PAGE TWO 3 Missionary From China Is | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1927 GRITIGIZES CITY'S Spending Furlough Here pgLIGE PROTECTION F Rev. F. Dickie Has Spent 38 Years in Active Missionary Service--Can Relate Thrill- .ing Stories of Life Amidst tke Civil War -- Says Con- ditions in China More Fav- osable for Christian Work Residents of Oshawa will have an epportunity this winter of conversing fr quently with a man who is well ac- qua nted with present conditions in the c.aaotic land o1 China. Rev. F. Dickie, a missionary who has spent 38 years in active service in the China Inland sMission, has taken up residence on \iasson street for a few months while he is on leave of absence from the fforeign field. When a representative _Gi.this paper called on him this morn- rm EE ARS "'UPHOLSTERING of all kinds, "Workmanship Guaranteed G. A. CONSTABLE 74 Mechanic St: Phone 1505) Oshawa Luggag e YOUR INITIAL FREE Special. Men's ing, many were the interesting stories | he related in regard to life in the east' in the midst of civil war.. \ Conditions in China are becoming: more favorable for the resuming and | carrying on of active Christian worl:, in the opinion of this veteran mission- | ary. As has been stated in news des-| patches, the British Consul at Shang- hai has given permission to male mis- sionaries to return to their posts, ex-| cept to those in the far interior, at their own risk, however. The Nor- thern and Southern factions have practically returned to the former boundary, the Yangtse river, and' fighting is not being carried on as bitterly as formerly, Foreigners are no longer being molested to any ap- preciable extent, the armies having, being ordered to vacate European property. So the outlook, while not: particularly good as yet, is brightening' and Christion work 'is being resumed on a more active scale. 1 Mr. Dickie produced a letter from ! his native cvangelist in his station, | Kin Hwa in Chekiang province, which tells something of what cven native! Christians have endured at the hands' of some of the soldiery. Mission sta- tions were looted and native Christian! and Missionaries mistreated to a great; extent. The political situation is in a state of great upheaval, and "he would J. N. Thickson Scores Meth ods and Sees Need for More Police Oshawa, Nov. 10, 1927 Editor The Oshawa Daily Times: Dear Sir:-- We take this moment to registe our abjeciions to the inefficient po lice protection afforded this city while the police commission an city aldermen, the men who ough to know that such is the case, tal and wonder, and wonder and tall if the few police we have, is not s ficient. There have been premises broke into and valuables stolen, in al parts éf the iy, and let me ad: just here, through no fault of th police, as there are not enough c them, and they cannot be ever! place at once. Notwithstanding this, Aldermar Marks, with a wave of his hand, hac the light and pole removed, tha! was lighting the rear of our prem iscs. This was done less than week ago, with the results that ou premises were broken into las night, within one block of the pe TE -- be a genius who could make a pro- | lice station, ransacked and goed phecy on China today." The various; | Stolen. Now, if we cannot have ligt factions in different parts of the coun- | OF Dolice protection, pray, what ar try are all struggling for mastery, but! We to get for the amount of mone it is a general opinion that if the Bol- | we pay in the way of taxes? sheviki could be eradicated, peace The writor has made himself ac would come much more quickly to Guainted for more than a year pas China. | with the workings of tha polic The opinion of some men in close force, and knows, that at man touch with the pulse of the cast, is! times, for hours, in the mildle ¢ that China's salvation lies in the for-|the night, there is not one police eign powers taking charge of some of '12an in the station, all being calle the essential public services and op-|out on duty, while the citezens o© erating them until such time as the the city sleep, believing that the Chinese have settled down again andi have only to phone the police sta are in a position to form a gover:- | tion, and get police protection, i: ment with 'the necessary quaiities of | truth and fidelity, and which has | strength enough to exercise a com- | petent authority over their subjects. | So far no move has been made in this | direction and the country remains in a state of chaos. It is a very difficult thing, as Rev. Mr. Dickie says, to understand the conditions in China, as so many fac- tors unite to make these conditions. "However, it 'is hoped that the skein has begun to unravel and that in as short a time as possible the work of the var- ious churches may be resumed there. Mr. Dickie's post, Kin Hwa, is quite well back in the interior, and as yet no missionary has resumed permanent residence there, Mr. Dickie was for- ced to return to this country on a:- count of the illness of his wife, and is now residing in Oshawa with his] daughter, who is a graduate of Oshawa | General Hospital and is carrying on| nursing work here, Work Pants. * 98 ¢€ I. Collis & Sons {0-34 King Street ' West, Oshawa Onp. Centre St, Phone 733% Building and Heavy Machinery Moving Wire or phone at our ex- pense for tenders upon this class of work before we re- 23 SIMCOE §. PHONE 889 turn our equipment at pres- Cash or Terms ent at Oshawa to Toronto., i First class service guaran- teed. Russell Construction - Co., Ltd. 501-505 Harbor Bldg., Toronto Telephone Elgin 1685, 3987 DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store 33 Simcoe St. N, 02% "For Better Shoe Values" ASL TE i seed Phone Davidson & Samells oom | JUST ARRIVED 500 Popular Fiction at 75¢ each HENDERSONS Book Store /, You can't get A by guesswork fee Hens can't lay regularly unless they get proper feed. You must restore to dy daily the food elements they give off in the egg. a scientifically balanced ration--one that is certain and sure--one that is economical one that makes Jour hens regu- lar producers. ore profits for you. . Ful-O Per Egg Mash contains exactly the ingredients that hens need to lay lots of large, strong- shelled segs. Oatmeal--not just ground oats--other cer- eals, cod liver meal, mineral, are mixed in balanced pro- portions. The Cod Liver Meal supplies vitamines to act Suiclly and ViRowudy on the egg producing organs. 'Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash is 99, mineral. for their size 'need more mineral than any domestic animal--mineral for nutriment and mineral for eggs. .Feed Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash. 'You will get better eggs more regularly. Your hens will be healthy, busy, eager to lay. Cold weather and lack of sunshine won't affect them. Ful-O-Pep brings you dollars. - FUL-O-PEP EGC MASH A product of The Quaker Mills, Peterborough and Saskatoon COOPER SMITH FLOUR, FEEDS, POTATOES snd SEEDS Celipa Street, Near Post Office | | For Better Values | | ; | | !tlon series, | Trainer . manager Harold Luke are going to a moment's notice, The city has got to have mor policemen, or this kind of thing wi go on and become worse, as th police we have are too few to han dle the situation. And any citizen or rate payer who doubts this, le them take a few evenings and spen: some time around, seeing what th police do, and have to do. ) ~ As a heavy rate payer of the eit for the last twenty years, I do stre; ously object to removing light from back yards in the centre c the city, and also to our inefficien police force. This is a matter that must 1} given immediate consideration <b the aldermen, we now have, or it i the duty of the people to elect al dermen who will consider it, Yours Very Truly Thickson Motor Sales Per J. 'Norman Thickso. OSHAWA JUNIORS TO PRACTICE AT THE RAVINA RINK TONIGH The Junior Shamrocks, Ontaric Hockey Association squad will leave Ratz's Tobacco Store tonight at © o'clock for Toronto where they wil hold another ice practice in prepa ration for their coming games ir the Sportsmen's Patriotic Associa The boys together with "Coxie" Cox and busines: motor, According to sechdule during the past few weeks the boys have been going through their ice praeticc three times a week, Tuesday, Thurs. day and Saturday afternoon and if this pace keeps up, it won't be long hefore they will be able to indulge in a game LIQUOR BOARD T0 DECIDE ON STOR! (Continued from page 1) they represented the Board was assur ed that the merits or demerits of ths Liquor Control Act was not being brought forward at this time. "We assured the Board," Mr. Alge stated, "that all we asked was first that no store be established here with out a vote of the people thereon; or. failing that, that we be allowed to pre sent them with counter petitions, "We assured Mr, Hanna and his colleagues 'that if a vote were taken the organizations represented woul abide by result if it went contrary tc their hopes. In addition, they would co-operate in every way to keep the store from becoming a greater sourc: of evil to the community than the nature of the traffic implied." The delegation asked leave to ex amine the petition from a 2,000 re puted citizens of sOhawa were said t have petitioned the Government for : liquor store. They were - denied that privilege. however, on the ground that many had signed it only on a promise that their names should not be made public. The delegation did not press the point further than to point out tha! thopsands of citizens of sOhawa are prepared to sign a petition against z liquor store and are willing to allow hteir names to be given any necessary publicity. The Board, they poinetd out fhould at least allow these to present their views in the matter even if a vote is denied. The delegation consisted of 0. M. Alger, representing the Prohibition Union of which he is president; Rev. John Galt, president of the 'Minister- ial Association ; Rev. Dr. Fletcher, pas- tor of the Christian Church who rep- resented the Royal Templars of Tem- perance, and Rev. A. R. Whattam, pastor of Albert Street United Church, representing the city and county or- ganization, The full board was present for the' hearing. The herring fleet of Burghead, Scotland, consisting of only 24 ves, sels. had a total catch worth $200,- 000 this season, EE WILL AWAIT ACTION OF THE COUNTY Township 'School Trustee. " Discuss Question of Fees to High School MUST PAY ALL COST increased 'Fee 'Means Only Additional $1,000 to Be Paid By Ratepayers That the School Trustees south School of Section 10, bette, mown as the Westmount Publi School, should await the action of th: "ounty Council at its forthcoming ses ion, was the unanimous decision a: ived at last night at a well-attended 1eeting held .at that school. The question under discussion wa he proposal that the County Couiici of Ontario County) should pay th ntire cost of education of pupils wh ved outside the boundaries of the ity. This refers only to those at snding High Scliool, and does not ef ect the public schools in any way. A he present time the County Counc ays. 80 per cent. of the cost, amount 1g to approximately $15 per vhich covers both maintenance ane lebenture charges, the remaining 2 er cent. being paid out of Oshaw 'ity funds. The whole issue revolve round this 20 per cent. The Oshaw: school Board contends that the Coun y Council should pay it, and up to th: resent time the County Council ha ot seen its way clear to agree to th roposition, There seemed to be some little mi: nderstanding in the minds of some o he Trustees as to the amount in olved, but when it was pointed cu hat the additional percentage wou rrobably not exceed $1,000, and th: his amount would be divided amon of the he matter might very well be settle n that basis. It was, of course, quit Jear that the Trustees could not spea or the Council or influence its dec: ion, bu the meeting achieved its ob et, which was to obtain through a formal discussion, a clearer view « he issues involved It was stated that in the year 192 ie County Council had paid the Cit i Oshawa approximately $7,000.00 ic ae education of High School pupii siding outside the city, this, as be re stated, being 80 per cent. of th. ctual cost including maintenance an ebentures. Mr. R. A. Hutcheson, Public Scho uspector for South Ontario, showe self a complete master of the sub «ct, and his remarks were listened 1 ttentively. Mr. Warren Dearborm;, as Reeve o .ast Whitby, acted as chairman of th eeting, and Mr. R. S. Lick, one © we Trustees, carried out the secretar ul duties. The meeting was attende vy Trustees from nearly all the schoc sctions of East Whitby, Messr yearborn and Ross being the repre sntatives of this township on the ounty Council. Il members showed a very keen in- rom time to tune, >HARGE OF TRAFFIC LAW VIOLATION harged with violating traffic signal: t the King and Simcoe street inter- ection. The driver started across, the atersection and after proceeding half vay, was forced to stop by two auto- nobiles which were making the left wand turn. In the meantime the sig- jal. changed. Considering the case rom the angle that the driver of the ar which was going with the light vas in the right and that it was an un- woidable position to be placed in, his yorship dismissed the case. NTERMEDIATE TEAM evmediate . Ontario Hockey Associa- jon team are respectively reminded )f the annual pow-wow of that or- zanization which takes place in the "y" at 8 o'clock tomorrow night, r any others who are contemplat- ng trying to catch places on the 'egular line-up, are particularly ask- »d to turn out. The meeting will he 1 short, sweet and snappy one in sion will take place. Delegates to attend Jockey Association annual meeting n Toronto shortly will have to be ippointed and a management elect- ed. Other minor business will also be looked into.. Wonderid When your stomach feels bad; when Gas, Sourness, Nausea or af- ter-eating pains make you feel mis- surated Magnesia will bring yeu In- stant , Relief! For Indigestion, the prompt ef- | fectiveness of this. special mon-laxa- tive BISURATED form of Magnesia is really wonderful. Even the most obstinate cases quickly respond. Pleasant and inexpensive. your druggist. SOLINA Solina, Nov..7. -- Miss Evelyn Lick and Mrs. Morice, ushawa, Mr. and Mrs. L. Snowden, Maple Grove, at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Baker's. Don't forget that the Women's In- stitute meets at Mrs. Harvey Harris's on Thursday, November 10th. All come who can. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Pascoe, Zion, Mr. Harold Treble, Hamilton, Mr. Fletcher Werry, Bernice and Wikna Werry, Kedron, at Mrs. A. L. Pascoe's Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Glaspel, Mr. and Mrs. James Hardy, Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy and Irene, New Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy's. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry, Oshawa, at J. S. Rundle's. Misses Betty and Mildred and Mas- ter Bobby Snowden, Maple Grove, spent Thanksgiving Day with Mrs. T. taker. Misses Elsie and Irene Bragg, Tor- onto, at J. Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. Wrightson Wight and family and Mr. Will Hoar, Oshawa, md Miss Lillian Hoar, Toronto, at Mrs. Elgin Taylor's. Mr. Hilton Tink and Miss Myrtle Vice at Mr. Hoskin Smith's, Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sommerville and family, Cherrywcod, and Mr. Joe Rey- pupil | All members of last year's team which plenyt of buginess and discus- | the Ontario For Indigestion! | | | One Thin Woman he ratepayers of the whole county, : | zemed to be the general opinion tha | | miserable, ar IS DISMISSED | David Cox, appeared in court today ! ORGANIZES TOMORROW Hockey followers of the local in- | erable--a single dose of pure Bi- | nolds, Simcoe, at Mrs. Fanny Rey- nolds. : Miss Laura Hands, Miss Edna Reynolds. Mr. Isaac Hardy went to Lindsay and purchased several head of cattle Mr. Chas. pure-bred Jerseys at Mr. Richardson's sale at Columbus. Mr. Leslie Gibson at Mr. J. D. Ho- garth's. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pascoe and Gor- don at Mrs. H. Crossman, Kedron. Mr. S. Bush has undergone an operation in Bowmanville Hospital and is home again fecling sible. Mr. and Mrs. McMullen and Thel- ma, Nestleton, Miss Dickie. and Mi Marwood Dickie, Janetville, and' Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood and Murray. Bowmanville, at Mr. S. Williams, 4 Scarboro, at as well as pos- Gained 15 Pounds In 5 Weeks Men and women, weak, thin and to put on 8 urged weight Blanchard purchased 3 and back and strength with Liver Extract Tablets. One woman gained 15 pounds in five weeks and that's going fast enough for anyone. McCoy takes all the this ironclad guarantee. taking 4 sixty cent boxes Coy's Cod Liver Extract 2 one dollar boxes any thin, {| derweight man or woman | gain at least 5 pounds and feel i completely satisfied with the mark- | ed improvement in get their health McCoy's risk If of after Mece- Cod | Read | Tablets or | un- | doesn't | health---your | druggist is authorized to return the | purchase price. Ask Jury & Mitchell, or any Ltd., and T. druggist. Lovell, | B, good TOMORROW'S PAPER » § 1 3 || { SY F HIT Ane TEER {ThA i FREE DESSERT Seernn®laly 7s for every N family | 4 IRE I AEA ALLL & Val y We SN A new Gruen Cartouche in solid gold -- $40! Here is truly remarkable watch value! A dainty wristlet, newly created by Gruen, with an adjusted movement casud in 14kt, solid white gold--at half the price you'd expect to pay for such a watch. Asa gift ora watch for your personal use, no more satisfactory watch pur- chase could possibly be made at this price. See these remarkable timepieces TEs at our sto yl Gruen Cartouche . 14 ke. solid gold oie ELT BIS fae case, $¢ The Leading Jewellers | The feeling of the meeting through | ut was one of friendly discussion, anc | erest in the various angles brought uj WHERE SATISFACTION IS A CERTAINTY" SR Do You Own Your Own Home afr TE SRE T0 SN Er aT | ENS IE RISE "a W. J. SULLEY Real Estate $ i 3 0 with small cash deposit buys three room Frame Cottage with lights and water; on large lot; good section, north end, $4.50 with $600 cash buys this beautiful Brick ' Veneer, Semi Bungalow, Hardwood floors, all modern conveniences. Close to Fittings, Ltd, $3,70 Buys this beautiful S-room storey and half new Brick House, All mod. ern conveniences, close in, A bargain, Small cash payment, Balance like rent. Ask about this, Sulley & Maw AUCTIONEERS Phone 2580 Res, 716) 9 Celina St., Oshawa Better Houses JRIAH JONES 461 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Phone 1947w CARTERS Real Estate 5 King St, East Phone 1380 Res., 1823W . Auctioneers W. J. Sulley, Wm. Maw, Oshawa. Whitby, We guarantee highest prices and sa- tisfaction. Phone calls promptly at- winded to, Household furniture our specialty. Ouroflice is 9 Celina Street, Oshawa. 'Phene 2580 -- Res. 716j V. A. Henry, Insur- ance and Loans 111 SIMCOE ST, 8S. Phones: 1198W---Oflice 1858)--Residence W. J. TRICK CO. Limited REAL ESTATE, CONTRACT- ING AND BUILDERS SUP PLIES 25 Albert St. REAL ESTATE Homes built to suit purchasers, R. M. KELLY 610 Simcoe St. N. Phe pe 280 LYCETT Si. PLONE SC YOUNG 4h Prince St hawa, Ont. Your Real Estate and Insurance Broker AUCTIONEER 25 King St. E.--Corner Celina Phone 295 Real Estate and Insurauce DISNEY PHONE 1550 House, 6 Rooms, Brick Bunga- low, all ccaveniences, paved Ask" St, off King St., lot 50' x 210°, ¢ diate p i Price $3,900. Small cash payment; would exchange on lot. . HORTON .& FRENCH Owner--Phone 1207W "THE OSHAWA | Contractors and Builders Complet: work done in house building to the best of satisfaction.--Plans and Estimates. Houses built to order--Contracts for group building taken, . 283 Ritson Rd. S. Phone 2686 I THE OSHAWA BUILDING CO.