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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Nov 1927, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR --. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1927 Christmas Committee Choo: Faud to Carry on Work in/Aid of Needy Cbnditions Reported to Be| HEADS RELIEF FUND Better Than Last Year at * This Time -- Committee at Annual Meeting Elects Of. ficers With George Hezz'e- wcod as President That condit'ans in Oshawa ave much better than they were at this time last year, was the general opinion of the Christmas Cheer Fund committee which held its annual reeting last night in the Y.M.C.A. IgMiding. Cases of familfes that are i} need oj assistance have neverthe- leaz heen alreadv brought to the at- téntion of members of the commit- tee. and nlaps for the work of the crming season, including the elec- tlon of officers, were made. ; The resignation of Mr. J. C. Young »4 Chairman and of Charles Wilcox as Secretary were accepted with great regret by the meeting and hoth of these men were subsequently ndded to the executive committee Mi& Young wished to be relievad of the responsibility 'incumbent upon the chairman's position, but stated that he would he willing to do his part in aiding the work of the Christmas Cheer committee. Both he and Mr, Wilcox expressed their opinion that others should have an ofortunity in holding these posi- tigs of honor. Whe election of officers proceeded, amd, after a discussion as to elect- in ye prgxy, Mr. George Hazlewond, w was unavoidably absent from {18% meeting. was elected president b n unanimous vote. Tribute was pl to Mr, Hazlewood's efforts an hahalf of the committee's work, he hd@hg one of the original suggestors Lo For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store 23 SIMCOE 8, PHONE 880 Cash or Terms 4 ptometri 5t EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. Does your work require close range vision? Don't fail to have your eyes examined. You may be injuring then, 335 1516 -- HON Fe - hn rts ery lok Opppronite Poms (Fw 325 REAL § TE. AND INSURANCE Money to Loan on First Movignges Phone 871 or G87TW Legent Theatre Block 1 Secreiar | GEORGE HEZZLEWOOD Who was last night elected president of the Christmas Cheer Fund, if this move in Oshawa, and a mem- er of the executive since the com- mittee was first organized. J. Graves was eléeted to the nosi- fon of secretary, and C. N. Henry vas re-elected treasurer. The exec:- ive was elected as follows: Mrs. 'rank* Robson, Commandant Os- horne of the Salvation Army, Miss BB. KE. Harris, and Messrs, J. C. Young and C. Wilcox. The report of the retiring presi- dent, secretary and treasurer show- or in a vivid way the work that was lone among the needy of this city. Nighnr ements during the year. most of which were of course made 2 Christmastide, wera shown by the treasurer, C, N. Henry to he $1. 076.30. fabs'! tan the fund 'agt vear totaled $1 908 90, and there is a balance ~n hand at the yresent time of £43 03. The balance on hand on December 1 last year wae $312.43, During his report of the year's arcomplichmrents the chairman, J. C Young, paid tribute to those who had contributed so largely to make the work 'of the committes run smoothly. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the YM C.A,., who did the purchas- ing: the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion who assisted in the investigating; and the churches "nr 'heir en-operation, especially Mrs, Walker, of St. George's Church were mentioned hy the chairman, Mise B. BE. Harris and her associates, the :chool nurses of the city, and the and executive commitien vore nal landed for the zeal they | na? diznlayed in cheering homes that might otherwise have had a isrkened Christmas. The practieral | vid given hv the Boy Stouts in d's- | trituting the goods, hv the trnek trivers and car owners in provid ne | transportation facilities, hy Genec=nl Motors for the nse af their build' ng for sorting purposes, and the "Re former" for the helpful nnbhlitity that hod been given in aiding (he work, was ulen the snhject of pra'se. Wilcox resented an in- | teresting renort of the work that bas | been carried out, as givem in the aerel table below, of goods given to families that were found deserving. In all 111 families were aided, em- bracing 341 children. This showed a considerable increase over the pre- vious season's work. The report of goods given and a comparison with the previous year, follows: 1926 1925 DIRNGPS. «nc vs 33} i ania 99 0 03 A... 87 Rubbers ........ 29 can 17 Galoahes ... «+ 39 cra ens Sweaters ....... 3... 45 Stockings ....... 148... 67 Underwear ...... M3 0 303 EN ERRAND LT EE BEG 2! TOQUE «vss. RCE | TOVR ... is 341 .... "301, HOOKS 2s cas iss 341 Ea |] | Overcoats ....... Bors 3 Bonnets & Dresses 4 ie | Lh A A PONE E 4 . Trousers ........ : RE Su Suit a AES 1 Fuel uaa, Vas Tons, 14 The question of transients who | ask for meals and lodging again came before the meeting, but the ruling that all such must he dealt with at the Police Station is being adhered to hv ministers and others who receive their visitations. Mr. D. | Douglas, in spaking ahout the prab- | lem, said that the officers of the | Canadian Legion have been very | popular since Poppv Day. but that | the veterans wished to keep this fund for the really needv cases and alsa wished to try and make it last until next Armistice Day, at least | Many people have heen directing transients to the Legion officers, but ! for the most part thev are redirected | to the proner authorities. | The public health nrnvees in the | schools are findine conditions much better this vear than last. narticu- | larlv in Cedardale, according to Miss Harris, sunerior ~f the nurses. | { Truant Officer Smith also stated that conditions seemed ta be better in the majority of homes. Cases of | need were reported hy some mem- | hers of the committee, however, and it is expected that in a sho-t time | investigating of cases for the Christ- mas season will start The Christmas Cheer committee | uses a system that is very effective | 'n dealing with cases of reed in the ity. Each familv wha is found to! he deserving of aid, after an investi- ration has heen made iz: riven a anmber, without the person in| sharge knowing for whom the pur-| 'hasing is being done, and the nama | 's pnt placed ~n the carton until the goods are ready for delivery. A cavd is filled ont for each family show- ing just what is required, with the necessary description, and a "Christ- man dinner, with clothing, bhonts, mitts, toys and rubbers, ete. are pre- | nared far the people. The executive | 'at least two weeks hefore Christmas, | carefully investigating the ences | hroueht to its attentions and it is stated that over two hundred co-es | nf families in more or less deserving | eirenmsances were reported to them | last year. Many ~f them were foun | not snfficiently deserving to merit | attention, bowever. The rennrta are | raceived through the churches, nib- | lic health nurses and school teach- | nrg. the Rotary Cluh, private in- | dividuals. letters to Santa Clans, and | are carefully checked hefore action | is taken NOT EXPLAINED (Pnffalo Courier-Express) Mr. Edison is right, no doubt, in saying that the automobile bas i "awakened hundreds of thevsands | from sluggishness," but he doesn't | tell us why so many motorists gnit | thinking 2s they approach railroad | grade crossings. PEL QUETD IIA) * | REAL ESTATE | Homes bullt to suit purchasers. R. M. KELLY 610 Simcoe St, N, Phone 1663W de Sond ro 337 Adel EN W., Toronto Do You Own Your Own ETE WUE SIU | Cop ne HE THI STR VT SR SS Better Houses For Sale New 2, 3, 6 and 7 Room Houses Immediate Possession URIAH JONES Phone 1947W 461 Simcoe St. N. CR New 5 oom brick house, all conveniences, new electric stoye, fireplace, oak floors, chestnut trim--only $4,200. Terms very easy. DISNEY Real Estate Opposite P. O. Phone 1530 Associate Salesmen L. ¥V. Disney W. G. Prudence R. J. Rutherford R. 5. Disney LYCETT | your Real Estate and fasurance Broker AUCTIONEER Pe King . Eelioptier Celina MONEY TO LOAN Loans arranged on residental 2 King Street East Consult HORTON & FRENCH For Everything in Real Estate 22 Bruce st. Phone 1207W V. A. Henry, Insur- ance and Loans 113% SIMCOE ST. 8. Phones: 1198W----Office - 1858) --Residence III -------- with $1,500 cash buys a $2, six room fame house, ights and water. In good section. $3 7 with $400 down, buys ' new 5 room bungalow Hardwood floors. All conveniences This is a bargain--ask about it. $2 ,000 with small cash payment buys 6 room frame ouse. 3 piece bath, garage, ip Nhitby. Or would exchange for To- onto property. Apply to W. J. SULLEY Real Estate and Auctioneer 9 Celina Street, Oshawa | Phone 2580. Res. 716; Noni | gladly supply rommittee is constantly at work for | LADY BULLOCK BADLY INJURED, MAY HAVE A FRACTURED SKULL Melton Mowbray, Nov. 25.--Lady] Victoria Bullock, daughter of Lord Derby, who was injured today at a hunt attended by the Prince of Wales and Prince Henry, was still uncon- selous tonight, and it was feared that her skull had been fractured. The exact extent of her injuries had not been determined tonight, and Lord Dawson, the King's physician, was summoned from London to attend her. No one was with Lady Victoria when the accident happened, but she was found afterward by her brother, Lord Stanley, lying unconscious under a low archway, which appar- éntly had caught her head. She had been following the famous Quorn Hounds with others of the hunting party. . CALIFORNIA'S GOLD Mammy songs and the Mason- Dixie line have all melted iy seems, before the Sun in the crange g:-ves of California. And there's a reason. The praise is going to the worthy. If there are cloudy days in Califor- nia one never hears of them, and it is reasonable to suppose that one ghould if there were. A minion people each Winter follow the steps of the conquistador of whom perhaps, they have never heard. They search for gold--the gald of the beach, of the groves, of the sunset over warm Pacific waters, And there is a mine there for von: a real mine of health and a wealth of sport and recreation ac- tivities for you to exploit at will Any Canadian Pacific Agent will information regard- ing fares, routes, ete., upon re anest, M. R. Johnsen, City Ticket Agent, 11 King St, East, NEW WIRELESS CONVENTION APPROVED BY 79 NATIONS Washington, Nov. 25 A new wiraless convention which will reg ulate international radio for five vears. beginning January 1, 1620, | wan approved here today. It was drafted hy the International Radio Conference, which adjourned after 'gnatures of delegates from 79 na- fons and territories had heen at- a"hed to the' documenun. BRITON TO STUDY HOLLYWOOD FOR TRADE FILM PRODUCES London, Nov. 25.--The British Government is sending Major Wal- ter R. Creighton as its official rep- resentative to Hecllywood, Californ- ia, to observe the working of Am- erican film productions at close quarters. The object is to examine the possibilities of motion pictures as a means of encouraging closer trading co-operation between the component parts of the British Em- pire. Amsterdam, Nov, "ihe Dutch Java sugar interests decided today to remain outside of the recently tormed Cuban-European sugar car- tel, although they agreed to co-op- erate with Cuba as far as mutual interests permit to prevent a crisis in the sugar industry until consump ticn catches up with production. SALE OF LIQUOR BY THE GLASS (From the Kingston Whig-Standard) The brewers of Ontario, at a con- ference in Toronto a few days ago, were reported to have formulated plans to interest the government in the sale fo beer by the glass. Whe- ther the government will seriously consider the overtures: is a matter of conjecture. It will be recalled that Hon. Mr. Ferguson's original program provided for just what the brewers are asking. But when the government's prohibition opponents, realizing that sale hy the glass was the vulnerable spot in Mr. Fergu- son's armor, placed an order for "three sheets," depicting children waiting for fathers to emerge from beer parlors, the prime minister pulled a smart trick. He deleted the "sale by the glass" clause and splik- ed the opposition's higgest gun. Gov | ernment control has now heen giv en a fair test and while certain weaknesses in the legislation have heen revealed, we think the public, if given the_@pportunity would not vote for the revival of the Ontario | Temperance act. The big traders in illieit liquor, it is admitted, have been driven out of business in On tario. The hole-in-the-corner hoot- leggers have had their hottle busi- ness seriously affected, but there is the glass Sugar Cereals Cereals of the enforcement saunad to eradi- | by its foemen, i8 understandable. They argued during the campaign last year that Mr, Ferguson's policy cate the evil overlooked the morals of our people. we do not think that sufficient time | has elapsed in the war against the to warrant a | change in the governemnt"s plan of Eventually, the | ment may find it expedient | mit the "sale-by-the-glass' | to the people, hut it is to he doubted opportune a persistent sale of intoxicants by | time. The anxiety of prohibition- | despite the best efforts | ists, as the matter is being revived bootlegezing gentry campaign. that, the present is the Bread Flour Pastry Flour The government ny. striven to combat this iilicit trade by extending the hours of operation of [Was the thin edge of a wedge that the shops, but the hrewers declare that the hest weapon of all is being [turn of old conditions. glass." | that the brewers are already tating for sale of heer by the glass, "sale by the The Spectator's epinion is that the ) brewers are more interested in in- | they may be pardoned for remark- creased business than they Call Our Phone Number If You Want Potatoes Poultry Feed Pigeon Feed Poultry Tenic Bird Seed Salt, Etc. PHONE 8 Cooper-Smith 16 Celina Street WE DELIVER TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY AND SUBURBS MOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOO0000000CO00O0DOLLLLLOLOLLOLOL are in ling: "We told you so." Further, would eventually bring about a re- Hearing govern- YOUR INITIAL FREE to sub- question BOND ST, WEST - At $400 has been made on residential trend. a a de TST Lots Selling men have developed fortunes have been "loded" with gold. More money turning over of real estate inv than ever was made in the taking of gold from ore land. It is the adventurous spirit that makes men seek fortunes in mining but it's the conservative invest- c:s who prefer to put their destiny in community ad- vancement and grow rich in the sure, natural increase of land values based on sound prospects, commercial and Vista Heights Appeals to Everybody It's a matter of getting in on the ground floor now on property that is sure to greatly appreciate in value with the growth and desirability of this sec- tion, let us supply you with concrete reasons why by show- ing you the site and the situation as it is today. Oshawa Luggage On Suit Case or Club Rag Saywell & Son

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