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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Nov 1927, p. 4

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L} THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1927 Whitby W. C. Reinke, Representative, Phones 434 and 342 NOTICE TO WHITBY SUBSCRIBERS Any Whitby subscriber who is now getting The Times by mail may have same delivered By carrier boy at the delivery rate of 10¢ a week if they will notity the Whitby representative, Mr. W. CO. 1icinke, or the office of publication at Oshawa. FIRST OF SERIES OF 0.L.G, PROGRAMS P Flonziley Qugitstte Delights . Sib : » Audience--Are Artists of , eter Sr NE, ry - (By Swff Reporter) Whithv, Nov, +The' first cof the group of concerts\given' during the winter season at he Dogar Ladies' C'c'lege, was held last , when the IFlonzaley quartette pre d a pro- grom of chamber mysie.: ;°* s Dr. Farewell, in introducing (he quartette, which was brought to the college through the go-operation of the faculty and students, paid tribute to their leading position on the American continent, and stated that it was with- ont equal in' England.or Europe. Four nations are reprepented, Belgium, a RTT switzerland, Russia and Italy. The uastette has been in existence for nany vears, and its popularity is at- .ested by the fact that it has given nual concerts in many places for 1early a score of vears. i The concert consisted of four major parts, the first of which was Haydn's 'Quartette in C Major." Perfect bal- ance and harmony were displayed -hroughout. The tonal quality was sup- arb especially in the Allegro Moder- ito. The Adagio was a thing of pure delight, with its piano passages .of 2fin beauty. In the Romdo, oppor- tunity was given for displaying the mastery of technique which makes pos- sible such a completely satisfactory performance as was shown in all the numbers. An oriental suite, "Rubiyat," by Adolfo Salazar came next. The in: terpretation was all tha could be de- sired, haunting in® its wistful minor suggestive of smoke from camp fir under desert: stars. The third part of the program wa "Variations" Op. 18 by the matchle: Beethoven. The rendition was one © credit. 'Years ago. the' value of STAN WA BRANCH--E. ' OSHA \ Jack is Twanty-One Toda | ACK is twenty-one today. But he has more than a man's years to his He has one thousand dol- lars in the bank. : It has grown with a practical mother's . love, from the initial deposit of one dollar on the first Birthday twenty Youth and age alike he~+ witness to : ings Bank Account. Your child as a '1: "depositor, will attain a higher stand- ing in the community, family, or, most "important, in his own estimation. Open a savings account for the child, | . F CANADA. DARD BANK ~ steadily building a Sav- i DD DID mE DDD ID DD DD DD --E C. Hodgins, Manager JE Be Bh ee Ri el i se i ii sei didi Sill vil Port Perry, initby B01 Thompson was also given the [ve sheer beauty, rich full notes dripping puresgold: of ecstasy on the ear, As an encore to the Beethoven num- ber, the quartette played an arrange- ment of the negro spiritual "Deep Ri- ver," by "Alfred Pochon, secopd vio- Rinigtoecho ics. "Petite Suit." By Moussorgsky-Po- chon, was the final number. The third part; entitled "Gossiping and Quarrel- ig in a French Market Place," spark- led with life and piquance, and brougit forth rounds of applause that would not be denied. The encore aumber was another ar- rangement by Mr. Alfred Pochon of 2} Scotch song, "My Love is But a Lassie Yet" . In response to prolonged applause, the quartette. played again, this time giving the traditional English air "Drink to Md Only With Thine Eyes." Two more encores were given bes fore the audience consented to let the artists go, the first being an arrange: ment by A. Pothon of an old Irish cradle song; and the'last being Haydn's Sepenade. =. Lo" a A Quite 2 large number from Whitby and Oshawa were present, and tae auditorittm was comfortably fill=d SCOUTS' FATHER AND SON BANQUET Capt. F, C. Palmer Delivers In- teresting Address on "Flags" --Badges Presented (By "Staff Reporter) Whitby, Nov." 19--The Port \Whithy Boy Scout Troop held a véry enjoyable banquet last evening in ti e Community Hall, Port Whithy. The junction to i the form of a father and son banquet. The tables were decorated hy the boys ach "troop using as decorative maters ial, its_animal namesake and its col ours. he beaver patrol ded by Erne. est Northam won the priz: for the most attractive tab'e Quite a large numer of fi ures high up in Scout circles were poesemt among them Frank C. Irwin, Acsistnn? Provincial Commissioner, Mr. Hienel Bishop, Mr. J. Homshy, of Lind ay, District' Commissioner, Gupta al mer of Bowmanville, Mt Au wl Mr. Ryder of Brooklyn, troop leadees Mr. Picrson,' - Thointon's troop leader, Several 'Scouts from other 1h wn were 'also present, Fred Had wind Bowmanville, John Garden and Ath Patterson, of Brooklyn, Jack | uvey, Oshawa, Arnold Harris, Charles Noy oe and William" MeAdam of Toronto bh ing among them. The addres® on "The. Flag" wa livered by Captain Palmer of Bewnian ville. Several badges were presented, Fen edt Northam received the athlotes badge, the athletic crest, a cup, und the five year service star, and Gordon ors EERE I -- p---- year seryice star and patrol leaders buttons. . A number of people from the Town and Port Whitby, unconnected with the Scouts also attended, among them A. G. Browning, John McClelland, and Wm. Ashton, Troop Master of the Town Troop No. 1 dt "ELEBRATED GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Allan, Hillside Farm, Madoc Township, celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wed- ding, on Thursday. Upwards of 50 guests were present. Rev. T. G. Mar- shall, on behalf of many in attend- ance, presented Mr. and Mra. Allan with a silver tea service. Mr. R. G. Royal Agricultural * WINTER FAIR ¥ Toronto November 16th-26th, 1927 Reduced Round Trip Fares to Toronto Good Going Nov. 15-24, incl Return limit November 25th From.-- EA Bowmanville Newcastle Proportionately low fares from other points, Consult local agent, CANADIAN NATIONAL -- | ---- ---- Toronto Royal ricultural inter Fair NPRCIAL Hound Trip Fares ning Nov 1h to 24, Hetirn Him, November From Hihnwa Yhithy mwmanyilie Newiav Part Home Cubnrg PE War Tax Included inel, hth $1.60 $1.40 $2056 $2.20 $100 1.20 low fares Ask Mp. NM Proportinnately from nthe. points in Johnion 10 King street Bast, (Oshawa CANADIAN PACIVH or any theket ngemt gd Fancy: Silk Warp Crepes 36 ins. wide A real good range of this popular fabric, They are worth P8c regular but must be sold. EE RAR--.-------- WH -------- A 36" Colored . .Habutai "For slips, lingerie, lamp. shades, ete, Regular $1.25 Glas... ..... Yor 19¢ PI : Fox. 49¢ Half Price. ...... 4 - Yard, 36' White Habutai Regular $1.95 yard. To Clear, Yard, $1.49 FORCED OUT OF ESS-- must be cleared out in the next 10 days. 38" Black Crepe Satin An exceptional value a: our regu- Jar price of $2.95 yard. $2 19 LJ To Clear at ,... Yard, - » ".. 36" Black Duchess | Regular 1.95 - for. iat Regular-$1.39 for 2. 5a 36" Whité Rajah Good weight and finjsh' Regular $1.75 yard. To Yard : Our very. .best line. 'Regular $1.98 $2.95 yard. Teo Clear. Yard oy : pw as » 36', Fanc Crepes and Wash Silks 88¢ 22' Velvet Navy, black, green. Reg. 95c yard. To Clear. ............ Yard, 3%"ins. Heavy Flat Crepe One of ourdvery best qualities. All the lefding Fall colors, in- cluding pavy-; 'Sale Price. ... Say 4 at nnn All Ribbons, Trimmings, Buttons, Notions, etc., to go at exactly Half " black.. Regular value $2.25 yard. Yard, $1.59 Price. sand and almond 55¢ 36" Cut Velvets ~ Just "a few short ends. 'Regular $4.95 yard. Yard wl | Best Quality Fugi Full range of shades. Reg. 55 79¢ yd. To Clears.» Yz4, 99€ --BUSIN ' "We have really got to quit, no fake, no hot air--just facts. Every yard of piece goods "a g Must make room for Xmas merchandise ~. which absolutely have to be sold. Further big reductions to take effect MONDAY MORNING at 8.30 sharp. Don't miss this chance, it comes only once in a lifetime. Natural Pongee Two weights. Regular 95¢ for Yard, T4c Regula: 75¢ Yard 53¢ 36" Waco Silk 3oed range of shades, Reg, ?6c 1d. To Clear ,. Yard, 39¢ COTTON GOODS Would you buy coal in July at half price? Buy these now and keep till next summer. All Cotton Goods, including Plain and Fancy Voiles, Organdies, 'Broadcloths, Kiddiarias, values to 75¢c, a yard m Regular » » Silk Gingha 12" wide and fast colors. 59c¢. -Sale Price I Allan, thier eldest son, on behalf of the children and grandchildren, pre- sented the couple with a purse of gold. DANGERQUS HIGHWAY (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Nov. 19--Highway Traf- fic Officer Reid of Pickering last night expressed "himself as being distinctly pleased with traffic con- ditions this past week. In spite of the highly dangerous condition &f the highway, there were no major accidents. Some slight col- lisions were reported and several cars got into difficulty on hills but no mishap q occurr- ed in Constable Reid's territory. Have You Acid Scalp? If your hair won't keep the sim- plest wave for several days, there is probably too much acidity, dition that causes hair to be stub- hornly straight and stringy, and to ack all lustre. Acid scalp. From the hour yon check th's ex- cessive acidity your hair will acy and apvhear very different. It will ar- range easily in any style that he- comes, for it will have lovely soft- ness, and all the sheen all healthly hair normally has, Danderine will solve every weale Your { thing else to keep it fresh, some, and free from the | Jeet!'snahle taint that noticed In otherwise men Dundelrne sells for only thirty-five [Pont ut nny drugstore, and as only nm few drops on comb or towel] will do the work, a hottle last for weeks! particle of hair won't dandruff whole least ob- is too often ha Brg ip -- A con- | nentralize the acid, and actually dis- | need any- | fastidious wo- Fe Tow Cut "| Tweed Overshoes weather, in a full range of shade effects to match the season's . vogue in Fall and Winter attire. NogzierN Sold by Relialbe Dealers Everywhere Steady Laying is the secret of Hen profit Get your birds right down to fall and winter business. There is no reason why you shouldn't have eggs regularly. Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash works wonders in egg production. Thousands of successful poultry- men feed it. A scientifically balanced ration. Contains every ingredient hens need to make 'them lay regularly and keep them in good health. Cod Liver Meal in Ful-O-Pep, Egg Mash helps the other ingredients to do faster woik and more work on the egg- producing organs. . Its vitamines supply the necessary sunlight element all the year round. The base of all Ful-O-Pep feeds is high quality oatmeal--not just ground oats. No domestic animal, size considered, requires so much mineral as the laying hen. A good hen will produce half her weight in egg shells alone in a year. Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash is 99, mineral. Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash is economical. better, strong-shelled eggs. FUL-O-PEP 4 EGG MASH * A product of The Quaker Mills, Peterborough and Saskatcon Hogg & Lytle, Ltd. | - 54 Church Street Phone 203 36" Colored Taffetas $1.95 To 98¢ Yard, Regular Cleay vard. 36" Shot Taffetas Best quality, lovely colors. lar $1.95 yard. To Clear Yard, Regu- $1.59 25¢ Best Georgette Good weight for dresses. Regu- lar $2.25 yard. To $1.75 36" Check Dimity White, pink, blue and sand. Regular 29c. Clear ....... \. Yard, 54" Navy Charmeen Bes* anality. very fine. Regular | SON and B 9 Simcoe Street South Very $1 yd. To Clear .. } Pure Wool Polo Coatings, 54" wide, just brown, 54 ins. Charmeen and Tricotine Splendid Pure Wool Materials in navy, black, sand, copen and rose. Don't miss this! Regular value $1.95 yard. Just 98¢ Halt Price. ....... 0 0c ose ins grasa Yard, 32" Wool Georgettes fine quality. Reg. 67¢ Yard, 32" Wool Flannel 3ood-range of shades, Reg. 59¢ 79¢ yd. To Clear .. Yard, Silk and Wool and Wool Silk and Wool and Wool Santoy. Queen's Cloth, ete. Reg. $1.50 yd. To Clear. Yard, 98¢c "tPlaidl Wool. Georgettes The season's newest fabric. $1.50 yard. To Clear. Yard, . 38lins. Celanese Crepe $1.25 vard. To Clear. wn Fine range and will wash. Rex. Reg. 36" Veltine Just a few shades left. Regular $1.50 ward. To Clear Yard : green and dark red. Regular $1.95 yd. To clear at 59¢ yard. TREE

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