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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Nov 1927, p. 10

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-------- iam ------ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY; NOVEMBER 5, 1927 "Easy-to-Find"' RADIO PROGRAMS RADIO TID-BITS William Collier, William Collies, Jr., and llora DNayes, instrun eaial groups di directed b ~ iel Shilkret, !"utvick Comway, ahd Jo . will feature © opening broadcast oi . sponsored prc sram over the Red Net -- " begin A oaday, Geraral Mo. 1s is the spomsor of this at ticle prog and in weeks i, mew stars ond features' are promised ae time is 9.30 pm. fice new songs never before sung in pub Te sad written expressly for Tagg air progran v forma Gregg, the composer of several o i= song hits in the Droadway success "A La Cage,' will be heard. 'The program of on bea's duration is divided into three groups + {rst of these will be provided by a forty tia piece Symphony Orchestra under the bato: «4 Nathaniel Shilkret, the second a revue with Nem Collier as Master of Ceremonies, an 4c concluding one a concert by the Goldman 1 with Patrick Conway, noted as a bau of many vears, as the guest conductor revue with Wilham Collier as Maste monies features Nora Bayes and intro Al Wiliam Collier, Jr., the Reuve Band, a marimba combination directed by Joe "Ine Three Cheers," Jessica Dragon ric soprano, and Lewis James, teno Gre K's new song, "Naughty Baby," Jessica Dragonette accom "chorus, and thie duet, "Moon anc You," also composed by Norma be sung by Miiss Dragoneite an: The third of these new song am will be broadcast by WEAF 'EE : WTIC, Hartford NE WTAG, Worcester ; Portland; Wir Philaiciphie: WR( WGR, Buffalo; WCAE, Pius WTAM, Cleveland; wwij, "Detroit i; KSbh, St. Lowts; WHC NOW WJAX, Jack St. aly OC DAF, WHAS ; ans "WMC * Memphis SI, Atlanta; W BT, Charlotte; WTMJ, Mil cee; Ww SMD, New Orleans. Arthur Schutt, who besides being a pianis wlio irequently plays for Columbia chai: neces, is A composer of "Delirium' + has had quite a streak of popularit; 1 dance orchestras all over America. H 13 written a new arrangement of this numbe: which will be played for the first time as "0 incident in The Captivators Orchestra pro- #iam at 9 o'clock Monday night. 'This hour will be followed y the Musical Ah of Popular Classics, starting at 10 lock, in which the Columbia chain's all- ) ist symphony orchestra will be heard in 'Morning, Noon, and Night in Vienna" by vp ve, which is request number. Selections fiom "Pinafore," and an interesting orchestra. ton of a favorite song, "Alice, Where Art Thou," will be among the orchestra numbers this hour, which will include numbers bh, the American Singers, and the soloists © iz Columbia Chain, These programs will be Tiven over stations w > Wh WF WOR, WMAK, KRC, WGHP, Lie i We AU, C, WAIU, W KOI IX, "I owo, WCAO. Marvin A. Schaars of the University ol Wisconsin, one of the country's foremost live- stock experts, will speak on the 'Marketing of Livestock," on the R, F. D. Club program WLS, the Sears Roebuck station this even ach Monday, the Dinnerbell Hour at 3 is devoted to National Grange programs feature of which. is a talk by a prominent icultural authority, usually an official of Natio al Grange. The talk by Mr. rs is being given under the auspices he National Livestock Producers Associa The Musical part of the Grange Day y ams is furnished by Guy and Katherin Pulley, banjo and guitar artists, On KGO Monday, a grand opera tops The hill in the way of musical entertainment. At 8 o'clock a cast of six singers, supported b, an augmented orchestra, will present a tabloid version of Verdi's "Ernani," After this musical extravaganza, Joseph Henry Jackson will face the microphone with another book teview, I'he opera is also broadcast from stations KIO, KFI, KGO, KHJ, KHQ, KGW, KFOA, QAO, 1) a -------- pr ar Morning Frograms swing morning programs are broad. ily every week day.) SETTING-UPS Network--"Tower Health" from AF, WCAE, WGR, WEEIL, WGY, 50 at 7 %, 7.20, 'and 8,00 am. R (422) --New ark. Wellvile Gym, §T (256)--Muscatine, Ia, "Daily ught'" music TAQ (448)=Cireago, Y.M,C.A. exer: EAF (492)-N.Y, "Roaring Lions": CAE, WEE! fl Network--"Cheerie," from WEAF, GY, WRC HOUSEWIFE FEATURES p.m.--~WHO (535)--Des Moines, Victor Record program, A0 WWI (375)--Detroit. "Tonight's Dinner," 0.00 WLW (428)~-Cinci. Women's Hour, 10,10 WLS (345)--Chicago. Home question box. NAC 10.45 w T™T WEBH 12.30 a.m, KMA i 345)--Chic: WOO (508) Phil 12.05 WLW wn 12.1 13 WEAF (42) 12.30 WALC ther. WAMD (25)--M WCCO (405)--Mpl Wiz ds 10.00 WGES, KFUO, KOA, KOIL, WBBR, WCSH, Wwj, WWN 3.30 pm.---WGY phony orchestra, 15 Blue Network-- Mi 9.00 CFCF wi 20. WEBH, WITH! WES: WAAC. 8.30 KFRU service, 9,00 WIZ (484)--N.Y, WEBW TW WL W (428)--Cinci, R (441)--Detroi 10,25 WEIR (265) -N.Y, WCCO (405)--Mpl: WGR (303)--Buff 11,00 C A (35 KDKA Oe E. WCFL Church: WEEI (448) --Bost: 0 ica 10.15 WH (261)--Mpls. WIBO (416)--Chicag NEA go orf ) Milwaukee. Studio nO Werk. Oa Municipal icago. Munici Brogan 366)--Chicago. "N )--Chicago. Home management (288) Chicago. Home 58, WEBH (36)--Chicago. Women's WTMF Piva Mihwauk Rub; » 309)--Lincoln, Neb. Betty aby Toe M (341)--Nashville, F. ar Suestion to: DAY CONEER NOON 12. wwe (283)--Colum 0. CNRA (322)--Moncton, Music, KOIL (278)--Council Bluffs. KTHS (385)--Hot Springs. KVOO (349)--Tulsa. wa R (303)--~Bufrale. Concert ensemble. with (416)--Chicago. Organ, Al Camey. . Petite ensemble. uncheon music; also WMCA (3%70)---N.Y, String ensemble. WSh 70 Adtsnta. Music. CKCL WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Jimehon mus. 1.15 wae (319)--Detroit. 1.30 WF. (500)-- Dallas. 1.40 Won (306)--Chicago. ago. TONIGHT'S BEST FEATURES waiian music; vocal. (242)--Chicago. iggs. 11,00--Pacific 'Chain--Saturday Silent tonight after 7.00 p.m KSAC, WGHP, Woo,' Sunday's Features (380)--Schenectady. Sym- 5.45 WIBO (416)--Chicago. 8 Collier's Radio Hour. Columbia Chain dnsimase Hour ont all day: CFC WEAO, WFLA, WHAZ,' WOI, wos, WRVA, WSb WSp Menday's ; Best Features 7.30 Sonday Network--Roxy and his Ne on. 8.30 WCCO (405)--Mpls.-St.. Paul. Roof innesota program, (270)--Atlanta, Marionette Orchestra, Silen Jon ht after 7.00 pn. :CKCL, K KI W PWX, W BIM, "WEBI, W WENR, fl, Sunuay Programs RELIGIOUS PROGRAMS (250)--Columbia, Mo, 9.30 WGY (380)--Schenectady, (217)--DBuffalo, an Wiz, KD Children's hour, p BZA, W( C( Services, CFCA (375) it. Choral si: 10.30 Wels (319)-~Detroit. wo Y (380)- ~Schenect: dy: p Wits (278) --Rochester. Church services 10.45 WBZ (333)--Springfield. Chwmch of Unity s of Pitt KYW (526)=Chicago, (484)--Chicago, on, Vocal; Luncheon music. inci Ne Noon-day musicale. previ Luncheon music. WTAM (400)-- Cleveland. Orchestra con's 1.00 pm. --CFCA (337)--Calgary. News; wea- Sunday School, 10.00 WHK (265)~Cleveland. 1. B. 8S. A, __ _---- ---------- __-- Nw A Bs Cin, 7th Presbyterian. 10.05 WEEI (448) Boston. Keith's radi» | 6.30 KFAB (309) Lincoln, Neb. Dinner con. (370)--N NY. Christ Scientist. evening. KYW (526) Chicago. Congress Hotel. BE HOW Services. 10.15 Red Network--Feature talk from WEAF | | WBZ (333)-S ingheld All Star Five. Y imo X. Services. ®and thers. WF1 $503) Pi Adelphia Orchestra. 3 ¢ ' Services. Blue Netmork--Dion Amaiz, 4 the wizard | 7.00 WBAP (500)--Ft. + Worth, Tess Hotel. [11.30 WEBH (366) ago. Christ Scientist. ' rom WJZ, KDKA, KYW, WTMJ. WENR (288)--Chic Top Orchi- WGES (2€2)---Chicago. Austin M. E. 10.30 from Network---Cathedral -- from WJZ (454)--N.Y. Klei Orchestra, wo SEAL SHC NS Rie Ei, Br WLS 8 Chicago be o Chicago ch. ' WENR (288) Chicago. - Edison hour. C cago. 11.45 RSHE ebro. hd a attios JRE $2613 - ~Mnks. pecture esital hs S- orialk, en Bere cort le's urch : y, D rricane. twa " A ny=Chisage. Pecple's C Tihs. Harmany Wuttic WWNC (297) -Asheville, N.C. Vanderbilt. ton. Women's hour. 4 frolic. 1 talks. i Sweats | Womeu"'s hour. kers" Musical program. 1 _., WAC) Gas Ph by ee, Request roih 5.00 ry WENR Eo (Sicage. Ch wu (422)--towa ity. 10 SO (405)--Mpls.-St. 5.30 Blue Network. --P: from WIZ, RYW, 0. Musical. RF F.D. Dinnei bell. 7.00 wed (405)--Mpls. St. Rolfe's orchestra. 7.30 KLDS (238)--1 WRBBR (256)---N. HK (263) Cleveland. 8.00 4 'GR (303)--Buffalo. News mucic, SAI 10.15 Xroo (545)--St. WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. ROC Br C Norfolk. Chiifch ic " oT RNC wh Independence, Mo. gl tv oe pe cc | WER (BD-N.Y. Interdenominational 2 3.09 Red RT Poon: s mc f Rv WOC, w han Public PRG p 355 W. 440 Re fit 's Radio Ves WHZA, Evenin (361)--Cinci. Radio sermonette. service. a Vespers. A. Conference. NE Washington Cath. Foreign Lan- ( Shenandoa. 5 Song service. | hour. es] Paul. jon Spers. WBZ, HAM. 6.30 Rexd® (250)--Columbia, Mo. Vespers. (492)-N.Y. Biblical drama. Paul. Christ Sci- Wis (345)--Chicago. Little Brown Ch. e, Mo. Vespers. Sacred music. LIS Conce:t. Louis. Bible address; Steet MUSICAL PR PR FEATURES tudio program. .-St. Paul. Farm hour. 12 Noon--WTM Or Miran, Recital. Wore (484)--Cnicago. Organ, 1.00 p.m.--~WBN (306)--Chicago. Uncle Quix. F (370)--Kansas City. Around town. Z (4549)--N.Y. The Mediterraneans; Cousin Larry; music, 2.00 Network The Roxy Stroll, from iE X KDK RR Jia WBZA, b:/ 7) Noe. wv Re recital, Yolk id W4 Instrumental quartet. Tuller Trio. RHM -My Classical. Address; music. 3.00-Cotambia OR deasting feature Drake ensemble. program from "WOR, KMO) KOIL., WARC, WAIL WEAN, WE BL, 8.30 pm. --~WSUI (122)~lowa City. _Featur: WENR (288) Chicago, music, 8.45 woo (403)--Mpls.-St. Paul, ~ "Fireside ok Philosophies. 9.00 WHK n (263)--Cleveland. Potpourri-Ha- | 330 KTNT (256) --Muscatine, WGN (306)--Chicago. "Maggie amd Night Reuiew. 'CF T ches! WRG" ane "(416)- -Chicago. WTM) Conservatory of Music. 4.00 WHN (394)--N.Y, 5.20 WHO (535)Des orchestra, 5.45 WIBO (416)--Chicago. 6.00 KDKA (316) Pitts, "Gems of Music." Qhony. FG 'WRVA, WOO (508)--Phila. KOIL, 6.15 WRNY (309)--N.Y. Nop, Wary, WNOX WHO (535)--Des Sextet, f '4534)-N.Y. The WTIC (535)--Hartford. old folk, 7.00 WAMD (225)--Mpls. 1 (411)---~Montreal, Wilder Feature wnz L35)- Springfield, our, . tod Hou WDOD (246)=Chattanooga. Harvey HAM G78) -- Rochester, § Hawaiian Trio. % WIZ (454)-N.Y. Organ 9,30--Red Network--General Motors Family WTAM (400)--Cleveland. y 7.05 Red Seluork WSAI 7.20 Red Bos U, . from WEAF, ), WHAS, WHO, W AR, WSM, WRC, WTAG, Georgia Tech tol Was ; WiBo, wip, WJBT, | 7.30 Blue Network--Musical WIZ, WRAL. 8.00 w CAU (337)-Phila, WEBH (366)--Chicago. WHAG (448)--Chicago. : i WMCA (370)---N.Y. Co Sunrise | 815 Blue Netwo i i's Episcopal ser- | 9,00 Columbia Chain WOR, KMOX, KOIL, WAIU, WCAO, WCAD, WGHP, Ww MAQ, WNAC, WCB (M5)--Zion. T WGES (242) ~Chicago. 9.15 WLW _(428)--Cinci. Blue Network-- Vibrant WJZ, KDKA, WHAM, Moming siviees. 1} a; Bibl: Christ Services 9.45 W)Z (434)--N.Y. Utica Old South Church. musicale. Moines. WJAS, w KRC, services also from KDKA, WHA services. | 0,00 WBZ (333)- Springfield, Nox ES (242)--Chicago, vices, © WHD- (36)--~Chicago. ehityal Church, v wb. (353)--Boston, irace v PG (273)--Atlantic 0), WC WGHP, WJAS, WKRC, WMAK, WMA( WNAC, 'WOWO. C, Classical, WRNY (309)--N.Y. Wagnerian lecture WTAM (400)--Cleveland. Afternoon musi Variety music. Professional footbali, Chicago Bears vs. Providence. way 3850) Schenectady. Symphony o:- Aiternoon prog. {422)--~Newark. Studio program, (294) Milwaukee. Wisconsin Roseland orchestra. Moines. Philbreck' "Gems of Music." KDKA Little Sym- TR (441)--Detroit, Studio program. Sacred organ recital American Forum, 6.30 WBAL (285)-Baltimore. Hebrew Concert orch. Saxophoen: Granadas. Melodies for the dinner concert. Mass, Blue an! Studio musicale recital, Theatre PIO. Instrumental trip: WEAF LSD. Theatre F mi WET, WCA WMC, W oh Wow, Wwi, Literature, fro: Recital. Selected artists Sunday Evenin; Radio Hour, fron KYW, Wnz, WLW. "Intimate Hour," fron KOMO, WABC WEAN, WFRI. WMAK, reble Clef Chorus Memory Hour, Bandbox hour, Melodies, froni (319)--N.Y, Concert; also from Sibilee Singers Mass. Music. "Maggie an Studio program. Effervescent hour. City. Evening Listen to the Stations Listed on this Page onla WHEN everybody comes home for the holidays, and there are sev- eral in the very near future, let music after the holidays, music does much A Federal to brighten the home, Ortho-Sonic Radio Set is a music prcducer, Whatever the air holds, it brings it to your home in a natural manner, add cheer and happiness. And even master } WIBO (416) Chicago. Dance orchestrz 11.10 WGN (306) Chicago. "Sam 'n HetirsS 12 mid. Pacific Chain--"Great Mom i Hk Tam. "ROIL, (278)--Council Bluffs. Leisure hou 7.30 C2 WBAP (500)--Ft. WENR $2 Chicago, WGBS (34 Musicale. WHB 7 Kansas City. WIP (3 la. Artist recital. WII (366)- Chicago. gram at Mooseheart. 3.15 WHO (535)--Des Moines. 3.20 WGN (306)--Chicago. NRS (329)--Saskatoon. W 7.30 CFCF from KFI, KFOA, KGO, Kaw, PO. 7.10 WGN Worth. Vocal. Popular request: 3.00CNRO .(435)--Ottawa. Musicale. 8.00 WSM (341) -- 00 p.m. Children's prc Music. Artist recital Special progran Dallas. Homemakers. 15 CFCA (357) Ladies' Hour 7.30 Mue Network--Roxv and his Gang, from WIZ, KDKA, KYW, WwW BZA, WH. AM BY WS WTMJ, iT. NRW WHE (337) ULA! WEAF Toronto, Tell-the-Worl 7.45 KVOO (399) -Des (411)--Montreal. KYW (526) Chicago. Congress Hotel. WGN (306) Chicago. WHO (535)- 5 le Robert. T (389)--Chicago. Gus Edwards. 5.00 pm. --WHN (3)--N.¥. Unc -- 3 - 5.30 WCAE (517) Pitts. Happy hour. 1.00 am.--W BBM (35%) Chicago, Nutty Clul 00 WEBH 368) A Dream Dadd;; . Dayis. i ¥ onday "rograms WGHS (349)--N.Y. Uncle Gee Be. M day > 6.15 WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Topsy lurve: AFTERNOON PROGRAMS Time. 200 WGHP (319) Detroit. Home hour. 6.45 WEEI (448) Boston. Big Brother. 2.05 KOA (326) Denver. Organ. 7.00 WHK (265) Cleveland. U ncle Ned. WJZ (459)--N.Y. Our Daily Menu. WIP (508) Phila. Uncle Win. A FHAR (273) Atlantic City. Seacide Tri WTIC (535)--Hartiord. Mother Goose. 2.3 KM) (230)--Clay Center. Alfternoo: KYW (526)--Chiacgo. Uncle Bob. (306) Chicago. Uncle Quin. RO (435)---Ottawa. WGR (303)--Buffalo. Radio Trades. _ WFAA (500)--Dallas. WMAQ (448) Chicago. Musical pot 7.45 WGHP (319)--Detroit. pourri. WJAX (337)--)aeksonville. WOR (422)--Newark. Afternoon program neriod. Nashville. R (492) - (405) Wh A KSO (227)--Clarinda, Ia Tulsa, Okla. WGR (303)--Buffalo. Jenny Wren. Kansas City. Moines. FOR THE KIDDIES PROGR Rex Battle. Drake ensem! Dinner music. Cosy Comer. Story hour. Evening chat. Children's Bedtime story. N.Y. Feature. Organ. WRAL, WBZ, JR, WRC, WSN, Musicale. Music. Congert. the pioneers of radio. UX-199, WD-11, WX-12, UX-201-A, UX201.B, WX-25, UXx-112, UX1n, PIONEERS Sold in Oshawa by of producing. Replace tubes that have served their useful life with new Radiotrons made by ux-210. IN RADIO WILSON 8 LEE Popular. WOR, KMOX, KOIL, U WEAN WADC, WCAO, WF WGHP S 5)--1) d a. bs) Daven. WGHP (319) Detroit. "Lady Moon" | 71 Simcoe Street North Phone 2388 .30 CKCL. (357) Toronto. Studio Music. 8.00 KFNF (462) -Shenandoah. Studio, 4.00 WBAL (285)-- Baltimore. Salen orchesir: WADC (297) Akron, O, Studio. - - -- -- WEAF (192)-N.Y, Afternoon musicale WAIU (223)--Columbus, O. King Taste 5 Ww Lig (366)--Chicago. Songs; Tri Hour. WSUI (422)--lowa City. Musicale. Home Folks. WEEI (448) Boston. O'Lear:'s Irish | 900 Blue Network--Novelty orchestra with WOIL (265)-Ames, 1a: Musicale. Wito (416)--Chicago. Sheridan Theatre Minstrels. 3 3 Vaughn De Leath, from WJZ, KDKA, WOS (469)--Jefferson City. College WDAF (370)--Kansas City. Star Strin WEMC (484) --Berrien Springs, Mich. Columbia Chain--Feature program, from program. ; Concert. WHAM. WPG (273)--Atlantic City. Popular prog. Popular program. WRHM 261)--Mpls. Ww Concert. } (476)--Atlanta. WJZ (454)---N.Y. Manhattan trio. WLW (428) Cinei. Pianist, vocal. WKRC, WM AK, WNAC, 'SEA (263)-Norfolk. Ray-o-Vac Twins, WCCO (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul. Reader WNYC (526)---N.Y. Concert. ( WTAG (517)--Worcester. Studio program. Club. vs A (263) Noriolk, Harmony hour, FCF (41)--Montreal. Wilder Hour 9.10 WLW: (428) --Cinci. Happy Harmony IN AC po 'TAG (517) 'orcester. Palace theatre. oh (435)Ottawa. Concert, HYS. WNAC (461)---Boston. Theatre hour. , 3 : : Rv i . WHILE YOU DINE 0 SW] (353) Detroit. Studio, KMMJ (230) --Clay Center, Neb. Vocal. _ .WRVA (259)--Richmond. Concert. 8.10 WEAF (492)-N.Y. Air Frolics. AT 246)--] Ci Cone 915 WWNC (297)--Asheville, N.C. Happines p.m. --KDKA (316)-Pitts. Studio en | 815 WWNC (207) Asheville, N.C. Popular WAAT Jeter ity, Concert. i ri ih yD TAPMRers semble. music. BA (285)-- a timare. [Loneert. : 3 4 WEAF N.Y. Dinner concert 8.30 WCAL (236) Northfield, Minn. Vocal, WBAP - (500)--Ft. ors. Sunflower | 9.30 WSUL (422)--lowa City. Musicale. Ly 'FEL WRO. | WCCO (403)--Mjls.-St. © Paul. UO ol Girl. 10.00 Columbia Chain--Male quartet, Charles Schenectady Hotel Van Minnesota. wiz (333)--Springfield, Mass. Aleppo ton Chasers, from WOR, KMOX, KOIl., . WFLA (366)--Clearwater, Fla. Studio. Drum Corps or Shriners Band. WADC, WAIL, WCAO, Wea, WEAN, )--Jersey City. Dinner music. WHAZ (380) y. Hawaiian trio. WDOD (246)--Chattanooga. Musicale. | WFBL, Wo HP, WIAS, WKRC, Columbus, Twilight music. WIAX (337) Jacksonville, Old time music Guitar Duo. WM K, WMAQ, 'WNAC . 3 Detroit, Dinner music. | WLW (428)--Cinci. Minstrels. WGR (303)--Bufifalo. Hawaiians, CKLC (375) Calgary 'Music. M (400)--Cleveland. Orchestra. | WNAC (461)- Boston. Concert. WHAZ (380)--Troy. Music (Continued on Page 11) for the J Yet-- Here You Are! Read This {uke Furniture COMPANY 63 King E.. sop receiver 9 EE Ep Table, 5 illustrated - Phone 79 Jee! Ii! : [ yl =] THE BATERYLESS CONSOLE Duo-tone Walnut Cabinet -- 5 master piece of McLagan eraftsmanship. Burl Walnug Panels, Built.in Speaker, Operates from the light socket, 'om- plete with tubes, A Radio Achievement 325 One Dial Batteryless | Pupil now the reason for the wide- spread approval accorded this mew and better radio, Know now why even the most critical listeners are convinced that the new Marconi One Dial Radio offers more in performance than was ever available before, The proof is yours tomorrow and every day during Marconi Week. i Aan All across Canada, Mal stage this big week of special demon- stration and displays, Right in your own community the New Marconi Radio will be proved by the and convincing tests. most spectacular Proved for Tone, A Week of Opportunity for Everybody to Hear the----- for Volume, for Appearance, for Opera. tive Simplicity. Proved on every point by which Radio performance and value is determined. J ' HEAR THE BROADCAST PROGRAMS THROUGH THE NEW MARCONI Don't deny yourself the opportimity that Marconi Week offers, Go to the store of your local Marconi dealer--to- morrow, if you can. Go, anyway, be. fore this period of special demonstra- tion ends. Reception on the new Mar- coni will be a Radio experience you will long remember, Battery Operated Models Ranging in price from $70 to $165 THE MARCONI SHOP A. N. SHARP, Mer, Phone 2604 Cor. King and Celina Sts. Pe] s = pam mina a PPL ole] s A an a a -- i TC

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