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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Nov 1927, p. 9

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| A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City The Oshawa Daily Reformer The Oshawa Daily Time VOL. OL. INO. 123 bh "at Osh Snr C Eyery Dav al a" inade of Se mm OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1927 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. Second § Sect: on--Pages 9-14 * County Council Presents Warden With Gold Watch Collegiate Chatter When a certain man, the prinei- pal of Oshawa Collegiate Institute, undertakes something, it is done properly, The most recent example ©! this is the election of officers for the Students' Council which all this week has held eight hundred peo- ple in its throes. It was he that started the ball rolling, advanced the ideas which were behind the election, and saw to it that in its entirety the diversion, shall we call it, was an absolute and outstanding success from every viewpoint, Imagine yourself last week told that certain individuals would saun- ter to classes with glaring posters adorning their backs; that huge so- Velting advertisements would be- deck the assembly hall from end to end; that poll clerks, scrutineers and all other agents of a regular election would be seen in the school und that tov drums and wagons would appear as if hy magie, if you were told this, could it have seem- ed credible? And yet since last Saturday such tl ings have come-:to pass in Osh- awn Dollaglate Institute, thanks to our nrincipal, O'Neill and to his as3'ptnits, A Mr, McLeod. No detall was lacking and the de- s'vred result was achieved, that of i a bigrer and better ap- preciation of school spirit and har- monv and of stimulating a school wide interest in the school's activi- ties, The election of officers. perhaps a: a result of a'l the various means towords the end, was a keen and e citine geries nf contests throngh- ont. The division into two parties tha *Preeipitates'" and the "Hesi- tates," and the advancement of p'atforms bv hoth parties were both interesting and novel and also con- tributed to the success of the un- dertaking. The "Precipitates" with" four sents against their opponent's two, carried the day and proved the axiom "He who hesitates is lost." Margaret Andergon, president, Ken- neth Heddon... viee president, Ed. Burns, treasurer, and Stew Carver- marshal, are the 'Precipitates' elected, while Daisv Callaghan, se- cretary, snd Dorothy Patten, proc- tor are the ""Hesitates" on the board of control. A wealth of cratical ability was brought forward as only one of the minor products of the election. In days to come, however, this should prove to be more than a minor pro- duet to those eoncerned since the value received camnot be measured at present, at least. Vell delivered sheeches with a well chosen vocabn- Jory were the order of the dav noth on Wednesday when the candiddtes were seeking their offices and on Fridory when the post election gpeeches were heard. There were hardly any spoiled ballots. One person, however, is reported to have voted for two can- didates for the same position, al. though thjs might have only been a mistake and not through any knowledge to the contrary. A num- ber yvoted om straight "Hesitate"" or "Precipitate" tickets. One of the first matters of busi- ness which the Students' Council should deal with is the pros and cons regarding the Acta Ludi. If they decide to carry it through for the year, they could do no harm in appointing some of the editors and especially the sports editors. inmediately, so as to save no end At Genera Bell, C.M.G,, D.S.0. O.C. of 11th National Defence Officers and Men on Won- derful Improvement--Man. ocuvres Executed With Admirab'e Precision The Ontario Regiment again dis- tin~"uished itself last night. It wasn't a battle such as the ones recorded in gilt on the silken folds of their templed banners. It was merely a general inspection. The same old marching past, "eves rieht " "present arms," and 'right dress." I"1t that's the stuff which makes a British regiment, which laid the for~dation for a battalion of free citizens ready to nphold the honor of the'r King and Country at the ends af the earth, The close of the inspection found the three companies and headquar- ter of the Regiment drawn up in a ho'law square tn he addressed hy Mai -fGen, Bell, C M.GG,, DS 0., com- mandirg the eleventh National De- fep o Nistriet, vith a sold'er's disdain for elo- anenece, the general addressed the officers and men of the Regiment briefly. and to the noint. But there was no eritieism. Rather, praise all the more significant hecanse it came in c'ipped sentences directly from the mind of a great soldier, who in peace and war, has been noted for TS. Ontario Regiment Again Distinguishes [self Is Conducted By Maj, Gen. ui District -- Congratulates of congratulation before you break | Inspection ----_ see his keen observation and ability to size up a situation almost as if by intuition. "Cal. Chappell, officers and men," he €aid, "I want to say just a word off. Firat, it is a great pleasure Tor me to inspect this. Regiment again I" was unable to come last year, co it has been two years since I visited you before. I am very haony to he phle to sav that von have made won- derful improvement and most de- elded since the lact time I saw you. I am very pleased with your turn out tonieht. It shows that you are taking interest in your work. "T am also very pleased tn sae | "0" Company added to your roster of comnanies since my last visit. | They have given a very creditable account of themselves tonight, | "Finally, T wani to congratulate We ol. Chappell for the especially fine |eandition which 1 see in this regi- ment." The general then turned away hut nat hefore the regiment had given him three thundering cheers and a tiger each of which he acknowledged with an apprc-iative salute, Smartness Commended The smartness of the regiment at last nignt's general inspection was noteworthy, and was very favorahly commented upon bv General Bell in connection with Lient. Col. R. 8 McLaughlin, honorary lieutenant colonel of the regiment who attend- ed the ingpection. Khaki uniforms with decorations was the dress order for the evening though the hand paraded,in scar let. Senior non-commissioned offi- (Continued on page 11) , | [WARDEN HONORED AT CLOSING SESSION OF Oar Farm Kolum Edited by "HROB--J" An empty silo filis no milk pails Y ye (By Staff Repos wr) Eve'y shiver of a cold cow shakes | \Whithy, Nov. &b-- Aco ramy a cent off the milk cheque. the t me-henoured cust.an, the War- Tee den, of Ontario County, A.W. Jack- ton to me. and 1 want vou to carry kindly feeling for me." away The Laurentids Je lephane 1927 COUNTY COUNCIL I wish all prosperity, hap with [piness and long life to you and your Syste IE. W. GILLETT (0. NOT BEING SOL Rumors Regarding the Wel! known Firm Denied By It: President Toronto, Nov. 26. --Mr. Georg Faas are money this month [son, at the end ot his vear of office, The Council joined in singing ed 1 f.- MacFarlane. President EW {Make the hens lay. Treat 'em right |was last night presented with a gold [He's a Jolly Good Fellow," in sever illett Co Ltd. manufactures . Ld feed 'em riiit and they can't watch by the County Ucunct! different keys but with unanimon laxic Raking Powder ard = othe elp themselves, The presentation was nude by Reeve |heartiness. : ' vell ktown food products has to TT John Ross, of Thorah, at the close of Fhe last act of the County Counc tay authorized the statement tha Don't spend all your time now [the evening session {for the year 1927 was very fittingly th he awners of the controlling inter gadding about to: farm 5a.C8 Bu Mr. Jackson, m replying to the gift [full-throated rendition of the Nation st in the tock of Ws Compan hen have to leave your haying | 1d, Eentihen of the County Jy n- [Anthem, "God Saye the King. ave not sold, exchanged or other e 8 ar to saw wood for din-|[¢ am not going to that nie ise dispeied f their 0 at eal nant | taken by surprise [lis has come io | BELL COMPANY PURCHASES Te A Big if Li Lak he a time-honoured even I accep LAURENTIDE PHONE SYSTEM ow pending 10 that end and tha It a travelling salesman comes a- | this token of your reqaid and the | O awe Onn, Nove. 24--The Laur [ 00 5 "00% meng 0 sell ar other on and o'fers vou a remedy for kindy things Mr Ross sad with jenti de Telephone Company, a rar ise dispose of their holdings in h' on tagious abortion of cattle, ask |heart-fole gratitude It seein; imp 273i 3 dik aq hs h yn ; ly yearns a )' pan Mr, Ma farlane further m ow nou hit is, then take the | ible tha L ye A! g ud Have No a al rs iid re hen ad that no merger or conso!! AMY. 10 § move Midd the money. I Tas Ye en a id a ful A to | Bell Telenshone Company, of Canada ation with any other campany he l.ook often oe i ir graneries [me to sit am 4 It th 4 Atle ion of the [it was announced from the Ottaw Sen being (one) dered. Los Lil, heries re 10 3 or hace et ne [offices of the latter organization toda Lis sta ement has been autho ' rts and nvice ob yon of vour | 927 Wa i Ihe purchase price was not divulg sed because of the many rum nad earned provisions.---Old Farny yea! = >on of th ay gat Years led, but the plant will be taken ove wat have heen circulated recent Pat Alohnat, AN jy 1 i ' : ie a ; | by the purchasers on December 1 the effect that B, W. Gillett ( HY | m on 1 « ( nn 15 td. is in process of being sold | 4 | Pariig attenticn to small del tls | ries has been 4 source of gratificn |. yng 1 hali a bund ed subseril as 10 te merged or combined as hed wuth to do with the sue-) ey n the Gatineau vind wne other corporation sc of many farmers. | a { a 5 2 re | SYMPATHY EXTENDED - a -- sormanne EXPERT OPINION | - | Ce ° a -- _-- : (By. A. Horse) i (By Staff Reporter) pALLE TR AR ATE JVI 909) 7" never like to p ate or boast, i Whithy, Nov. 2 THe sicere sym- | 4 r t ut this I have to say:.--- | pathies of the Coun,y Council were | |p NOTICE T0 TELEPEONE SUBSCRIBERS ! 0 auto'll he a big su'cess | extended yesterday t Charles Lee, ] 4 i ! é ive 1 R eve of X ridge dalle A Ir. | L b PIE it van Jive on hay. [Reeve oy < htulze I nd Me 2 through a printer's error the following listing has been ' To present saws from rusting Lr the iliness of their wives, Mr, Read 3 omitted in the new telephone directory: -- ' 1h hard on the metal, then place! was not able to he present at any of | F b hei in a warm (not hot) oven for [the meetings, and Mr. Lee was sum- | % LUKE FURNITURE Co 63 KING ST E 79 § n Hour {moned home on Thursday morning d Mie i Fas (The County Clerk A i Christian, Kindly make this entry in your directory. ' Serving lunch at farm sales is the was instructed to send a letter to cach } gt monev-making fie'd in signt [embodying the feeling of the Conneil, The Bell Telephcne Co, of Canada. ' for the ru-al eluh. A year never| W 8. Croxall, Reeve of Whithy goes bv without at least a 1ew | Township, was also absent since Tues- (Continued on page 11) | day, owing to illness | 28 A/a ALA Lb iA iia OLAS BVA VEL BISA iia Lb 1 18 BE H. M, BLACK, Manag.r. N OSHAWA In Oshawd GUIDE TO VALUES Help to Build up Oshawa by Shopping | YOUR LAUNDRY DONE PROPERLY Just Phone 2520 and a Driver Will call. OSHAWA LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING CO. Mill Street -t- Oshawa of work in the rush of the Easter term for those to whom the ap-| pointments would fall. | One of the planks in the victorious | party's platform at least seem cer-| tain in being carried out, at least, to some extent. In accordance with "A uniform dress for all Collegiate | girls," a letter has already been sent away to a reliable retailer, ask- ing for prices on middies with red irimmings of the variety of those displayed on the platform on Wed- nesday. Orders will be taken in the near future, we were told yes- terday, and an endeavor will be nade to have every girl supplied. The next event to look forward to is the annual Commencement Exer- cises, and the Collegiate Frolie, the former om the afternoon and the latter on the evening of Friday, De- cember 9. Both will be "bigger and better than ever." and needless to say, after the successes of last year, not a person will let them pass unattended. This afternoon the girls' senior and jumior basketball teams are playing their annual games with the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, and it is to be hoped that they will repeat their success of last year. Quite 2a number of supporters are expected to follow the team onus. On Tnesday, before crowd of the season, the girls' sen- AContinued on Page 12) the largest When We Test Eyes It is Done Properly JURY £& LOVELL OPTICAL PARLORS Phone 28 or 29 OSHAWA LUGGAGE | Presentation Club Bags and Suit Cases with Initia's in Gold free of charge at SAYWELL and SON 19 BOND STREET WEST -- PHONE 338 i Read the Advertisements To know what is advertised. To know where values are obtainable. To know where quality reigns supreme. "The Oshawa Daily Times" and the Wonder in Oshawa Jeweller KING STREET WEST -- Also Exclnive Dealer for the Victor Record D. J. BROWN PHONE 189 J. C. YOUNG 4Y, PRINCE ST. Phone 793 Insurance and 4 REAL ESTATE "You Get Married-- We Feather the N EL like new, phone DRY CLEANING Jf you want your Clothes Cleaned so that they will look CLEANERS AND DYERS King St. E. Phones 788-789 Ifit's Electr fical~ We Have It BOWRA'S TRIC SHOP BE ST. eT reasonable. Old silver et 7 aa for Tgpdirrg The Credit Jeweller 23 BOND STREET EAST -- OSHAWA

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