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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Nov 1927, p. 13

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k¢ behest atotecteetoatvatnetretnatuoteetuetoatoetoatotuet bALALL THE is Bk TIMES, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1927 £ sind PAGE THIRTEEN -- i -- be Saetaed Ee -------------- eat A SMALL AD DOES \ BIG JOB en hn ~~ For Rent FRED C. MacDONALD, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor etc. Simcoe and Rich- streets. Oshawa. Phone 2627, (108-11) FRANK S. FBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Ny Public, Conveyancer, ed - Roum 2, Royal Bank and « Bond streets. Phos. 1408 (121-mo) if ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Solieitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Con- veyancin, fo es Drastic of AW, St. south, - Oshaw D. Conant, BA, LL. AF. Sa, BA, LL.B. (38th) W. E N. TRE RC, of Commerce Sw (116-1 JOSEPH P, MANGAN, BABAR. rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 145. Residence phone 837. { GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St, Phone 13. J. F Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, SWANSON, GERMAN & MAC- Kenzie, = Barristers, Conveyancers, Notary Public, ete. All branches of Criminal and Civil Law. Money to loan. Office over Lamble's store, 2 ng St. east. Phone 940. D. A, I H. N. German, F. G. fackenzie. A, J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey- ancer, money to loan. Disney Bldg, SRhpsite Post Office. Phones, office 4; residence; 2289]. (621) LOUIS §. HYMAN AND COMP- any, Barristers, Conveyancers, No- taries Public, ete. Money to -foan Over Dewland's store. 16 Simcoe street north. Phone 67, (97¢f) Medical DR. R. E. McMULLEN, PHYSI- cian, surgeon, and obstetrician. Of- fice and home, 456 Simcoe street south. Phone 2667. (114-tf) DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- clan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Spe- cial 'references to maternity work and diseases of women. Two years' post graduate experience. Office and residence 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. Brock) phone 303, (119-tf) %R, McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- Jeon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria , Oshawa. Phone 94, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, diseases of infants and children, Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond east. Phone 1155, DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Electro- theopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. (tf) The LAHOKLA STUDIOS, IN- structors on Hawaiian or Spanish guitar, ukelele, temor guitar, man- dolin. Open for emgagements, Wilson and Lee Music Store. Phone 2388. (Nov. 24-Dec. 24) HERBERT C. TRENEER IS PRE- pared to accept pupils in piano, or- gan and vecal music. A free booklet giving full Patticulars will be fur- upon q 50 William street east. Phone 466. tf ARTHUR W. LYNDE (HAM- bourg Conservatory, Toronto). Teach- er of Singing. Pupils prepared for all examinations, also church concert, Sen. Studio, 92 Simcoe St. N., one Bhone 21). Oshawa, Fridays. (72-tf) Tnsuranc DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Afancy in Oshawa. 30 Re- putable Fire Companies. (118-tf) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protected. (Oct. 11-1yr.) Money to Loan UNLIMITED FUNDS FQ RFIRST mortgages. Building loans arranged. Bradley Bros. Phone 169, 42). (96-tf) FOR CITY AND FARM LOANS No commission. Building loans. Legal work done at this office. A. J. Parkhill, Barrister. Risney Bldg. Phone 1614. (176-tf) Contracting T. W. ENGLAND AND R. DOUG- lass, bricklayers and contractors work taken by the thousand or by day work, Repair work of all de. scriptions, Satisfaction guaranteed. 318 Division St. Phone 2570W. (Nov, 24-Deec, 24.) R. W. KERR AND ALLISON, CON tractors and builders, excavating, plastering and brick work. 380 Mitchell Ave. Phone 2034Vy. (1301) THREADGOLD BROS, GENERAL building contractors, Let us give you our estimates. Write or phone (Whit- by) 255. (73-tf) Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS- ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim,. F. L. Beecroft, Whithy, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324, (69-tf) Painting and Decorating PAINTING AND DECORATING Estimates given. Work guaranteed. Best of material used. Phone 9203. (Oct. 29-1mo.) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. 'T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m., for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments maye be made at drug Store, Phone 97." (49-tf) Dental DR. D. R, DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's Store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas admin- istered for extraction, nurse attend- ant. Phone 231. Residence 1087. (tf) DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fice over Bassetts', Phone 950; Residence 306. 4-1 yr. DR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 54. DR. L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948; residence, 1378M. 35-tf R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, graining, ete. Twenty years' experience. Prices right. Work guaranteed, 151 Huron street, Phone 2067W. (45-1f) Accounting and Collections THE OSHAWA COLLECTION and Indemity Company is now locat- ed at Room 4, Bradley Block 29 Sim- coe street south, Oshawa, All col-* lections given prompt attention. Ac- counting systems installed. Advice in reference to Income Tax Return adjustments. (Nov. 2-1mo) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros. Phone 438. (tf) Window Cleaning OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS --House cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screen and store win- ows Put on and removed. Phone 302W. DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE Regent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780. Residence. 669. 066-tf Engineering and Surveying DONEYVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- io Kamd Surveyors and Civil Engin- - cers, sub-divisions, town planning, mus.spal engineers, Bradley Block, Qshawa, Phone 1635. (104-tf) Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, ist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital. 503 Masson St. Phone 629. (55-tf) S. DICKENSON, V.S. DISEASES < SN domestic animals scientifically treated. Dominion Gowernment Veterinary. 34 Brock St. Phone oY 105). . Ei Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. phone 909). Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss Watchmaker fepair shop at 44); King Street West. Your pat- fonage J is solicited (29-tf) Machinery Repiring DURRANT MACHINE CO--WE do all kinds of machinery repairing. Excelsior starter ring gears installed : connecting rods re-babbited; crown gears or pinions supplied for all makes of cars. 161 King St. o . (tf) Transportation NEW SIX ROOMFKD BRICK bungalow for remt, furnace. Every convenience. North. Phone 2522J. | (123¢) GARAGE FOR RENT AT 2561 Arthur St. ei (123¢) GARAGE TO RENT. APPLY 20 Oshawa Blvd. Phone hin. . 23 FOR RENT--A 'FURNISHED bedroom, suitable for two. Break- fast optional. Apply! 1656 Ritson Rd. South or phone' 2466J. (123¢) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent 'in new house. Ten minutes walk from Motora for light house- keeping. Water supplied. Phone 13615 (123a) | TWO LOVELY PARTLY FUR. Pished housekeeping rooms on ;'ground floor in a new home. No children. « $80 a month including heat, light, water and phone. Ap- PY 50 Buckingham Avenue. €123-a) | THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS to 'rent. Apply 293 Montrave { Ave. Phone 1717F, : (123-a) FOR RENT---GARAGE ON AQG- nes street; 149 Agnes street. Phone 1104J. (123-h) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO | rent, Possession' Dee, 1. Apply 163 Ritson road south. Phone 2466W. (123-¢) FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE for two gentlemen, near G.M.C. Breakfast if desired, Phone 1734W. (123-¢) 1 ROOM SUITABLE FOR LIGHT housekeeping, or two gentlemen _ roomers. 1 Athol street east, (122+) ROOMS TO RENT AT 168 CEN- tre street, (122¢) BREDROOM TO RENT; ALSO BED sitting ream. Apply Box "J Osh- awa Daily Times. (122-h) FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUIT- able for two; all conveniences, 74 Fisher street, Phone 10056F, (122-c) COMFORTABLE ROOM, SUIT { two gentlemen. All conveniences. Pew minutes from Motors, Apply 137 Alice street, (121¢) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO | sink rent. for light housek: ping, Ap- | ply 666 Alber street. (121c) ROOMS TO RENT FOR LIGHT i housekeeping. Apply 66 Bruce St, (121) GAROGE TO RENT AT 2569 SIM- coe street south. (121-¢) 2 ROOM TO RENT, SUITABLE FOR two gentlemen. Apply 6365 Car- negie avenue, Phone 2328J. (121-¢) 2 ROOMS FURNISHED OR I'N- furnished. Apply after 5 o'clock to 126 Gibhon street. (121-e) LARGE BED SITTING ROOM nicely. furnished, suitable for two gentlemen rooming together or married couple. Very central. Ap- ply 17 John street. Phone 2389W. (121-e) Tea Rooms HOUSE THAT JAC K BUILT, Special Business men's lunch 12 to 1.30 daily, broiled tenderloin steak, roast du€k and chicken dinner. Din- ner dance parties arranged. Accom- modation for overnight guests. Af- ternoon 'tea and bridge parties. Courtesy and service. Murs. I. M Prior, proprietress, phone 2209. (Nov. 3-1mo) Notice Re Classified Effective immediately ing time for classified ads. 9.39 am. Monday to Friday and 8.30 a.m, Saturday. Ads for Too Late to Classify and Coming Events, up to 10.30 a.m. Rates for Classified Ads. Fivet insertion--1¢ cents word. | Minimum charge--30c. Each subsequent insertion Three * consecutive inser: tions for the price of two Minimum Sharpe for three insertions, 60 cents, Box number 10¢ additional \ SMALL COST Real Estate for Sale FRAMED HOUSE VACANT, 8 rooms and attie, electric 'light and water, large verandah. This house can be rented for $50 per month, Will sell for only $2,800, cash $300. Balance very easy. Also frame bumgalow, vacant, 4 rooms and summer kitchen, elec- tric lights, cellar. Price only $2,200, cash $200. Balance very easy. The Oshawa House and Land Co., 38 Simcoe St. N. phones 1339W, 464. (123-b) FOR SALE--TWO ACRE FRUIT _ and peultry farm, about 2 miles " east of Courtice on the Provincial Highway, A modern new 6 room house, double garage, good stable with loft, chicken and . brooder, house to accomodate 160 chick- ens, About 500 apple trees, some 25 Mcintosh and some Duchess and Starks, just bearing good, Ap- ply to Lloyd Snowden, R.R. No, 3, Bowmanville, or phone 208r§, Bowmanville, (1220) | SEVEN ACRES, SUITABLE FOR chicken farming, good buildings, close to highway, one mile from Oshawa. Will divide to suit pur- chaser. Easy terms. Phone 869, Wm. D. Peebles, 9 Bond street BE, (122-¢) Professional or B Cards, $250 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word perdmonth for each additional word. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACe COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart- ON WARREN AVENUE, PAVED street, six or eight room houses, rug brick veneer, hard wood trim, just completed, All conveniences, Phone 15637TW or 2072, + (Nov, 23-Dec. 23) CHOICE BUILDING LOTS FOR sale. Ten minutes walk from Motors, Richmond and King Sts, A good buy. Safe investment. Apply C. L. Trull, 194 Division St., Phone 553]. (Nov. 16-Deec, 16) | Articles For Sale A HANDSOME IMPORTED EN- semble suit fit 40 to 44 bust, long ming, brown satin lining and dress Box "Y'" Oshawa Daily Ti Wanted to Buy MR, 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS, and all kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries, old cars and poultry. Goods called for, Phone 2060M. Residence 99 Mill street. (111tf) Pets and Livestock Hudson seal coat, Will sell cheap. STROLLER, §9. pose bid Res $1. y 121 Church street, CHINCHILLA RABBITS, PEDI- | greed and reistered, Took two prizes in Winter Fair. Apply 375 Gibbon St, (122h) SMALL SIZE HORSE, "HARNESS and rubber tired huggy. Apply 76 Colborne street west, (122-1) ONE PEKINESE PUP FOR SALE. Male. 6 months. Apply 350 Jar- vis street. Phone 2522W,. (122.¢) Wanted to Rent splendid condition, WANTED--TWO FURNISHED rocms, for housekeeping. Phone 1106. (122-¢) and Costs--Aged Man is PE. Injured vi Whith i Bo 26. Repirten) Pomfret, Oshawa, was found guilty of failing ter stop at the scene of an accident, last night, in Whitby Police Court and fined $25 and costs. Police allege that Pomiret's car was the one that struck down an aged man on the highway a mile west of Whitby some two months ago, The car was identified by peo- ple in the car behind through certain very noticeable features. The evidence was heard three weeks ago and the decision postponed, in the hope that the victim might recover far enough "to make some statement but he 1s found to be permanently injured and has not yet recovered a lucid mental condition. TRADE AGREEMENT WITH CUBA REACHED Ottawa, Nov. 25.--Hon. James A. x i Robb, ERLE i" Finance, an- nounced today that negotiations had been completed with the Govern- ment of the Republic of Cuba whereby Canadian imports into Cuba will be admitted under the general rate for a period of one year unless a permanent trade convention is con- cluded earlier, Canada, in exchange, grants to Cuba the benefits of the intermediate tariff on products or- iginating in and coming from Cuba. Three Schedules The Cuban tariff is divided into ! three schedules--maximum, gener- (al and United Statse preferential-- lana when the new rates were an- nounced recently Canadian. exports to Cuba were subject to the maxi- mum rate, which is double the gen- | eral rate, The new arrangement comes into force today in hoth countries. The principal items of export from Canada to Cuba are: Potatoes, of | which $2,800,000 worth were sent 10 the Republic in the fiscal year 1926- 27: fish, which were exported to Cuba the value of approximately "$975,000 in the same year; news: (print valued at $572,000; automo- | | biles, $183.000, and wheat flour, ($773,000, Canada algo reports cal- ! cium carbide to the Republic. Imports of Sugar From Cuba, Caanda imports aj | largey quantity of sugar, In 1926-2 | | sugar importations from the Renahs le were valued at about $6,000,000. MUSKRAT FUR COAT FOR SALE 25. For guick sale. 2 SIX HOLE COOK STOVE, In good condition. Reasonable price. Apply 791 Sim- coe street south. \ ALL KINDS OF SECOND HAND lumber, doors, windows, new doors, new windows, new sash, coops, 50 cents up. Lumber $20 up. , all kinds trim- | Office open all 7. Apply opposite mings, water pipes. WANTED--BY TWO GIRLS, EM- ployed at General Motors office, two or three furnished light house keeping rooms, can give refer- ences, Dox "I" Oshawa Daily Times. . (122-h) FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, apartment or house, wanted within ten minutes walk from Felt Bloek. Lee Zat, 14% King street east, (121-¢) Board and Rooms BOARD AND ROOM. PHONE 1133W, (128¢) GOOD SEWING class running order, Phone 1896F, ONE HEATER, BURNS COAL OR wood, also one four burner coal oil Apply 31 King street east, | | Corseteire CORSETIERE-SPIRELLA SHOP, 32 Elgin St. E. Mrs. Annic Pentland, managing corsetiere. - Evenings by appointment. Phone 442]. (tf) SINGER SEWING MACHINE AND Phone 2530. (121-¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen. Close to G.M.C. Prices reasonable. 143 Agnes street. Phone 17757. \ (128e) | WARM ROOM, SUIT ONE OR i two young men, 221 'Arthur St. or phone 846. ' (122ec) BOARD AND ROOM CILOSE TO Motors. Apply 309 Jarvis street. (122-¢) OAK LIBRARY TABLE FOR SALE SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIM- ited, Simcoe St., S., phone 346w., 242, Front St, E., oronto, Phone Main 7637.. Superior Transportation Sew- vice. (42-tf) COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR- age. 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82, 6 trucks for prompt service. Moying van and storage warehouse equipment. Baggage transferred to and from all trains. (64-tf) Signs H. R. COULDERY, ARTISTIC DE- corating. Signs on paper, wood, cot- ton, brick; show cards, psice tickets of every description. Regent block, over Jerry's Barber Shop, Oshawa. (229-tf) Dressmaking Situations Wanted POSITION WANTED AS HOI'SE- keeper. Lady with two little girls Geod cook and easy Lo get along with. Phone 1879W. (4232) WIDOW WITH GIRL, OF 42 seeks . housekeeper"s position to gentleman. Good references. Ap- ply Royal Hotel, Whitby. (123.a) STENORAPHER, EXPERIENCED, desires position. References, Box "J" Oshawa Daily Times. (122-b) Lost and Found STRAYED TO THE PREMISES OF J. Lambert, Park road south; dark brown deg, with 1927 tag mumber 196. Owner may jave same by proving property 'and paying for ad. (122¢) LADIES' OR CHILDREN'S dresses made or remodelled at 550 Simcoe street north. Phone 14937). (Nov. 18-Dec. 18) DRESSMAKING, PLAIN, FANCY sewing. Miss Flossie Boyd, - Les- lie St. Phone 1842]. {Nov.25-Dec. 9) ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices. Call at 21 Rowe St. Phoné 1347M or. 19-Dee. 19) EE MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS, s, wagons, new or s hand, also repairs. Beatty stable equip- ment. Agent, H. Pawson, 550 Sim- coe Street morth. gow. 1493] Ag i Furniture Stomge FURNITURE STORED IN SEP- arate compartments. ' 85 Bond street west. Phone 82, Coleman's Kage and Storage. Work Wanted - CaRPENTH WORK. SHINGLIXG furnaces and cleaned, chimneys rel and rebuilt. floors oiled, dleaned and waxed. General repair 'work of all kinds promptly attended to. Phone 2582W. (Nov. 17-Dec. 17) UPHOLSTERING OF Ail KINDS, chesterfields made to order. Work- manship guaranteed. G. A. Con- , stable. 74 Mechanic St. Phone 2 21-Dee. 21) i 1595J. 5 (7241) ah of a LANL dead 3 HOT WATER HEATING PLANT Good condition. Low price. plant was used to heat feet of floor space, before new addi- tion was erected. It should be just the thing for a store or ap black. Apply C. Daily Times, Telephone 35 (106-25) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Phone 660. Waterous- --r THE UNDERSIGNED HAS RE. household effects of the estate of the late Elizabeth Stocks. village of Col N November 29th: There will also A offered for sale house and lot, equipped with hye dro apd furnace, 2 zged well and cistern, stable and driving: house. Could be used as a garaze. Party buying this property will get a clear title.and et immediate posses- Furniture, - cash: 10 per sent. cash day of sale. balance to be arranged day of sule. Sale to commende at one o'clock. Heuse and lot to be | sold at 2.30 o'clock. E. J. Pomery, ¢ King St... E. house and lot, BOARD AND ROOM, 25 DREW street, 2 blocks to Motors. Good neals. Newly furnished rooms. 'roprietress has conducted hotels for several years. Phone 72F. (122.hH) -_ ; -- Gi ' Notice TO ALL. WHOM IT MAY CON- | CERN; INeTHE MATTER of "a | By-Law of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa to change the name of MECHANIC STREET in the said city to McMILLAN DRIVE NOTICE is herchy given that His Honour Judge Thompson has ap- pointed Wednesday, the 7th day of December, A.D. 1927, at the hour of 10.30 o'clock in the fore noon at his Chambers in the Court House at the Town of Whithy in the County of Ontario, for the purpose of con- sidering a By-Law of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa to change the name of Mechanic Street in the said City to McMillan Drive, and for hear- ing those advocating and opposing said change. DATED at Oshawa, this 2nd day of November, 1927. APPROVED, J. E. Thompson, Judge. : oh J. J. Grierson, City Solicitor, (106-111-117-123) Rubber Goods IF YOU REQUIRE SANITARY rubber goods, write for catalogue and price list. Safe and Sanitary Rubber Works, Dept. 14, 49500 Wel- lington St., Montreal. (Sat.-tf) ™A WELL FURNISHED FRONT bedroom, suitable for two. Board if desired; close to cars. 618 Car- negie avenue. (121-¢) Notice to Creditors 16 Geo. V., Cap. 40. Sev. 52. IN THE ESTATE OF LAUREN G. DREW, Solicitor, deceased. ALL Persons having claims against the estate of Lauren @. Drew, late of the City of Oshawa in ithe County of Ontario, Solicitor deceased, who died on or about the Seventh day of September. 1927, are hereby notified to file with the undersigned on or be- fore the twentieth day of Pecem- ber, 1927, full partieulars of their claims. Immediately after said date, the assets of the deceased will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, having regard only to claims so filed. DATED at Oshawa, the 24th | day of November, A.D. 1927. WILLIAM E. N. SINCLAIR. K.C.. Solicitor of the Estate, Bank of Commerce Bldg., Oshawa, Ont (123-129-135) Motor Cars BARGAIN, NEW PONTIAC IAN deau. Two months old. $850. cash or terms. Phone 1826F. (122) TUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. 1926 CHEVRO!I ET COACH LESS than year old. In Al condition. Sliding seats. Sacrifice at $500. Phone 2349W. (123-¢) ~ Agents Wanted FAUEDTOSTOPAT (COLLEGIATE SCENE OF MISHAP Alfred Pomfret Fined $25 | containing piet CHATTER (Continued from Page 9) for team went down to defeat bhe- fore the MeMaster University five {from Toronto, and in doing ¢o, suf- | fared thelr firsy defeat of the sea- son but lost none of their prestize, jin fact they even made a new mark for themselves in having turned 'in the game they did. It was a smart and exciting game and well explains why girls basketball is this year draming the crowd it does. This alternoon also, Mr. Patter- son, representing Oshawa Collegiate is in Toronto attending the organiza. tion meeting of the Toronto-and District High Scheol basketball lea- gue, in which Oshawa is an entrant. The school will likely again Le grouped with Scarboro and Kast York, the schedule beginning early in January. An exhibition game with University of Toronto Schools is being planned for sometime be- fore Christmas. Mr. Glass in Latin class: 'of equus means horse, what does ef. ine mean?" Three hooks printed. between 1860 and 1880 are at present on display in the school library and all are extremely interesting. "The History of Don Quixote" hy Cer. vantes and illustrated by the fam- ous French artist, Gustave Dore, 1a perhaps the most interesting, while Alfred Tennyson's Idylls of the King, also illustrated by Dore, ri- vals it, The third book is from Rome, dated 1872, 1x written en- tireli yn Italian and is an album res of the arn oman architecture and of modern buildings in the newer section of Rome. . -- Who was the speaker, and under what conditions were the following lines spoken: Ladies and gentlemen, it 1s j= deed a great pleasure--'"' "Let's compare this election to a rughy game." and fellow students. Tomor- row you will be called upon to ecxer- cise ¥ "The Duchess of Buffalo," is a love cocktail, with a laugh hang Wright Funerals J. A. WRIGHT FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBA LMER Successors DISNEY FUNERAL SERVICE 82 Simcoe St. S. Phone 1082? Unsurpassed Ambulance Service METAL BUMPING AND ALL KINDS OF BODY WORK MERRITT AUTO AND REPAIR King St. W. Oshawa STORM WINDOWS Combination Doors Machine Floor Sanding B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. W. Office phone 481; Res. 180 R 2 -- ~A;G; BROOMFIELD Batteries, Electric * Repairs and Supplies b Fling fAtssssories wa Battery Service 37 King St. W. Phone 1184 SUPERKEEN! AM AZING NEW PATENTED MAGNETIC BLADE SHARPENER! Sharpens All Ra- zor Blades Instantly, Magically, By Powerful Magnetic force! New! Absolutely Different! Sen- sational Demonstration! Whirl- wind Seller! Write for Pocket | sample! SuperKeen. Salisbury, N. C. (123.2) | $4 A DAY PAID MEN OR WO- | men fer distributing religious lit- erature, spare or full time. For | particulars, write Mr. Conrad Spadina Bldg., Toronto, (123-a) Help Wanted--Male BOY WANTED TO DRIVE DE- livery rig at once. Apply Box "I" | Oshawa Daily Times. (122-h) Help Wanted--Female WOMAN WANTED FOR GENER- al housework. Apply 207 Simcoe street south. (120-1220) | WANTED WOMEN FOR OF- fice cleaning, full time workers. | Apply stating age, married or single, to Box "0 Oshawa Daily Times. (121e) GIRLS WANTED -- BEAUTIFUL silk lingerie free and money for your spare time at home. Send for particulars. Dainty Dolly Linger- ie Shoppe, 231 Bay St., Toronte. (1201) IT ALL OLPENDS ON WHET.S IN NOUR iOP STORY THAT eo CRNS YOURS TI TT TAT YOPR g i it all depends upon the fuecl-- the behavior of jour furnace and the comfort of your home. Bay with safety. Phone your order for coal of assured heat valae, W. J. Sargant COAL, COKE and WOOD Bloor St. HE. Phone 192

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