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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Nov 1927, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1927 Are itinge ape Homie hour KS ver. ee wi 15 gy Seaside A Nie. al 'potpourri. y )-- ray Afr ogo. im ot Salon orchestra. ! _Afternéon 7A 7.00 pot. WEAF tenor. 7.45 KVOO (319) Fe enjoyed all the WNYC (526) 5 A NTAG (517) Ww) (333)- Melodies. ern Music, WHAS (461) WJAX (337) MADE IN CANADA BY KVOO (349) Sold by WAAL (246)--) SO. 2 AL (285) Co WILSON & LEE WHAP (500) 71 Simcoe St. N,, Oshawa Girl," 5.00 WCCO (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul {NAC (461)--Boston. Theatre hour. WHILE YOU DINE 5.00 pm. KDKA (316)--Pitts. Bt me 5.30 WGY | ih Se Ra ip re Dinner music. ly i ng AP OI incon, Neb. --Chicago. Congress flow i Ho Adelphia orchestra. Forth, Texas Hotel, ori Ben Bernie. --Milwaukee. Dinner concert. eville, N.C. Vanderbilt. (@9)--N, Si7)=-Pigs. Happy. hou DH (4 Chao. Soop, hou y=Toronto. Studio music. 13 He GR, v1 : n musicale. "6, 43 SY 418)--Boston. Bi )--Cleviand. wip p Gn -Phila. ay Hartford. other Goose. YW (326)--Chicago. 7.10 iN (306)--Chicago. "30 0 (43) Ottawa. n AA $0 3 WGHP (319, t- Detroit. WIAX ( letiuit, ve 1.00. WSM " (341)s-Nathville. MS 7.15 CFCA_(357)~Toronto. 7.30 Bige Network-- Roxy Wiki oo Wi NS SM, "WTMJ, CNRW pil var. KSO (227) Clarida, fa. and Ty Ag, from DZ, WGHP 0) moi 8.00 KFNF (462)--Shenandoah. KMA (395)--Shenandoah, ic. DC (297) -- Akron, O, ** U (283) Columbus, O. + better if yous replace the : tubes that have served weso (256)--Springfield, hddiers, H i WEEI Boston, their useful life with the WEEL (lan Boston. WHAZ (380)- 1 That's the A TE he estion How Yo Make Mon ey with I v2! ator has proved itself to be the &cien ally correct balance that has to high added to hens' regular feed to make them lay eggs to the limit of their capacity. t¥ wy Coop er Smith Co. Pp South of Post hi Phone 8 It is composed of roots, herbs; barks and minerals, 'forming a perfect regulator. 1t DOES make hens lay. It stimulates the blood, bowels and fay tive organs. When used regularly, hens lay : hout the year. It costs only a month per hen, or one cent a lay for t Sold by all dealers, Ask for Pratts bi take no other, ~ Your money back if you are not satisfied, Write for PRATTS POULTRY BOOK--FREE PRATT FOOD COMPANY OF CANADA, Ltd. 928 Carlaw Ave., Toronto \ WHE (337) Ry, Chy, WLW (428)- Cle, 3 Home Firciide. Boys. Y. A (263) ~Norfolk, 8.10 Red Network---Air f Al | As 2 30 WCAL (236) orth M KTHS (385)--Hot WECO (405) Mpls, - St. WEMC (484) i WFLA (366) Qlearwaler, music. WLW (428)--Cinci. A Wed (422) This new ragiotron $45 CNRO (435)--Ottawa, but half the current fequired of Music. by tubes of equal power. Ask 9,00 Blue Network-Vaugl y ; WIZ, KDKA, WHA you dealer about them. Columbia 3 Chain WOR, KMOX, 4 WEA? Al , AN, WEBI, a 'KRC, WMAK, WNAC, (V/estinghouse | Givi K (395) Shenandoah. " PIONEERS -- IN RADIO KSO (227) Clarinda, a. Vi WBZ (333)--Springfield, Mass. Aleppo Drum Corps or Shriners Band. WDOD (246) Chattanooga. Hawaiian Guitar Duo. WGR (303) Buffalo. Hawaiians, WHAZ (380)--Troy. Hawaiian Trio. WOI (265)--Ames, 1a. Musicale. WPG (273)--Atlantic City. Popular pro. WRHM (268)--Mpls, Popular program. WSB (476)--Atlanta, Concert WSEA (263)--Norfolk, "Stay with Us" Club, WTAG (517)--Worcester. Studio program. | 9.10 WLW (428)--Cinci, Happy Harmony Boy 9.30 WWNC (297) Asheville, N.C. ~~ Happi- | ness Girls, KPRC (291)--Houston. Studio. WSUI (422)--lowa City. Musicale, 9.40 WRVA (254)--Richmond. Organ. 9.45 CNRO (435)--Ottawa. Cornet solos. 10.00 Columbia Chain--Musical Album, from | WOR, KMOX, KOIL, WCAO, WCAU, WEAN, WGHP, WJAS, WKRC, WMAK, WNAC, WOWO. CKLC (375) Calgary. Music. KFAB (309)--Lincoln, Neb, A. C. Sextet. NT (236)--Muscatine, Ia, Home folks ADC, WAIU, WPG @ 3) Atlantic City. Meledy pals. WSBT (238)--South Bend, Ind. Studio program, songs, novelties. 10.30 Red Network --~Moon Magic, from WEAF, | : te -N -- -- 5 . \ Va et Wistor Talking eps The R-540 Cone Speaker was made specially to give you more breadth of volume out of any set from five tubes up. speakers lose. Try Peanuts and DX-221 wa, 2, 2 Need Tubes? 2 - % Picks up things other Gives them to you clean cut and with the fuzz rubbed off. Gets more of the music--and keeps it full and round for you. J Ask your Dealer Victor G & Worthern Electric 2 Speaker ST, », 5. D. J. BROWN "=% WCAE, who, sal, Ww nop (240) -C ha attanoog J: A _---- ---- __ --_------. WSUI (4 22) Lowa City. Organ, - fo 1230 CNRE (517)--Edmonton. nstrumental To, CLASSICAL CONCERTS 7.00 pom. WCSO (256)--Springfield, ©. Wit- tenberg School of Music. WTAM (400)--Cleveland. Concert. 7.30 WEAF (492)--N.Y. Chamber music 8.00 CNRO (435)--Ottawa, Concert orchestra. WBBR (265)-N.Y. Concert. WHK (265)--Cleveland. String ensemble WMAK (545) Buffalo. Cla 1 WRVA (254) Richmond. Ci 8.50 WEMC (481) Berrien Spr house players. 9.00 WNOX (266) Knoxville. Studio. 9.05 KFUO (545)-St. Louis. Vocal. 9.30 Red Netwopk-- General Motors Party _ program, from WEAF, C 2 "Light. W 'Y R WTAG, WTH Wr, WTA, WWJ, WHAS. KOA (326) Denver. Appreciation pro. WDOD (24)- Chattanooga. Musicale, WIOD (384) ni Beach. Concert. WOO (508)--Phila. Concert. 9.40 KTHS (385)--Hot Springs. Vocal. 10.00 KPRC (294)--Houston. Symphonic club. WFAA (500) Dallas, Balcarto Male Quartet. 10.15 koa (326)--Denver. Three act comic wera, "Captain of Plymouth." 10.30 w MC (517) ~Memphis. Canover concert. WTAM (400)--Cleveland. Light opera. 11.00 Pacific Chain--Opera, "La Favorita," from KFI, KFOA, KGO, KGW, KH(, Does Your Back Ache? Then your kidneys are out of order and you need Gin Pills Gin Pills stop backaches by acti directly on the kidneys and the bla der. They soothe, heal and strengthen the inflamed organs. Thousands who have used Gin Pills enthusiastically recommend them. Get Gin Pills today at your druggist, 50c a box. National D and Chem- ical Company of Cana Limited, Toronto, Canada. PILLS nc ipa 0a, ko, RoW, R 0. FOR THE KIDNEYS 129 11.05 WEMC (484)--Berrien Springs. Dulciana String Trio. RADIO TALKS-PLAYS mpe------------------ = 6. 30 p.m. CFCA (357)~Toronto, Santa Claus. (375) Davenport. Sport news. Orchestra. 'C 8.30 Red Network--\. & P. Gypsies, from 7. 10 CFCA (357) =Topmuo, Optical talk, WEAF, WCAE, WCSH, WDAF, WEEL WH( , Wi AR, WLIT, WOC, WRC. WEar (492)--N. Y. Address, "Reflec- tions on the Non Incident. 7.30 WRB (217)--Buffaks. Spiritual yuarter- hon! » WTAM, WTIC, WTM]I, \WWi, Gluy- Lincoln. Orchestra j (461) Louisville, ri Bed NN enk Curistoher, Morfey, author, WIAX (337) Tackeonviite, N 50)--Columbia, Mo. Radio school. WOKT (210)--Rochester, Merrym: RSAC aR ate Coe Seon. WSM (341)--Nashville. Orchestra, lege of the d WMCA (3% \. Y. Christian Science YiiaM, KDKA. lecture. \ 37 Kans is ity. Raiice music 5 WOS (422 S$ oston. Lido Venice. N30 CNKO. (4357 Onvamw, Wither Eas | 1000 KTHS (35) Tot Syrins. Orchesira. KOB (349)---State College, N.M. Agri- WAAM (349) hi ark. Four Towers. cultural program. WBAL (285)- Baltimore. Orchestra WOO (508) Phila. Address by Rev. WhZ (333) Springfield. d Bert Lowe. Dagar, $ Ls (366) Clearwater, er Radio SUI (422)- tv... Corres se ) JSUL (422)---lowa City. . Correspondence Wik Ar (26D is. Difuce 0.00 KFUO (545)=8t. Louis. Bible lecture. Y halt Mh eal. Jack Denny. WHN (394)----N. Y. Prince Joveddah, HAZ (380) D WMC (517) Memphis. * Farm talk. WRVA (254) Richmond. "History of Omaha, Dance masic. Old Virginia." WRC (469)---Wash. Swanee Syncopators 3 We Al. (236)--Northfield, Minn. Book | 11.00 Red Network--Vincent Lopez, dance or- 'hestra, from WEAF, WHO, WSAI, alk. wos (422)--Jefierson City. U. S, Farm Wi N H-N. Y. WSM (341)--Nashville. tie with WSM, 10.45 KFAB (309)--1Lincoln. 111.00 Ron. (278) Council Blufis, iS (385)= Hot Springs. WwW AAD (22%) -Mpls. owl A a ho Ry Ft. Worth. Fire Tall String | KTAB (280)--Oakland. WAAM (349)--Newark. "Vod- o-ville. WHK (275) Cleyeland, Danio and Bui ar WTAM (400)--Cleve. WFBL, | 1 112 mid KPO (422) --8z School. (283)--Columbus, O, Dance music. 9.45 WRHM (261)-Mpls. Health talk. WGR (303) Buffalo. Supper music, 10.00 WBT (258)--Chariotte, N.C. Movie Club: WIZ (454)-N. Y. Al Friedman's orci. 10.30 KNX (337) Hollywood. Playlet. WLW (428) tine, Orchestra, WMAK (545)-- Buffalo. Dance 7.00 1 TN sii ob THESE hest WOR (422)~Newark, Pepper Pot. ' wm 3 oronto, rchestra, OS 422) SOI W a a b- WJZ (454) -N.Y. Serenading Shoemakers. We Gi22)--Jefferson City. The Ramb 200 WCAU (337)- Phila. Orchestra, WPGC (273)---Atlantic City. Dance. WFAA (500)- Dallas, Collegians VRVA (254) chmond, Richmond or- WTIC (333)--Hartford. New Departure iva om) Richmon vane or 1.03 WNAC 1461) -Boston, Orchestra. ------ - 11.45 WMCA (270)-N. Y. Manhattan Seren ader WSH (476)--Atlanta, Melody artists. frolic KFI (469) Tos Angeles, Dance orch, KYA (309) Sau Francisco wo Hotel, 2.00 KNX (337) Hollywood ¢ Ambas ABERDEEN BL , 1927) - Copyright HOTEL -- 12 mid. KOIL (278)~Council Bluffs, Dance, WHN (304) N. Y. Cotton Club. ew Or 1 am. CNRV (291) Vancouver Midnight 17 West 32gd St., near Sth Ave Close to Penn, Station -- accessible BE TOTAL LOSS to everything! Every modern hotel rr conv nce and Joba F. Downey, Managing Director at the entrance to St. Mary's River, and probably will prove a total The crew of 20 was taken off and is now quartered at Shelter Island. 9.30 Blue Network -Markel's orchestra: WJZ, Davenport. "Voss Vagabonds, CRASHED ON ROCKS AND MAY | Sault Ste. Marie.--The steamer Joily Rooms $ ,50 ALways Inez, of Montreal, diverted from her with bath avaiable course in a thick fog and mist this week, crashed on the rocks of Saddle- bag Island, seven miles west of De- Pains in My Back Have Completely Vanished Mr. W. Kozak Now Recom- mends Dodd's I's Kidney Pills "For the last two months I have been Soubled ith backache," states Mr. 0 residing at Rama, Sask. "I could not do any work. I tried a box of Dodd's Kidrey Pills and am glad to say the pein vanished. I have recom- mended them to others who say that they were greatly benefitted." Kidney trouble is very common amongst all classes of people, and usually a lot of very valuable time is wasted by using unsuit- able treatments, Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate and strengthen weak kidneys. They are used and recommended all over the civilized world. DODD'S KIDNEY S Mie Jeffbrson City. Christian! » McCLAUGHLIN-BUICK vr OAKLAND + OLDSMOBHE When the salesman points to the mono- gram plate bearing the symbol "Body by Fisher" on a motor car, he goes a long way toward completing the sale. For it is perfectly plain that the public today is grouping motor cars in two classes-- those first-choice cars which are equipped with Fisher Bodies, and those which do not offer the superior comfort, value and beauty inherent in every Fisher design FISHER BODIES GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED PONTIAC * v .. CHEVROLET

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