PAGE FIVE REGENT- "What Price Glory" NEW MARTIN-"My Lady of Whims" "What Price Glory?" Every decade there appears on the theatrical horizon a stage or screen presentation so powerful in its appe2l, whether it be comedy or tragedy, that it at once radiates its fame to the remotest corners of the nation. It immediately grasps attention and becomes a byword and the topic of everyday conversation. Everyone will admit that there 1s no more positive proof of this thar "What Price Glory." As a stage play it was a sensation. Now comes along that, mosi powerful and searching of all agencies that re- flect and re-create, the motion pic- ture, and the sensation takes on all the widespread and interest arousing energy of a furore. This i= evactly what has happened to William Fox's screen presentation of this celebrated play, which Mana- ger lecn Osler is bringing to the tege!|" the first three nights of next week, with a special matinee on Wednesday, commencing at two- thirty sharp. The nation's foremost screen critics have been unanimous in their commendation of this motion pie- ture masterpiece, declaring that 1x surpasses the celebrated play by Laurence Stallings and Maxwell An- derson in every particuar despite tthe greatness of the stage attrac- tion. It is authority as picture of the year. It is war picture; War is its back- ground. It is no mere a war play than a love comedy laid in a sylvan getting would be called a 1uial play. Its anthors took war as the canvas on which to sketgh their storv; war as the great influence on me nand women that %would those in motion not proclaimed by all the greatest "Why Do Men Leave Home?" Alluring little Clara Bow, in all her loveliness, comes ® the New Martin Theatre next Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday in "My Lady of Whims," Ar- rows newt screen sucqess. She has been seen in many oth- er big pictures in the past bu er'tics. have declared that this role represents her greatest triumph. Donald Keith, that clean-cut, likable youngsier, appears opposie Miss Bow, while beautiful Carmelita Gera- ghty, Lee Moran, the world famous comedian and Francis McDonald, character actor of rare attainments, make up the balance of the cast. appeal as no other crisis in the af- fairs of nations could bring. Above all else there is comedy Probably no picture ever made along the edge of a great world tragedy ever had so much comedy. "What Price Glory" on the screen is peopled with real and nu- man characters that will at once win favor. They are not just types. They are the genuine thing in front of the camera, which makes no mis- ale "What Price Glory" 1s not orly a great and absorbing picture, with thrills and heart throbs and world of comedy, but it is erowd- ed with incidents that will bring .1 chtckle and a thrill long after he moment you see it. It has the most searing flashing inematic war scenes in the history of motion pictures. Classed as an pochal production it takes it's place among the big pictures ot this or any other year, telling a powerful story in which two strong out their dewtinieg on the Fields of Glory. Owing to the great cost of bring- ing the production to Crhawa, a very slight nrices will be asked. Le admitted to the Wednesday mat- iree for fifteen cents and adults, thirty. At the evening screenings, two of which will be given com- mencing at seven and nice each night during the the following scale of prices prevail: Children, twenty-five; Wits, fifty and lose seats sixty-five cents, all prices including the a-1- usement tax. With the big production a special thematic musical score will be play- ed by an augmented orchestra un- der the direction of Jack "My Lady of Whims" will the New Martin this week where | "My Whims,"" a new Arrow production is the feotured ottraction, and vou pays your money and youn takes your choice. In the reat of hugely entert:ining production two of the prettiest girls that Go to Lady of t's are in a very long time. But they are so widely divergent in tvpe that it is difficult to deter- mine which is the more attractive One of the ladies in question is Clara Bow, Have you ever seen little Clara? A tempest in a pot--spilled quicksilver--a vibrant "{lame--a tiny heedless, heartless | coquette, who dances to her destiny | nor spares a thought for the hearts | beneath her feet, | We want it distinetly understood (that we refer specifically and only | to her career and her work before | the camera. ¥ar bo it from us to | make such accusations in real life upon bric2z out pathos. comedy and human | men and a beautiful woman work | against as delightful a personality | Famous Actress is feature at the NEW MARTIN THEATRE First Three Days Next Week ADMISSION | . | | | | | | You'll Bow at the Throne of "My Lady of Whims" --ALLURING "BEGUILING A DALLAS FITZ GERALD. with DONALD KEITH-CARMELITA GERAGHTY and LEE MORAN adapted tothe screen from ProtectingPrudence "The Col and a Rip-Roaring Comedy BUSTER BROWN in "BUSTER'S PRODUCTION legians" HOME LIFE" Children will i Theatre | increase in admission | { [ o'clock | engaement, | ad- | Watson. | | this | reviewer has been privileged to gaze! tea | | mischief; SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION! | TUESDAY, NOV. 15th Anna Traynor Formerly with Captain : Plunkett's Revue DANCING and HOW! Dance to Snapp, usic 2 - COMMODORS - 5 LUPE BES EDMUND LOWE AND DOLORES DEL RIO sc production, "What Price WwW i N T E 04 Glory?" acclaimed by the nation's critics as the world's great- est motion picture, coming to the Regent Monday for a special | engagement of three nights and Wednesday matinee. © A syn- GARDENS chronized musical score accompanies the big picture, played In a scene from the massive by an augmented orchestra. reen OSHAWA | "%™ TANT 2) Regular Prices! TONS OF HIGH EXPLOSIVE USED IN "WHAT PRICE GLORY" In making the film version of "What Price Glory" over 125 tons of trinitrotoluol (T.N.T.) was used resulting in a bom- pardment of more than 150,000 taining come to long time. He (making a telephone date with | unknown )-- recognize you? a fair 1 low flower | | | | ------------------------ ---- picture as' very unusual a the screen in a and UNBELIEVABLE MODESTY (Chicago News) Secretary -- "Sir, a maiden stands without." "You know that | | | | . . | Movie Magnate: "Without what?" | | | | | been worrying so Well, T have good | Mrs. Newwed | me rtgage you've about about, dear? { news for you!" Secretary: "Without any credentials | for swimming the English channel." Movie Magnate: "Impossible! Send her in at once." But say, how will l, Her husband --- "What is it, sweet- weart 7" Mrs. Newwed--"T took the wretched old paper and burned it up." Easy I'll be wearing a ye! on my garter, explosions during the great bat- tle scenes, Army officials who have been through some of the biggest battles on the Western Front, say that the front line scenes in "What Price Glory" are the most realistic ever photo- graphed, Do not miss this great picture, the silver-sheet = boasts today. ra cn the sereen is "the kind ot girl that men forget," but the for- getting process is acompanied by many a heartache and many a sigh. Oh. she can play the demure little heroine. but such a role, to our way of thinking fits as well as a fifteen | dollar suit after its first baptism by rain. Then tal}, stately, there's Carmelita Geraghty, | dignified--and 'emin- | ently lovely Clara is tiny; Car- | melita just the reverse. Clara's eyes are bright with the fire of | Carmelita's gaze -out at | you with all the clarity and sweet'| serenity of wholesome womanhood. | Clara's hair Is a flyaway mass of | tangled silken strands, an ultra, « up to the minute, super boyish nob, | or whatever the mode may dictate, Carmelita, we feel confident, oo | weather a tropical typhoon and | come threugh absolotely unruffled. | But what's the use of going on | this way? We could keep on mak- ing comparisons all night, but af- | ier all, what does it matter? There | are those who will say that Clara | is the typification cf all feminine charm; there are those who will find Carmelita altogether lovely and cesirable. But on one point every- | ona will ag and that it that | "My Lady of Whims" is as enter- | FUEL COAL Stove, $16.00 per ton Nut, $15.50 per ton COKE WOOD Soft Slabs, load, $3.25 Mixed Slabs, load, $3.50 Hard Slabs, load, $3.75 Bodywood, }/scord, $4.25 "Buy Reliable Fuel from " 8 Reliable Firm" Waterous-Meek Ltd. Yards, Cedardale--Phone 1288 Uptown Office, 66 King St. W. Phone 660 Another Smashing Attraction DIRECT FROM IT'S RECORD BREAKING RUNS AS A $2.00 ROAD SHOW ---- COMING HERE---- MONDAY FCR 3 NIGHTS AND SPECIAL WEDNESDAY MATINEE Powertul Spectacu- lar Thrilling The Nation's Fore- most Screen Critics wete Yanismonie in THE WORLD'S GREATEST MOTION PICTURE Augmented Orchestra In the CAST VICTOR McLAGLEN EDMUND LOWE DOLORES DEL RIO Prices WEDNESDAY MATINEE 15¢ -- 30c Prices Include Tax