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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Nov 1927, p. 3

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" THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 1927 PAGE THREE OSHAWA AND DISTRICT Mill Sale New Winter Hats, individual styles, all handmade at reduced prices. Miss V. Caldwell. 45 King St. W. (109a) Coming Eyesight Specialist F. E. Luke, Optomterist, 167 Yonge street, Toronto, may be con- sulted about your eyes for glasses at Felt Bros. Jewelry Store, Oshawa, Tuesday, November, 15. (109-111) Noted Singer Coming Madame Jeanne Dusseau who is coming to Oshawa on Nov. 22nd, under the auspices of the Music Study Club, sang this afternoon for the Toronto Women's Musical Club at their first meeting of the season, in the Toronto Conservatory Con- cery Hall, (1092) To Hold Art Exhibition Art lovers of the North section of the «city will have the opportun- ity of viewing the Elson exhibit of art in the North Simcoe Street pub- lic school on the afternoons and evenings of Nov, 23, 24, 25 and 26. The hours will he from 4 to 6 and 7 to 10. A small admission fee will be charged, the money derived to go towards buying reproductions of the masterpieces for the school. Further announcements are to be made later. PUBLIC SCHOOL RUGBY TEAMS TO DISPLAY ABILITY SATURDAY p-- A double-header will be played in local rugby circles Saturday after- | recently visited her cousin, Mrs. W. J. THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE IEXT THE POST OFFIC» PHONF 17 \\ 3) y AD) Shit EZ am Ioan G Vi $e sion Governs your mental stability, peace of mind, eticiency. If your eyes 'bother' you, it may mean the need for new glasses, or--if yom do not wear glasses it may indicate the necessity for them. HORI TIE TEER AL RE HH TY Naturally you wish the very best service in have ing the trouble rectified, Our service is painstaking and scientifically depend. able, Jury & Lovell Optical Parlors Phone 28 or 29 CTT IIE Keep An Eye OnYour Eyes SII I noon when teams from Oshawa pub ie schools and St. Catharines pub- lie schools will hook up in a game at 2.30 o'clock. A senior inter-col- iegiate game between Oshawa C.l. and Peterboro C.I. will take place immediately after, probably about 4 o'clock. The public school affair promises to be an interesting cme for St. Kitt's challenged the locals, When the writer was in that city with the Chevrolet ball elub, he noticed quite a number of public school squads sut playing games and practicing. Thus the kids from that city are sure to provide a keen game. The collegiate attraction should be a good oné too, for in the Lift Lock city, Oshawa held the Petes to a 12 to 0 score in favor of Osh- awa. The Petes have a nice little team and will assist in giving a xcod afternoon's sport. MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Nov. 7. -- A special Thanksgiving service was held on Sun- day, Nov. 6th, in. the church, when our pastor preached a splendid Thanks- giving sermon, Next Sunday at Sunday School it is expected that Miss Annie Laird, dele- gate to the Sunday School Convention 'n Toronto, will give her report. Rev Mr. Veale, returned missionary fron China and one of the leaders in the Maintenance and Extension Work, is cxpected to be with us in the church | service next Sunday. Miss Muriel Everson, Oshawa, Snowden. * Mr. and Mrs. Orley Corey and two children and Mrs. John Corey, Osh- awa, visited at Mr. N. I. Metcalf's over | the holiday. i Miss Dora Eames is leaving this | | week to spend a few weeks' holiday in | l'oronto. Miss Hilda Foley, Toronto, at home | aver the holiday. Mr. W. G. Ranton, Brantford, spent | Thanksgiving with his sister, Mrs. Chester Power. Misses Susie and Annie Laird speat the holiday with relatives in Hamilton. Rev. and Mrs, H. W. Foley and Too Late to Classify WANTED--TWO LADY OR. GEN- tlemen roomers, breakfast if desired. Central. Phone Daily Times for ad- dress. (109¢) TO RENT_2 UNFURNISHED OR |} light housekeeping. 600 Christie St, (109b) For Your | PHONE 22 £2: Jo . Thompson's Drug Store 10 Simcoe St, 8, We Deliver wr SHOE STORE 18 SIMCOE STREET n NewYork 5 at the ABERDEEN HOTEL 17 West 32nd St., near 5th Ave, Close to Penn. Station -- accessible to everything! Every modern hotel convenience and se: Rooms $ ,50 Aways with baib avaiiabie Juha F. Downey, Menaging Direster Jroix JoRLone 6C SPECIALISTS IN MINING SECURITIES LISTED AND UNLISTED HEAD OFFICE: REFORD BUILDING Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto PRIVATE WIRE SYSTEM 11 King Street East, Oshawa Above C,P.R, Office, Phone 144 8S. F. Everson, Local Manager GRAIN partly furnished rooms, suitable for !§ family, Fraserville, at the formers sisters, Mrs. J. D. Stevens. p Miss Evelyn Lancaster and Miss Holman, Port Granby, have been spending a few days with the former's sister, Mrs. Iveson Mlunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden accom- panied by her paree:, Mr. aad Mrs. | W. L. Macklin, Colourg, r.otored to Orillia on Wednexday an" visited rela- tives there. Mrs, Cole, Toronto, recently visited her daughter, Mrs. Milton -Samis. Miss Eva Lane, Prevideuce, visited with Miss Hilda Foley o Sunday. Miss Greta Munday spent the holi- day with Miss Winnie Rickard, New- castle. Miss Mariorie Stevens has returned home from Uxbridge and has accepted a position in Mr. Ross Strike's law office, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. James Burnett, Tor- onto, visited her sister, Mrs. Frank Swallow, over the holiday. Miss Edna Swallow visited Miss Reva McGill, Enniskillen, on Sunday. . There are a series of special meet- ing in connection with the church to be held every evening of this week from 8-930 in the church. Rev. H. W. Foley, Fraserville, will be present and assist in the services Monday and l'uesday evening. i Last Wednesday evening a splendid concert was given in the Hall Mr. Ralph Gordon, cartoonist and comed- an, kept us well entertained by his' humorous as well as serious remarks. le sketched some very beautiful pic- ures on the screen for us, sang iumorous songs, recited some of his wn poetry and also played music for + on the hand-saw. He was accom- anied at the piano by his wife. Dur- ng the program solos were elightfully rendered' by Mrs. Roy Vancamp, Mrs. [lveson Munday and Mrs. (Rev) H. J. Stainton. MYRTLE Myrtle, Nov. 9.--Miss McFarlan visited at her home in Tilsonburg ver the holiday. Mr. Duncan Ray and Mrs, Longs- bury of Lindsay, spent the week end it Mr. A. Carmichald's, Mr. Edward Gammon was in Whitby on Friday acting as witness BRUTON'S weekly Shoe Bulletin Shoes at Popular Prices For QUALITY Merchandise MEN'S SHOES $3.95 $3.85 $5.00 oxtord, heavy rote. 39400 rounded odgo rote + 90:00 LADIES' SHOES a ie $2.98 $3.00 Cushionette, $3.50 $3.50 We specialize in KE EE Wide, See our new lines at $5.00, $5.50 and $7.00 Spee, in Cozy Boudoir, Black, Spec, in Cozy Boudoir, 95 Cc Black, Brown, Blue, Rose BOYS' SHOES 1-5 Special Group of School Shoes Stylish Black splendid quality . . Box Kip Bluch, Light work Shoe, RH, ,.,.. Brown Grain Service Shoe Panco Bottom Black Grain Oxford, Snappy new last | Dong 1 Strap High grade House Slipper Dong, Oxford Comfort and Ease Pat, 2 Strap, med, low heel, wide fitter Kip Bluch. $3.75 Hikers "The Shoes with Mileage." "Sole Agents" the Come in and let us demonstrate our new "Karry Krome" line of Juvenile, Guavanteed foot~ wear, Made by "Packard", ---------------- -- BOY'S ALL-WOOL PULLOVERS Special 89c¢c * 68 King Street West { 's Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, Penman's 's Heavy Sweater Coats, special Men's Blue Overcoats, 10 only to clear - Boys' Fleece Lined Combinations, Penman's make, DOMINION CLOTHING COMPANY make, special, 79 1.49 12.50 98 gmt. Phone 2141 ( A : Th Pal Ti oR V. I TX * Somber mrim--" from a two week3s visit with her daughtor, Mrs. Flett, of Cherrywood. | Reward Offered | Twenty-Five Dollars ($23.00) will be paid to any one, by the undersigned, who gives informa- tion leading to the conviction of the perso» or persons who, in a smeaX thief style broke { inte our premises, last might {November 9th, or on the morn. img of November 10th, and | forced their way from there ime {to the steckroom, and taking ! there from 30 x 33% Firestone Tires and Tubes, and other ace cessories, Thickson Motor Sate: 9 Bond Street West, Oshawa, Ontario \ in the Desmond-Wallace case. A number from here attended Frank Richardson's sale at Colum- bus on Monday. Some bought some choice Jerseys to improve their dairy herds. Mr. Victor Hudgins and Mise Beryl Willing of Toronto, were holiday guests with the former's mother, Mrs. H. Hudgins. | Miss Elsie Shell of Oshawa, spent { Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Frank Shell. Owing to the special services In | Manchester last Sabbath, the regu- | lar service was cancelled here, Next {Sabbath the service will be in the evening at 7 o'clock. Sunday School 't the usual hour, 1.45, { The Jupp Construction Co., who {have finished paving operations on {the hizhway, have taken the con- jtraet of draining the side of the road inear Claremont. i Mrs. Wm. Tarvis has returned } Mr. George Woodcock, who has {| been seciion foreman om the C. P. R. for the past two years, has been transferred to the section at Pter- boro, where he moved his fami last week. » | Meco» Reid and Erle Cook spent {the week end with relatives in 1o0- rronto. : ! The Hydro lights were off on Tuesday night, but for the "kindly moon" the village would have been in darkness for a few hours. COLUMBUS Columbus, Nov. 8.--Mr. Frank Richardson held a very successful sale on Monday afternoon, when he disposed of his fine herd of dairy attle; also horses and some imple- ments, Several from here attended the Thanksgiving services at Brookin on Sunday and also the concert and 'upper on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Mooney of Toronto, apent Sunday with Mr. Paul Purves. Mr. Jack Dyer of Oshawa spent Sunday at his home here, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson of Pickering have moved to their new farm here, formerly occupied by Mr. C. Grills. We welcome them to our village. Mr. and Mrs), Dearborn of Peter- boro spent Sunday with the form- er's brother, Mr, Hiriam Dearborn. Miss Marjory Ashton, of Toronto, visited her mother, Mrs. Jas. Ash- 'on on Sunday. Miss Viola Benner spent the week and and holiday at her home in Bur- lington, Mrs. A. J. Cook and children of Brooklin, spent Sunday at C. Grill's. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Hepburn of Enfield, visited the latter's pprents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mountjoy one day this week, and Mrs. | 15 Prince Street LECTRIC RANGE Given Away Absolutely FREE If you are considering an Electric Range any time between now and Christmas WHY NOT GET YOURS FREE? And a "BEACH" At That NOT A GUESSING CONTEST CALL IN FOR PARTICULARS Free Cooking Demonstration Week of Nov. 8th. Expert Cook in Attendance S. COWELL Open Evenings Phone 2477 ERE Mrs. W. Robson of Toronto, visit- ed her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Levi Ellins, over the heliday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ottawa, are visiting the father, Hon. Wm. Smith. " Sorry to report Mr. under the doctor's care. for & speedy recovery. Smith of former's F. Glover We hope Mr. John Nesbitt and Mr. Si Murison returned home Tu night with the hunters from ! lin after spending a two weel' 3 cation hunting deer in the north. They report the deer very this year. Mr. Loonarc Hindman of © spen: Sunday at F, Wood's. 1 CGE | | i 3 1 | J URY THE SAFE & LOVEL DRUG STORES 1 Twenty-five years ago was A" through a chain of Drug Bargains highest quality and a service ard of Drug Store Merchandising were its aims. From this small beginning has been established the mighty chain. of Rexall Stores (King of all Drug Stores) composed of 900 born the idea of serving mankind Stores, Merchandise of only the that would equal the high stand. a) Don't Miss These SAVERS Milburn's H Rheuma Gin Pills Hemroids Nujol Califig Castoria Fruitatives PENNY A & H Food No. 3 Phillips' Milk Scott's Emulsion, 57¢-$1.08 Vick's Vapo Rub Ipana Tooth Paste Chase's Nerve Food Dodd's Pill's - Forhan's Tooth Paste 30c 50c Woodward's Gripe Water 57c¢ Geere's Wormwood Balm 55¢ McCoy's Tabs 50c & N Pills 4c $1.15 70c 40c $1.15 69c - $1 Mag. 48c 45¢ 39¢c 55¢ 33c 50c 40c 22¢ - 45¢ Bromo Seltzer 25¢ 50¢c 95¢ pleases of tea For Hubby's Lunch Noghing it SAVE WITH SAFETY stores in Great Britain and Ireland and over 2,000 in United States and Canada. We have striven to live up to this High Ideal of Rexall chandising and to prove to you, our customers, that we hv not striven in vain, we ask you to phone for any of these. For Thursday, Friday, Saturday WEY, Cirls! Here's your chance. A 23c cake JONTEEL TOILET SOAP and a 50c¢ jar JONTEEL CCLD or COMBINATION CREAM V_/ Both for Soft Hands use French Balm Soothing, Healing, Whitening . { 50¢ LYRE I BEER Why suffer with cold feet Hot | Bottles 1 year guarantee Reg. $1.75 A Cake of TINY TOT SOAP FREE with a can of TINY TOT TALCUM -- 25c¢ a tin. MEN! KLENZO SHAVING CREAM Jumbo Size 39¢ | | | LJ We Deliver like a bh 200d hot cup at the noon lunch, Genuine THERMOS KITS JURY & King Street East Phone 28 We Deliver ane sco! ) Save on the fuslly tooth paste We have sold thousands of | tubes of Shaving Cream, but never one of such value as In the family size, Cleanses d whitens the teeth without uring, Tube, BLS 39¢ Neilson's Ice-Cream LOVEL Phone 68

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