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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Nov 1927, p. 10

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2. Rundle, My, and Mrs. T. Sanderson, Toronto, Rem week end with Mr. and Mrs. . R. Courtice. : Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wight and fa- mily, Providence, visited Mr. and Mrs. Blake: Courtice, Sunday. r. and Mrs. G. F. Annis and Miss qaftda were with Rev. and Mrs. C, C. ¥ashington. Fenelon Falls. . Gordon and Jack Pickell h _to Detroit after spend- ing a week with their father and sis- ters, . ow : y services were fine, Our pas- ton 5 H. J. Stainton was in the pulpit "if the morning and gave us wag of his splendid sermons. In the "afternoon at the Sunday School ses- ier Temperance was observed and NE ce Snowden of Maple Grove A ered a most enthusiastic address wedfTemperance. The attendance being se. j the evening service the Wo- an 8 Missionary Society had charge ~ #A® special music was given by the THE OSHAWA lat these entertainments. The ladics | a very appetizing supper before Qi the program. The proceeds amounted to twenty s. + Mr. and Mrs. H Roy Bright and family spent the week end with Mrs. | Bright's Jarents in Hamilton, | r. and Mrs. John Quinn visited the | former's brother and sister in Whitby 81 on Sunday. ee. be Much Srmpathy 3 felt for Mr. Davi¢ is _inspiri to hear of the 58 . Ross wm the death of his sister, Mrs. boing made 'here «Mist Lhe 0" John, Walker of Port Pore. hose hid accompanied Mrs. Day from To- , day for interment at Oshawa. Mondas nih' ull al * Messrs. Frank Brown and Elmer won y hw was a gala night at Cook have had new: Westinghouse ra I sembly room of the Sunday dios installed in their homes recen'ly. chool. A masquerade party was giv-: Mrs. Simmons of Wainwright, Alber en by the Mission Circle girl; and th ta, is spending a two weeks' holiday whole affair was quite unique. As on»: with her brother, Mr David Leury. came into the room the price was pail| Mr. and Mrs. Levi Tordiff and dai gh by one cent for each letter in the full ter Miss Lois, visited their daughter name. Judges were appointed and th: | Mrs. Rosswell Dobson of Oshawa or. parade began with couples dressed in Sunday. > \ masquerade suits. Promenading aroun!} The four corners here was the scence. the room to the music. The 15t priz:: of another accident on Friday night! for the best costume was presented to when a Ford coupe and a Chevrolet Mrs. (Rev) H. J. Stainton, wh' touring car figured in a head on col- posed as a BYR, The second prizz lision. The coupe was badly smashed was given to Miss Francis Hancock while the Chevrolet needed consider- who was dressed as an old crippled ! able repairing before it was ready for lady. A short program was next _in "the road again. Fortunately both | which an orchestra of several playing drivers escaped uninjured. Both cars combs with Mrs. Walter Snider nlay- 'were hauled into Moles Bros. garage ing her accordian and Miss Sadie Mu'r for "treatment." This is a bad comer at the piano, gave some old time scngs. and special precautions should™ be A story of "Ghosts" was told in a fins taken as the buildings along the sides way by Mrs. (Rev) Stanton. A ¢bstruct the view. quartette "The Goat™ sung by Mrs.| Mr, Jim Lee of Greenbank Stainton, Mrs. A. E. Rundle, Mrs. K. 'Sunday with friends here. E. Courtice and Mrs. W. R. Courtice. Owing to the anniversary services after which games were enjoyed, and 'at Manchester on Sunday there will spent | gif.> A solo, "llemember Me," by - 8 Francis Hancock and the speaker ofthe evening wa: Mrs. Day of the Italian Mission, Toronto, who present- community singing led by Miss Francis Hancock and Mrs. W. R. Courtice at the piano and lunch was the final en- 1 S joyment of the evening. Everyone ¢d the work being done there in a | thoroughly enjoying the whole enter- "very interesting manner. Mrs, Day | tainment. People going home that has-been connected with the Italian | night found it necessary to drive fission for four or five years and it! slowly occasionally finding large - gates = in the middle of the road. ) 4 y ar RE Shortt, Tory Hill, and son 4 PN t t y ests of Mr. When Soreness, ert o oronto were guests o r d Bloati Pain and Bloating and Mrs. Jack Shortt over Sunday. 'ollow Every Meal MYRTLE Make This Simple Test for . Swift and Sure Relief Myrtle, Nov. 2--A goodly number services in Ashburn' on Sunday and a quickly prove 90 per cent of Stomach di is absolutel and that you from here attended the anniversary ol eat and enjoy most any od you really watit Monday, Some of our local talent as- --get from your druggist some Bisurated sisting on Sunday in the choir. The Hallowe'en concert and supper ' Magnesia (powder or tablets) and take a little after your next meal. This is a simple, inex- which was held in the church base- ment on Friday night. under the aus- pensive test that can be depended upon to pices of the Ladies' Aid, was a splen- prave its value in less than five minutes. In moat instances, relief comes intsantly! did success. The program was } Re Pei Larmiess. interesting and good consisting of non-laxative form of old fashioned Magnesia | Musical and vocal selections, and a hu- N when taken alter meals, cleanses; sweet. morous dialogue entitled "The. Rum- al neutralizes the angerous acids t at Sa pH 0 H na '9 e most stomach troubles, One day's trial ane ale d of ur village has reason convince you--ask your druggist for Bi- [to be proud of some of its younger ted Magnesia today. musicians who are such a great help -- STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT About 12,000 ft. of good dry storage space, conveniently locat- ed, with Canadian National siding, for rent either in whole or in part. Low rental, CHARLES M. MUNDY ¢/0 Mundy Printing Company, Limited Telephone 35 or 312 Keep Your Hens Everlastingly em their Job Put them on the Ful-O-Pep Egg ration, Do it today. & Make them steady producers-- to lay. Get more eggs, eggs, more profits, Ful-O-Pep Liver thing Die the Co Lover Meal on get most . out of feeds, correct amoun mineral, ying mineral £ shells Base of all Poi Poe fos ground hens need lots of own putriment. The ep feeds is high quality oatmeal--not © UI SOIC EN WL MID TY oats, FuL-O-PEP EGG MASH A Product of The Quaker Mills, Peterborough and Saskatoon 46 dir SOLD BY : Smith Co. Phone 8 Mi -------------------- " " Richardson, be no service here except: Sunday | School at the usual hour, a quarter to two. The softball boys motored to Clare- {mont on Saturday night and enjoyed some lively games of euchre with the | boys of that village but found them as | good at playing cards as they were i chasing the ball on the green. Mr, Jim Lambert of Brooklin has {been threshing and re-filling silos for I some of the farmers around the neigh- bourhood. | A heavy thunder storm passed over "here on Tuesday morning. Skilled weather prophets claim this is a sign of a long open fall, so far this has proven to be correct. Mr. and Mrs. Musgrave and daugh- ter, Nan of Toronto, visited friends | here on Saturday. i Mrs James Wilson with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Blatch of Oshawa, during the 'earlier part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ellins and son Levi of Columbus visited at Mr, George Geoffrey's on Sunday. The beef ring has closed for another year, a business meeting of the pa- trons was held at the home of Mr. Mac Burroughs and very satisfactory reports were given. KEDRON Kedron, Nov. 2.--A very enjoy- able evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin, where 2 Hallowe'en party was held on Monday night. The various costumes were uncanny and comical. When all had unmasked the evening was spent with games and contests. A dainty lunch was served shortly be- tore midnight, after which the carty broke up and all departed 10 their homes. Mrs. 8. Conlin and Misses May. guerite Conlin and Nora Robins and Mr. and Mrs. F. Love, Oshawa, mo- tored to Toronto on Sunday. Great regret is felt for Mr Frank Columbus, in the lose «tf his large barns through fire early sunday morning. There were no Hallowe'en pranke played in this neighborhood this year. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe and baby, Lorraine, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Scott, Enfield, on Sunday. Miss Frankie Lobb, Oshawa, spent the week end with Miss Kurhleen Conlin. | Mrs. Thomas Shortridge, Brook- lin, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. D. Vandyke. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert 8. Gibson, | Oshawa, and Mr. Albert apd Miss Olive Luke, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Luke, Miss Marguerite Conlin is spend- ing a few days with her sister, Mrs. ¥. Leve, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. Famells and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Famells, Nessle- ten, spent Sunday at Mr. F. H. Crossman's. Come and hear Rev. George Lil- tle, Toronto, who will give an ad- dress during the church service here on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Jchn Lawrence and Miss Em. ily Lawrence, Columbus, recently visited at Mr. John Mountjoy's. Miss Shipley, a missionary from Honan, China, will speak at Kedron during the church service on Sun- day afternoon, November the thir- teenth, : Iver COLUMBUS Columbus, Noy. 1.---Mrs. Robson, of Toronto, visited her parepts, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ellins Sunday. Mrs Moffat, of Orono, visited for a few days last week with Mrs. R. Scott. Mrs. A. Ormiston, of Enniskillen visited friends in the village Sunday. Mrs. Booth and daughter, Alberta, spent Sunday with her daaghter, Mrs F. Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grills and family moved to their mew farm formerly owned by Mr. Jas. Hobbs, this week. Myr. apd Mps. Thos. Paul have returned to their home in Toronto after visiting the latter's sister. Mprs.. J. Ashon and other relatives for a few days. Mr. Jack Bromell visited in Tor- onto Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott. of Kedron, spent Sunday at H. L. Pascoe's. Much sympathy is felt for Myr. Vrank Richardson in the loss of his well equipped dairy barn early Sunday morning by fire. He is hold- ing a sale on Monday, November tae DAILY. TIMES. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3,.1927 RAGLAN Raglan, Nov. 1.--There will be no church services at our church this coming Sunday owing to anmi- versary services at Manchester. Our choir have accepted am invitation to take charge of the music at Man- chester at the afternoon service. On Sunday, November 13, Rev. Mr. Weir, of Scugog, will be in charge of the pulpit. Mr. and Mn. Johm Burns and children, Lorraine, and Mabel, of Torcnlo, were Sunday guests of Mrs. D. Thompson. i Mr. and Mrs. Stone, of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moffatt of North Oshawa, visited at Harold Powell's on Sunday. Misses Edith and Jane Nevills and Thelma Turner, of Toronto, spent the week end at Mrs. Fred Pier- son's. Hallowe'en passed off very quiet. ly in our village on Monday evom- ing, quite a number attended the masquerade and dance held in Man- chester Hall under the auspices of the Community Club. and all report a pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Taylor, or Bobcaygeon visited his sister, Mis. Melville Knapp last week. Mr. Meredith Dring visited in the city over the week end. Mr. Lorne Stanton, of Toronto, visited his aunt, Mrs. Roy Moon one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. George White and tamily, of Port Perry, were Sunday quests of Mrs. Harold Powell. Mast. ar Bruce Powell returned with them -- to spend a week's vacation. A number from here attended 2a dance held in Utica last Friday even- ing. Mrs. T. McKee, visited her Evans last week. of Mrs. Garrow and Mr, George Gar- spent Sunday as and Mrs. Fred row, of Oshawa, the guests of Mr. Pierson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Torcnto, visited his brother, Roy Moon. Mr. and Mrs. Myrtle. Miss Feleda Dring is visiting in the city. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Corner on the arrival of a baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. their daughter, Manchester, recently. daughter, Aubrey Moon, .of Norman Hughson spent Sunday with his mother at Moore and Margaret Moore, of Oshawa, visited at Mr, Fred Pierson's on Sunday. F. Dring Mrs. L. Me¢Kee, or A -- Manchester, Mrs. Josh Mr. Miss visited 3 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. deficiencies a Many faults, Simcoe St. NN corrected NOW, ender Meats If it's fine juicy meat you want-- The kind that almost melts in your mouth--go to GATES for it. We have a splendid stock of roasts, steaks, chops and fowl. 6 1b. bulk lard, $1.00. S. A. Gates Phone 396 N 2) 1516 ----FHUN K-- 1510 Disney Block opposite Past Ove 32s $100,00¢C In Saving The approximate savir housewives who take ad: the special values listed will exceed One Hundred Thousand ! Think what this mea: ople who deal at Df tores. This is only o savings which are customer who deals at a Dominion Store receives for her expenditure. Come this week and t tage of theserexception: the enormou « asistently made throughout the ye: -, 00 3 18 to the ntage of his week Choice Smoked New Zealand new has 25,000,000 sheep, 500,000 more than last year. Picnic Hams 1 ing a boom. - 6 to 8 lbs. each Kc 1b. sum © ollars, 7 to the MINION e week's Finest Granulated or Yellow ar 101s. 63° cal Value e advan- offers, New Season's Family Size . 489¢ Strawberry Reg, 58c¢ Jar Raspberry 37° Baek Surrantin B® At pb Tha Market Price utter As a Specie! Introductory Offer . wwe are sciling onr | Broesidle Brand Butter Pure Sar Tomato Catsup ) | Domino Brand this weck at an pl ec 38S. fg exceptionally low : price, "The Finest Butter in Canada" | pc A also 3 bot. | Brand 38¢ 1b. Yas at Famous Quality Santa Clara large size 21s. 27¢ Prunes pr - ow ad a a Choice Smoked Side 1b. tin HAC Aylmer or Bayside Peas or Corn Z tins 23° Beekist Pure Clover Honey No. 5 Pail Maysield cr BQ Rez. 35cib, ® Jelly Beans Gum Drops Chocolate Nive A 7. to dispose of his fine herd of Jer- 56s, horses-and implements, 19; Creams 23¢ nm. Sweetheart Chest box of Assorted Chocolates in the piece i0 Bars 35° Domestic or Easifirst Shortening | D.S.L. Bulk Tea A good strong blend of India and Ceylon Teas, Biended by experts who have ib. spent years in the Tea business, Fine Mixture of mre BY om, Brazils, Walouts New Washed 557° 39. Brazil Nuts 29%. Dried Fruits | Finest California Raisins 2 29° Golden Hallowi Dates 2» 23¢ ib iek Figs 10¢ Finest Candisd Peel: 255. Citron - 55ch. Automobiling in Argentina is hav-

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