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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Nov 1927, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1927 PAGE ELEVEN wearing long square shouldered black even if I made no contribution to The case concerns the attempt by | onto, represented the plaintiff, while hair capes, galloped in perfect forma-| the peace of the world. Robert Rham to secure damages | F. D. Boggs, K.C. Cobourg, is act- tion past the mausoleum. They yelled for slander against George Moore. | ing for defendants. Jereciously and brandished curved, The slander complained of was the Found Guilty sw 3 vords, ** an- > rg, Nov. 9.--Infl ed by CELEBRATES ITS Then came the Mougolian cavalry, | speaking of the words, "He (mean Cobour ov nfluenc § - « b z y aintiff) burred his | the impassioned plea of Crown Coun- wearing high fleece hats, Russian lan- ing thereby the plaintiff) burred his e impassio p S Ca i hi Ore house down," and "I don't give a |sel R. V. Sinclair, K.C., Ottawa, that ' urging poles on which, ere CLEARED F REBEL. dam, he (meaning thereby the plain- | the chastity of the women of this hi sng p : tiff) done it (meaning burned his [land must be reverenced and pro- 3 ray." x '¢ 8 y the wei evidene Moscow was elaborately decorated! lous: down) anyway," om Friday, | tected, and by the weight of evi e |! : -- 'i i oy $i .S | o . {March 11, of this year. vdduced, the jury empanelled to try : Million Citizens Surge with red streamers and fc stoons | Gomez and Six of His | 4 Strings of electric lights and electri- 'ase Set Over. Morgan Hall, of Castleton on a ser- Past Tomb of Nikolai cally lighted red stars, the insignia Leaders Exe- The case of C. E Tijou, of Tor. |i0us charge brought in a verdict of . of the Soviet Union, hung on many ) enilty at two minutes after eight J onto Eastern Transport Company, |" . . Lenin : streets. ~The city, without sufficient cuted against the United Counties of Dur- | 2 clock last night. Honorable Mr. room to shelter its own population in 2 ° m---- : . -- ham and Northumberland was set Tuetice ae glen al gigune] 4 1 he Newest Styles in NILD ENTHUSIASM |i", Shen. 7"! TWO MORE SOUGHT [over by conseat of both litigants to i Tock DY Ne rush ot visitors. p a a je) 'eo the next non-jury sittings of the hall past eight o'clock. 1 -_--r. : we blate of brass bands yehoed Fon LNA { Supreme Court. Plaintiff was ask- It is galy that Judee Wright wid Ladies Coats, Dresses i 3 day through the city. imiar cele- | . = ; continue his custom of not sentenc- )00 Troops in Brilliant jt}, (ten 0 C10 al the cities Generals Almeda and Med- inc $1.500 for damage sustained e ; g oFJe . x | ' saded with butter, | Ing any man found suilty of a crime, { | d M Il Co'ors Join in Long and towns of the provinces. In Len- ina are Closely Pur- Sigg Hin ay gw crashed | during an Assize Cour: until all the | | an | ner ingrad, where the revolution began--- 3 | cases on the docket are finished. It 3 Parade it was Petrograd in 1917--the Soviet sued Jreugh a bridge between Castleton | ,. ~. so. the condemned man. will Ave to be § J at much 1 3 prices at our 30K } week end--Come in and see the latest creations. LEE IE SE celebration was impressive. and Warkworth, in Northumberland at know his fate until near the close sseow. Nov. 10.--A singing, shriek- Mexico City, Nov. 10.--Federal troops , County. Hughes ana Agar, oi Tor- ; of the assizes. nob of a million men, women and are rapidly cleaning vp the remnants | | Just after the foreman of the jury | ren surged through the red-ban- : of the Gomez revolutionists in the! -- = | had delivered the verdict, F. M. 1 streets of Moscow Monday in mountains of Vera Cruz. Two more, | When You Feel It | Mield, K.C., of Cobourg. asked that | |E sation of the tenth anniversary Fernando Reyes, and Silviano Garcia, | ea op | the jurors be polled. This request iolshevism. ny FIGHT it was officially announced, have been | #® | was refused, the judge pointing out om the freezing Siberian steppes captured and executed. Including | Comin | that his regnest should have been the Ukraine, the shores of the 2 | Gomez himself and the four executed | (vi 3 3 p ¢ made before the verdict had been en- $ k Sea and the fringe of the Arctic about the same time this spring the | When that old Headache sends fw | tered. ! S. Schwartz. e they came to participate in the [lloyd George Returns Pad- total is brought to seven Gomez lead- | warping that youare going to suffer-- At five minutes after six o'clock test Soviet demonstration since . § 3 y . ers who have faced the firing squad; ake ZUTOO. When you feel a Cold Hn X res . 7, 1917, when the Bolsheviks cap- ded Brick of Sir Austen since Saturday. A followin the address of Hon. Mr ll pe i ( i | coming on take ZUTOO. At the first dice' Wric the tury loft the 1 Petrograd and overthrew the pro- & Ch be . | Generals Almeda and Medina are ' gign of a pain--at the first feeling of sicks Tastice W riz, Wi Ju t the 1% mal government of Alexander Ker- am rlain | being closely pursued by scouting | pess--take ZUTOO. . eld asked the judge to make | Ve aa ; - RB { parties under the Federal General Es- | You will be ali right in 20 minutes if it's or. e 4 seni Bi ore. Mr [_--_--_----__ i -- was a characteristically Russian London, Nov. 10--The padded cobar, whose field operations have heen | a headache, or the next morning if it is a bid noi : nd * that these Toints | t-al was granted by the First Divi- | imprisonment, but since the appe:l ct display. In all the theatres the brick which Sir Austen Chamber- directly responsible for the sweeping | cold. Pain all gone, and the whole body | Field a oe sa he wished the {sional Court at Osgoode Hall, on the | he nas been allowed his freedom on sién flare for the dramatic was ex- lain recently threw at Lloyd George defeat of the revolutionary movement. | refreshed. Were onan a ner. =. svounds that the trial judge mis- $3 . [ ed. Emotions were given free | rec y a to the Secretary | Vith the exception of Almeda, and Don't wait--don't take chances. Get | issnes to he. made plainer. i" Lib '.! a | buil of § 3,000. In the event of an- has heen Teturie Affair with | Medina no rebels remain in the Vera ZUTOO Tablets to-day--and have them | This is the second time that ¥ or- | direcied the jury, by not referring | ,. .. centence passed by Justice termingled with this, however, | of State for Foreign ] RIrs time Cruz region where Gomez carried on ready to take at the first sign of a Heads | can Hall has heen convicted on this | I Wrizht. the six month isrm. which » the stern economics of the So- | the compliments of the war-time i; vii.c The Federal Govern- | ache or cold and TAKE THEM. 'harge brought bo Lily Foster. He | .. 4 material. he alreadV spent Im Jail will Some sections of the mammoth | Prime Minister. . "mént considers that the only task vet: 25¢ a box--at dealers or by mail postpaid wns convicted last antumn at the |" HE was 'sentenced ot. {lat tine Hall as ren y pu! oy a ow ide were veritable forests of fig- Two weeks ago Lloyd George PAIN. | jait to he accomplished is the scatter- | Be N.Robinson& Co. Regd, Coaticook, Q | 1411 assizes presided over by Horor- | all was sentenced at time not be likely be cen» he . statistics, graphs and diagrams |ted an alarmist picture of Europe jing or killing off of various groups of | able Mr. Justice Logie, but a new | by the presiding judge io two years' | son ence. paring economic conditions before | pointing out 10,000,000 men Were regular bandits. Soviets came into power and the | under arms. { Official announcement is also made ernment of today. Chamberlain replied that Lloyd that Dr. Jiminez O'Farrell, a Mexico JEONG gt fo 1a Mg ga a i dS Passed Lenin's Tomb George was a fine Prime Minister City physician, who was in the field EB tildren of three and infirm men of | quring the war, but that he had | with Gomez, has voluntarily surrend- [i vere massed in the dense columns | gone nothing appreciable toward the ered himself to the Federals at Tee- persons which filled the streets | pajntenance of peace. eelo. Prior to the execution of Gen- ing to red square and the decorat- "While I do not know whether cral Gomez, the rehel leaders plead od Kremlin Wall, where stands the | jo cheech will be equally as im- for clemency on behali of O'Farrell, b of Nikolai Lenin, the Soviet idol. portant as Mr. Chamberlain's." whom he said he had inveigled into yom the flat wp of the 4 mh, the | 1 Joyd George told the Aldwich Club the Movement, Jere as 8 physician t important leac ers of the country, | Monday, "I assure you it will be and surgeon, declaring that he was stically all of whom had played hig H innocent of any revolutionary conspir- sin the" Bolshevik: revidution eqrally controversial. Fev ? ed down on the peasants and | The, warld will look Jngre at Dr. O'Farrell is being brought to kers, and shouted short speeches | Lloyd rearge Nar Jecord * an a Mexico City "to justify his conduct to hem as they passed peace works," Sir Austen had said. yp. president oi the republic." oud speakers carricd the speakers "I do not want to be known in + res to every ear. hict-ry as a ma! of blood," Lloyd .ong live Soviet," Mikhail Ika"ni, , George retorted ARMISTICE NIGHT sident of the Central Executive "Sir Austen has rested long j nmittee of the Soviet Union, thout- | enough on Locarno," he went on, re- into the microphone atop Lenin's | ferring to the Locarno pact. "It is | y 1soleum. no use to stand on the shores of | h i " : { 4 ' {urrah," replied a i | | io some evidence which the defense | | | 1 million men, | Lake Maggiore like a stork looking nen and children in a prolon red | preternaturally wise because you me ; er. Fen minutes of cannonading | have swallowed one trout. read hoth sides of the questions, wed the tremendous "hurrah," "Unless Europe continues beyond hear both sides, and come to their king the square and filling it with | [aoarng there is no hope. own decision, not in the heat of a] fie. ! "Let Sir Austen Chamberlain lift political compaign, but in the quiet, h times the celebration became like his wings and proceed to his pilgrim- sensible time heiween the excite- ollege football spectacle. Cheer age of peace. Briand (Foreign ment of election enthusiasms. In a | Jere called fo Sheers Jor We Taye Minister of France) now is going to Tow words he lauded the leader of | 'ader > Goyer p J y 3 | 1 rty 4 5 tir Rs Russian Washington to endleavor-to sizn ail H Juibery) Party; Re. Bou. W. 3 { 1 " od ! pact between the two great repub- | Mackentie Bion y how, fo Jag, Src of CE x | was entitled to praise for his efforts 1g 0 3 W ¢ 3 y= ¥ | hig Srack Jeon | 1 Hog ot Jie NL nat hers Ril ney to unite the various factions in Can- . * 1erec was a martial air to the cele- u id . ada and draw the | is cl » whic S l t itv ; "Let Sir Austen follow that fine '?%% aw the honds closer which pecia pecia tion, too. Thirty thousand troops ; (unite us with the mother Country. | cto Torte hiiof: warads ili- | example. . : er Gen. Voroshiloff paraded. Mili AMF | An enthusiastic vote of thanks, » r attaches of all credited countries "Today, by casting a few stones | ©. rw Ay ' Fat N S k N 1 C k CHOCOL TE DELIGHT ced on as Caucasian cossacks, | at him to stir up, I ghall have made | which was moved by .C. Anderson, ew toc atura -00 ng A | was tendered to Capt. Se 's for : E are apt. Sanderson for » per ay horse and') some contribution for future peace te Wed : : mted on superb bay horses an 1 pez | his fair-minded presentation of these = - . : -- at -- EE political questions, / 3 J | Endeavors To Serve i \ colds and other forms of throat Mr. W. H. Moore, Chairman of the troubles. Creomulsion contains, Tariff Board, in a very brief ad- in addition to creosote, other dress, Stated that the Board was en- ¥ * healing elements which soothe |i IIIM 10 sorte (he needs of the Delicious Chocolate and heal the infected mems- {Were in the east or the west, or in | KY branes and stop the irritation the Liberal or the Conservative, [J] Coated Marshmellow ® and inflammation, while the marty Everyone, producer and con- creosote goes on to the |fumer is given a chance to tell his ' : | own story and is given a fair hear- 'ube. ) Hux ys ; I : tic S > - stomach, is absorbed into the ing before the hoard. Mr. Moore in- Currants, Australian, Finest Qual. 27 Viaailla, Lemon and Almond, Shire Domestic Shortening, Makes Light 18 blood, attacks the seat of the timated that he expected to speak ity, New Clean Stock, ..., 2 Lbs, C ims True Extracts. ,, 11 oz Btl, 23c er Pastry. 1 Lb, Pkg. Cc trouble and checks the growth | to the Oshawa Club in a short time |} Jundied Lemon and Orange Peel, 24 Coffee, High Park Brand, Roasted 57 Persistent coughs and colds of the germs. | on the working of the Tariff Board, Fancy Quality, New Season's, Lb, C and ground fresh daily. .... Lb, C 1 rery de ful surprise feature | i » 3 0h : 4 ; ado" serio. rouble: YO * Creomulson Is guaranteed |, 4,1" doen tune ea Mined Peek Lemon. Orange" ana Grom, | sieran floss Vent Foe Sinton, To: 1.0 : 3 = 3 i A 4 ) indy, New Beason' LL | A a, . in stop them now ei 1 satisfactory in the treatment |iortainment bs the Recent Theatre ww. 28¢ Aylmer Brand Mincomeat, Libby's Fancy Quality, eomulsion, gemulsi Jed of persistent coughs and colds, | Orchestra and vaudeville numbers | ality Bright, Mincemeat, Libby's Fanc) ye 19¢ eosote that is easan : iti |b Regent artists, given bv arrange- ality, ght, ike, RT a new bronchial asthma, bronchitis {ment with L. E. Osier, manager of New Season's. Lb., 39¢c Mincemeat, Mrs. Hamilton's Home- 16 edical discovery with two-fold and other forms of respiratory {the Theatre. The musical numbers B&B Golden Sultana Raisins, Australian, 19 made Style, vy Cc stion, it soothes and heals diseases, and is excellent for |hv the Orchestra, as well as the The World's Best, Lb., Cc | 4 ' 2 'Patterson's Sauce, 12¢ . building up the system after yumorons sallies and sones of the seedless Raisins, Fancy Quality, RES | | Ne emed i ad colds or 'flu, Money refunded if any | Y2udevillians, ware greatly appre- California, ..,... or 2 Lbs, 27¢ Finted hy the andiencs. A cols lorie. ; [ Golden Bantam Corn, Aylmer Brand 16¢ cough or cold is not relieved after | ' rr wr igen aisins, Valencia Style, South Afri- 1 Fancy Quality. Tin Of all Enewn drugs, eteosors taking ascording » directions, Ad Landis, ny rendered fy Mr. | . Large Bright Stock. 4 . 2 Lbs, 29¢ i Whole Carrots, small and Tender, 16¢ ecognize 7 ruggist. reomulsion 0. iosed wi "Ne . 2 4 : e's Fen cop ps Bowe Lo oh os pn you i by * [closed with the National Anthem. Glace Cherries, Fancy Quality 1c Ch . I Nature s Be % Xo, A ca Hu, J ' & " | mr om - M ranberry Jelly, Glassco's, oz. t healing AE | i Lb, oice Quality 24¢ rencies for C \ | | RELEASED | Preserved Ginger, Fancy Quality, 39 ersistent \8 ; | OL | Fresh and Moist, C Wheatsworth 'units, The Health 21 Biscuit. Pkg., Cc declared that every possible means |i She " Almonds, Selected Valencia, 57 Orange Pekoe, 95¢ Princess Soap Flakes, For Every 21 had been employed hut had failed | $d Fai y Quality. Lb., Lb., Household Purpose. .. Large Pkg., Cc aErl Lawson, of Toronto, appear- Ground Sweet Almonds, Patricia Sardines, Crossed Fish Brand {ing in company with J. A. MeGih. Brand, 3 oz tin, 5 ie ce 14 Lb, 25¢ : : 29¢ Jar, | : No. >ughs and - BSS |S & Golden Huallowi Dates, Fancy Qual- a I Ti 1 ity, New Stock, ............ 2 Lbs., 21¢ ! | ns ! . emma GE RL BE Castile Soap, French Imported, Conde, 7 to procure the presence of a very ma- i Almond Paste, Allen's, Finest Molasses, Aunt Dinah Brand, Med- { bon, of Oshawa, for the defendants, | - 2 Tins, 4 shortcake, Peak Freans, Fresh and 2 Size 1 / C | Pelicions, . .......... 11 oz, Tin, 43c A - Shelled Walnuts, Crack, 69¢c | (Continued Tom: Fate 0) ney Bordeaux Halves, Lb., Loblaw"s Egyptian Blend Tea Procurable. y Tr Bar, terial witness. Quality, Pkg., 13 Lb, 48c ium size tin, 9¢ | attempted to stay the postponement, | averring that the witness in ques- [on Bt fl [| | Speciel Special New Season's California Poms or Oke Fancy Quality { | averrylea by Justice Wright. | | 1 hey taste (al Bladder Troubles | - | : Tau [cal | "eivmiao]| [Lima Beans|| Grapefruit Ihe Kiddies just love them Hil 4 But Writer Tells How "Uratabs" Seven Out of Ten Are Victims | N od | we Bring Swift, Amazing Relief | ph 2 Size EL : A fifth With ReVewed Vita! Force | | : : : srowing children need vita- gu "No one knows better than I. the horrow | nines and easily digested ye fi of joyless days and sleepless nights. There mn 2 ishing f is that build | y have been times when I felt hopeless and heipless--and when my weakness caused me! one and muscle. | o . ihe most intense humiliation. Only those who Chey thrive on CLARK'S { TT, av gone rough such tortures can poss D) ¥ | - realize my great satisfaction when Dr. South- ork and Beans which older l| ||| VE ALCATAUS routs me aoe rele a i \ ATARBR Of a give | reople also find so good.--~ Lu 2 thems full praise." ~ Such amazing evidence | This delicious food which is all El RATATS tr ene Te Thence 4 eady to heat and eat is most truly ------ WI ments so often a handicap to those in middle :conomical. A large helping costs "Let the Clark life. i nly about three cents. § / { Overworked, sluggish Kidneys, Bladder, | 'Canada Approved"' on the label is 4 Kitchens help you." Weakness and Prostate Gland Trouble bring (4 4 on: so many distressing ailments which so} in important guarantee of quality. oiten lead to serious diseases that every suf- ferer from Lameness, Pains in back and down : through BTU ins, s bt frequent urina- . CLARK LIMITED, Montreal, P.Q., St. Remi, P.Q., & Harrow, Ont. | lion "Cetti Er itertons. Irvite: » ac ¥ y amaz- » Packers of LLAPK'S delicious Soups, ete., eto. "aan ing value of Dr. ' s URATABS at a once! Any good druggist Il supply you on

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