RESHENTILAREA ¥ i vo Jab ge ESET RE pos GRE i, oh send Mile ' amendment of Provincial statutes al PAGE FOUR -- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1927 1S OUTLINE (Contnued from Page 1) 1 mecis bere om November 18 ¢t on the by-law creating King ac a residential district. br-law embodying the fina! it tie matter of his suit against comeny with Arthur Wilkinson, as passed for the mayor » signatures and civic seal. ifart was the mover of the by- ='th Aldermen Perry, Jackson and resnective seconder: y+ eo several readings. Nollevilie's resolution askinf lowing firemen one day off eac week and the creation of double pla «ad Colds "A Snuff Vicks up nose "eg? or melt in cup of Ni hot water," inhale vapors. S ERE EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. Certain conditions are more pro- nounced with age. Even though weakened you may still have youth- ful vision with the proper lenses. 331 --l"HUNE=-- 150 {Diency lock opposite Poat (Hy Electric Wiring and Repairs GLD HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY A. RUSSELL Pree Estimates -- Phone 2299 Flanel Suecial, Toda Dry Goods Co. 32 Simcoe St, S, Phone 740 7 oons in fire departments was re- erred to Ald. Marks' commitfee, Resolution On Gas Tax Interest was expressed in a resolu- fon from Walkerville in which the jovernment is asked to exemp- aunicipal automotive equipment rom the gas tax and to make then ubject to rebate the same as farm tractors. Application of the Ontario Moto! jales to erect a service station and as storage station at the ortheast corner of Mary and {ing street at a total cost of 112,000. A siding is asked from the Jshawa Railway so that gas may be surchased in carload lots of 6,00¢ allons. The anplication was granted sub- 'ect 'o the city engineer's advice and soncurrence by the Dominion Rail ray Board. Chamber of C ree Ald. Johnston's motion that the sity advertise in Heaton's Annual, handhook of information abouy cities which is largely used by manufac 'urers and professional men, war aarried. The cost will be $100. Dis cussion brought out strong state ments of favor to the oreanizatior of an Oshawa Chamber of Commerce Ald. Johnston declared that he was heart and soul for the proposal: Ald. Schell pointed out that snch ar oreanization was one of Oshawa's vital needs: Ald. Macdonald was emphatically in favor of a move that should result in a larger and more nrosperous citv. Ald. Swanson pointed out 'hat he is collectin~ data with regard to the nronosed Chamber of Commerce and that, at an early date, he will invite the Council '0 meet at his house to talk over the matter. "I am, of course, a srnporter of the move tn organize a Chamhe~ of Commerce here." he de-la'r?. "but T want this matter to be taken up hy the whole Conneil and to ha nue canted tn the necople as a Connnil nlan., not my plen. T hone. to have my data ready for jou at an early date." Ald, Swanson, however, chiacted to advertisin~ in Heaton's Annual He was of the opinion thn: move 001 wanld ha derived by advertis- 'ne 'n the local paper. Ald. Hart also annosed the plan, wint'ne ont 'hat the arid test was to ask if Oshawa would get $100 af af it. and ha doubted very much if the «° tera: get ten cents fn indire~t veturn. Mavor Preston 'rvared Ald. Tohn- ston's motion and iy was carried by a majority vote, Phillip Smith, nresident of the imith Transportation Company, ".td., appeared before the aldermen n ask what he woula do wity his nlant"s refuse now that he is for- "idden to burn on his lot on Bloor duct's inflammable nature. Mr. Smith -was under fire from several directions, but stood hi ground notably. ' Ald. Swanson suggested that Mr Smith quit his salvage business. "You might as well suggest that ion'y eat!' he countered while the Council "roared, He declared that the objection t« his Bloor street dump was from people whom, he intimated, wert jealous of his finaneial success. "But I say this," he smiled at Ald swanson, "like you lawyers, withou wrejudice!" The Council gave laugh 'ng applause. . The Council, at the end, decide: hat they could do nothing in the matter as the city garbage service-- 8 pointed out b Ald. Hart--was 'or domestice refuse. Ald. Swanson declared that Osh twa was proud of Mr. Smith and o his contribution in a business wa. 'o the city's growth. They were pre 7ared to render him all the assist ance they could and the matter wa: referred to the Works Committe: for some action that may resul; in benefit to all concerned. Power Convention Report sent convention of the Central On 'tario Power Association. He declares that "after nine months delay the: have come around to an appeal te action." Ald. Swanson repliel by express ng astonishment at the report tha 'is worship had seconded a resolu fon endorsing the Hydro Commis sion. "After your public attacks on tha ody," he declared "many could no 'f front. 1 e~n n233ure vour worshi 'ar away from yon in vour forme nt ane Mayor Preston reported on the re- the Government and they may be another nine months before they ge' 'elp being amazed at "our chane« hat many of us hee were never toc The Finance Board, ttitude which, T will rav frankly hat I liked better than your pres "I feel that you should appoint :ommittee to take care of the city's | nterests in this matter of hydro ates and power supply." Mayor Preston replied that his| econding Mr. Conant's motion at Jobourg was inspired only by a de- ire to play fair. / "It endorsed Chairman Mac-: 'rath, he pointed out, "Who, 1 be- 'eve, is doing a wonderful work; nd to abuse the Board for things or which fits present membership 3 in no way responsible would hu:t 'ather than help our position." Ald. Swanson then moved that the mayor appoint a committee to rep- 'esent Oshawa's interests at su~h ime as President Mason obtains an 'ppointment to interview Premier "erguson. Aldermen of wards two and three vere named a committee to appear 'ofore the Ontario Railway and funicipal Board here on Nov. 18 n connection with the King Street last residential area. Frederick I. Wright, a returned oldier with considerable technical rainine, applied for the post of uildinz inspector should such be 'reated as recommended by the Fire 'rotection Committee. The applica- fon was ordered filed for future 'eference. To Appeal For Crossing The W. E. Phillips Company, Lim- ted, was granted permission to ap- veal to the Dominion Railway Board 'or a crossing over the Oshawa Rail- vay Tracks at Third avenue, this 2 be done in the city's name but at '0 cost or obligation to the munici- ality. The Board of Works adopted a 'olicy that no sewers are to be laid here there are houses more than 00 feet apart. This policy, as stated y Ald. Hart, will he elastic, but de- 'oned to meet uswval conditions. It as passed by the Council. under Ald. 'radlev, asks for a report from the ity Plumbing Inspector on the num- ar of inspections made this year nd fees collected. Fire alarm boxes are to he inatal- ~d on motion of Ald. Harmon sac- Stomach Troable Gone "l was a nervons wreck wit stomach trouble. Had dizzv spel' and could scarcely walk. 1 hega taking Adlerika, and now I ran restaurant and bake 40 ples a Aa Mrs. L. Amrol. Adlerika relieve stomach gas and sourness in TR minutes. Acting on BOTH vp" and 'lower bowel, it removes o! waste matter you never thong! was in your system. Let Ad'e-ik give your stomach and howels 'treet and was also forbidden to use the city dump because of his pro- better you feel. It will surpris you! Jury & Lovell, Druggists, [I Te Dresces are of an important loveliness--but it is one's coat which is seen first--which creates first impression that is so all-important. The Fair has always chosen the love- liest and most distinguished models and offered them at 2 most moderate price. Simcoe Street South We are now showing a group of distinctive coats spe- cially priced for immediate selling. ; » a w THE FAIR Phone 1173 ---Bakes 40 Pies REAL cleansing and see how mue! 'nded bv Ald. Jackson, at Bloor and itson Road, Lakeview Gardens, and t the Lake. - No action on giving exemption or limited improvements on city wropertv as sugeested hy the Of- , | awa City Council, was taken Steps to have a profile mav of Yshawa made and were ordered on "a finance committee's report. The nttor of an aerial map was laid aver, FOAMMENDS 12 DITIONAL FIREMEN (Cont'nued from Page 1) "an the Wire Protection Commitiee anypests, These te he emnloved at a ronnged sub-station to be built in he south part of the city -and equ:p ed with a pumper similiar to the me now in use, The chief also asks that the part aid staff 'be increased to ten men nd that officers, in future, shall e appointed ffom the permanent +aff, Under present conditions, one hift has no officer, and the cap- ain of the other is a part paid wun, Unless Oshawa can bring its fire ierviece up to the standard for a ity of its size, the Fire Protection Tommittee was definitely informed hy Fire Marshal Heaton thati he vould be forced to take drastic ac ion under authority vested In nis Wiice. He con, it was learned, employ 'firemen, fix their salaries and pur- 'hase equipment on behalf of the itv should the Council fail to take 'etion. Mavo® Preston voiced some in {epation with regard to the re- rests of Fire Protection Commit e. pointing out that growing de- nds for more of the civic rev- nre indicated a 65 mill tax rate 'n- 1128, Ald. Swanson, in reply, rointed »t that the mayor's generality re- rdine committee's demands for ore men did not, for instance, ap = to the Finance Committee. He * the ground that Oshawa's tire vi e so far as size and equip- ent iz roncerned, is a shame to he city though enough honor coud 'ot te given to the chief and the ~apr permanent men, assisted ny '»nteers, who had given Oshawa ncompara®le service, the very qual 'tv of which made it hard for the wuhlic to realize that there was, ac 'wally, only one fire chief and four sermancnt men employed. "I am quite earnestly in accord with the mayor on the matter of econcny," he declared, 'but when it comes-to a question of the lives 'nd well-being of our peaple, I am "ropared to vote $5,000 or $500. N00 for an effective fire service. Mind you," he pointed out, "I am ~uite certain that $600,000 is not eqnired and that something like $5.000 is the proper figure." Ald. Hart, favoring the increase 'n the fire department's permanent staff, pointed out that when the | "eorganiaztion is put into effect, volunteers. should be called out on ly on a "second alarm" and not be | ceovired to run to every grass or chimney fire which may occur. | Ald. Swanson moved that the mat [ter of fire service be referred to the council at an early meeting as a committee of the whole then, if | possible, a representative from the | tire marshall's department or that official himself might be asked to lattend. The fire chief would, also Je asked to appear before the ald- ermen and discuss the department's , needs. 45 SMALLPOX CASES | IN CITY OF OTTAWA Cttawa. Nov 10--Figures given out today by the eity health de- partment show there are 45 cases of small pox in Hopewell Hospital and 123 ceases qurantined in homes. Twenty-five houses throughout the | citf are under quarantine. These Plain Mr. York of York, Yorks., tells the boys and girls of the TASTE that set all England acclaiming and eating PLAIN YORK chocolate. The minute the bell rings and school J uly Children come rushing with joyous shout Into the store They all want some more Plain York--it's the choc'late they won't do without, : Trust the boys and girls to spot some- thing good! And the minute they tried Plain York, they spotted the chocolate treat of a life-time. This delicious, velvetysmooth plain Rowntree chocolate is the triumph of 200 years' experience in fine thocolate making. No wonder it is so truly chocolate--not too bitter, not too sweet, just ¥ight; a perfect dream of » taste, ry it--irs quality surpasses any choco late you have ever tasted. AN A SERS ss WNTREE figures show slight increases since the beginning of the week. OOKING with a Gur- ney Electric Range is simplicity itself. The white rock porcelain enamelled parts, the one- piece lift-up top, so easily cleaned with 'a damp cloth, the commodious oven with rounded corners, the warming closet, and the high speed burners make the Gurney Electric the most efficient range for your home. For ideal cooking, use a Gurney Electric Range, Ask for a demonstration any time, Sponsored and distributed in Canada by Northrern Llectric Oshawa Electric Service 148 Simcoe St. S. R. Cutts, Mgr. Oshawa