Malek, proud chieftain of the Ben Taiki tribe, a staunch friend of the French, now {is attributed to poi- son administered by natives hostile to the Trench, Not only in the deeds of the le- gionnaires and the banditry of the Moors, but even in the smallest de- tails. does the life of French Airica resemble the popular, fiction wgoase locale is this picturesque country. Brigands Terms Four crack foot runners, senting the tribe responsible for the wholesale kidnappings, broke through the French lines Tuesday with--terms, These athletic ca- voys were sent to obtain the high- vet possible price for the lives and freedom of Yves Steeg, nephew ui the Moroccan governor; Jean Man- let, Baroness Steinheil, Mme. A. Prpkoroff and the two daughters of M. Arnaud. Arnaud and his wife were mur- Jered recently when negotiations for their release and the freedem of their daughters fell through because (he canny, bargaining brigands ae- manded a king's ransom and a queen's jewels, The rugged, bearded ambassadors of the mountain tribes were eager to discuss the terms of ransom but reticent about the whereabouts of the prisoners. s repre- Por Your PHONE 22 =. ves Thompsons Drug Store 10 Simcoe Bt. 8, We Deliver Telephone-- 262 Four direct lines © to Central / Solvay Coke We. are Sole Agents Jeddo Premium Coal The Best Produced in America Géneral Motors Wood -- All Fuel Orders weighed on City Scales if desired. DIX ON'S Rr ---------- A SCIENTIFIC RADIATOR PROTECTION -- MOTORIST : "Selling MAPLE LEAF again this year, Bill? DEALER: injure the accurately for freezing uesistauce . antt- freeze I know my customers take mo chances in using. Get off to a GOOD START Alco-Meter * Winter Service is not 'complete without M LEAF and ALCO- MAPLE LEAF ANE FREEZE dealers ge ALCO-METER Ser- vice. Itis FREE. Have your mixture tested often. It takes only "Sure thing. It's the only anti-freeze that I know won't ing system . . . . the only one I cdn test . + . the only anti- = MAPLE LEAF | ANTI - FREEZE ALCOHOL LORY 3 (RS: LAALE: ) The anti-freeze dealer displaying the MAPLE LEAF sign IS LOOKING AFTER F THE BEST INTEREST! HIS CUSTOMERS. MAPLE LEAF ANTI-FREEZE and ALCO-METER Service is the only Scientific Radiator Protection. It gives positive protection against freeging and is guaranteed té contain nothing that will injure any part of the cooling system. MAPLE LEAF ANTI-FREEZE dealers give ALCO-METER Service FREE. They will test your mixture of MAPLE LEAF ANTI-FREEZE and water as often as you wish and tell you exactly the degre of frost the mixture will withstand. If you want greater protection . . . . they will add the EXACT amount of MAPLE LEAF you need. No guesswork «+... NO WOITY . . . . NO Waste. Get off to a Good Start . +. . . patronize MAPLE LEAF dealers, use MAPLE LEAF ANTI-FREEZE--it is sold by all garages and filling stations that take a real interest iL LEAF ANTI SEREEZE CANADIAN INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL COMPANY LIMITED in your car. MAP Montreal Toronto TA Corbyville Winnipeg Vancouver Davidson & Samells | | i 33 Simcoe St. N, Phone 227] | "For Better Shoe Values" JUST ARRIVED 500 Popular Fiction sat 75¢ each HENDERSONS Book Store BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS At Special Prices C. W. DETENBECK KING ST. EAST | UPHOLSTERING of all kinds, Workmanship Guaranteed G. A. CONSTABLE 74 Mechanic St. Phone 1595J Large size; extra heavy quality; nice soft finish. In blue, rose, gold, mauve, fawn. Regular Price, $4.95 pair. Friday Selling, pair, PURSES Newest designs. Fri- day. Each, $2.98 COUNTRY REMNANTS Silks, Woolens, Cottons, Chintz, Curtain + Nets. Specially Priced. $4.55 Ladies Silk and Wool Hose in a good range of colors. Pair, $1.00 30 ins. White Flannelette, Good Quality, Friday - - - per yard 17¢ Boys' Oliver Twist Suits up to 7 years - - - = - - each $1.49 1000 yds. Embroidered Flouncing, Fine Quality, Fri. Special yard 15¢ 22 ins. Checked Glass Towelling, Pure Linen - - - - per yard 25¢c 36 inch Chintz, Floral Designs, Friday - - - - - per yard 19¢ Men's Broadcloth Shirts, Sizes 14 to 16 - $1.55 Crib Flannelette Blankets, Coloured Borders - - - - pr. 95¢ Bath Towels, Fancy Colored Ends Good Rose, Gold and Mauve - - Lay Sas Blot," Gc Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns, heavy quality. Each, Ge Navy Serge, very fine quality, 48" wide. Ladies' Silk Bloom- | 36" Velveteen. Sand, ers. Pair, flame, navy, black and brown. Yard, ---- Come Yourself Bring the Children Yard, ty 4-1 She OSHAWA, LIMITED $1.98 Come to the { Country Fair Phone 1000