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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Nov 1927, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA: DALY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1927 r " CLEVE ME NL PAGE EL ler a Bushel---Let it Shine Here Leonid 2 IRL IRA Whe or LD BAR RL ICO an Rich- is o Bs, BARRISTER, bli¢, Convtyancer, 0 Royal Bank and ond streets. Sat 121m) Vv. E. NSINCLATR KC "BANK Co Fee ; (P. MANGAN, Hi Npraey 2 li AR ES Pub- wd: Bank. fa: 13. 1 ¥ ereighton, SWANSO Kenzie) " Natar Erin loan. King Oo, Swi fackdh A. tL al Selicitgr& Rolsry | iaficer, @noney to loan. [ OpPPOS: Post Office. Phones, office (1614; Wesidence, 2230]. (62) & MA AC- M 3 9 HO Ac | Pubif 6 ¥ La ranches of an yA dawg 'Money to fice Coy yhaml jus tore, Wh c hn ' pe ATO . Public; Convey- Disney Bldg, (Hol yr) bx NBA X Music To Rent The LAHOKLA STUDIOS, IN- structors on Hawaiian or Spanish guitar, ukelele, tenor guitar, man- dolin. Open for engagenents, Wilson and Lee Music Store. Phone 2388. (Nov, 24-Dec.' 24) HERBERT C. TRENEER IS PRE- pared to accept pupils in piano, or- gan and vocal music. A free booklet | giving full particulars will be fur- nished. upon request. 50 William street cast. Phone 466. tf ARTHUR W. LYNDE (HAM- bourg Conservatory, Toronto). Teach- er of Singing. Pupils prepared for all examinations, also church concert, opera. - Studio, 92 'Simcoe St. N., hone 371], Oshawa, Fridays, (Z 20 Insurance "DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The oldest ire Agency "in Oshawa,: 30 Re- i putable Fire Companies. (118:tf) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80-8imeae north. Your insurance wants attended 'to and your interests protected. (Oct. 11-1yr.) Money to Loan UNLIMITED FUNDS FO RFIRST nfortgages. Building loans arranged. Bradley Bros. Phone 169, 420, (96-tf) FOR CITY. AND FARM LOANS No commission. Building loans. Legal work done at this office. A. J, Parkhill, Barrister. * "Disney Bldg. Phone 1614, (176-1) Contracting BPOUIS S. HYMAN AND COMP- any, ,Wonweyancers, No- taries Money to loan : 10 it) py Simcoe T. W. ENGLAND AND R. DOUG- lass, bricklayers and contractors work taken by the thousand or by day work. Repair work of all de. scriptions. Satisfaction guaranteed, (Qver vland's, store 100 street sporth.. Phone 07. (9711) One J Se SF 2 fi DR. RYE. McMULLEN, Freian, surgeon, amd obstetrician. "fice aul. home, 456 Simcoe 2667. _ PHYSI- Of- street 1 (114-tf) ROLD Ww. TRICK, | cian, *§Surgeon, Obstetrician, eh! references (og, "and digeages of post R@raduat and rdsiden (cor, a Yl DR. M p geon, A dence, King St. St., it at » 'DR, ice, of : 7 (119-11) / Bia, SUR- jee And resi- orig Victoria Y, PHYSIC IAN, un §. and @hildren. Of- pi residence, 97 Bond east. HAZLE E WOOD, | PHYSI- urgeon, special attention -ray work and Klectro- age, Disncy Block. Phone (tf) given 'tot theopy. 2050. Ear, DR, F. Street office BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR st, -Toronto, will. he at hi wer Jury & Lovells Dros Store eaph Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m, forf consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. ppointments ,maye be made at drug istore. Phone Y7. (49-ti) {Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal' Tire Shop. Tires for sale, Jamiesoff Sal Phone 438, (tf) tL "De Dental + i "DR, D. R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVE 'R | Ward's Store, Simcoe strect south Nitro "Oxi woxygen admin istered. for. extraction, nurse attend- ant. Phone 241. Residence 1087. (ti) DR Sig PRILIPS, DENTIST, OF - fice Ie Bassetts'. Phone 950; gas fi Resi 4-1 yr BKE; 9 SIMCOE ST. $ Yue Store. Royal Bank" Bldg. Prope | ( sidence,: 1378M. 35-tf H. : ,GIFFORD, OFFICE ¢ Theatre Bldg. Phone 178). hice. 609. 0-1f PHYSI- Spe- gpaterniLy work Two year s' "8imcoe Ht. N, "Throat Specialist =i | Roar TRANSPORTATION LIM- S 418 Division St. Phone 2579W. (Nov. 24-Dec. 24.) R. W. KERR AND ALLISON, CON tractors apd builders, excavating, plastering and brick work. 880 Mitchell Ave. Phone 134 W. (1 20f) 2 THREADGOLD BROS, GENE building contractors. Let us give our estimates, Write or phone (W hit. hy) 255 (73-tf) ' Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS- ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim F. L. Beecroft, Whithy, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324. (09-11) Painting and Decoraling FOR RENT--ONE LARGE BED- room, suitable for two gentlemen friends, or young couple with tur- nished rooms for light housekeeps ing. All conveniences. Apply 210 Prince "St, (124b) FIREPROOF GARAGE TO RENT, Apply Dr. Holg. © (124) FOR RENT -- SIX ROOMED house, partly furnished on King: ston Rd. E. Large barn and gar- den. Phone 902]. (124a) FOR RENT--FURNISHED FQUR roomed bungalow, careful tenant, without children preferred. Apply evenings, 325 St. Julien St. (124¢) FOR RENT--BHEAUTIFUL ky room apartment, centrally located. All latest improvements, steam heat, hat water supplied. Immedi- ate occupation, ment. Phone 2081. ments, 26% King St. E. (124¢) FOR RENT--THREE TUNFUR- nished rooms, - all conveniences, heat and light. Phone 16771. i (124b) HOUSE TO RENT TO RESPON.. sible party. Apply Box '"'E" Osh- awa Dally Times. ONE FURNISHED ROOM TO rent, suitable for business ladg.or gentleman, breakfast if desirable. | Phone 1910J. FOR RENT--TWO LARGE. PA 7 ly furnished rooms, 68 Brock E. Phone 983J, NEW SIX bungalow for convenience, Henry apart: BRICK Every 25227. 23¢) ROOMED rent, furnace, North. Phone Seen by appoint || (1348) 4 (12434 (1244) : 3Notice' Re Classified Ads. Fiffgotive impediately clos- dng time for glassi fied ads. 9.30 am. - Monday to Friday and 8.30: a ern Ads for'Teo Late to Classify and" Events, received upto I 30 'adn. . - Et B ¥ R o * o o of XY L Rates for Classified Ads. A : Firat fnsrion---1t4 cents EL per word. i Midi. charghe-300, h bseauent insertion "i¥c per wal * Three: tiogs 4 fiegh ro Icents a i ek 'for three in 1 60 cents. : i ¥Box Wermber Pc additional i yy 10" per month +5 ds or less; N ily a word per month | far each additional wo . TIMES CLASSIFIED tive inser- price of two prions (three Notice TAKE NOTICE THAT 1 WILL NO longer be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Bertha Raymer. Dated at Oshawa, this 21st day of November, A.D., 1927. Elmer Raymer. (120-122-124) Lost and Found STRAYED TO THE PREMISES OF J. Lambert, Park road south, dark brown dog, with 1927 tag number 196. Owner may have same by proving property and paying jo ad. (122 Wanted to Buy R. S. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS, and all kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries, old cars and pouty. Goods called for. Phone 2060M Residence 99 Mill street. (111tf) LGA. BOARD HAS AN INDIAN LIST Two Hundred and Fifty Names are Already Listed Kitchener, Nov. 28.--Under opera- tion of the Liquor Control Act, the establishment of a list of.those per- sons who, because of abuse of their COST, LITTLE; ACc | Am MPLiSH ri pw 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart: ment, I GARAGE FOR RENT AT 2h Arthur St. (128¢) GARAGE TO RENT. APPLY . 20 Oshawa Blvd. Phone 15647M, (123h) A FURNISHED bedroom, suitable for two. Break- fast optional. Apply 165 Ritson id, South or phone 2466J. (323¢) GARAGE ON AG- 149 Agnes FOR RENT 0 OR RENT-- nes street. Phone 11047. street, (123.h) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. Possession Dec. 1, Apply 163 Ritson road south... Phene 2466W. £128-c¢) | FURNISHED ROOM, gentlemen, near if desired. G.M.C | Phone PAINTING A AND Estimates given. Work guaranteed Best of material used. Phone 920-3 (Oct, 29-110.) , TING, PAPE R GU TSOL by ud graining, years' Sxperiens: ce. Prices right. Work guaranteed, 2067W. (45- Accounting and Collections THE OSHAWA COLLECTION nd Indemity Company is now Jocat- | cd at Room 4, Bradley Block 29 Sim- | | coc cet south, Oshawa. © All gol- ec given prompt atteftion.:Ac- coun ms stalled; Advice > to Income Ros Return Sov. 2-4mo) 1 syste m rele adjustn | HOUSE THAT. J] CK BUILT, | Special Business men's lunch 12 to 1.30 daily, broiled tenderloin steak, roast duck and chicken dinner. Din- e parties arranged. Accom- i for overnight guests. Af- ternoon § tea and bridge parties. Courtesy and service. Mrs. L. M. 'rior, proprietress, phone 2209, | | { (Nov. 3-1mo) Transportation ited, phone 346w., 242, nto, Phone Main Transportation, Ser- 42-15) COLEMAN CARTAGE at nd STOR- age. 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82. 6 trucks for prompt serv ice. Moving van and sto e warchouse equipment. jaggy age transferred to and from all trains. (64-tf) 20C St, | I 3 rc 3 : { Superior DECORATING | 1 | cto matEwenty | FURNISHED ! 151 Huron stréef, Phone | Pisher street. $1 | d (123-¢) SUITABLE FOR LIGHT keeping, or two gentlemen pmers.. 181 Athol street east. argh Sur 74 "BEDROOM, able for two; all conveniences, Phone 1095. 22-c Motor Cars NEW Pwo months wold. ters | $860; | eash or LRN PONTIAR, TANT Atticles For Sale 2 POR: SA BONE TWALN NUT T ViC- trolay Longale model, oak library tablesn fuxedo suit, pige 36. Very reasonable, Apply 185 Oshawa Blvd. (124c) FOR = SALE---ME DIUM iM WEIGHT Tr overcoat, size forty, Worn only few | times An excellent buy. Phone) 1112W. (124e) | HEATOR, HOT BLAST! heater, galvanized * kitchen for sale. Cheap: Apply 81; im Ayencs (123-0) OAK oil Bink Arlin CREAM wie KE i STROLLER, $9 white enamelled, two pur-| | baby chaip $1. Phone 1364F.) 121 Church street, (123-¢) SIX HOLR®R COOK STOVE, BURNS coal or wood. In good condition. Reasonable price. Apply 791 Sim- coe street (122-¢) | "HE ATING PL. ANT 'condition. Low price. | used to heat" "the \ Aaboyt 10,000 square feet of rf spaces before new addi- fon v vas grectély § It should be just | thé thingy for a"storé -or apartment, blog ke? ADB C. M. Mundy, Oshawa! 3) mes Melephone 35 (106-tf) ; ir D HARD AND SOFT WOOD $350 pér load. Also bone dry! wood Phone 660. Waterous- elk Ltd H Aso pose Apply ry Phone ag 4 1% 1926 CHEVROLET COARHL than y old, In Al, it il Sliding Sacrifice' at Shon. Phone , £127: Help Wanted--Fomals WANTED-A MAID, APPLY. 44 | Elgin St. (1242) | EX h Ao0ly Dominion Clothing Co. ( 124h) ) | EXPE RIENC 'ED GIRL FOR GEN- | eral housework wanted. Apply 432 | Simeoe St. N. (124e) GIRLS WANTED .-- BEAUTIFUL silk lingerie free and money for your spare time at home, Send for partieulars. Dainty Dolly Lingey- ie Shoppe, 331 Bay St., Toronto. (1201) Wanted to Rent WANTED -TWO FU RNISHED rooms, for housekeeping. Phone 1108. (122-¢) 234TW. A BE FASHIONABLE venty-fiye years 'Drew St. Phone _(124¢) YOR, SHIRLEY, B's Cat and Dog 1H ospital. - . St. Veterinary Surgeon VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, 503 Masson Phone 629. £56- ti) S. DICKENSON, V.S. DISE ASES Ff Si domestic animals scientifically treated. Dominion Government Veterinary. 34 Brock St, E. Phone 05]. (131-tf) Furniture Storege FURNITURE STORED IN SEP- arate compartments. 85 Bond strect west. Phone 82. Coleman's Cartage and Storage. Pets and Livestock ONE PEKINESE PUP FOR SALE. Male, 6 months. ~ Apply 850 Jar- vis Street Yhone 2672. (1224e) ig Work Wanted CARPEN TER WORK, SHINGLING furnaces repaired and cleaned, chimneys cleaned and rebuilt, floors oiled, cleaned and' waxed. negal repair work of all kinds promptly attended to. Phone 2582W. (Nov. 17-Dec. 17) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order. Corseteire hip guaranteed. G. A, stable, 74 Mechanic St. CORSETIERE--SPIRELLA SHOP, 82 Flgin St. E. Mrs. Annie Pentland, corsetiere. Etenings by ul. Phone 442]. (if) "Machinery Repairing EXPERT shop at' Your pat- show cards. 7 price tickets every, description. RE block, over Jeory's Barber Shop, Oshawa. 3 (229-ti) of Eos MACHINE AOWE do all kinds of machinery repairi Excelsior starter ring gears Zoanecting rods re-babbited; RE . gears or pinions supplied. "jor all makes of cars. 100" King St. AV. Phone 519 King Se Window Cleaning OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS --House cleaning, . woodwork and floors polished, screen and store win- | dows put on and removed. © Phone 1 Res. phone 909). | 1302)V" 15957. MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS; sleighs, wagons, new or sei also repairs: v ment. Agent, JH. Dawson: 550 1 coc Street orgh. Foon v2 - C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496 4 Undertaking BURIAL CO. East. Ambulance. Division St. 9 King Phone 210]. LUKE Residenge, 19 street east | Aooly JED MAID WANTED. | ana CHOICE" BOLING. £075 FOR dE 67 KING 5A < (Mar, 26-tf) | Real Estete for Sale SALE -- NEW HOUSE! Bree lot, 6 rooms and bathroom $700 :down. Immediate possession. 620 wHortop ayenue, WOR (1242) VACANT, 8 électric © light water, large verapdah. This ,be rented for $50 per "Biri wen for 'only $2,800, ohsh "$300. Balancé very easy Also frame bungalow, vacant, 4 rooms apd summer kitchen, elee- tric Hghts, cellar. Price only $2 200, #ésh $200. Balance very . The Oshawa House and nd "Co,, 38 Simcoe St. NM: phones 1380W, 464, (123-h) For SALE~TWO ACRE FRUIT and poultry farm, about 2 miles east of Courtice 0fl the Provineial Highway. A' moderm- pew 6 room house, double garage, good stable with loft, chicken . and breeder, house to. accomodate 150 ehick- ens. About 500 apple trees, some 25 Meclntogh and same Duchess and Starks, just bearidig good. Ap- ply to Lloyd Snowden, R.R. No. 3, Bowmanville, or 'Phone 208r5, Bowmanville. ' (122¢c) SBYEN Ronis, SUITABLE chicken farming, good © loge to: highway, tA TAME aD ) HOI SE Phim and utiie, nd se 8, ong' mile. Oshawa. a i to-sujt pur- 'chaser. Phone 869, Wm. D. Tien ond street Ada (122-0) ; ON WARREN AVENUE, PAVED street, six or eight room houses, sxeneer, hard wood trim, ed." All conveniences. STW, or 2072. A Nov. 23-Dec. 23) | Fo sale. Ten minutes walk from Motors. Sts" A good buy. y 1G. 'L. Trull, ooh hy No. 16-Dec, 16) | dian List," {on the part of the -- Ee Bins." Not Jone privilege, may no longer legally pur- chase liquor in Ontario, has become necessary. In other words an "In- a widely known scheme of pre-prohibition days, is in exis- tence again, The names on the list to the liquor stores by the Liquor Control Board are those of people who have had their percits can- celled for a period of 12 months. While the list recently issued con- tains about 250 names, Waterloo County is only represented among these once. Cancellation of a per- mit -is naturally made when the fa- mily makes complaint to the board hecause of continued and excessive drunkenness or disorderly conduct permit holder. local vendor, is of the opinion that the board only takes action on a request for can- cellation of a permit when it is pre- sented either by a family or near- relative of the permit holders, or a police magistrate, He is aware of i eases where someone other than those mentioned has lodged a com- ' plaint, and he informed the Re- cord 'that he intimation of these instances Drunkenness is not the only reas- on for which a permit 2an be can- celled. It is interesting to note that under subsection (2) of section 37 of the! LCA, it stipulated | thats: No one who has-been - con- I victed of keeping, frequenting or an inmate of a disorderly house, shall | 1 be entitled to a permit until after the expiration of at least one year from the date of such conviction, The duties of the vendor and his assistants are quite plainly outlined in a letter which accompanies the "Indian List" and states that: "No, ! person whose permit to purcha liquor has been cancelled shall n application for anc the L.C.A. within | montis after the tion." circulated ( Albert Hergott, the cancellation in is 0. he ther permit under a period of 12 date of 'cancella- { sue a permit to the offender for year, and if any such person thru some officer's inadvertence has obh- tained a permit it will be the ven- dor's duty to take report the case partment, one to the permit de- | BACHELOR JUDGE GIVES SENTENCE Noy 28 A bach- McCardie, a London, Eng, clor judge, Mr. Justice woman barrister for the plaintiff whose efforts were closely watched by three other women barristers, and a jury which included three women, were features heard at the law courts here. The fair plaintifi's name was Batchelor. Miss Elsie May Wheeler, who appeared for the plaintiff, said at the outset that the only question was one of damages as the defendant did not appear. "No, you must prove your case," gently mterposed the judge. Nevertheless his Lordship sub- sequently extended warm congratu- lations to the lady counsel! on her advocacy, after the jury had award- ed £100 damages. Miss Batchelor, who is a dressmaker living at Hamel Hempstead, described the break with the defendant, Alired Gidden, a print- | tri er, There was a temporary recon has not heen given any | | household and The vendor is directed not to is- | exist until' both" parents up the permit and | vu Port Arthur, N&. 28.--indicative of the hh he interest i the "ec market, is t of a Joes church in ean shares a bazaar ip held in aid af I, church, As each person enters the bazaar, a ticket will be received, bearing a number, which entitles the holder to a chance on 100 shares of paid up ck in an Ontario mining enterprise--numbers to be drawn later. At a meeting held to decide on prizes, the suggestion was made that mining shares would provide excel- lent rewards, The idea did not meet PORT ARTHUR CHURCH PEOPLE | RAFFLE MINING STOCK SHARES with immediate approval, but a can- | vass of those present revealed that | 60 per cent. were proud (more or os possessors of various mining shares. The question then resolved into what stack would be offered. It was settled that the stock which showed the largest gain over night would be chosen. The following mornig the shares of Potterdoal had taken a jump of almost 25 per cent, and this was the selection. The holder of the lucky number will, therefore, receive 100 paid up shares of Potterdoal, a stock which is al- ready widely held here, MOTHER BELIEVES LOST BOY BEING UNWILLINGLY HELD Two. Nears rr Have Passed Kitch=ner Child Suddenly Disappeared Kitchener, Nov. 28.--A little coast- er wagon stands in'an unused corner of a veranda of a home in the city with the .first' snow of the season seeping thru<the crevices of its ne- glected frame and the rust of an idle season already encrusted'on its iron shod wheels!" « The' same impressive silence . which. swshrouds' the house | surrounds the little coaster, a silence | eloquent with the memories of the pounding feet of its owner which pro- pelled it with youthful glee up and | down 'the avenue overlooking the peaceful and sun-bathed bosom of | Victoria Park lake. Two years ago [ the owner disappeared. Since that time no word has been received of "the lad and the little wagon still waits | in its accustomed corner where Carl Mayer, the thirteen year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Mayer, left it before being swallowed up to remain as effectively hidden as if he had | disappeared intp the very heart of | the earth. Thm' the months which: have elapsed since hig disappearance [not a word or a line have broken the | long silence of the fad. It was on Saturday, September 3, 1926, that the lad who' had undergone | an operation two weeks before, left { his home on David sfreet. In spite of his mother's' entreaties that he re- main inside out of the cold, wet air lof that Autumn month the lad, with | $20 in the pocket of his bloomers dis- appeared. His mother tearfully states that Carl was determined to escape | from the house gmiployed every ruse | at his command to accomplish it. He | finally achieved his purpose when he was de spatehed to a hardware store | for paint, promising to return im- | mediately and to obey the maternal | | warnings about getting his feet damp | | and exposing his tender throat to; | the harsh biting winds of September. Since that day Carl May@r has not | heen heard from. Everything that | | could lie done to bring the wanderer | back was a empted even {to having ! his desgh sprint Abroadcasted by radio | to the"ends ofthe continent. His distracted parents, at a loss where to turn for assistance, assume the gloomy melancholy which ¢ still pervades the h will continue to re ascured that their son is' alive and well. His mother gefuses to @ that he has met a eruel fate and cherishes the dream" of her son returning to her. To hey it is' unbelievable that the in- | nozent youth who now would be over 14 years of age is tor her forever. | She believes # e was Jured away and 15 being for what reason she cannot expla but if is sufficient for her to beheve that Carl will some day come back to her And Chrsitmas is coming. The vacant spot on the mantel where in the cheery Saint, the lad had hung his stocking, the.vacant four posters where for years a fond mother had sung a lad to, sleep with promises of generous treatment for Jam by Saint Nick if he were "a good boy," the room which' he called his own and the whole house thru which he romped still wait to extend a belated welcome om some day when the ex- pected home coming materializes. MARRIAGES INCREASE "IN SOCIETY CIRCLES Noy. 2B--~The Social which is being dis- ibers much earl- gibiation after she had begun breach |'ve of promise proceedings, but the de- ! fendant ultimately declared himself i sick and tired of the whole business. When Miss Batchelor referred to things she had bought with a view to the wedding, the judge pointed out that they-would be uscful if she married someone else. "I don't think I shall try again," she answer- ed, amid laughter. The judge: "You will mever trust anyone any more?" "No." Mr. Justice McCardie said Aan action of this sort was the assertion of the difference of women from man, | if not of the inferiority of women. gomparsd with 874 recor. Social Register of 1927. A decrease the number The Jaw on the subject was a sur- | be vival of the tume when a woman was an economic slave. when women asserted bho economic | rights. ¥ The Whtiicat of the One of the wittiest of the ¥ is Miss s Done ago she was at a diamer party, and or. ee t young man seated next to thie 'talk about feminism fis' ; Wc There isn't a woman alive BOARD "SND ROOM CLOSE TO | Motors. Apply $09 Jarvis street. (12 who 'wouldn't rather' be beantifa! clever." "Quite true" "But the reason for that you see, is because so many men are stupid and 2-¢) so few are blind." It still existed q- agreed Miss Miute.]d Nervous old ra. 'to chemist: "Are ixed that wedi- eC duined chemist : "No, ma'm: I wouldnt go as far as to say that. But Fyve mixed it the way the doctor ordered it!" anticipation of the nocturnal visit of | : | Henry and Prince George and other BY-LAW FOR AN AIRDROME Question of Submission to Be Discussed by St. Kitt's Council St. Catharines, Nov. 28.--The peti- tion asking the St. Catharines City Council to submit a by-law to rate- payers on January for the establish- ment of a civic aerodrome will he heard at a special meeting of the council to be held shortly, The Standard learned, The need of aerodromes in the Niagara district was emphasized | again with the visit of J. A. Wilson, | controller of civic aviation in the Do- minion of Canada, to Hamilton where he addressed a luncheon meeting of | represeftative citizens interested in the development of aviation in Ha milton and the ra district The establishment aerodrome at Hamilton willbe of the ul timate results of the meeting, it thought. Mr. Wilson, touch with local ested in the municipal aerodrome in ines and will probably visit at a later date, spoke of h mercial aviation is to he developed in Canada daring the nex pointing out the trer 15 need of municipalities to own their own air- ports If St. Catharines take action in the establishmen aerodrome here, it is belicved that | she will become the gentral airport | of the Niagara district and wil b placed on the commercial and air routes that are ope Canada today, It has he out that if St. Catharines i eve this place on the Canada the airport must mediately within the nex lihood of St. Catharine customs port for | planes entering Canady | stressed, NOT BELIEVER i LATEST MARI Jane Addams Discusses | Grand Niece's Compen- jionate Union Chicago, Nov. 27, -- Jane Adams, ate, No known social work- | er, does not believe in companion- ate marriages, even - though he | grandniece, Josephine Haldeman- Julius, daughter of the Girard, Kans. i publisher, did become a party to one, | Josephine's marriage to Aubrey Roselle, University of Kansas sopho- more, last week, was companionate only to the extent that the young bride and groom will be relieved of | financial responsibility, Miss Adams | believes. Otherwise it is an old-fashioned marriage, said Miss Adams. "As far as I know the young people are ex- pected to get along well and the arrangement is not to test their temperaments in the married state. As I understand it they will not live r? The founder of the well-known Chicago Hull House is an aunt of Mrs. Haldeman-Julius. Josephine is the adopted daughter of the Halde- man-Juliuses, "The companionate marriage isan interesting experiment in the wrong of an one be men nt n in inter- of Catl this city in con | who has flying establishm C ot a years, immediat t ol an | TIME TABLES C.N.R. TIME TABLE (X) indicates change in former time Effective May 1) Eastbound Trains £23 am~Daily except Sunday, 1.13 p.m.--Daily 2.32 p.m.~Daly 6.5 p.~ Daily 9.42 p.m. =Daily, Westbound Trains 4.44 am.--Daily, 5.45 am.~ Daily, 5.28 a.m.--Daly a.m.~Daily, 58 a.m.--Daily except Daily except unday only, Jaily except except Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. 5 p.m. --Daily except Sunday, C.PR. TIME TABLE Eastbound Trains a.m. ~Daily, 5 p.m.-- Daily. p.m.--=Daily pom. Daily, a.m.--Daily, Westbound Trains 5.45 a.m.--Daily except Sunday, 6.23 a.m.~Daily, 7.35 a.m. -->Sunday only, 8.40 a.m.~Daily except Sunday, 4.47 p.m, --Daily, 7.34 p.m, ~Daily except Sunday, except Sunday, Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Arrive Oshawa Whithy a.m, Leave Bowman. 10,50 p.m Leave Hospital SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHE Leave Bowmanville ecial Busses For All Occasions the better > Were worse, STORM WINDOWS Combination Doors Machine Floor Sanding B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. W, Office phone 481; Res, 180 R 2 A. G. BROOM Batteries, Electric Supplies Auto Accessories Oshawa Battery Service 37 King St. Phone 118 direction," thinks Miss Adams. "It is'an-old problem under a new name. Judge Lindsey, (former Judge of the Denver Juvenile Court), was arous- ed by the illicit relations of the youths who came before him. In an effort to check this he desperately suggested the companionate theory." PRESENTED WITH KEY BUCKINGHAM GARDEN London, Nov. 28--To have a key to the private gardens of the King and Queen is the honour which has been bestowed upon Sister Agnes Keyser, who is called the "Florence Nightingale" of today. Sister Agnes has a nursing home in Grosvenor Crescent and Prince members of the royal family haye been listed there as patients. The key which Sister Agnes possesses gives her access to Buckingham Pa- lace gardens at any time she sees fit. Sister Agnes, seventy-five years of age, is present at every operation in the nursing home, whether the patient be prince or pauper. She arises at seven o clock cach morning, and it is she herself mwho pours the breakfast tea for most of her patients and, if she finds them during the day, she plays bridge with the con- valescents. "Oh, ves" said, Yu our ancestors back to don't know exactly who, but she ¢ Can trace} well we're " 17 ALL DEPENDS 0 WHATS IN YOUR TOP ¢ STORY THAT GOVERMS | YOUR RISE TO THE Tory You won't aworry morrow"s «cold you hare own high grade o in Your celizr, It's a Bb money's worili, every tom it--every lump of it. "or W. J. Sz COAL, COEE and WOOD Bloor St. EK. Phone about weatd been descending for centuries."

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