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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Nov 1927, p. 12

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Tr ~ REVISED PRAYE 3 Britdin's PAGE TWELVE ----------------r ...+ BOOK ATTACKED Home Wants Controversial Fea- tures Abandoned 4: pISHOPS' POWERS Secretary x 'Joynson-Hicks Complains that sie «og! Much Discretion Nov. 16.--The I'ondohn 2 in the Chnhh nf E fvison sland has been further widened by the issuanre of a ermprand m by Sir William Joyn- wah" Igoe Secretary, demand ing Canmen Praver, Ttorpwhile word comes from me h'le word eohes from wth ns a Catholic party, "emo in a public and not ev home Nank rion. iam. who addressed con fromm reje tion of the revised Book of on the ground that Rome Rome Viengunt' Halifax, leader of tho was received a ie ny ience, which is comsider- to a possible Anglo- his munication to the Ecclesiastical ittee of Parlinment urged that {the measure for ratification of the new to aq praver hook rested night abandon those por be referred back the Church Assembly which, he tions of the book that are contro- Ladies , Heavy Ribbed Vests ........ 19c Leader Dry Goods Co. 32 Simcoe St, S. Phone 740 reit B ? he LEADING JEWELER! "Warahllghed Rus 12 Simcoe St. South ros. versial and embody those on which there is general agreement. Sir William says the revised book confers extraordinary powers upon the bishop and leaves too many natiers to his diseretion. He states that on various ceremonial points of worship the bishops can :anction, if thev so desire, cere- monials parelleling those of the Roman Catholic Church, and re- grets that "many things are brougnt 'ack into the praver book which were removed for definite doctrinal vencons at the time of the Refor- mation." Sir William. who is the leader of the Evangelical party in the Church, is expected to lead the -.ht on the book in Parliament. DANDURAND HAS SEAT AT LEAGUE COUNCIL Ottawa, Nov 15--Hon. Raoul Dandurand, Covernment leader of 'the Senate, was appointed Canada's ! representative at the next session of the League of Nations Council, Pre- mier Mackenzie King announced to- day following a meeting of the Privy Council. The Prime Minister declar- ed that Senator Dandurand would leave for Geneva within the next day or two to be presen; at the forth- coming Council meeting. BOYS IN TROUBLE STEALING STARS Montreal, Que., Nov. 15--Stealing stars led five lads between seven and eight before the juvenile court to- day Good little boys in the King Edward VII. School are distinguish- ed by golden stars pasted on their lesson books. The bad gang will not make the grade and decided that might was right. The only trouble was they turned up at schoo! with too many stars. The judge lectured them, APPOINTED RECTOR The Bishop of Ontario has appointed Rev. Percy Haywood to the rectorship of St. George's Church, Trenton. He comes from St. Alban's Church, Win- nipeg, and will assume charge on Feb- ruary 15th next. He is a graduate in arts from the University of Maritoha and a craduate of St. John's Theologi- cal College, Winnipeg, in which he was lecturer. | REFRESHMENTS FUEL COAL ; "Stove, $16.00 per ton [ "" Nut, $15.50 per ton COKE $13.00 per ton WOOD Soft Slabs, load, $3.25 Mixed Slabs, load, $3.50 Hard Slabs, load, $3.75 Bodywood, Y4cord, $4.25 "Buy Reliable Fuel from a Reliable Firm" Waterous-Meek Lid. Yards, Cedardale--Phone 1288 Uptown Office, 66 King St. W. Phone 660 Soft Drinks, ice Cream, and Light Lanches 14 simcoe St. N. Phone 2264 Canadian Pacific Worlds Greatest Travel I) SAILINGS | FROM MONTREAL ool i To Liver *Nov, 18 . *ANov. 2) Montcalm Melina To New York Empress of Australia FROM ST. JOHN, N.B, To Liverpool 6 *Feh, 3 xDeec. Mentcla e . Montrose Montcalm Melita nnedosa ia Belfast and Belfast wk at Greenock To Cherbourg-Southampton (Via Cobh) Pec, M4 hiss iviiiany saenvaras's Montnaira Low round trip rates. Christmas sailings Nov. 25-Dec. 22, Apply to Local Agents, J. E. PARKER, Gen, Agent, Ocean Traffic C.P.R. Bldg., Toronto Adelaide 210: Y have spent in years! From Montreal AUSONIA * Montreal LETITIA " Halifax ANTONIA " St John, N.B. ATHENIA " Halifax ATHENIA " Halifax ASCANIA una Cor. Be Loy ste T will be good to be back among the old people again! You will have the finest Christmas you The old familiar faces . . . gay Christmas bells . . . your youth re-created! Arrange your booking home to-day. Late Fall and Christmas Sailings Nov. 25 _ to Ply. Cher., London. Nov. 26 * Belfast, L'pool, Glas. Dec. § " Ply., Havre, London. Dec. 10 * Belfast, L'pool, Glas. Dec. 11 * Belfast, L'pool, Glas, Dec.12 " Ply., Havre, Return ocean fares from $155 Determine TO-DAY to get full particulars from the nearest agent or write-- IAN SERVICE . and Donaldson LINES THZ ROBERT REFORD CO, LIMI TED & Wclli:gton Sis, Ti ip agent oronto sw rt ----l gi ser: i gla ~ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1927 It is Truly --_-- Delicious Aa A" fT Our renutetion :1 behind every pacKage. 30070 VOTE ON HYDRO SCHEME Doubt Expressed By Engi- neers if Rapids Hold Enough Power Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Nov. 15-- At a special meeting of the City Council it was decided to submit a by-law to the ratepayers at the Jan- uary elections on the question of developing the remaining power in the Sault Rapids under the super- vision of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission This action followed a three-hour discussion into the local power situ- ation participated in by the Mayor and Council, Engineer T. C. James of the Hydro Commission, and a number of other engineers and lay- men. There is a great deal of diversity of opinion as to the amount of pow- er still undeveloped in the rapids, and the big industries, or at least their officials, are alarmed at the prospect of an attempt to develop 12,000 horsepower which, they claim, dosn't exist. Mayor T J. Irwin is the chief backer of the Hydro plan. Engineer James gave a thorough evplanation of the procedure to be adopted to have the power develop- ed under Hydro ~auspices, and he manifested full faith in the Hydro engineers in their estimate qf the quantity of undeveloped power. Col. C H. L. Jones of the Spanish River Company made a stirring appeal for caution in'the matter. C. H Speer, engineer' of the Algoma Steel Com- pany, claimed that a power plant built by the Hydro would be high ods. ITALY BEHIND BALKAN TROUBLE? Austria is Whirlpool With Germany Moving to Block Peasantry Berlin, Nov. 14. Tha vi-it nf the German Chancellor, Wilhelin Varx, and Dr. Stressemann in Vienna coincides with ugly rumors concern- ing the impending "mareh on Vienna." Austrian Fascists, accord- ng to persistent reports from Vienna, intend tn tale over the reins of government in thoy country just ng the famous march on Rome brought the "Black Shirts" into nower in Italv. Under these circum- atan~es., the visit of the German «tatesmen to the Austrian assumes an unnswvally important significance, because Germonv has a ver | great interest in ceeing that her neighboring gtate does not "evolve as a satellite within the Ttalian arh't | That would be a well night fata) blow to '"Anschluss.' For althourh Germany does not intend within the near future tn raise the annexatinn of Austria as a political issne, every ferma nstatesman in his heart be- lieves that time, barring unforzeen circumstances, must eventually bring the two countries to~ether, Dr. Gustave Stolper, the well known editor of an economic weakly 'n Berlin, called Der Deutacte Volka- wirt, recently wrote on apnevently 'nepired article to the effect that the peasants' Heimwehr--a kind of nro- vincial pendarmerie -- were bheine supplied with arms and eold from ftaly. According to Stolper, the Fascists 'intend to provoke a Com- munist uprising in Vienna and the~ march on the e~nital and seize thre nower. Jtalv's object is said tn he tn destroy 'he nower nf the "orial fate wha pre the leadin~ protaenn- ists of the Anschluss movement hnth n Anetria and in Germany, and glen to put a friend'v government ip power in Anstralia eo that in case n® war with Jueo-Slavia Italy eonld send troon: *hrough Austria and take the Serbs in the flank, Stolner Ares not prove his case, but certain facts make his thesis at least plaus- ible. Ever since the terrible Vienna r'~tg of last Julv. Fas~ist Heimwebr orraniations have been sprincing up and drilling all over the ennunfryside. These rural societies broke th= strongest weapon of the Austrian So- cialistr--the general strike -- im- mediately after the riots b-, seizing railroad station and foreing the staffs to resume work. The peas nts also threaten to cut »~ff Vienna's food supply and rause another Communist "putsch."" Only during the past week |a conference of 500 delezates from | these irregular military hands met at Craz and adopted a resolutinn in favor of uniting all provincial or- ganizations ur"~= ~=a command. An- other reeoluti- d ruthless sun- pression of anv renewed attempt to establish the Soviet in Vienna, and nominated one, Dr. Pfrieneras, com- mander-in-chief of the united Heim- wehr, ; Al emonstration in i , : and dry at regular low-water peri- canital ! Vienna--and the Socialists 'of that city are always demonstrating---may furnish the occasion for armed con flict between the two bodies. Fun- damentally the trouble in Austria is that the highly industrialized and Sncialistic city of Vienna stands in the midst of a pries; ridden count» y- side. The Socialists have been long- ing to convert Austria into a So- cialist state as they have alread": So. cialized Vienna; while the Christian Socialists--which is really not a So- cialist, but a political organization of Catholic peasants--have been try- ing to wean the masses of the capi- tal away from the doctrines of Marx Consequently, politics in Austria have recentlv assumed the. form of religious controversy very much like the struggle be*ween the Orangemen and the Catholics in Ireland. The bitter conflict is unfortunately in tensified through the fact that bot! sides have had at their heads fan- atics. The Socialig"s have been le" by Otto Rauer, a rabid Marxist whoee views have heen much colores by his stay in Moseow, and who nolitically, has always stood ahout half wav between Trotzkwv and Ram sey. MacDonald. At the head of th Christian Socialists stands a Catholic priest, Myr. Ignatz Seipel. who re gards 'all Socialists -as "Godless" Straneely enough, since the riots it has heen the Socialists who have held out the olive branch. while Mer Seinel has heen conducting a eru- sade, exhorting the peasants to nre Inare for the coming of a class war Learn Wisdom Perhaps the Austrian have le~rned wisdom from the loss in the riots ard from the failure o® | the general strike. For Dr. Karl i Renner. first Chancellor of the Aus Republic, and of the i moderate wing of Socialists, whore Sacialiste | trian leader prestige has long been under a clond has come bark as the predominant ("HIROPRACTIC 1) FE Steckley, Chiropractor and Drugless Mheranist, will be in the office, 146 Sim- 'ne street, north every afternoon and Mon lav, Wednesday and Friday evenings Forennons by appointment. Residentin calls made in town and surrounding dis trict, Consultation is free at office Phone 224, 1 'srce in the councils of his party, while Bauer, head of the extremists, as lost much influence. The recent congress of the Austrian Socialist party was marked by moderation in its resolutions, its condemnation of class war, and its appeal for a coal- ition between the Socialists and 'hristian Socialists. Meanwhile Chancellor Mgr. Seipel has been making the following short speeches in the country: "When we see the adversary of Christ marching on we must do everything in order to make good the lack of our own arms and organi- zation. True love for the peop'e hows itself in not avoiding decisive battle for the peonle." According to the Derliner Tage- blatt, Seipel's bitterness is partly attributable to the fact that twenty thousand Ca'holics in Vienna, an- gered by his ruthless methods, quit the church, Italy Changes System Rome, Nov. 14.--Italy experienced another revolution when Fascist Grand Council, headed by Premier Mussolini, at 3 a.m. Friday suppress- ed universal suffrage and ordered abolition of the National Chamber nf Leputies and all political parties opposed to the Government, The politically modified represen- tative system which the Council created is unlike any modern form »f rFovernment, Since the Magna Charta political ind geographic considerations have heen the basis of national! represen- 'ation. The Fascist decree replaces hem as far as possible by economic ronsiderations, I: was the first intention of the Grand Council to allot votes only to sroducing groups organized into uilds called "'corporazioni." This principle will be. maintained 'n a modified form to include other alements designated by the Fascist narty. It is understood that this change vas induced by the sirong represen- tations which the forces of labor would have collected if the basis of representation were made purely aconomie, Elements other than economic will nelnde numerous categories, such as 'white collar" workers, intellectuals ind artists, The resolution renlaces universal suffrage hv party rule, thus abolish- 'ng onposition parties entirely, Only members of the Fascist part: will have the right to vote, denend- upon their membership in the Faseist guild. The grand ~onneil will be consuli- ed on all choires for office. and wil! exercise the right of veto, basing itr judgments on the candidate's fitness as a Fascist and his ability to repre- ert the enild on rational aquestions The cardinal princinle thraughnnt the entire scheme is the rightness of Fascism, which the candidates minst weeept. Thus Faselsm will be per- netuated and the regime maintained, nreventing disruption of the Govern- ment. The Fascist Ground Council will remain the country's chief advisory hodv originating legislation and passing hills to ministers for formu- ine Then suggest to your friends what colour you want for Christ- mas. Each colour denotes a different style of nib. The chartattheright of this adver- tisement will direct your choice. Read it. Red STANDARD --Suits most writers, A splendid corres. pondence point, Medium flexibility, For home and gen- eral use. Green -- RIGID -- Tem. dered to armor plate hard- ness, Will not shade even under heavy pressure. Un. equalled for manifolding, The salesman's friend. Purple--ST1FF: FINE= Writes without pressure, Makes a thin, clear line and small figures with un. erring accuracy. Popular with accountants, Pink -FLEXIBLE: FINE ~--As resilient as a watch spring. Fine, tapered point, ground fine to shade at any angle, Loved by stenographers, Blue --BLUNT--An ime proved stub point, This point makes a broad line, May beheldinany position, Liked by rapid wnters, Yellow --ROUNDED--A different pen point. The tip is ball shape. Makes Guaranteed since 1883 and until 1983 -- onehundred droit fii left-handed writers, years of pen service. = * Watermans Selection and Service at 5,500 Canadian Merchants a wr lation into laws on which the new national chamber will have a coa- 5 sulting vote. . The present Italian Chamber will continue until 1929, It will approve tne present reform, thus automatically abolishing itself. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. = Does your work require close BO di Simcoe St. South Next to Bassett's Lovely Gift Hosiery O GIVE her great hap iness on Christmas morn- ing, select a bok of three pairs of these all silk chiffon hose that assure the favored one utmost slen- derness of ankle. Here in delicate tints at $1.75 up We 'will gladly lay it away for you until you need it. H. ATKINS _, Phone 162 range vision? Don't fail to have your eyes examined. You may be injuring them. 335 1516 FP HON Fe 1516 Disney 8Block Opposite Post OMe 325 NE DIRECT SERVICE TO % Port Arthur : Fort William Winnipeg Regina Moose Jaw Calgary 7 Vancouver Leaves Toronto .00 Every p.m. Day Good Connections: ina for Saskatoon; ary for Edmonton; for Victori At At At V Standard _ Sleepers; Com- Attentive Service » Excellent Cuisine 500 Miles of Superb * Rocky Mountain Scenery Canadian Pacific Hotels at Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Vancouver and Victoria. GOLF AT VICTORIA THE YEAR ROUND Ask any ticket agent for fares; timeta , etc... or write W. FULTON District Passenger Agent TORONTO oA A BA NAB SS PE BR: OE RE.

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