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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Nov 1927, p. 15

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OVEMBER 3, 1927 PAGE FIFTEEN BS 4 0 LM LN J BL, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, N po -- S-------- ---- PAG a Bll, KEIURNS AT SMALL: Cost; Real Estate for Sale LAW OFFICE, E. DOUGLAS BELL. Bradley Block, 29 Simcoe street south, - (Oct. 6-Nov. 8) FRANK S. EBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Vey ancer, money to loan, Room 32, Royal Bank Bldg., Simcoe and Boud streets. Phone 1496. (121-mo) CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Con veyancing and general practice of Law. Offices 7% Simcoe St. soutd, Oshawa. Phone 63. G. D. Conant, B.A. LL.B.; A. F, Annis, 34. LL2 W. BE. N, SINCLAIR, K.C.,, BANK of Cammerce Bullding, '(116-1 yr.) JOSEPH P, MANGAN, H.A..--BAR- rister, Roliciter, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Money to loan, Office 343% King §t. east, Oshawa. Phone 145. Residence phone 837. GRIERSON & CRHIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- Me, ete, Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St, Phone 12. J. ¥. Grievegn, B.A, T. K. Creighton, HERBERT C. TRENEER IS PRE- pared to accept pupils in piano, or- gan and vocal musie, A free hooklet giving full particulars will be fur- nished upon request. 50 William street east. Phone 1987J. ; (Oct. 14-1 mo) LAHOKLA, INSTRUCTOR, HAWAI- lan Guitar. Individual instruction to all pupils. Music supplied for all oc- casions, Wilson & Lee's Music Store, Phone 2388. (Oct. 6-Nov. §) JOHN H. RENWICK, ORGANIST and Choirmaster Simcoe St. United Church, prepares pupils for any exam- ination in Piano, Organ and Singing. Studio at the church. Phone 251 for appointment or information. : (Oct 10-Nov 10) ARTHUR W. LYNDE (HAMBODURG Jomservytory, Toronto), Teacher of | . Pupils prepared for at: isaminationa, also ohurch, eomcert Jpera. Studio, 92 Simcoe St. N. phone 371J, Oshawa, Fridays. (72t1) ; DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 , King si. west, Oshawa. The oldest SWANSON GERMAN & MAC-|pire Agency In Oshawa. 30. Re- Kenzle, Barristers, Conveyancers | putable Fire Companies. (118-tf) Notary Public, etc, All branches of at QOriminal apd Civil Law. Money to | WHEN PLACING INSURANCE, loan, (*=ce over Lamble's store, 8 [consult RB. N. Johms, 80 Simcoe King St. east, Phone 940, D. A. |north, Your insurance wants at- J. Swanson, H, N. German, F. G, Mackensie, ' tended to and your interests pro- tected, (Oct, 11-1yr.) A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- Heitor, Notary Public, Conveyanger, money to loan. Disney Bldg., éppo- site Post Office. Phones, office 1614; residence, 22397." (e321) LOUIS 8. HYMAN AND COMPANY, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Publie, etc. Money to loan, Over Dewland's store, 16 Simcoe street north, Phone 67. (971) Medical DR. HAROLD W, TRICK, PHYSI- can, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Spe- cial reference to maternity work, Two years post graduate experience, nine months having been spent en- tirely in maternity work, and di- seases of women, both in United States and Canada. Office and resi- dence, 167 Simcoe street north. (Cor, Brock). Phone 303, Money to Loan UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR FIRST mortgages. Building loans arranged. Bradley Bros, Phone 169, 420. (96tf) 83% CITY AND FARM LOANS, No commission. Building loans, l.e- gal work done at this office. A. J. Parkhill, Barrister. Disney Bldg. Phone 18614 (1761) SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE, brick veneer, very desirable home, Wesmount. Twelve minutes walk from Post Office. Good investment. large bathroom, summer kitchen, fireplace, garage, lot 130 feet deep, 100 feet frcat, modern conveniences. Mo lerate rice. Apply Box "L"" Times or phone 1373w. : (Mon.-Thurs.-tf) 25 ACRES, OSHAWA VICINITY, on gravel road, not far from high- way, good house, six large rooms, combination heating, nice shrub- tery, shade trees, banked barn, stone foundation, clay loam soil, sloping south. Box "G" Times. Phone 202r3. (102-104¢) FOUR ROOM COTTAGE, FIVE MIN- ute walk to G. M. C. Price $3,200. Cash $300. W, D, Peebles, 9 Bond East, Phone 869. (102¢) FOR SALE--SIX ROOM HOUSE IN good location. All conveniences. $4,500. Cash $700. W. D. Peebles, 9 Bond East. Phone 869. (102¢) DESIRABLE HOME FOR SALE with all modern conveniences. Ap- ply 318 Athol St. E. (102¢) For Rent APARTMENT TO RENT--THRER rooms and bath, central, new build- ing, steam heat. Hot water free, elec- tric, refrigerator, occupation Decem- ber 1, Phone 1400. (104¢) FOR RENT---BARN, 61 ACRES, 2 miles of paved highway. Also will sell stock and implements, team of horses, 5 milch: cows, 6 head young cattle, 9 pigs, 50 hens, 100 chick- ens, Write C, Hartford, R. R. No. 4, Port Perry. (104¢c) FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms to rent for light housekeep- ing. No children. Apply 126 Gibbon St, (104c) Contracting ANYONE WISHING built, call 1337J, specialty, Cellars coniracted for, A HOME Brickwork =a and excavations (Oct, 18-1mo) G, W, CAIN, CARPENTER, CON- tractor and builder, plans and speci- fications, R.R. No. 2, West Hill, Ontario. (Oct, 19-Nov. 19) DR, R, E. McMULLEN, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Home and office, 666 Simcoe street south, Phone 730M, (Oct 10-Nov 10) THREADGOLD BROS, GENERAL build; contracors, Let ws give you nur estimates. Write, or phone (Whit- by) 255. (73¢f) DR, McKAY, PnYSICIAN, 8SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. Bast, corner Victoria Bt,, Oshawa. Phone 94. DR, GRANT BERRY,+<PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Special referencer to of infants and children, Of- tice and residence, 97 Bond east, DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI. cian and Surgeon, special attentios given to X-ray work and RBleetro- ,<heopy, Office, Disney Block. Phone 3050, (te) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR, F, T,. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Btreet West, Toronto, will be a: hls office over Jury 4& Lovell's Dig Btore each Saturday, from 1 till « p.m, for consultation and treatment i diseases of ear, nose and throat nly, Appointments may be made at drug store Phone 97, (49-tf) Dental DR. D, R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas admin- istered for extraction, nurse at- tendant, Phone 231, Rostdonty, 2087, (tf) DE. 8, J, PHILLIPS, DENTIST, or ge vyer Posse the'. ne ; ence 306, 4-1 yr, LR. B. NM. KB, 9 SIMCOB ST. north; over itchells Drug Store. Gas for extraction, Phone 64. DR. L. B, HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- tice, Royal Bank Bldg. Pbone 948; residence, 1378M. 86a DR. W, B. GIFFORD, OFFICE RE- gent Theatre Bldg. Phoue 1780. Res. 669. 56 tf Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim, F., L. Beecroft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324. (69-12) Floor Surfacing NEW METHOD FLOOR SURFAC- Ing (Including sanding, waxing, fill- ing and polishing), Old oon made new, Edmondson, 251 Simcoe Bi. South, phone 440, (tn PAINTING AND DECORATING. Gstimates given. Work guaranteed. Best of material used. Phone Y20r3, (Oct, 29-1 me.) . GUTSOLE, PAINTING, FAPER- hanging, graining, ols, Twenty rare' ri right. Work guaranteed. 163 Hu street. Paone 3067W. (4 RM S,H . = DURRANT MACHINE CO, al Aluds of 'machinery yop) ing. A r tarter ring cl a. rods §e-bab ted, srown goars or pinions supplied for 3} makes of cars. 161 King" St, ® 'Pasne 619 At) z RR g Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. East. Ambulance, epidence, 19 Division St. 69 Kipg east, Phone 210J. 3 Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTARIO Lan? Surveyors and Civil Engin. eers, subdivisions, sown planning, municipal engineérs, Bradley Block, Oshawa. Phone 1635. (104-tf) H. C. SEWELL, COMPANY, ON- tario Land Surveyors, 158 Confed- eration Life Building, Toronto. Phones Elgin 2865, Howard 5843. Town Planning Sub Divisions and City Surveys. (101f) ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at ldesl Tire Shop. Tires for sale. snmiegon Bros. Phove 438 (£74) SMALL NEW HOUSE TO RENT, four miles out of city limits. Apply Cor. Colborne and Patricia Sts, (104c) A COMFORTABLE ROOM CLOSE to Motors. 'Board if desired. Phone 1104J or apply 149 Agnes street,, (104-a) A NEW GARAGE TO RENT AT 213 Arthur St. Phone 2021J. (104.¢c) ROOM IO RENT--BREAKFAST if desired. Apply 169 Celina St. (104-c) THREE ROOM COTTAGE TO RENT $20. Apply 275 Gibbons St. (103¢) FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, suit two gentlemen, Meals two doors up. 98 Rosedale Avenue. (103d) FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT ON Agnes St., suit gentleman, All con- veniences. Phone 2041J, (103-c) GARAGE TO RENT. CENTRAL. Phene 718M. (103-¢) FOR RENT--FOUR ROOMS, ELEC- tric light. Use of phone. No children. $18.00 per month, 167 Park Road ANT AD ER ti Rn) A AAA HL Notice Re Classified Ads. Effective immediately clos- ing time for classified ads 9.30 a.m. Monday to Friday and 8.30 a.m. Saturday. "Ads for Teo Late to Classify and Coming Events, received up to 10.30 a.m. Rates for Classified Ads | First insertion -- 13 cents per word. Mintmpm charge--80¢c. tnsertionw-- SALAS 22200000008 Cm a a a ee ee ae ad ach subsequent 1¢ per won, Three consecutive insertions for the price of two firet insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box mumber--10¢ additional Board and Rooms ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE gentleman. Close to Motors. $7 per week. 300 Haig St. (104c¢) ROOM AND BOARD SUITABLE FOR 2 gentlemen, Ciose to G.M.C. Con- veniences, Phone 1367J. (103c) BOARDERS AND ROOMERS wanted. Apply 105 Colborne street east, (Oct. 18-Nov, 18) ROOMERS OR BOARDERS WANT- ed. All conveniences. Apply Mrs. Kirk, 84 Hilleroft street. Phone 1468M. (102-c) A HOME FROM HOME, FOR SIX or eight respectable single lads willing to share rooms. Every home privilege and convenience. Large garage, Convenient to Fittings and Pedlars, Apply first to Box "K" Times. he (102-1) Room and Board Wanted ROOM AND BOARD WANTED with private family. Box "R"" Times. (102¢) ROOM AND BOARD WANTED BY two young office men in private house near Motors, Apply Box "D" Times, (102e) Lost and Found (102-104) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT--NINE OR DO | ten roomed house by careful tenant. By December 1st, Apply 155 Simcoe St. 8. (103c) WANTED--BY YOUNG COUPLE, board and room. Ground floor preferred, Box "N" Times. (102-¢) Work Wanted WORK WANTED BY THE DAY. Phone 2034W, (103¢) WOOD-WORKING -- MISCELLANE- ous wood-working shop. Screens, sashes and doors made, &!so repairs. S. B. Edmondson, 251 Siiacoe St., ho 5 (17-tf) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order. Work- mapship guaranteed. 6G. A. Con- i114 74 Mechanic St. Phone 520F. (75tf) THE OSHAWA WINDOW OLBAN- ers--house Ing, woodwork and floors polished, screens and store windows put or snd removed, Phone 1302w. ; ~ Trapsportation Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital. 503 Masson St. Phone 629. (56tf) a pails 4 . Ee C. S. DICKENSON, V.S.,, DISEASES of all domestic enimals slly treated. Dominion Government Veterinary. 24 Broék St. EB. Phoné 1053. 18141) SMPPH TRANSPORTATION LIMIT- ed, Simeoe St., 3, pbone 34677, 242 Front St, B., Torouto, Phone Main 7637, Supérior Transportation Ses- vice, (42-41) COLEMAN CARTAGE AND STOR- age. 85 Bond St, West. Phone 82. © trucks for prompt service. Mbving wen and Storage warehouse equipment. Baggage transferred to end from all trains. (64-48 Architects STENHOUSE -- GENERAL ural work. Second floor, co - architectural -. Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res, Phone 902). Taxi LOCK'S TAXI, PHONE 245,DFEi- Ray Bus Station, 19 Prinee stroet. All Buick cars. (Oct, 21-Nov. 21) A 3 zy DRESSMAKING, PLAIN, FANCY sewing. Miss Flossie Boyd, 354 Les- lie St. Phone 1842J. : r (Oct, 28-Nov, 11) ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices. Call at 21° Rowe St. Phone 1347M. (Qet, 20-Kov. 20) Watch Repairing North, (1vze) | 1,03T WEDNESDAY INOON, BE- FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE | tween Harold street and James' for two gentlemen. 93 Young St. |LiVery; a sum of money, Finder Phone 2552. (102¢c) | Please phone 1554M, (104.b) ONE FURNISHED ROOM FOR | LOST--GOLD FILLED WAHL renf, Phone 1038M, 272 Golf St. |Eversharp pencil, engraved "C, w. Edgar," somewhere in Oshawa Sat- urday. Pinder please leave at 124 Nassau street and receive reward. (102-c) Articles For Sale QUEBEC HEATER, QUEBEC COOK- er, large size Wilton rug, libra.y table, quarter cut oak. Phone 740 after 7, 2191. (104b) FOR SALE--GAS STOVE, JEWEL, with four burners, two ovens, almost as good as mew. Also leather cover- ed chair. Appl; 148 Brock St. E. (104b) FOR SALE--LARGE QUEBEC neater in splendid condition, $10. oil heater, $2. for quick sale, 120 Tylor Crescent. (104a) ELECTRIC RANGE FOR SALE, 1 large kitchen table, several feet of range cable, " Apply 175 Burke street. . (104-c) FOR SALE--GAS RANGE, FOUR burners, high oven with glass door. Will sell cheap. May be seen at Me- Culloch's storage rooms, - Ritson road. (103b) FOR SALE QUEBEC HEATER, good condition, also white iron bed and springs. Phone 1545J, (103-¢c) FOR SALE--PIANO, SQUARE DE. sign. Best condition. Bargain for today. Phone 1829W. (103-¢) 4 PLATE GREY ENAMEL ELEC- tric Range, 18 window blinds, cur- tains, two Simons Beds complete, one dresser, all used about two months. 268 Ritson Rd. South. (102¢) CANDY SCALE "DAYTON" NEAR- ly new. Cost $80. What offer? Phone 1158M. (102-¢) ROUND REED STROLLER FOR sale. 89 Park Road south. (102-c¢) FOR SALE--MANNS GREEN BONE Cutter. Good for 200 hens or more. No. 7. E, Fletcher, Park Road, South C.N.R. Oshawa, (101d) FURNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD. 186 Bloor street east, Phone 1617M. (Oct. 21-1 mo.) $1.00 DEPOSIT SECURES DELIV- ery. Place your order now for Christmas Gifts, Ladies' and Gents' Dressing Cases, silverware, china- ware, electric floor lamps, watches, clocks, rings, jewelry of all kinds. Payments from 50 cents weekly. O. H, Dell, 223% Simcoe South, Phone 1656. (Oct, 6-Nov. 6) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $5.50 per load. Also bone dry bouy wood. Phone 660. Wateroes- Meek Ltd. (Mar 26-tf) For Sale or Exchange I HAVE SEVEN LOTS IN A block; facing three streets, splen- did home on one lot, and another house partly completed wlrich I will trade for a good 150 to 200 acre farm, with good house and barn, some woods, running stream within six miles of Oshawa. Ap. ply 23 Athol St. West. (104-2) Accounting and Collections THE OSHAWA COLLECTION AND Indemnity Company is now located at Room 4, Bradley Block, 29 Simcoe street south, Oshawa. All collections given prompt attention. Accounting systems installed, Advice in refer- ence to Income Tax Return adjust- SEES LITTLE HOPE FOR LOCAL PARTY Arthur Pugh Fears the Rural Districts Will Swing to Older Parties (By Canadian Press) Hamilton, Nov..2.--Arthur Pugh, former chairman of the British Trades' Union Congress, expressed the opinion here today that the British la- bor party would not be returned to power at the next British General wlections. He expected gains to be made by Labor but feared agricultural districts would favor older parties. Mr. Pugh spent some time with local labor leaders. Motor Cars FOR SALE--ONE PONTIAC LAN- dau Sedan, two months' old, buy on easy terms, Phone 1826F. (104c) 1927 CHEVROLET COUPE FOR sale. $610. Phone 439. "104-a> ON' SALE--CHEVROLET 490, 1921 model. Apply 299 Festhu- bert Avenue. (104-¢) BABY GRAND CHEVROLET TOUR- ing, 1923. Cheap for quick sale. Good condition. Phone 1204F, (103-c) 1927 CHEVROLET COACH FOR sale. In perfect condition. $600. Phone 1176W after five, (102¢) Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS, 16 GEO. V., Cap., 40, Sec. 52. In the Estate of Elizabeth Pethic, Spinster, de- ceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Elizabeth Peth- ic, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, Sninster, de- ceased, who died on or about the Twelfth day of October, A.D. 1927, are hereby notified to file with the undersigned on or before the Nine- teenth day of November 1927, full particulars of their claims. Immedi- ately after said date, t,he assets of the deceased will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to claims so filed. Dated at Oshawa, the Second daw of November, 1927, W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C., Barrister, Oshawa, Ontario. (104-109-115) Situations Wanted YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE DE- sire positions as caretakers. No encumbrance, Good references. Write W. Schofield, 33 MeGill street, Toronto. (104-c) YOUNG MARRIED MAN THREE year's experience in large assur- ance office handling correspond- ence, desires position in Oshawa. Box "PF" Times. (104-b) 'POSITION WANTED BY LADY with one child, Housekeeping or gen- eral work. Box *'S8" Times, (103¢) years, Sound and quiet, H, Mount- joy, R.R. No. 2, Oshawa. (103e¢) Help Wanted---Female WANTED---NURSE HOUSEMAID, experi d. Apply Mrs. Ray Me- 2 T.aughlin, Elmeroft Farm. Phone Notice 1544, (103-d) NOTICE-- PARTNERSHIP DISSO- lution leaves first class barber with years' of experience, open for em- ployment. Partnership considered if suitable," Services available on or after Nov. 21st. Further information phope 794J, Oshawa, (102g) Furniture Storage FURNITURE STORED IN BEPAR- ate compartments, 86 Bond St. West. Phone 82, Coleman's Cart- ge and Storage. stock of groceries, fruit and vege- tables, Cash and delivery . R, T. Ellicott, 124 Simcoe st. N. Phone 2232. : (102¢) Money Wanted WANTED TO BORROW---$1,000 for six months, Will pay big in- terest and give good security. Ap- ply Box "T" Times, (104-0) Help Wanted--ale NAT, ELEC CORPORATION OF U. S.A. require an energetic party to take charge and organize selling force for the Wistrict of Oshawa. Only those capable and responsible will be considered. For jnteryiew, see our representative at the Com- mercigl Hotel, on Thursday. Nov. 3rd. (103-b) APPRENTICE WANTED FOR news paper press room. Apply Osh- awa Daily Times. (1042) ¥F. A. Von GUNTEN, REUKRT Swiss watch A + shop af 44% King Stréet Ww. Yoiir pat rovage ig solicited. (20:40) Sigos H. BR. COULDERY ANXTISTIC TX- corating. Signs on paper. wood cot- ton. brick: show cards price tickets of every dezeription. Regont bieock over Jerry's Barber Shop, Oshawa. (229-11) LATHERS WANTED. APPLY 1868 Alma St. after six o'clock. (104c) JUST STARTING WITH A FRESH y Shoe Repairing ments. (Nov, 2-1mo) Auction Sale Live Stock The UNDERSIGNED HAS RECEIV- ed instructions from Henry E. Dear- GELDING FOR SALE, FOUR | born, Lot 11, Con 3., East Whitby, to sell all his farm stock and im- plements apd a quantity of furni- ture, consisting of 1 horse, 8 years cld, g.p.; 2 renewed cows, 1 team wagon, : | buggy,- 1 demo- crat, 1 spring tooth cul. tivator, 1 fanning mill, 1 MeCor- mae binder, 1 McCormac mower, 1 single plow, 1 riding plow, 1 seed drill, 1 roller, 1 disc harrow, 1 horse rake, 1 set of harrows, 1 set of bobsleighs, 1 potato digger, a quantity of mangels, 1 De Laval cream separator, 1 churn, 1 wringer 2 coal oil cans, 1 Fireco range, 1 cock stove, a quantity of other stuff too numerous to mention. Sale at 1.30 p.m, Saturday, November 5th. Terms cash. Sulley & Maw, Auc- lina St. (102¢) ANDREW MENKO, SHOE REPAIR- | tjoneers. (103-¢) er, of 80 Bdnd street west, is now at 288 St. Eloi street, opposite Rit- gon school, where he is prepared to Corsetiere do first class shoe repairing. Work - called for and delivered. Satisfac- CORSETIERE--SPIRELLA SHOP, tion guaranteed, (102¢c) | 32 Elgin St, E. Mrs. Annie Pentland, managing corsetiere. Evenings by Agents Wanted appointment. Phone 442). (tf) : WANTED AT ONCE--THREE LIVE | = mén of neat appearance to meet men of all classes. This is an excep- WILSON & LEE tional opportunity to earn big mon- MUSIC STORE ey. Only those who mean business need apply. Call and see me be- 71 Simcoe St, N. Phone 2388 tween the hours of 12 and 2 noon, or 5 and 7 evenings. 377 Short Ce- Everything in Music 161 Kisg St. W. _ Office phone 481; Res. 180 R 2 Wanted to Buy YOUNG RENEWED COW WANTED. Phone 507. (102¢) 'MR 2 JACOR. DEALER IN RAGS and a'! kinds of metala | am pav- ine for scrap halteries $1 and ¢1 50 Buying old cars, Phone 764. 155-tf | Wright Funerals J. A. FUNERAL DI OR AND EM oh a iB, R ep nH DISNEY FUNERAL SERVICE A. G. BROOMFIELD Patteries, Electric Papaire METAL BUMPING AND ALL KINDS OF BODY WORK MERRITT AUTO AND REPAIR King Bt. W, Oshaws LY WINDSOR CHIEF MADE THREATS (Continued from page 9) Commission to investigate the reason for the officers being sus- pended," the Alderman testified. "I told the Judge that 1 wasn't par- ticularly interested in having the men under suspension, or that I wanted an investigation of their al- leged intoxicated condition." Woman Testifies That Mr. Roach has deciddd against putting Alderman Curry on the witness stand was indicated just before the sitting closed this even- ing. Instead of Alderman Curry who is the moving spirit behind the probe, supnorting the testimony of Alderman Edwards, Mr. Roach call- ed Mrs. D. Hutchinson. Alderman Curry made a move toward the wit- ness box, but was waved back by counsel for the prosecution, Mrs. Hutchinson said she went to Chief Thompson's office one day during the summer, accompanied by Alder- man Curry, to secure a refund of $1, which she had paid for an im- migration character certificate. "The Chief seemed to be very angry at Mr, Curry," Mrs. Hutchin- son said. "The Chief thumped his desk, saying: ' I was here, Curry, when you started, and I will be here when you finish." " Mrs. Hutchinson further stated that the Chief said he was using the money taken for the character cer- tificates to aid the poor. The Chief said I could get the dol- lar if I.was a poor woman," the wit- ness said. "I did not get it; I am still waiting." Missing police records, which mys- teriously disappeared since 1922, baulked the prosecution in attempt- ing to establish the inefficiency charges against the Chief. The docu- ments in question were asked for in the case of Robert Sager, arrested in 1922 for carrying dangerous weap- one and for possession of narcotic drugs, Witnesses stated it was the most mysterious case they ever heard of. Sager, the Commission was told, boasted that he would be gone before 6 o'clock in the morning fol- lowing his arrest. Whether Sager was released by order of Chief Thompson or some other persons in authority, the witnesses could not gan, Strange Case of Sager -."It was the strangest case I ever heard of," Sergeant Willis Brumpton 'testified. Former Constable Bert McCauley, who was on duty at Police Head- quarters 'at the time of Sager's ar- rest. remembered that he searched Sager, hecause a revolver was found. Inspector M. S. Wigle, at present Actine Chief Constable, went to Po- lice Headquarters to find documents relating to the case, but returned emnty-handed. Mr, Rodd hrought out in cross-ex- amination of Sergeant John Burns, who was krown until a few months ago as '"Windsor's champion raid- er' the statement that reports of all raids were turned over to the Crown. Mr. Roach said he had sum- moned the Crown Attorney, James S. Allan, to testify that the reports were not turned over to him, Sergeant Burns said that persist. ent raiding had put out of business a blind pig operated by Jake McGee, which was located in the Meretsky Building on Ferry Street above the waitin-room of the Hydro-Electric Railway offices. This policy, the Sergeant said, was not so satisfactory in other cases. Just before today's sitting of the Commission Ald. Curry said he had received an anonymous letter, threat- ening to "blow him up." Receipt of this letter followed a statement nf Sergeant J, R. Wilkinson, finger- nrint expert, that some one, whom he believed to he a Detroit gunman, had offered to "bump Curry off." Mr. Roach proposed to again call Wilkinson tn the stand. but it was stated the Sergeant had collansped and had ft» be taken home, suffering from a perveus breakdown, To -- What other measure is there to success except the comfort of the man who wins, it. Coal- centent is what we sell, De. livered promptly, W. J. Sargant COAL, COKE and WOOD Bloor .St. KE, Phone 193 -------- TEE

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