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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Nov 1927, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1927 "Easy-to-Find"'. RADIO PROGRAMS RADIO TID-BITS Richard Wagner, one of the World's great- est musicians--a colossal egotist and a man of indomitable will i tne" sabe rage 30d 2 pe. | Jove i be ted by Bon at WLS, a icago, this_eveni Ph This ure of traits mn pe. ality aa v viusic m the bulcn Malin will bring out mas'cal dlustranns, showi ner's music 1s the 1usic the st woo figs his way ty an ideal, reg ol-siacles. Musical will be note of the Sa. berg-Carlson fowtinans broadcast by the Blu: Network at £00 o'clock, Eastern rd Time. Selections by the g-Carlson Orch Nader the Yrs Lon of ¥ 'he ma'e quanet and a or ol will com- lete the program. ¥ Orchestra wwibers will of dance tunes, GE modern light opera, e Vag to co Keister, 'The Stromberg-Carlson Quintet will be heard in two numbers, "Smile" frof 'Africana' and Connelly's "How Can 1 Forget Thee." Suscha tidelman, vols, will present Caprice Viennoic" as o Ua program will broadcast through WIZ, new York; Whi Spanghield; WRBZA, Boston; KDKA, Pittsburgh; KYW, Chicago: WK, Detroit; WHAM, Rochester; WBAL Baltimore. v ariety from a group tions from a abond King," Bizet and Ya A sixty te 1! from the ii of Brahms, I ARO os and Bach, orig inally announced for Nov, 1st, over th: Lilue Network. The program will be presented my a mixedquartet, including Astrid Fjelde, soprano, Grace Leslie, contralto, and Frederic Vaer, baritont, assisted by an augmented or chestra, The entire presentation will be directed by Cesare ero. .. The fourth series of radio auction bridge "3ill be inaugurated by WSB in association crdh twenty-seven of the leading radio sta- «5 in America. The games will be broad- last "yor 20 consecutive weeks from 9 to 9.30 w-- Central time. --- C. Work and Wilbur C. Whitehead, ork Experts ,and considered as two ot in Authorities of the game, will play H. P, Jaeger and Mr. Carl L. of Cleveland. fro=ram. i be broadcast by WEAF, 1, Boston; WTIC, Hartford; EE WTAG, Worcester: ortiand; WFI, Philadelphia; WRC, om ; Schénectad /GR, Buff. E, Mittcburgh: WTA, Cleveland: troit; WSAIL, a WGN, KSD, St. Louis; WOC, Davenport; Minneapolis-St. John; WHO, Des , Omaha; WDAF, Kansas WHAS, WSM, J, Memphis; Atlanta; Louisville; wsh, ®ry Gaines Hawn will continue his talks on "Everyday English" from ht at 8.30 o'clock, (E.S.T.). rs each week under the auspi e Bureau of the Board of u- is talks always bring a worth- to the listeners-in. twners, fall is a time of planning rdens and planting i James garden editor of the Chicago s helping the listeners of WMAQ garden problems, During a part rnoon's talks, which begin at four Burdett makes positive sugges- exact kinds of shrubs and plants e ground at that particular time. eter which furnishes the correct 'S nightly time signals has a gv. It was made in Scotland and installed in the famous The Sea Wings." ly di led, the chr by a yachtsman. Now repos- of KFI'S announcer's micro- faithfully and accurately serves Morning Programs ng morning programs are broad- every week day. SETTING-UPS vetwork--"Tower Health" from CA WGR, WEEI, WGY, also at 7.00, 7.20, "and 8.00 a.m. jez) "Newark. Wellviile Gym, 4 (256)- ~Muscatine, Ia, "Daily music. Ao (448)--Chicago. Y.M.C.A. Ww (DN.Y. %, WE work Cheer" exer- Lions": WEAF, "Roaring from 53° )--Des Moines, Victor it. "Tonight's Dinner." Women's Hour, Home question hox. to, Shopping news; A3)-Columbus, Serj pture music, §3)-- Springfield. Organ, "The \353)--DBoston, Women's hour, [ae --Milwaukee. Studio frolic, «we (492)-N.Y, Vocal; talks. CFL (484)--Chicago, Municipal program YEBH (366)--Chicago, *Newspaper-man." wos (306)--Chicago, Home management DET 10 HT (416)--Chicago. Women's hour. ¢ WSR (476)--Atlanta, Homemakers' hour. 11.30 WAMD (225)--Mpls. Musical program, 12 Noon WBCN (288)--Chicago. Home service, WEBH (366)--Chicago. Women's hour. WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Request organ Text al, KMA (395)--Shenandoah. Ruby Trio HET (309)--Lincoln, Neb. Betty Lane. WSM (341)--Nashville, Farm question box NOONDAY CONCERTS N. WAIU (283)--Columbus, O. Musical, WLS (345)--Chicago. R.F.D. Dinnerbell, WOO (508)--Phila. Luncheon music, 05 WLW (428)--Cinci, Noon-day musicale, WEAF (492)-N.Y, Rolfe's orchestra. WABC (326)--N.Y. Luncheon music. WTAM _ (400)--Cleveland, Orchestra con' Bm, --CFCA (357)--Calgary. News; wea- the, CNKA (322)--Moncton. Music, KOIL (278)--Council "Bluffs.. News music. Hot Springs. Concert. "Tulsa, Noon program, WAMD (225) ~Mpls. Studio program, WCCO (405)--Mpls. -St. Paul, Farm hour, WCFL (484 'hicago. Organ. WAF (370)--Kansas City. Around town. WGR (303)--Buffalo. Concert ensemble, WHT (#16)--Chicago. Organ, Al Camey. wz dl S30) ies 0. Petite ensemble, "®.3 12. uncheon music; alsc WMCA (370)---N.Y, String ensemble, wes (476)--Atlanta. Music. : WT, (294)--Milwaukee, Luncheon mus, 1.15 wo (319)--Detroit, Tuller Trio. 1.30 WFAA (500)--Dallas. Address; music. £40 WGN (306)--Chicago. Drake ensemble THE BEST IN RADIOS THE MARCONI SHOP Cor, King & Celina, Phone 2604 Radio Electric 15 Prince St. Phcoe 2477 S. COWELL, Prop. Beach Ranges Hurley Washers Estimate given on wiring jobs. Radio parts and sets in stock. Full line of fixtures in stock. Kreisler's | When the. a ter og = TONIGHT'S BEST FEATURES 7.00 m--WWJ "359 --Detroit. "Michigan program. 9.00 Eker! RL Toronto. Light opera. Nem BD Je )--Zion, Ill. Mandolin and 10.30 WiAX (337)--J acksonville. Radio_Clul 1.00 a.m.--Pacific Network--Retold Tales, "Th2 Brief Debut Tildy." Silent tonight after 7.00 po --CFCA, CFCF, CKLC, SIRO KFUO, AlU, 'Ww EMC, . WHAZ, WNOZ, W( or, VOC, WRHM, wR: WSBT, WWNC. Wednesday's Programs AFTERNOON PROGRAMS p.m.--WBCN (288)-Chicago. Recital. WGHP (319)--Detroit. Home hour, . "Daily Menu." Jacksonville Musicale. Trades. WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Musical sii tn) --Atlanta. Musicale. 3.00 CNR :31--Ottama. Musicale. Rott. iy Conn Bilufis. Leisure hour. Wan ah Celvribus. Afternoon p.og. N k, vocal. y Ladies' Studio program. Mcoseheart child'n. hee Public service. go. Artist recital. 3.30 CKCL (357)--Toronto. Studio program. WIBO (413)- Chicago, Sheridan Theatre. 4.00 wh AL (416)-1: more. Salon orchestra F 7» as City. String trio, x) .Y. Afternoon music. WELL (30% Clicago. Health talk, Bundes« 4.15 WHO (535)--Des Moines. 4.30 CNRS (330)--Saskatoc Special music. KFAB (309)--Lincoln, Neb. Orchestra con Dallas. Homemakers, Manhattan trio. Homemakers hour. 5 Grand organ, 5.00 WCCO (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul. Readers club WHILE YOU DINE 5.30 p.m.--WGY (380)--Schenectady. Van Curle. 6.00 WAIU (283)--Columbus. Dinner concert. WEAF (492)---N.Y. Waldorf: also WRC Wor (319)--Detroit, Dinner concert. WIP (508)--Phila. Orchestra. WTAM (400)--Cleveland. Orchestra. WW] (375)--Detroit. Dinner concert. 6.30 KFAB (309)--Lincoln. Dinner concert. WBAL (285)--Baltimore. Dinner orch. WOR (303)--Bualo. Dinner music. MCA (370)--N.Y. Erie Golden, whic (535)---Hartford. Band trio. 6.33 WNAC (461)--Boston. Dinner dance, 6.45 WOC (375)--Davenport, Chimes. WHAM (278)--Rochester. Dinner music. 7.00 WBAP (500)--Ft. Worth, Music. WBZ (333)--Springfield, Mass. Bert Lowe. E 1 Tip Top orch. (448)--Chicago, Chapman's orch. (294)--Milwaukee.Organ. WAMD (225)--Mpls. Orchestra. WGN (306)--Chicago. Drake ensemble, WHO (535)--Des Moines. Little Syr- phomy. FOR THE WHN (395)--N.Y. Tuneful Tales, WCAE (517)--Pitts. Happy hour, WEBH (366)--Chicago. Dream Davis. WGBS (349)-N.Y. Uncle Gee Bee. 6.15 WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Topsy Turvey Time. 6.45 WEEI (448)--Boston, Big Brother, 7.00 KYW (526)--Chicago. Uncle Bob. WIP (508)--Phila. Uncle Wip. WSM Gi Saville. Bedtime story. 7.10 WGN (306)--Chicago. Uncle Quin. 7.45 WGHP (319)--Detroit. Evening chat. 9.30 KOA (326)--Denver. Tiny Town Tales. POPULAR PROGRAMS 7.00 KVOO (349)--Tulsa, Okla. Organ Glee Club, 7.15 WSAI (361)--Cinci, "Mrs, 7.30 WBAL (285)--Baltimore. HAM ida Rochester, Band: WGY. WWJ CY retro. Piano recital, Blue Network--Champion Sparkers, from wi KDKA, KYW, WGMS, WJR, pot- hour. Dr. Music masters Hotel KIDDIES 5.00 5.30 6.00 Daddy and Dumbly." Organ, Remington KF (462)--Shenandoah, KFRU Fy Conenand Mo. music, /ADC (297)--Akron, O. WBZ (333)--Springfield, Miss. Music. WNAC (461)--Boston. Music. WNYC (523)---N.Y. Songs. WOR (422)--Newark, Studio rogram. WSB (476)--Atlanta. Sears Rocbuck pro gram, WTAG (546)--Worcester, 0, Musicale. WEAO (283)--Columbus, O. Red Arrow "rio, Dive Network--The Sylvania from WJZ, KDKA, KYW, WBZ, WBZA. PWX (400)---Havana. Band -eoncert. WAIU (283)--Columbus, O. Organ. WLW (428)--Cinci. Harmony Four, WOO (508)--Phila, Rh W.C.I. "Band. wu (422)--lowa City. Musicale. TMJ (294)--Milwaukee, String Trio. 9.00 a Chain--Feature program, from WOR, KMOX, KOIL, WAIU, /CAO, WCA 'WEAN, WFBL, WGHP, J WMAK, WMAQ, WNAC, WKRC, 'WOWO. Blue Network Spotlight hour, WIZ, WBZ, WBZA, KDKA, WBAL, KOIL (278)--Council Bluffs, tzenhei, WBBM (389)--Chicago. Male quartet, Woop (246)--Chattanooga. Farmers pro- WiTh (366)--Chicago. Children at Moose- heart, WLS (345)--Chicago. All-state hour, WOS (469)--Jefferson City. WOS Band. WPG (273)--Atlantic City. Concert. 9)--N Concert. i. Studio program, 1 Bend, Ind. Studio program novelties, WEA (263)--Norfolk, Va. Ray-o0-Vac ins, 9.30 KTHS (385)--Hot Springs. Music. WGY (380) -Schenectady, Studio prog. yap (246) --Chattanooba. Organ. WJIJID (366)--Chicago. Tivoli Theatre, 9.45 WHK (265)--Cleveland. Gladstone Male Quartet, 10.00 CKLC (357)--Edmonton. KMA (395)--Shenandoah. Studio pro- KMA (395)--Shenandoah. Studio musicale KOIL 78)- Council Bluffs. West City String Quartet, KYW (526)--Chicago. WHO (533) Des pro- Wir (416)--Chicago. Your Hour, Al and at, Pz (454)--N.Y. "The New Record Boys." WOKT (210)--Rochester. Feature, WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Wisconsin Communities. _ KFAB (309)--Lincoln. Harmony Boys, 10.15 KOA (326)--Denver, Optimists Club, 10.30 WBBM (389)--Chicago. Harding Theatre, WDAF (370)Kansas City. The Cavaliers. WENR (288)--Chicago. Popular program, WSM (341)--Nashville. Program, HAM (400)--Cleveland. "Apple Knock- 1.00 CFCA (357)--Toronto. Organ. KFI (469)--Los Lgelen Popular, KGO (384)--Oakland. /ocal program, WAIU (283)--Columbus. Loew's Theatre. WIBO (: 10 Chicago, yorage show. waticA (370)--N. (263)-- Noo. Ye na Wik (389)--Chicago. po Potpourri. WCAU (337)--Phila. Cheerup Club. 12 mid.--Pacific Chain--"*Vagabonds - at Football Game," from KFI, KFCA, KG r RCW, RHI, KHOQ, KOMO, KPO, hg Fo and Schenc! WTIC, WJAR, WAAC, WCSH, 12 mid. KNX Won: "Hollywood. Feature prog, 1 am. WAMD (225)--Mpls. Popular frolic, CLASSICAL PROGRAMS m.--WBBR p28 -N.Y. Concert. )--Phila. WOO Trio. "hicago. Instiumenal. B (33)--Kansas City. K. C. String Concert, Old time, Musicale, KYw Prof. Schul Musicale, Concert. Moines. Popular 0-Vac Twins, the recital, from "rio. Red Network--Aeolion WEAF, wceco, WDAF, KSD, WCAE, WEEI, WGN, WGR, WGY, WOE, WRC, WSAI, WTAM, WWwj. KOB (349)--New Mexico College. orchestra, WFLA (366)--Clearwater, 9.00 WENR (288)--Chicago. Classical. WNOX (265)--Knoxville. Classical num- bers 9.45 WIOD (384)--Miami Beach, Fla, Coneess. 10.00--Columbia Chain--Kolster Composer hour, from WOR. KMOX, KOIL, WAIU WLIT, WTIC, Studio Fld. Studio, WCAO, WCAU, WADC, WEAN, WFBL, - Ld 8.00 wie (297)--Akron, O. American Le WMAK, WMAQ, NOWO. i EB (0)--Chicago. Re 8 i Belle WGHP, WIJAR, WNAC, WK. KFRU (250 WEBH Choral music. Tasttumental trio. | Kent artists. WHK (265)--Cleveland. Instrumental numbers. | WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Organ, RADIO TALKS-PLAYS 7.00 WEAF (492) -N.Y. Synagogue services. 7.15 WiJb (366) Mooseheart, IL Talk, 7. 7. Phy 25 WJ oe) a I a. 30 WCCO {0D Mpls. -St. Paul recs: Boy Scout WESO (35%) Springfel, Educa- tional addres: WGY (3%) Schenectady. Syracuse Uni- Wisltr- (428)--Cinci. Farm Council Talk. 8.00 RSAC (333) Kansas State College. "Col- lege of the Air." j WAMD (225)---Mpls. Radio Movie Clb. WBT (258)--Charlotte, N.C. Farm school. WEEI (#18)--Boston. Mr. and. Mrs. | Radio Skit. | WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Northwestern U. talk. - WRVA (254)--Richmond. Sports. WSUI (422)--lowa City. French lesson. 815 WCCO (405) --Mpls.-St. Paul. Phi iosopher 8.30 WLS ( 5)--Chicago. Shakespeare series. 9.00 WRHM (261)--Mpls. Boys" Athletic club. 10.00 KF1 (469)--Los Angeles. Detective stor- ies. KFUO (545) St. Louis. Bible address. WGES (242) Chicago. "Maggie and Jiggs." . 10.10 WHC (535)--Hartford. Sciehce news. 10.30 woe (375)-- Davenport. "Law for Layman, 11.10 WON (306)--Chicago. "Sam DANCE TO THESE 8.00 p.m. KSO (227)--Clarinda, 1a. Orchestra. 8.36 7.30 CFCA (357) Toronto. Romanell: orchestra. WHO 335)--Des The Seren- aders. 9.00 Red Network--Ipana Troubadours, from WEAF, KSD, WCAE, WCCO, WEEI WGR, "WGY, WLIB, WRC, WWJ 9.25 WOO (508)-- Phila. Orchestra. 9.30 Red Network--Silverton Orchestra Silver Masked Tenor, from WEEI, WIAR, WTAG, WG WCAE, WTAM, WWJ, W Al, WOC, KSD, 'PG, WCCO, W WSM, WSE, WMC, WLIT, WDAF, WRC, WSAL CFCA (357)--Toronto, Dance. KFAB (309)--Lincoln, Neb. Orchestra. 10.00 as (385)--Hot Springs. Orchestra. . (285)--Baltimore. WBAL orch. . Charlie Kerr. Dance orchestra. earwater, Fla. Dance, Y. Roseland orchestra. 'veland. Orchestra. snoxville, Dance music. Mpls. Dance. WRVA (2549)--Richmond. Orchestra. WSEA (263)--Norfolk. Dance. 10.30 WE! (492)---N.Y. Campus also WSAL WHAM (278)--Rochester. WRC (469)---Wash., Dance. WSBT £280) South Bend, Ind. Lucky -Seve Tic (35) Hartlord. Hotel Bond, 10.45 fie Network--Swanee Syncopators, WJZ C. KFAB (309)--Lincoln, Neb. Orchestra, 11.00 Red Network--Cass Hagan, from WEAF. WAAM (349)--Newark. Four Towers. WFLA (366)--Clearwater, Fla. Dance, WRNY (309)--N.Y. Dance music. WSAI (361)--Cinci. Hauer's orchestra from Dayton. 11.15 WPG (273)--Atlantic City. Supper Club 11.30 KOIL, (278)--Council Bluffs. Orchestra. N Frolic orchestra, -Milwaukee. Popular dance 12 mid. CNRE (517)--Edmonton. Dance orch. WHN (395)--N. Y. Orchestra, WIBO (416)--Chicago. Dance. WIBT (389)--Chicago. Dance, WLS (345)--Chicago. Dance. 12.30 WGES (242)--Chicago. Golden Pumpkins Orchestra. 12.45 WDAF (370)---Kansas City. Night Hawks NRV (291)--Vancouver. The Night "C aps. KGO (384)--Oakland. Prior orchestra, KPO (422)--San Francisco. State orch. O. "Amateur the 'n Henry." Moines. and AF, Carollers : Dance. Miami Foresters, | from! +! touchdowns, WEBH (366)---Chicago, Dance, WLIB (306)--Chicago. Doc Davis. 2,00 KEX (240)--~Portland, Ore. Midnite revue ANX (337)--Hollywood, Hotel Ambassa jor, _ Conyight, 1g 1927) BAS. RUGBYISTS MADE GOOD SHOWING | Are Being Congratulated By | | Supporters--Lost Here By Only Two Touchdowns (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Nov. 8, -- Members of the Bowmanville High School rugby team are being congratulated over the outcome of the match played in Osh- awa on Friday with the Collegiate ag- gregation, when they lost by only two although they had only been in training for ten days. Clemens Percy, teller at the Stand- ard Bank branch here, is deserving of {no small credit for the manner in which the local students played their first game, having coached them for five days preceding the ocnflict. Mr Percy played in the east, while in a branch bank near Kingston, W. J. Morrison, BAC princi of the high school, and forther star rugby player for Victoria College, also ad- vised the students about plays and trang, 'W. J. Morrison, manager, and Jim Devitt, captain, are trying to arrange another game with Oshawa, and also one with Cobourg Collegiate. GREAT GAINS COME THROUGH GREAT WAR ' (Continued from Page 9) overflowing by worshippers that came from all ranks of religious affiliation to pay a loving tribute to the men who gave their lives to prove that might can never be right. The veéter- ans of Canadian Legion Post No. 43, and the Ontario Regiment marched into the church from the exercises just concluded at the Civic War Mem- orial. The gleam of medal and the men or Legion Pipers added color to] the throng that knelt to join in the day's impressive special prayer, or rose to sing "Onward Christian Sol- diers" with the marching rhythm of the years when it vied with artillery duels in military church services close behind the Western Front. Rev. Mr. Jarrett read from the seventh chapter of Revelation, begin- ning at the ninth yerse where the Mar- tyr Throng -is. described vin prophetic vision, "We are asked to remember those men who never 'thrilled with ectasy. of victory"; Mr. -Jarret declared, "to whose golden deeds of valor and living brilliant uniforms of Regiment bands- | nursing services, and on many fronts, but for that army of civilian workers at home who served their generation ito the end. They gave of their time and their money and loving service to alleviate the hardships of war amongst ! those less able to bear them. True, here and there were men "who failed to serve their generation. But those that could exploit the war to their own ends are not under consideration to- day." The speaker then declared that there are pessimists who see only in an Armistice service a reminder of ideals forsaken, of great ends no longer sought. Such pessimism, however, is not borne out by fact. "What advantages have been hand- ed on to us?" tie speaker asked. "May we now say that today the world has a real ideal of peace? Be- fore the war peace was discussed, but where was it seriously entertained as a practical objective. "Brotherhood, before the war, was hardly more than a term. Today it is the inspiration of millions. "Formalism in the worship of God has gone down before today's insist- ence on practical Christianity. "For five years Christianity ered strength during the war, hardly without direct notice. gath- but With selves filled with a desire to live the greater life, the one God means for us to live. We have never let go of that | ideal, and in _spite of pessimists it is al living force in the world today. "Consider the ber of org - tions, not connected with churches, that are serving humanity because of quickened idealism that the war years inspired." Politics itself has felt the quicken- ing flame. "Short-lived is that Government," Rev. Mr. Jarrett declared, "that does- i't exist to serge. In business, char- acter means_miore than ever before. "These -afe the results of the war years. Some new developments, oth- ers that have been quickened into life, but all indicating that these dead whom we honor today did not die in vain." The musical service at St. George's was deeply impressive. The procession- al "Onward Christian Soldiers" was marked by the clergy, men and boys entering from the west entrance of the church while the ladies of the choir filed in from the vestry. The boys contributed very notably to the pro- gram with their youthful voices. Choir and congregation joined in "God Save the King" before the read- the coming of peace men found them- | « Grown th the best gardens in the Orient. Blended by men trained in the world's greatest tea market. REDROSE TEA" wos * Packed in the best packet yet found for tea--Aluminum. Mrs. Grant Berry | sung by all, while the choir alone memorial service solo. Ark- | rendered Kipling's "Recessional" as the "O Valliant Hearts" was | anthem. ing of the lesson. sang the wright's it in an ethereal whisper . . volume of the full orchestra! . . . in the degrees Regulate your music exactly to suit the room in which you play it. receive it with perfect realism, sonority between, Q oW Orthoph Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal sc Electrola No. 12-25 $790 Ea --entirely electrical in operation, which gives you music from a mere whisper to full orchestra volume--under instant control. Music . . , the greatest, the latest . . ever and whenever your mood dictates. Hear . what- . in the majestic Always richness, depth. The foremost artists of the world always at your command. In this new model, Victor artisans have pro- duced a cabinet of supreme beauty. tinctive, original, yet conceived in the exquisite good taste of the classic designers of yesterday. Dis- Striking the modern note, As an extra feature this instrument provides for you a wonderful loud speaker for your independent radio set. Hear it play today. suit yourself. Regulate its volume ¢, Obtainable on budget pay. ments at all His Master's Voice dealers, Orthophonic --only if it bears this Trademark onic Trade Mark Reg'd HIS MASTERS VOICE The new Automatic Orthophonic Victrola may be purchased right in Oshawa. It will be a pleasure for us to show you our large stock of machines --- a large stock of the newest Records always on hand. D. J. BROWN King Street West Oshawa Phone 189 Come In and 'Hear One of These Wonder sacrifice the peace which we Jiow en- joy is due. "But in this day's thanksgiving we 3 are to thank God not only for those who served on land, on sea, in' the, Victrolas Play For You!

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