THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27,1927. sty -------- NOTICE 'Whitby subscriber who is now The Times by mail EER EE EE Ren will - the they Retake, the'office of. RESENTS EVIDENCE GIVEN BY POLIGE Alfred Pomfret Protests and is Taken From the Court Room. (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Oct. 26.--Unable to contain his righteous. indignation over the tes- timony of two police officers in Whit- by Police Court yesterday, in a case in which he was defendant, Alfred Pomfret made audible comment on their veracity. When the Magistrate ordered that he be ejected, his wife and his mother-in-law began where he left off and all three were assisted from the room. Romfret was charged with reckless driving, in' having struck down a man on the highway on the night of Oc- tober 9th, and with failing to stop at the scene of an accident. The victim was the elderly man found by the roadside, in a serious' condition, whose identity was unknown for scme time until it was found that he had wan- dered frem a charitable institution in Toronto. Pomfret was connected with the ac- cident. hy three people who identified his car as the one behind which they had driven for several miles before the happening, and which they saw run over. the man. bi is Frank Creber, mother-in-law, Whitby representative, Mr. W. O. m at Oshawa. Mrs. Ottbein, and his brother-in-law, Ernest Hartrick, drove behind .a car of the same make and style as Pomfrets for several miles on the night, of the accident, and later in daylight recog- nized Pomfret's car as the one. involy- ed. Creber and' Mrs. Ottbgin = each saw something fall away from.the car. ahead and saw the rear wheel pass over a man's legs. They stopped their car, went back and found the injur- ed man sitting up in the ditch, ho ing his hea Hartrick saw the man rolling away from the road but did not, sec him struck. The main point of identifica- tion was a stop-light of unustfal Shane which all three saw on the rear of the Try Magnesia For Indigestion Poop le who suff. usually hi, ov Indigestion drugs "and various. digestive aids ood. sot.) PTT more than sl ieht Semporary, | t ey 'ore Bing do ts i le 4 chron! Jonata, oy try he emeoy of ie little Purated Magnesia mot the ordinary if but pure Bisurated b A ghesin whlch is wigt fn' cHher ow om, precilon) ¢ a tea nful of t four tablets with a Weis LA or or | your next meal, and see. what a differ- {nce ania naked, It will instantly, neu- an; orous, Jarmful pid 1 th a } ale hg whis your Bea i burn an ° VV, soma, to cisavy PY, seeing that ln Wi Baignior your meals d sour, a car, and whizh they later saw on 'Pom- fret's car. ret swore that the light was. not: attached until the week after the. accident. 1 The accused; his wife, his mother-in- Jaw, and father-in-law. all testified to having been out driving on. the. day. in. question but said. that. they had beep home. before the time at which the ancident is supposed: to haye hap- istrate reserved decision nesday, § Tpesday, «ir . EARS COLEIDE ON THE HIGHWAY E. Palmer, Grarenhust, Pays a $10 Fine for Reckless (By Staff. Reporter) Whitby, Det. 26.--E. 'Palmer, Grav- enhurst, while driving on the Kingston highway toward Toronto last Tuesday strtck a car in transit, damaging a fender and hubcap, and went on with out stopping. Highway Constable Reid located the man and summoned him to anpear in Police Court yesterday, on a charge of reckless driving. On learning that Palmer had made good the damage, the Magistrate let him off with the minimum fine, $10 and costs, The complainant came Pa - magis until next irom Ridgeway, some other witnesses from Toronto, and when the costs were added up, the total amount in- volved in the fine was $57.25, which 'was a rather imposing penalty, after all, NEED WARNING SIGNS NEAR PUBLIC SCHOOL, GIRL HIT BY CAR (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Oct. 26--The need of the signs to warn motorists of the pre- sence of school children on Dundas street, west was proven yesterday af- ternoon when a car struck little Mar- ion Underwood, six-year-old daugtiter The little girl --rr of the road and' itn duly aus ign He swerved to the left to avoid it, and: when the other car belatedly the two cars Spashed in the os, piddle of. the highw The 'caf north was a Ford coupe driven by D. J. Desmond of Brechin, Ont. Desmond's car was an almost total wreck. Wallace escaped more light- ly, .his front bumper, taking most ot the force of the wpa'. T0 BEGIN WORK J00N ON TENNIS! ANB BOWLING SITE Whitby Enthusiasts at a Gen eral Meeting, Further Their Plans (By, Staff. Reparter) Whitby, Oct, 27--At a wellat- tended genqral: meeting held last: night in the Council Chamber at the Town, Hall, preparations were made to, begin the work of the new bowling and; tennig club grounds. Mr. Browning acting as chairman of the meeting thanked the canvass- ing committee for the enthusiastic work which they had done, and ex- pressed. -appreciation "of the very > ~ - a : Do not delay in select- ing your lot in "Vista Heights." - ing, as ig sald, 3 the wrong si side tried to get back to the proper side, |' gqing: Ty A OXOQO ne od { 1d 'Im \ id you LE] rg sympathetic reception which the people of the town had given to the canvassers. Norman Thomas, Chairman of the Canvassing Committee, stated that there were quite a number of peo- ple who have not yet been given a chance to contribute, and many who were waiting to see something done before subscribing, The can- vassers are to go out agair and Mr. Thomas has hopes of securing sev- eral hundred dollars yet. An invitation was sent to John Rennie, a well-known howler of To- Tonto, to come and give some ad- Need | 1 01188 awa ----- ew pr roleep i. ox vice in planning the greens and courts. He was un- able to he present, but Mr. Daniels of the Rennie Seed Co. came, and after loking over the ground in the afternoon spoke to the gathering at night on the best way of building permanently = satisfactory playing grounds. Mr. Daniels' suggestions, which provided for cinder foundations for both tennis courts and howling greens, would mean a cost of around $2,000, at Toronto prices for labour and material, After considerable discussion as EE -------- and constructing to ways and means of Hhecting the cost of putting the grounds in shape, it was decided to appoint a commit- tee, to act for the club. H. L. Prin-~ gle, George Robb, W. K. Cooke, George Anderson, A. Stanlick, Miss Innis and Miss Richardson were ap- pointed to the committee. Some time was deyoted to discuss- ing the most suitable layout for the grounds. It was decided to have the bowling green at the north side of the lot, facing on Brock St. the tennis courts along the south side of the lot, and the club-house to- ward the back. of R, J. Underwood. was crossing Dundas street at Kent street when she was struck. The dri- ver of the car, a medical man frem | Detrait, stopped, and seeing that the child was not injured went on after leaving his name and address. Signs warning the motoring public that school children cross the highway at King and Henry streets were or- | dered erected by the Town Council | | but they have not yet been put up. CHIEF OF POLICE AND TOWN SUED Oscar Foster Seeks Damages for False Arrest and Imprisonment Barona Model 4-40 $225 or with Electric Drive $265 (By Staff (aff Reporter) Whitby, Oct, 27--Notice of a suit | far unstated damages against the Town of Whitby and Chief of Po- lice Gunson has been served by the office of the Sheriff. The writ states that the plaintiff's claim is against defendant Gunson for damages for in the new false arrest and imprisonment and | malicious prosecution, and against | the corporationy of the Town of | Whitby as the employers of the | said Gunson while acting as Chief | | Constable of the said Town of Whit- "Bridal Chest" Ong. does not havi i i | Phe suit is being brought by A. an xs : eto be a.bride 0 be delighted la, Browning for his client, Oscar with this smart Community chest set. Nor be an | Foster, Chesterville, who was rec- expert ppreci perf i ently arrested and held for investi- ti0af ate the ection of the twenty- Joss dh on a charge of wagrancy, six picces it contains. The chest is done in jer | which was dismissed in court, black and red, the silverware is Community PratE, covered by a replacement guarantee, and the price is $35.75. Five lovely patterns to choose ONE HEADLIGH from. Illustrated is the new Colonial design-- (R ASH RESULTS the Paul Revere. The Bridal Chest may also be had with 42 pieces (Service for cight) and 50 Cor is Alleged to Have Travelled on Wrong Side pieces (Service for twelve), of Road BASSETT'S ¢ |... Whitby, Staff. Reporter) , " driver on the wrong side of the road On Oshawa's Main Corner COMMUNITY PLATE Plan now to give your family a new Orthophonic Victrola, Select and reserve your Christmas instrument. At His Master's Voice Dealers only. gift which repays not merely in the joy of giving, but in the enjoy- ment you receive from it did after. Itis not too early to begin plarning for one of ri wort musical instruments, Today, s Voice dealers have complete f models, but no one dares predict Your instrument reserved,-- yment assured. " Berle often wonder why the new Ortho- phonic V is "so much alone" in its Oet. 27--A one light caused a bad crash last night about a mile north of Brooklin on the Lindsay highway. C. H. Wallace was proceeding south, and when nearing a curve saw a car approach- musical superiority. The secret lies in the practical application of the principle of "matched impedance" as scientists call it,-- or, in simpler words "smooth flow of sound". The patents are Victor--controlled. You will find them in no other instrument. With Victor music at home, you can turn on the flow of entertainment as the mood impels. When a record finishes playing-- don't rush to get up--it stops itself. Electrice al drive, if you wish--at slight additional cost--eliminates winding. Seven beautiful models to choose from, from $790 down to as low as $115, 2!l obtainable on convenient terms from His Master's Voice dealers. Made only by Victor Look for thisTrademark Here is a family Let us grind your valves. We have just installed a Crowe Valve Re-facing Machine. 'A perfect valve job absolutely guaranteed at a low cost, : Call 'abd. get Suir. cut rate ricés on Winter Overhauling Auto £0 Livery --H Log. fame Garage 3 Wile Kant ol tity Limits vb Sighusy, 5 Victrola HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED Loy. SoldinOdwaBy| er 10 King St. W. D. J. BROWN Phone 189 HIS MASTERS VOIC PEA MEAL hs per wis i §7wy ++ 8200,per ton less if you supply begs. § T°