OSHAWA AND DISTRICT James MeCairn was arrested on Bond street east, about 12.30 o'- clock this morning charged wita de ing intoxicated. When he appeared before Magistrate Willis he was found guilty and fined $20 and costs. Eggs Still at 60 cents ! Prices received on the market this morning were: eggs, 60 cents ; but. ter, 56c; chickens and ducks, 40 cents a pound, apples 25 cents and 30 cents per basket. - yan Automobile Stolen An automobile belonging to Walt er Murphy of this city was stolen from Ritson road south, according to a report made by the, police today The car. was a Chevrolet, 490 tour ing bearing license plate No. 297. 805 and serail No. 910-207. It was taken sometime between 5.30 and 6.10 o'clock Friday night. One of the city's busy corners was the scene of an accident yesterday when a car, license 299-401, ran intc a bicycle ridden by Roy Senecko, 242 Ccnant street, The car was in charge of Donald Walker, 207 Clark street. Senecko was uninjured but his bicycle was damaged. 4 Pleaded Not Guilty f When James Hull appeared Me- fore Magistrate Willis in police court charged with being intoxicated he pleaded mot guilty stating he 'as not drunk. The case was ad- journed to allow the officer to tell his side of the story. Hull when ar 'ested about 11.45 o'clock weuld not tell his name to the police ana t was 3 o'clock this morning; be- fore this information was forthgom- ing. Cars Slightly Damaged Olive avenue was the scene of an iccident yesterday afternoon when two cars met a little too forcibly with: the result that fenders on both cars here damaged. - Vernon Corson, 147 Nas- sau street, was driving a Ford road- ster on this street and attempted to make a left hand turn on to Drew street. In so doing he collided with :ar. license number 297-954, and¢some lamage to the fenders was doge to oth cars. 'old Social Evening | The Knights of Honour, young men's class of the Baptist church and their | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1927 PAGE THREE LA { friends, enjoyed a social evening at the home of their popular leader, Mr. R. A. Hamilton, Alma street. The ev-| ening was spent in games and con- tests and after most. bountiful and sumptuous refreshments, the prizes were awarded for the various contests. The many guests left for their sev- eral homes shortly after midnight all agreeing that the evening had been very delightful and. hoping for a speedy repitaition of it. . . LOCAL RESIDENT DIES SUDDENLY (Continued from Page 1) and also lived near Whitby for a time. Following the death of his wife, the late Bessie Doubt, about 14 years ago, he took up his residence with his daughter, Mrs. Phillips. He was for many years a valued employee of Bailes Hardware Company, of this city. The late Mr. Houlden had been ini good health until his death this morn- ing, carrying on his routine work re- gularly until his demise. This morn- ing while out in the garden he com- plained to a member of his family of a pain a his back and not long after passed away. His death will be a source of deep regret to all who knew him for the late Mr. Houlden by his cheery disposition made many friends. OA A ) 54 Church St. Now is the Time to Lay in Your Winter Supply HOGG & LYTLE, Lu. WE DELIVER Phone 203 Let us give Thanks OR the City we live in, 'and for the good friends b ' and splendid Neighbors who share with us the Privilege of living in this city. For the Happiness and Pros- erity' that has come to us ecause of our City's Pros- - perity. : | For the Opportunity that is . ours' in this city amity. And for the Promise that the immediate future holds for "our City--Inevitable Expan- sion, Increased Wealth, Las- - ting Prosperity. of Oppor- ---- The sympathy of a wide community is extended to his bereaved ones. ' Surviving to mourn his passing are two sons and two daughters. They are Mrs. L. V. Savage of Toronto, Mrs. E. O. Phillips of this city. Everett B. of Toronto and Gordon of Oshawa. The funeral will take place from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Phil- ups at the above address on Monday afternoon at 230 o'clock. Interment will be made in Union Cemetery. PRONIBITIONISTS WILL MEET TODAY (Continued from Page 1) tendance of executive committee members. The quastions befcre the commit- tee will be, first, to obtain an author- itative statement from Chairman Hanna as to the Board's policy re- garding this city. It is hoped that he will give a formal promise that no liquors store will be opened here without a vote of the people. : In the meantime, however, the Prohibition Union will probably take steps to circulate petitions against the opening of a liquor store, which would strengthen their position con- siderably in view of other petitions now in Mr. Hanna's hands which ask that one be established. Since the Liquor Control Act went into effect, liquor: stores have been opened -at Port Hope and Cobourg, the latter 'beginning operations, only yesterday, November 4, The Port Hope store has been doing business omelrist EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. Many faults, deficiencies and handicaps are due to unrecognized visual imperfections. Have yours corrected NOW, 333 1510 wl HUN B= « 1510 Disney Block Opposite Post OM SHOE STORE 18 SIMCOE STREET JUST ARRIVED 500 Popular Fiction at 75¢ each HENDERSONS Book Store THE BEST IN RADIOS THE MARCONI SHOP for some months. \ Oshawa, however, has so far | escaped or been neglected, according | to the point of view, but steps taken this week and Chairman Hanna's | own statement give assurance that | the opening of one in this city is un- | ! Died BELLIS--At the Oshawa Hospital, Thursday, October 27, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bellis, a son (Jack Edward). (106a). WALKER--At the Oshawa General Hospital, Thursday, November 5, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Walker, the gift of a son. (106a) ATHOL ST. MISSION Sunday, November 6 11 a.m.--Morning Service. 2.30 p. m. -- Sun- day School. 7 pm. -- Evening ce. CHRISTADELPHIAN Christ is coming to reig.. as King of the Whole World in Jerusalem. Acts 1, 10, 11; Miah. 4. 2, 3; Zech. 14. 9; Jer. 3. 17. Ete. Your Bible is True-- Read It! For Yow PHONE 22 1: vee. Thompson's Drug Store 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Deliv Baptist Church Minister: Rev. John Galt Sunday, November 6 11 am.--"The Price of Our Peace." 7 pm--~--"How and Why Prayer Is Answered", The Ordinance of the Lord's 12 Simcoe St, N. Phone 1200 pper will be observed at the close of the evening service. B. Y. P. U. Annual Rally at Lindsay, Monday, Junior B. Y. P. U. Wednes- day at 4.15. Wednesday 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Strangers Cordially Invited. Knox Preshyterian Church In St George's Hall, Centre St Rev. A. C. Reeves, B.A 34 Brock St. W.--Phone 1833 Sunday, November 6 10 a.n.--Sunday School 11 am.--The Minister will preach. "Thanksgiving and Thankoffering."" 7 p.m.--~--Rev. Robert Mc- Derment, minister of thq Pres- byterian Church, Bowmanville, will conduct the service, Presbyterians coming to Oshawa are asked to note that there is on!y one Presbyteri n Church in the city. That is Knox, 'Davidson & Samells 33 Simcoe St. N. Phone 227 "For Better Shoe Values" a A Cor, King & Celina, Phone 2604 King Street Pentecostal Assembly 200 King St, West Sunday, November 6 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 am. -- Morning Wor- ship and Sacrament. 7 p.m. -- Evangelistic Ser- vice. "The Day of the Lord." Services Tues. and Thurs. at 8 p.m. United Church REV. C. W. DeMILLE, B.A, MINISTER 139 King St. E.~Phone 218 Sunday, November 6 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. Communion Service, 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School, Missionary program. 7.00 p.m.--W. M. 8S. Service, Men's Choir. Preacher Rev, Geo, Little of Toronto, MISSIONARY WEEK Monday, 7.45 Young People's League. Missionary program. Tuesday, 3.00--Annual W., M. S. Thanksgiving Service and Supper. 8.00 Mission Circle, C. G. I, T Wednesday 6.30 -- Supper Meeting of Official Board. 7.30--Prayer Service. 8.00--Address Geo. K, Quar- rington. 9.00--Business meeting. Thursday, 3.00--Ladies' Aid, Election of Officers, Friday, 7.15 -- Missionary Meeting of C. S. E. T. Saturday--Beginning Christ- jan Fellowship Conference. NDS SPECIALISTS IN MINING SECURITIES LISTED AND UNLISTED HEAD OFFICE: REFORD BUILDING Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto PRIVATE WIRE SYSTEM 11 King Street East, Oshawa Above C,P.R, Office, Phone 144 S. F. Everson, Local Manager RIONG 8 | 4 GRAIN There is Next to. Post no Nicer or; Sweeter, Gift at Thanks- giving than a Box of Our Choice Candies. We have a large stock of the following brands: Rowntree's 'Assorted Chocolates Smiles 'n' Chugl Metcalfe's Nuts and Fruits, Fruits in Liquer Moir's Delici Neilson's Chocolates in great variety Always Reliably Fresh 5 In ¥5, 1, 2, 3 and 5 pound boxes. Come in and Inspect Our Stock WE DELIVER Karn's'Drug Store Offs Phone 378, Candies Chocolates Pastor, J. T. Ball edo : UNITY TRUTH CENT ¥ S.0.B. HALL, KING ST. E. Sunday, November 6 10 am.~--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Public Service. 7 p.m.--Public Service, Everybody Welcome, 4 etme" > Bi... '" 'irst Church of Christ, Scientist G4 Colborne Street. East Sunday, Novemsber 6 11 a.m.--Subject: "Adam and Fallen Man" 2.30 p.m.--Sanday School. Special Thafksgiving Service MONDRY, 11 AM. Wednesday Meeting 8 p.m. Including testimonies of Healin; hrough Christian Science. You are cordially invited to at tend the gervices and to make use 0 the Free Public Reading Room vheré the Bible and all authorize hristian Science literature may be ead, borrowed or purchased anc aseriodicals subscribed for. Open or fuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 'Tom 3 to 5 p.m. i CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. W. P. Fletcher, B.A.. DI Sunday, November 6 11 a.m.--Communion Service,. "Count . Your Blessings." 2.30 p.m. -- Sunday School. ' 7 p.m.--Armistice Se-- vice, "What Hath War Wrought." + ns ALBERT ST.ULTII Rev. R. A, Whattam Minister 30 Elena St, Phone 6671 Sunday, November 6 11 a. m.~Communion and Reception Service, 2.30 p.m.~--Sunday and Eirra Bible Class, Schoo 7 pm.~--Service of Pra: with good old Hymns, ' Te St. George's Ang'icai Cor. Bagot and Centre Ste -anon C, R. dePencier, M./ 39 Athol Street West Sunday, November 6 Holy Communion--8 a.m. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer Sunday School Centre St.--2.30 p.m. St. George's Hall--2.30 p.m. (Cor. Court and Barrie Sts.) 7 p.m,--Evensong Baptisms 2nd Sunday each month N 2) 4 The third address on The public is invited. Simcoe St. United a Rev, Dr. H. S. Dougall, , Minister 52 Simcoe St. S. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6th 11 a.m.--Thanksgiving and Phone 148 Armistice Address; Last Post, Moment's Silence; National Anthem. 7 p.m.-- "THE WIFE" the evening series entitled "Makers of the Home." Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's League withdrawn. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Mid-week service; third address the series, "Character Building. Subject: "Real Character." Sunday, November 13--Annual Thankoffering Day. Rev. Dr. Newton Lowell, Toronto, pre 7 World." The Minister will SI. ANDREW'S. PRESBYTERIAN | CHURCH THE -- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES, NOVEMBER 6 11 a.m--Momirg Subject: "Preparing for Big 3 p.m.--Sabbath School and Bible Classes, 7 p.m.--Evening Subject: "The Meanest Sin in the preach at both services. You are