THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1927 Birthday Celebration A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lott, 141 Simcoe street north, on Tuesday, when about thir- ty friends and relatives gathered to- gether there to help celebrate Mrs. Lott's birthday and anniversary. During the evening which was spent in playing cards, Mrs. Lott was pre- sented with a nice cheque and though completely surprised thank- ed her friends in a most suitable manner. Refreshments were serv- ed about midnight and the guests departed for their several homes. OSHAWA AND DISTRICT Too Late to Classify WANTED--YOUNG MAN WITH BI- cycle to clerk in drug store. Apply 17 King west. (104b) HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT. Special business men's lunch 12 to 1.30, daily, broiled tenderloin steak, roast duck and chicken dinner. Din- ner dance parties arranged, Accom- modation for overnight guests, Af- ternoon tea and bridge parties. Courtesy and service, Mrs, L. M. Prior, proprietress, Phone 2209. (Nov. 3-1 mo) LOST--BOOK OF TICKETS ON Prince street, Wednesday 'morning. Return to 175 Prince St. (104a) CANARIES FOR SALE--GUARAN- teed singers at $4 and $5 each. These prices good for one week only, A. E. Henning, 32 McGregor St. Phone 2077J. (104tf) WANTED--GOOD GENERAL MAID. Apply 42 Prince St, 1104¢) LOST--SPARE WIRE WHEEL with lamp attached off Ford car, Wednesday night, between New- tonville and Oshawa, Apply Albert Bradlow, 766 Douglas St. Reward. (104c) Gas Pains Gone, Now Sleeps Well "I had headaches and gas pains #n bad for 18 months I could not sleep. nights, I am thankful for the help I found in Adlerika. I now enjoy restful nights.'--Mrs. L., 8. Lovings, Even the FIRST spoonful of Ad- lerika relieves gas and often Te- moves astonishing amount of old waste matter from the system. Makes you enjoy your meals and sleep better. No matter what you have tried for your stomach and bowels, Adlerika will surprise you. Jury & Lovell, Druggists 73 7 + 18 SIMCOE STREET For Yow PHONE 22 55: vets Thompsons Drug Store 10 Simcoe Bt, 8, We Deliver Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. William Bllatch, 230 Nassau street, wish to thank their friends and neighbours for their kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes during the illness and death of their infant son, Bruce Blateh. (104a) PIRATES TO PLAY IN LINDSAY Announcement was made late to- day that the Pirates, champions of the Oshawa Ladies' Softball Leag- ue, would play an exhibition game with a team representing Lindsay in the latter place Monday afternoon commencing Armories. Word was re ceived from Miss Dora Kennedy, cap tain of the iLndsay 4eam to this ef- fect, PROV. PREMIERS START SESSIONS (Continued from Page 1) derstood. The tentative agenda which was before the conference to- lay is divided into three sections, financial, constitutional and social and embraces a great number of subjects of national and mutual in- terest." YR The Premier expected the confer- ence to conclude on Wednesday next. In the first official act was pass- 1ge of a resolution giving respectful greetings to King George and Queen Mary and to their representatives in Canada. Certain outside parties had asked to be heard but it had been decided to follow the example of the Im- perial Conference in England that outside deputations would not be given any hearing. It had also been thought to be in the best interests of the conference that no stenog- raphic report should be made out but that a statement should be pro- vided each day for publication after approval by members of the confer- ance for tins purpose it was decided that Premier King ond Premier Rhodes of 'Nova Scotia should be 'onsulted. At ten thirty this morning the loors the railway committee room ~losed And the conference of provin- cial premiers began its sessions while policemen at the door exclud- »d public and press. The Prime Min- ister of Canada stated on the way into the conference that the husi- ness of the session would commence with only brief preliminary speech- 03 of welcome, [NEW DISEASE IS DAHLIA MENACE Will Work Havoc if Un-|C checked--Found in Port Hope Garden (By Staff Reporter) Port Hope, Nov. 3--A new insidi- ous disease, which if unchecked, will work great havoc with dahlias, has been found in the fine large dahlia bed of P. H. Martin of Wal- ton Street. When speciments. of in- fected plans were shown to J. Y. Kellough and James A. Neilson of the local agricultural office, they were unable to identify the destruc- tive unknown disease. Infected material was then. sent to Professor J. E. Howitt, of the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph, who, in collaboration with Dr. Whetzel of Cornell University, found after a painstaking examina- tion, that the plants were infected with a fungus known as Schelora- torium. This disease has been pre- viously found on other plants but never before on dahlias. Inasmuch as the disease is en- tirely new, very little is known of control methods, but Professor How- itt strongly advises all those who find their dahlias infected, to burn all the diseased plants and to change the site of the bed. Infected plants may be recogniz- ed from the start by small areas of dark brown tissue on the stems. These areas enlarge and spread up and down until the whole stem is infected, after which the stems die and fall down, making the bed have a doscolored, ragged appear- ance, Those noticing the disease are ur- gently requested to communicate immediately either with Professor J. B. Howitt, of the O0.A.C, at inelph, or with the agricultural of- fice in Port Hope. IMPORTANT USES FOR G.M.C. OFFICES ! (Continued from Page 1) instruction, and for other purposes which may be required. H. A. Brown, vice-president and | general manager of General Motors of Canada, Limited, in discussing the final allocation of the south wing's upper floor declared that the uses to which it may be put will depend very largely upon the interest shown by the employees in general, The new Assembly Hall, will he used as the has been, however, J present structure in connection with dealer TEA You must try RED ROSE ORANGE | PEKOE, A little higher price than other | teas, but a real difference in quality, Now, | packed in Aluminum, conventions, and for model dsiplay. A large stage will be built and a revolv- ing platform installed. Ample facilities will be provided for moving picture projection both for instruction and re- creation purposes. The office building annex, now oec- cupied by the department of W. A. oad, plant manager, is to have its first floor remodelled to serve as a General Motors Truck service station. Its main entrance will be on Rich- mond street east of the General Mo- tors model service station for motor cars. - The new truck service station will also specialize in special body building and plant jobs in addition to its ob- vious functions. ~The second floor of the office build- ing's western front will be used by the research department which will con- duct. the Canadian corporation's ex- perimental work, not only carryin out a vast amount of routine testing of materials used in the manufacture of General Motors Products, but definite- ly exploring new fields in which better methods, materials, and devises may be found. ; W. H. Moyse is General Motors re- search engineer. ~ The north wing of the office build- ing now occupied largely by the sales and advertising departments is not yet allotted. The uses to which that sec- tion will be put will probably be de- cided only after the general transfer a NELSON GASE MA REACH JURY TODAY (Continued from Page 1) though cautioned after his arrest that anything he said would be written a note giving the name, age and information relating to his rela- tives. The note produced by the {Crown Prosecutor showed that the! name Virgil Wilson and the year (1898 had been scratched out, and £arle Nelson and the date 1879 sub- stituted. There was a Gispute between the Counsel as to admission of evidence 'as to what Nelson said after he had commtited the crime. Chief detective George Smith, de. nied that any coercion had been adopted by police to obtain a con- fession cr a statement from Nelson. The accused had volunteered infor- mation periaining to his identity. After some argument the state. ment was admitted by the court. Answering the Defense Counsel, the detective stated that the police were in possession of documents showing of departments into théir new quarters | in the new office building which is | now rapidly nearing completion. | And another thing, a woman may look at your ever so sweetly, and be thinking of someone else.--Hartford Courant. Most folks feel sensitive when they believe they deserve a little better treatment than anybody else. --Brandon Sun. @Markets In Fairview Park No. 2 while Original Prices and Terms are Still in Force ----that Means OW! | Z5 KING ST.E. REAL SY, ESTATE / Tt PPO SHAWA | TORONTO Stock Bid Ask | Bell Telephone ...... 149 1494 | Brazilian. .i0 0000 198 200% B. Amer. Oil ...... 33% 34 B.C. Fishing ....... 13V4 14V4 Brompton .......... 57 58 Burt, FN. ....... 664 67 | Can. Bread ......... 160 168 | Can. Ind. Alcohol .. 3934 40 Christie Brown ..... 69 7 City Dairy ......... 197 If Canada Malting .... 32 32; Int. Nickel ........: 6474 65 Inter. Petroleum ... 3334 6134 | Imperial Oil ........ 61% 6134 | Imperial Tobacco .. 10 104 | Massey Harris ..... 35% 354 | Northern Bakeries 407% 41 SEARTAM v'vviernass 20Y4 20%; | Mines { Amulet... niin, 494 495 Area... 42 43 ATEONAUE +s 0vivivv vs 3614 37 Barry Hollinger ..... 22v; 93 Beaver .... 0.00, 196 199 Castle Trethewey ... 79 80 Central Manitoba ... 182 185 PRONE ciavssviinvine 1125 1130 Hollinger 1710 1725 Keeley .....coviieave 81 85 Kootenay Florence .. 26 27 Kirkland Lake ..... 267 270 Lake Shore ......... 2500 2599 Laval-Quebc¢e ....... 31 31 Macassg. oo vevecenres 59 60 Melntyre ........... 2800 2825 Mining Corpn. ..... 370 380 Noranda /............ 2500 2525 Nipissing soecrvvrress 730 735 Pioneer ....:.. rvs 53 55 Pottefdoal .......:;: 1414 14Y; Premier 227 228 Ribago 331% 34 Tock Hughes ....... 1065 1070 Tough Oakes ....... 55 55Y2 ViIPond: ;.e:sviresss 58 59 \Y right Hargraves .. 737 740 Mining Sales to noon, 1,191,749 shares. Silver 'is 5 NEW YORK Stock High Low 8 pm. Amer. Can. .... 65 637% 647% Amer. Tel & Tel, 17634 176% 176Y4 Atchison ....... 1842 18374 184Y Jalt. & Obio ... 117% 11732 117% Briggs Mfg. ... 20% 204 2054 Baldwin Loco. .. 256 2553; 256 Can, Dry ...... 487% 483% 4834 Can. Pac. ...... 191 19034 19034 Chrysler ......., 5434 537% 54 Congoleum ..... 233% 23 23 Dupont ......... 397% 3084 309% Dodge 2AY 144 13% 1374 Erie ...v.viin0) 0254 62% 62Y; Famous Players 109 10734 10734 Gen. Asphalt ... 8414 83 84 Gen. Motors .... 13156 130% 130% Gold Dust ...... 066 65% 65% Hudson ........ 6754 6054 6654 Int. Comb. ..... 4 4234 4334 Int. Nickel ..... 6434 041, 645% Int. Harvester 216%; 2131: 214% Int. Paper ..... 664 06534 66% Kansas City S. . 59% 591, 591, Lehigh Valley .. 90% Manhatt, Elec. . 435% 4334 4354 Missouri Pac. .. 53 5234 53 Mont. Ward .... 8314 8234 82¥4 Overland ....... 15v, 1524 15% Phillips Pete. .. 435% 42; 43v; Radio 4. ....., 81 79 79% Rock Island .... 10454 104 104 Steudebaker ..,. 5534 547% 5514 St. Louis San. . 1095 108% 10954 U.S. Rubber .. 483% 47% 48 US. CI Pipe . 200% 200 200 U.S. Steel ..... 1353 13354 13414 Woolworth ..... 1812 181 181 Yellow Cab .... 284% Getting-Up-Nights Quickly Relieved Treatment Works Fine; restless nervous nights of from your druggist' for i i He He & inexpensive home use thousands. No matter what your age may be or how many ines you have used without suc cess, if you want to forget you have a Bladder that Nelson had been committed at one time to an insane asylum. Thomas Barton, salesman at a local men's furnishing store, identi- tied 'the light, velour hat as the one he had sold the prisoner on June 11, the day of the murder. John Hofer, of Pigeon Lake, Man., said he recognized the accused whom he first saw on June 11 on a street car proceeding to the West- ern limits of the city. The accused had given him a cap wiih a sales slip inside. The light colored cap was produced and the witness iden tified it as the one Weison had giv- en him. HOLDUP MEN MAY LAUNCH DRIVE HERE Page 1) (Continued from | : | thefts, bold affairs in which burg- | lars have entered local homes, both | while the occupants were in their bedrooms asleep and while the hous- es have been left unoccupied while the residents were away, and have ransacked the places taking practic- ally every conceivable article of any merchandise value, started about six weeks ago and the latest entry to be made was at the home of a North Simcoe street resident, Here most- ly articles that could be sold were stolen. So far there have been no arrests made hy either the provin. cial or city police that would have a bearing on the local epidemic of house entering. . The writer of the note is a well thought of resident of Kingston. The Oshawa Daily Times was informed today by tne party who re- ceived the letter, and the latter be- lieved that any information that the Kingson man conveyed would be on fairly well founded facts. The gen- tleman who receivea the "tip'" treat- ed the matter in all sincerity, claim- ing he did not think there was any joke about the matter. He did not think the writer a man who would pass information of that nature along to a friend merely as a piece of nonsense, When questioned this morning ahout the matter by a representa- tive of the "Oshawa Daily Times", Chief of Police Friend said that the nolice were anite satisfied that there was no doubt an organized gang that is "working'" Oshawa, Toronto and other towns in this district. As to their headquarters, however, it is not known definitely that they are located in Oshawa or in any other particular town, and the permanent 1ddress of the "master minds" fis also as yet an unknown quantity, The representatives of the law are not asleep, however, and are follow- ing up these crimes, but have noth- ing for publication as yet regarding the results of their efforts: BUT HE WILL NOT Is Mayor Thompson's Reply to Suit for Injunctions By Citizens (By Asscciated Press) Chicago, Nov. 3--*I can burn the books, but I won't" is Mayor Thompson's reply to a suit by the citizens for injunctions restraining him from destroying the alleged "pro-British books" of the Chicago Library. The Mayor's reply filed today sets forth that citizens have not the right to unrestricted use of the library books and the directors of the Library have the right to de- cide what books shall be circulated. Meanwhile the trustees of the Li- rary, who don't agree with Thomp- son, have refused to accept the in- vitation to resign. (By Canadian Press) Chapleau. Ont., Nov. 2--Loon Lake, near here, claimed four lives in Octob- er, it is believed as a result of the finding of the bodies of two trappers named Legault and Laroque. These were found when searchers were seck- ing the bodies of two Chapleau men, McKay Vizena and Arthur Hopper, who were lost two weeks ago. The latter two have not been recovered and enjoy the rest of peaceful, unbroken slees try URATARS today. Your druggist will > fund the small cost if you are mot well pleased! despite the use of aeroplanes and dy- namite in the search. Sm ---- -- ------ - _ used against him, said Nelson had | NOV. 3 NOV. 4 NOV. 5 In Addition 3 Big 107 Extra Bargains 'SALE ENDS SATURDAY: our Sale Circular. This is the Greatest List we have ever prepared for any monthly Come On Friday and Saturday ------t THU. FRI. SAT. to those on: Days 12 Simcoe St, N, Phone 1200 UPHOLSTERING of all kinds, Workmanship Guaranteed G, A. CONSTABLE 74 Mechanic St, Phone 1595) Oshawa Luggage YOUR INITIAL FREE On Suit Case or Club Bag Saywell & Son JUST ARRIVED 500 Popular Fiction at 75¢ each HENDERSONS BOND ST, WEST y OBIE.) X AERCKS, LISTE) AND 11 King Street & ORLONG & DS GRAIN SPECIALISTS IN MINING SECURITIES HEAD OFFICE: REFORD BUILDING Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto PRIVATE WIRE SYSTEM Above CP.R. Office, Phone 144 | 8. F. Everson, Local Manager 11 UNLISTED East, Oshawa