THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1927 London to Observe Armistice _ Day in Usual Impressive Style House of Commons Will Not Sit Until 12 o'Clock in Or- der to Attend Service at the | Cenotaph When King Will Lay Wreath on Memorial in Honor of Those Who Fell in Great War -- Prince of Wales to Attend (Cable Service to The Times By Canadian Press) Tondon, Nov. 10.--In connection with the commemoration of Arm- jstice Day, the House of Commons, which usually sits at 11 o'clock on Fridays, when only private business is taken up, will not sit tomorrow until twelve o'clock. Many members think it would be fitting if a two- minute silence were actually obser- ved by the House of Commons it- self, but as the members of the Cabinet deem it proper that they should stand with the King at the cenotaph during the great silence The speaker has ruled that the House shall not meet until noon. Arrangements for Armistice Day celebration here tomorrow are on the lines of those im pevious years In front of the cenotaph a hollow square will be formed by detach- ments of the Royal Navy, Army Air Force, Mercantile Marine and As- sociations of ex-service men. Short- ly before eleven o'clock the King, attended by the Prince of Wales and his brothers will appear from the front door of the home office which directly faces the cenotaph. The King will place a wreath at the base and wreaths will also be pla- ced on behalf of the other members of the Royal family. As Big Ben strikes the hour, two minutes silence will be observed. All road traffic will cease every- where in London, but it is now en- joined that railway trains or water transport shall stop. At the ceno- taph a short service will follow. For the rest of the day and several days following special arrangements will be made for orderly marshalling ui those wishing to place wreatns ud the cenotaph. Special arrangements will be made to enable those who wish to pass from the cenotaph to the grave of the Unknown Soldier in Wcgtminister Abbey, to do so without inconvenience. a The New GAINADAY Shortens your Wash Days Modern women shorten their AGAINST TOWNSHI East Whithy By Substantial Amount Township of East Whitby which, Justice Lennox, before whom the case was tried, which necessitated the evidence being submitted to an- other judge for a decision. Both parties agreeing. the matter was Oshawa, without costs under a pe- culiar subsection of the consolidat- ed municipal act of 1922 East Whitby must bear its own costs. The matter arose through the Town of Oshawa annexing Cedar- dale in 1923. At that time, it was agreed between East Whitby and Oshawa that the township should continue to pay its prorate share of County expenditures as before, but that Oshawa would pay East Whitby 16 per cent of its total paymen: to the County in lieu of Cedardale. However, on March 8, 1924, Osh- awa became a city. This separated Oshawa from the County with which dependent municipality. East Whit- by was informed of the changed status as related to Cedardale, but in due course Ontario County de. manded and collected taxes from East Whitby as before which meant that it received funds for Cedardale become city territory. Unable to secure redress from the County, East Whitby sued Oshawa. naming Ontario County as a party its suit against the city, The County. accordingly, will now be called upon to reimburse East Whitby by a substantial amount, Oshawa's failure to get costs in the action arises under Subsection 5 of Section 245 of the Consolidated Municipal Act of 1922. It states that a city has a perfect right to recover costs in suits where its city solicitor receives such costs as an addition to his salary. This peculiar provision which cuts Oshawa off from any redress in the suit lodged by East Whitby, wash days and make them easy with the Gainaday. For, with the Gainaday (the washer with the $100,000 tub), an armful of even the dirtiest clothes are cleaned white as snow in three to five minutes, Call us next wash day for a free demon- OSHAWA ELECTRIC SERVICE 148 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH con stration in your own home, PHONE 2530 . will be subject to Council enquiry. daughter, Mrs. E. Hart. | Mr. Ed. Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Morris, visited at Hampton on Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. H. Trevail spent Mon- | day with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Terwil- | legar. | Mr. and Mrs. W. Frayling visitel | with Mr. and Mrs. Shipp in the city | on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wager," Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parks, and Mrs. Parks | motored to Rochester and spent the | week-end with relatives. | Mr. and Mrs. N. Greenfield of Tor- | onto, Mr. and Mrs. McKay of Orono, | Mr. and Mrs. McComb of the city | spent Thanksgiving .Day with Mr. and Mrs. L. Edwards. The gentlemen went cut hunting and were successful in getting several rabbits. Mrs. Harry Gimblett spent Tuesday "Bridal COMMUNITY PLATE in the new One does not have to be a bride to be delighted with this smart Community chest set. Nor be an expert to appreciate the perfection of the twenty- six picces it contains. The chest is done in jet black and red, the silverware is CommuniTy Prat, covered by a replacement guarantee, and the price is $35.75. Five lovely patterns to choose from. Illustrated is the new Colonial design-- the Paul Revere. The Bridal Chest may also be had with 42 pieces (Service for eight) and 50 pieces (Service for twelve), BASSETT'S On Oshawa's Main Corner Chest" and Wednesday in Toronto with her mother, Mrs. M. Shannen Messrs Harold and Murlin Mac'<'e spent the week-end in Belleville with Mr. Harold Hall Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hutch'scn spent Sunday in Toronto with Mr. and Ms. J. Scott. Mrs, J. L. McGill spn: Monday with Mr. and Mrs. H Wilson, [ Mr. Chas. Mackie was in Toronto on | Tuesday. | Miss Carter of Toronto and M~-s | Lowe and baby boy of the city visited with Ms. and Mrs. N. Sanders ou, Saturday. Glad to welcome Mr, and Mrs, Ar- thur Wakley of Ashburn to our com- munity. They have purchased Mr. Hobbs new house. Mrs. McIntosh of California has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Fare- well for the past week. Mrs. Fred Brent of Toronto visit d at Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Lander's on Sunday. Mrs. F. Danzey and son Earle visited at Mrs. H. Willson's on Wednesday. Miss Ruby Greentree and Mr. Frank Flurrey spent Sunday in Woodville. Mrs. O. C. Lander and Miss D. Lan- der were in Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs: S. Vanstone of the city visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Ho- garth on Sunday, : Mrs. Middleton of Newcastle, is' visiting her grand-daughter, Mrs. F. Branton for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor and family" spent the week-end .at Lornville and Beaverton visiting Mr. Taylor's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. N'zhols spent the week-end with Mr. Nichols' mother in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, K. Sloan of Peterboro, visited with Mr .and Mrs. F. Branton ! on Monday. Mr. E. Healy spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. Geo. Haynes left on Wednes- day to motor to Wiarton to visit h's mother. Mr. Haynes is slowly improv- ing after his long illness. Miss Ethel Hobbs was hit by an automobile last Saturday when she turned from a butcher rig to cross the road. She did not notice the approa- ching car and ran into the side of it. She was knocked into the ditch, sus- taining scratches about the face and three teeth were knocked out. Her body was bruised but fortunately no bones were broken. The driver of the car was not blamed in any way as a was Ethel's own fault, she did not look. Children take warning, look both ways before attempting to cross the road anywhere. HARMONY | --- Harmony, Nov. 9--Mr. Wm, Lymer | of Bowmanville, spent Sunday with his | to the suit so that its interests would | be protected in the evigt of losing | CITY WINS SUT | County Must Now Reimburse | | | | i Oshawa has won a technical tax | suit instituted against Jt by \he | dating back to 1924 when Oshawa became a city, was further compli- | cated by the recent death of Mr. consequently submitted to Mr. Jus- | tice Logie who decided in favor of | it was empowered to deal as an in- | and other annexed areas which had | WELL-KNOWN MACDONALD WAREHOUSE You Must Come and See How Good the Goods Really Bre S WE write this advertisement the counters are lined with thnfty shoppers eagerly buying the many bar- gains that this great saving opportunity has unexpectedly put in their path. It would: take pages and pages to tell of all the won- derful values from The John MacDonald warehouse that have been secured for the people of Oshawa through our business association with Gordon MacKay Co., who as we stated in yesterday's paper, bought the entire stock at a most favorable rate on the dollar. your Styles of cloth and velvet - some furtrimmed, others with half shawl collar and plain cuffs, Garments that will lend grace to your fig- ure at prices that will please pe-- Cor. Richmond and Simcoe N. We have Suits and O'Coats for Men; Coats and Dresses for Women; Suits and Coats for Boys ~ all lowly priced. OSHAWA Credit SS BROS. Clothiers EEE i) Phone 2378 ? ! 2 1