PAGE TWO -- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1927 $10,000 ACTION IN REALTY DEAL in. C, Lycett Secks Damages from J. Ferguson Trrough Sale of Property Gshawa's tremendous land aeals "0 not without their interesting atures and the latest developp-! went is an action in the courts for; $16,000 damages in which A. C.| . cett, loca! realty dealer and John 'arcuoon, land owner, 3 There«is a motion for dismis- sal in the courts now. The owner of the land, John Fer- ¢u"om, it is aleged gave A C. Ly- cett an exclusive contract for the v2'c of property amounting to a- fout 50 acres in the High Park ar- ca Provisions in the contract allow «d tho owner, Ferguson, to sell up to an amount not .excending five '2ts pon the payment of a stated «ao "mission to Lyecett. Tho plaintiff in his action for dam cs alloges that the defendant has isposed of the contract and is su- : for damages through the sale of ae property by Ferguson. The defendant claims that through the clause in the contract allowing izintiff commission as stated in the _ he is permitted to dispose, 0' the property. Connant and Annis are represent- | the plaintiff, Lycett, while J Jf ngan is counscl for the defen £3 Fleece Lined Underwear, Shirts and garment Drawers . , 69¢ Leader Dry Goods Co. 32 Simcoe St; 8, Phone 740 felt Bros. 1 he LEADING JEWELER! 18%¢ Betablished 12 Simcoe St. South are princi- | GIRL INJURED WHEN HIT BY MOTOR CAR Ethel Hobbes, 12, Hurt About! Face--Had to Have Two Teeth Removed When she was struck by a car on the highway near Harmony Sa.ur- day, Ethel Hobbs, 12, was injured somewhat about the face, with the iresult thay two of her tech had to! ibe removed. The accident happened when she was crossing the highway near her home. The car was driven by Percy Alman, of Harmony, who | was going east on the highway. He made every effort to avoid hitting | the girl, almost going into the ditch, ! She was just grazed by the automo- | bile, otherwise her injuries might | have beem much more serious. way and going south towards he: | home about ten o'clock Saturday morning and apparently did not no- tice the car. When Alman saw he: he turned out to avoid striking her, | and almost succeeded in missing her altogether, She received quite a shock, and is suffering from a ner- vous breakdown. She also received scratches and bruises about the face. | She was attended by Dr. D..R. Cam- | eron and Dr. H. M, Cook, and is now | progressing quite favorably, accord- ing to information: received this morning, PENTALPHA CHAPTER HAVE GALA NIGHT, Ae Officers an and Honor a | Member on His 80th Birthday Pentalpha Chapter, Royal Arch last meeting of that body on the occasion of the annual election of officers. Coinciding as it did with tive member of the Chapter, Rt. Ex Comp. A, E Henry, the meeting drew a large attendan-e from the surrounding district to pay honour to the veteran companion, the clim- ax coming with the cutting of a {ile emblems and decorated with | eighty candles. Rt Ex. Comp. G. | Avery, Rt. Ex, Comp. J F. Grier- {son and Rt. Wor, Bro. Dr T. E. | Kaiser, M.P., were among the speak lers to bear tribute to the sterling worth of Rt Ex. Comp. Henry. The election ol! officers as elect- ed for the cnsuing year resulted as follows: First Principal, C. C. house; Second Principal, C. H. Pir- ie; "Phird Princiral, F. Proctor; Scribe, E 8. J. Babe; Scribe, N. W. Chapman; Cennors; Treasurer, H. M. Black. i ------------ For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store 23 SIMCOE 8, PHONE 380 Cash or Terms , TEAC ---- | Davidson & Samells $3 Simcoe St. N, Phone 227 ected officors will be held on Tues- day, December 6th, whon the Grand Scribe, E. Rt. Ex. Comp Henry T| Smith, accompanied by several prex- | ent and past Grand Chapter officers will be present to take charge 'of proceedings and premise ora of the -nost brilliant Masonic Fe:tivals Osh awia has ever had. Competition trom profits of passenger railways in Nor- way, "For Better Shoe Values" Waleg, 15,000 people are waiting their turn to emigrate to the Uni- ted States. fH Members Toronto being received over J TI Ii itl | cases, BIGGAR, TURNER & CRAWFORD ESTABLISHED 1902 BOND DEALERS New York, Toronto, Montreal and Mining Quotation» All Quotations Boarded Enquiries and Correspondence Invited Telephone 2600-1 OSHAWA OFFICE 9 CELINA ST. Fred G Carswell, Manager (TT Stock Exchange Direct Private Wire. HITE TTI ITT TTT TTI [117 The girl was crossing the high- | Masons held a gala night at the the 80th birthday of the oldest ac-| huge birthday cake bearing mason. | Sten- | Principal Sojourner, DP. The installation of the newly el- | motor buses | has caused a decided falling off in | In the industrial district of South | The Armistice Parade Dear Bill: Well, Biil, as you couldn't get down | from Scugog to see our Armistice Sun- day celebration I thought I'd write {you about it. The weainer--well you know that song about "It's always fair weather when good fellows get J oaether?™ Well, if that's so, the old E. F. must have been the toughest ph ever brought together in history. Honestly, Bill, the weather seemed to | have got a grouch on our gang from the minute we started at Valcartier until we landed home again. And, what's more, it keeps right on. Get al bunch of veterans together, and just jas sure as the Heinies slipped over a! igas attack at Ypres, why it rains or ,sleets or snows. Yes, it was a cold (day and I felt sorta sorry for the lads in the Ontario Regiment parad- (ing around without overcoats. But, | Bill, I guess that wasn't much to the time we spent practically all day in the rain on Salisbury Plain practicing | for the King's inspection next day. Why, I can teel the rain dripping off | my nose now. Of course you and I are some of | these unorganized veterans and 1 did- n't march in the parade. But, just the same, I sorta stuck around the out- | skirts for I tell you, boy, it sorta gets me when I think of the chaps that did- n't come back. Sometimes, of course, ~e wonder if they didn't draw the lucky package after all, but Captain Lam- | bert showed me what a tool I was | When he quoted that old song: "Oh, | my, I don't want to die, I want to go ho-o-ome!" You know how we used to sing it, sot, iba and "You know I'm a liar and I dare you to say I mean it!" But, just the same, we did mean it, and | what's more, the very chaps who didnt | ec me back meant it. i I guess there were 500 folks out to the monument for Capt. Lambert's speech and the other exercises. But you'd of thought, Bill, there was 5,000 from the number of police that was {around herding up the flock and mak- |ing a migerable day more miserable. am not one of these people who oppose the police on general principles I am for them as long as they follow the good old model which a British | city can take pride in. | Well, that's about all. The only thrill T got was back at the armories | --of coursg I stuck my fingers in my ROYAL HORSE SHOW 16 to 24--Many U. S. Entries -With the heaviest entry list in ite history the Royal Horse Show, to be held in connection with the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto from November 16 to 24 will" easily main- tain its reputation as the largest event of this kind in North America. Not only are the Canadian entries WILL SET RECORD Will Be Held from November | THREE DNS' COUCH 15 YOUR HIER SL age and colds lead to i EE -- that is pleasant to ad Sredhia medical disco! I ig it soothes and heals the inflamed mem: ulsion fs i in the treatment ol me ron €0 ronchial onde and , and 18 excellent for buil uj Ey afte colds or, flu, Be : cough or 'cold fs not relieved after takin, according to directions, Ask your o Saki ulsion Co,, Limited, T oronto, Ont, | ear when they sounded "Last Post" and I am not Scotch enough to count | "Flowers of the Forest." But I had to see a guy up at the | armories and got back ahead of the | procession. Well, I thought about the chaps that signed up here anywhere | from 13 years ago down. How young they were and sure of themselves Proud of their bobtailed khaki uni forms and rarin' to go, Empty and dark that old armory looked except for the mind's pictures of the boys that aren't coming this way again, Well, it got me, Bill, in- side. I knew then why we celebrate Ar | mistice day like we do. It isn't the | victory that counts, old chum, it's the [ memory of what led np to it. Your old pal, PANS ALL OVER BODY Two More Cases of Feminine Ill- ness Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound gto, N, 8.--*I had terrible tose ® headaches, back and side and pains all over my body. 1 ei) have to go to bed every) Zoonth and nothing would do me 20nd yr husband and my father di my wor for me as I have two' children and we have quite 8 big place. 1 read in he paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's egetable Compound, and then got a ht e book about it through the mail, and my husband sent to Eaton's and got me a bottle, and then we got more from the store. I am feeling fine now and do all my work snd am able to go out around more, I tell my friends it is Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound that makes me feel sowell."" i , VICTOR RICHARDSON, Barrington, Nova Scotis, Dull Pajns in Back t. -- "1 took four boi oo a of Lyi . Pinkham's Voge- lef from 2d and foun: great re- Jul, heavy pains Bein the small of my b d the weakriess from whith I pi for fivé years after my boy was born, After taking the Ve, le Compound and usin; Lydia inkham ys ative Wash am feeling better than I have for the seven years, and advise my Felonds %0 take it." -- Mrs. F.JOBNSON, 49 Moore Street, Ht. Thomas, Ont. © JIM. WEDNESDAY ONLY Ppc $48 pertn ~~ 36:p.c. $48 per ton _ HOGG&LYTLE, LTD, Fire! On account of the recent fire in our building we are carrying on business as usual at 346 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 716-J Phone for appointment SULLEY & MAW Auctioneers, very heavy but a record will be sot in the number of horses entered from American stables. Among those from the United States, some of whom have shown in Toronto before are Messrs. 1saac H. Clothier, Philadelphia, F. H. Bontecou, Mill- brook, N. Y., A. E. Byers, Williams- ville, N. Y., L. J. Kittinger. Buffalo, Alasa Farms, Alton, N. Y., Morti- mer B. Fuller, Scranton, Pa., Harry H. Hall, Buffalo, N. Y., Mrs. L. L. Rowland, Southampton, Pa., Miss IL J. Kittinger, Buffalo Miss Jean Brown Scott. Strafford, Pa.,, Mrs, Harold Palmer, Grosse Point Mich., Rolling Rock Farms Pittsburg, Pa., Miss Mary L. Johnson, Pittsburg, Mr. Hubert A. May, Pittsburg, the Misses Carmichae!, Le Roy, N. Y, Mr. L. Bawood, Buffalo, Mr. Edgar J. Kaufman, Pittsburg, Miss Fran- ces Farnsworth, Montelair, N. J., and two score others, to say noth- ing of the prominent Canadian Ex- hibitors, who have entered such as Sir Clifford Sifton, Mr. Alfred Rog- ers, Uplands Farm, Mr. Murray Fleming, and very many others who will give the American visitors stiff opposition. The "Royal" has never before nd as large or as splendid a list of en- trants as this year. Five one thou- sand dollar stake events have been added and these have filled exceed- ingly well. Many box-holders from the States have been already bookea for this great show and a contin- uous program of entertainments for ABERDEEN HOTEL 17 Wast 320d St., near 5th Ave. NEW YORK i Jobo F. Downey. Menagrug Director : ~ -------- visiting exhibitors-in the Horse Show has been arranged Do You Own Your Own Home LYCETT Your Real Estate and Insurance Broker AUCTIONEER 26 King St, E.--Corner Celina Phone 203 W. J. TRICK CO. Limited REAL ESTATE, CONTRACT- ING AND BUILDERS SUP. PLIES 25 Albert St, Phuae 280 $160 'Buys of one acre lot front. ing on West Side Simcoe St. N., short distance from end of car line, Good bargain, £ | J. H. R. LUKE CARTER'S Real Estate 5 King St. East #hone 1880 Res., 1828W mss -------- REAL ESTATE ill Homes built to suit purchasers. R. M. KELLY 610 Simcoe St. N, Phone 1663W A Ss ss AAA PA V. A. Henry, Insur- ance and Loans 113 SIMCOE ST, 8S. Phones: 1198W--Office 1858J--Residence For Sale House, 6 Rooms, Brick Bunga- low, all conveniences, paved st. off King St., lot 50' x 210°, ediate possession. Price ,000, Small cash payment; would exchange on lot. HORTON & FRENCH Owner--Phone 1207W FOR SALE HOUSES AND LOTS house on Golt Si. $6,000 CL Ld | and Insurance DISNEY PHONE 1550 | | Real Estate Oshawa, Ont. Apply The Williams Piano Co, or H. P. BULL No, 8303 Golf St, Phone 626 LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE WITH US Vista Heights low THe Sold for $400 to ---Satisfactory Terms arranged to suit all Purchasers. ---Building Sites are Ideal. See the fine new homes that are now being erected. --You'll soon learn to love "Vista Heights" as its natur- al beauty is attracting hund- reds of sightseers weekly. convenience Temporary Office 8 Bond Street W Phone Geo. A. Symes, Manager 1851 W. S. Miller, Sales Manager An invitation is extended to all interested parties to visit this property--Molor trans- portation will be gladly arranged at your T WW a m1