Bue ogre PAGE APPEAL TO {FOR HYDRO RELIEF (Contin fed od by the Hydro Commiss on of for tie owners of "And foils the whereas szion has iF. grat |] tisfaction 4 and pover ral Gntario convention a Hydro rv its aver n. bo'ie wm IT An best int ¢ nalitie © nnd 1 &hd nditions." Electric FOUR' GOV'T from Page 1) Electric Powe Ontario as trustee: Provincial Government, thc same: this Associatior that the Ilydro Electric Powe been administerin advantageously and t of the municipal users concerned: : iL therefere resolved that th' Power Asso iatio ssembled commer: Power Commis ration and "adminis 1 of the Central Ontario Pow 'ng that the Com istering the systel rests of the mun' and pover users concern the existinz circumstance Represented Lol 00 Muonieip lities represented at yes terda convention of the Centra C1 Power Association weve a toilows: Citles-- Belleville, I'eter torcuch and Oshawa; Towns--- fowmanville, Newcastle, Orono Prizhton, Lindsay, Millbrook, Nap ance. Peseronto, Newburgh, Por Tope, Trenton and Tweed, Rura mpbelitc red; shawa, Picker Wellington. The Associatig vatei's represented: Bowmanville Colborne, | Kingston, ing, Trenton anc \ \ % \ mn's general recom mendations, apart from seeking re lief through the Province of On tario assuming, in part, the oxc of the Central Ontario either in wilole ¢ essive capitalizatior Power. Sys tem, included one that the Assbei: tion seek to make no change a present in the ownership of the sys tern, Which is vested in tric Power the Ontario and administered by the Hydro Elee: Association, to say, to leavetit Government Then, while freely admitting an: municipality's right to me2otiats for the purchase of its own loca distribution system, it was adopt ed. as recommended, that no cam poign be staged at ith)s juncture with a view to purchase of distri bution systems by the municipali ties concerned, The Association asks that the Ilydro Electriz Power Commiss.cy credit each municipality with al surpluses on ope in. the past, at earned in the there'cre, such sorbed fale ol noy« now owned hy Ontario, is recor by the system in ration carned by present, future, and that urpluses be not ab general docetrie enterprises the Government o nmended, and it i: or to be 'ommission. was on hand as a {riend- y observer from that body. "We welcome you, Mr. Mulhol- nd," President Mason declared. for we see im your presence con- inuing evidence of the courtesy hich Chairman MacGrath and the ommission in gemeral have extenda- 1 to us" Continuing, he said: "We are met ire to comsider this report in a raizhtforward and businesslike ay. Let us be as brief as possible, aough this is 'fered with no wuzht of withholding any infor- ation which members of this As- ociation may desire I am now oing to ecall upon Mi. Conant to esent the report torvinally." Mr. Conant prefaced remarks ith a tribute to the untiring, pub- c-spirited, and efficient work ol J. . Herity. managing secrctary of the elleville Chamber of Commerce, ho is the Association's honorary :eretary. "He Is entitled to the thanks of 2is association for thesplendid man- er in which he has prepared this spor: and for the large amount ot ork which he has been called up- nu to perform." Mr. Conant then reviewed the ssociation's history. It was form 4 to meet the situation created by he larze increase in rates in Jauu- ry of this year. At its organization, flicers were elected, a constitution rawn up, and a committee appoint- 4 with power to investigate. He told how the information de- red had, largely, been ready for resentation in June, But certain ital information had nct been ob- ined, so special questions were vapared and a supplementary rve- ort presented early this fall "Finaliy," he pointed out, "with formation at hand which we sught, thonzh it is oo frankly tated (hot some points were not leared up as we wished---perhaps hey eo cleared up, our roblern was finally reduced to hree points. namely: The question of power rates; the matter of pur hasing local distribution systeins; ind the purchase of further power wr use in Central Ontario. Proceed With Caution Our concl. sci first, that L Association and the munieipali- orming it should pro-eced with n in the matter of purchasing istribution systems, conferences with the cna:r- caupot bh nan he Hydro Commission ind mg sh we have come to the onelusiony that the Hydro Elecinie 'ower Commission is important to rant any substantial relief in pow vr rates. For the Commission, as rustees of the yovernment, ere harged with providing funds with: in 40 years that will entirely wipe out the capital cost of this system. Therefore, they are. as present con- stituted and in faithfulness to their trust, powerless to grant any relief." Mr. Conant then informed the As- sociation that the Commission has tentatively contracted for 60,000 additional horse power for this dis- triet, which contract only awaits the commission's signatures and seals. By September 1928, the 48,000 horse power now available for Cen- tral Ontario will all be in use and industries clamoring for more. "These facts, gentlemen," Mr. Conant pointed out, "and the ones you have in your hands in the com- mittee's report, makes us believe that this system is not yet in a set. tled condition, Therefore, the situa- tion should not be further ecompu- cated by any effort towards local purchase of distribution systems. It is for us to act as a unit in this matter, let the Commission carry on at any rate until such time as the power supply for the whole district is assured." President Mason then addressed the association, urging that the poi- iey outlined by Mr. Conant be adont- ad, Mayor W. T. Holloway, M.D., of Peterborough, pointed out that his city owned its hydro system and was eminently satisfied with preseut conditions, pose the re oom mdation e forts he made to tistribution systen's on the kat it would be contrary to 4s they exist in Peterborough. The Peterborough delegation, however, oncurred in the passin: of the re. that commendations later a.ter further study. 3 Vice President Conant pointed out that the municipalitics concern- cd would be unwise to purchase their local systems without kaowing with any definiteness what poser was going to cost them. "To em- hark on such a policy," he pointed out, "a eity should know within cents what its power would cost As it, we do not know within dol- lars. "Further, we don't know what hear to re- 'ation administrative costs te general problem of power 'o ts he answer which we received by he survey carried out by Messrs Clarkson, Gordon and Dilworth is oi, on the whole, satisfactory That is something for further in \uiry, Free Agents 'There is, of course, nothing te prevent any municipality from ne gotiation for purchasing its hyd re dietribution systam from the Cov estion advame neral policy.' surpluses de srnment. The sug od is merely one of He also dealt with rived from the sa'e of power in municipalities which do not own their systems. It was the com- mittee's opinion that these should not be absorbed into the system, but definitely set aside to the credit of the municipality from whieh they were derived. With this was coupl- ed a recommendation that non-clec- trie enterprises owned and operat- ed (by the Central Ontario Power System should be sold, The salz price obtained could be applied to the reduction of capitalization; and as the cities would probably take over these subsidiary utilities-- such as gas or water--they would be forming the nucleus local Utilities Commissicn operation later on. Mr. Copant then dealt with what he termed the vital recommenda- tion, that the Association go to the Provincial Government to seek re lief on an equitalbe basis. beemphasized, seeking relief a: the expense of the Province on a plea either of poverty or influence, hut on the basis of equal rights to all living in Ontario. The Central Ontario Power Sys: tem had been grossly over-capitaliz. ed. Mr. Conant did not care to fix {he blame for that, but he was sure | that the existing Government and | the existing Hydro Commission were i blameless. "The amount | | | | Not | | | of that over. capita- He was inclined to op-| lization," he stated. "runs between NO {two and three million dollars. Cen- purchase loeal | tna) Ontario ground facts | is not blameable for this situation. The existing authori are merely tying to remedy con in a business way. Do You Own Your Own flome SEIS DIES For Sale House, 6 Rooms, Brick Bunga- conveniences, St, off King St, lot 50' x 210°, possession. Small cash payment; would exchange on lot, HORTON & FRENCH Owner--I'hone 1207W low, all immediate £3,900, paved Price "Put if we can bring the before the Government so that it] will assume all or a part of this| oxcessive capital charge, then hydro | rates will be redun ed | "We could not, before Government with any hewever obvious it may ed. "First. it would have been aver the head of the Hydro Electric matter | go to (ne such plan, have seeim- goiny | i Power Commission. Next, we did { not have the facts which we now | have in our possession. | Commission Approves "Further, 1 am assured now that he Hydro Commission will welcon \ move towards ohtaining relief Real Estate and Insurance DISNEY 1198 W--Office , abt 1858J--Residence { | --- | |W. J. TRICK CO. | i Limited t | RE ESTATE, CONTRACT- IN AND HUILDERS »sUP. PLIES V.A. Henry, Insar- pce and Loans 13; SIMCOE ST. S. Phos: @r her St. Pheae 230 QE e-' k Betier Houses URIAH JONES PHONE 1550 {§ 461 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Phone 1947w i -- TEESE 11 REAL ESTATE |i Homes bullt to suit purchasers, R. M. KELLY 610 Simeoe St, N, Phone 1663W oY $160 Buys one acre ing on West Side Simcoe | St. N,, short distance from end of lot fromt- FOR SALE HOUSES AND LOTS nowse on giott wt. 90,000 $600 lot B§ x 123 on Grooms A¥e, Apply The! Williams Piano Co, or ge FOR SALE home, with 75 acres of rich clear soil, in a square surrounded on two sides with water, a lake no less beauti'ul. House white brick 24 by 44, two stories, or- chard and barn. The ideal spot for the man who is fed up with the hurry and scurry oi tl: city; the man who wants to rest; breathe God's pure air and lengthen his days. If you want to fish in the day time, bask in the shadows of the gloaming in the evening and breathe the pure bracing air at night, Lulled to sleep by the song of the crickets the soft croaninz coll of the loons and the babble of the wild ducks. Can be bought for a seng mere trifle $15,000. It 1s waiting for you tho A beautiful | one chance of a life time, the one chance. One mile of main highway. Apply 161 King St. W., Oshawa, or 150 Verdun Road for further information. Property For Sale CLOSE IN 3 Houses and Lot on the South-West corner of On- tario and Colbourne Sts. Apply-- : Mrs.D.M.Tod 136 Simcoe St. North CARTER'S Real Estate 5 King St, East prough the Government, We can |car line, Good bargain, H BULL : o to the Government now without | No. B03 Th " phen Phone 1880 Res, 1828W outing the. Hydro Com J. H. R. LUKE No, 303 Gat St, Phone 626 nission or being charged with mers. | a oi iy trying to lay our burdens on the | ---- ; + . _------ Tocernment's shoulders without hav- [of Lakelield, and, after som Do you want! more power?' I crvice to the power users of this ng {ivst done all that we could 0 | cussion passed unanimously la Grath didpit wait until we need. rovince. Hydro is one of the big= ind some other solution" | President Mason, replying to « ed the powel before taking steps | est things in Ontario, and I will Dy iarewe!!, of East Whithv, | ticisms voiced by Mayor Preston, | to yt » candidly that if we hope to get ollowing Mr Conant's addre; 3, | declared that "Mayor Preston h "The Hydroy Commission does not nywhere diplomacy is calculated med that the Exeentive Commit: "the wrong angle on the proble l'ke this continual squibbling and | to do more for us than any amount e's reccmmendations be approved | led Lo Toronto. ntly at quabbling. [lam convinced that in H{ fault finding. hy tho Association. The motion | the guest of the Ilro Commis | Hon. C. Map€rath, this Province "Since being on this committee vis seconded by Charles 8. Tanner | sion," he stated, 'we were asked a man wha is giving unequalled (Continued on Page 5) 4 JE that in the interests of Cen Ontario commercial expaniéion ie rower should be obtained and c-mporary inconveniences overlook- ea saegosted that the proceeds of such sale be applied to the reduction of the system's capital investment with consequent reduction in powe' rates The Association also went on rec- ovd as advocating the purchase o: further pewer by the H.E.P.C. tc cupply present and future needs of Central Ontario, This resolution was passed with ¢ view to the rious fact that by the ¢ of 1028, all power now available a Central Ontario will be in use. dditional. power will, for the first ve years, cost more, but it was de. Mayor Preston sore Preston, of 'Oshawa, took itienl attitude towards the re in early stage of the ses- sion He criticized the delay of the tion in arriving at the con- that the Government should ached. He was of the opin. the Iiydro Commission have to shape its power policy on the resolutions jations or municinalities, their business to untieipaie {he of the distriet," Le deelar- ea nd it seems to me that we lave gone to the overp- nz ago. Oshawa has grown extent of 3,000 people in one The shortage of power is seri. | cus. Many having electric stoves re unable to cook their dinners fow voltage makes the meters rum, aster which means higher bills, | Why hasn't the Hydro made a sur- vey?" .. Hr. Preston's zn earhest reply from President | Mason. who declared that possibly against wisdom he would make cer- tain revelations. He closed his re- marks with an eloguent tribute to Chairman MacGrath of the Ontario Hydro Eleetrie Power Commission, and in view of his statements, the motion presented by ex-Mayor Con- ant, commending the Commission, vas seconded by Mayor Preston. President Mason called the Asso- ciation to order at 2.20 p.m. in the Council chamber of the Cobourz City Hall. He outlined briefly what had been Cone since the Assoeiation's previ- cus meeting on Mareh 25, and de- clared: "The reports which have been i; laced in yonr hands by Seety. Her- ity is called a progress report be- cause of the recommendations which vou will find on the final pages. I cet mean to presume ca your! pztience or intelligence by claiming that this report is perfect, but we | ure asking this Association to em-' cs to carry on farther nege.! i-tions based, on the infermation | » heve gained and in line with the | mend tons which we hope! with our approval' i Hadr» levresentad 1 Vy, Mascon then expressed his | peasure in the faet that B. Muvlhol- Fi of the liyiro Eleetrie Power clusion ion ot would not ynansion eriticism "0 rower i" meet brought | § IN OSHAWA Help to Build up Oshawa by Shopping In Oshawa GUIDE TO VALUES Phone 28 or 29 4 Wh en We est Eyes It is 'Done Properly JURY & LOVELL OPTICAL PARLORS "I'M SO PLEASED!™ That's what our patrons s0 frequently tell us. They like the way their clothes come back so re. freshingly new. And they like the service they get by just calling Phone No. 2520, Try it! Oshawa Laundry Radios va. in Oshawa D. J. Jew: KING STREET WEST --- PHONE 189 Orthophonic Also Exclusive Dealer for the Victor Record BROWN Read the Advertisements To know what is advertised, To know where values are obtainable, To know where quality reigns supreme, "The Oshawa Daily Times" "You Get Married-- We Feather the Nest" OSHAWA LUGCAGE Presentation Club Bags and Suit Cases with Igitials in Gold free of charge at SAYWELL and SON 19 BOND STREET WEST -- PHONE 338 J. C. YOUNG | 4%, PRINCE ST. Phone 793 Insurance and REAL ESTATE a, aa Phone 701 1 It's Bl23trical-- We Have It BOWRA'S ERIC SHOP OE ST. N. ELE t ! Prompt Garageygervice F.J. McDonnel King 5t., W. Oshawa Phose 1568 3 C. CHURCHLEY For satisfactory repairing bring your watch and clock work to Churchley. We guarantee all repairs--Prices reasonable. Old gold ard silver bought or exchanged for mew good: The Credit Jeweller 23 BOND STREET EAST -- OSHAWA EVERYTHING FOR FF