= " 3 rove 1 SEE ce | : ; w - T! Ra mesiy WAI (389)=Columbus, O. Musi: (M5)~=Chicage. R. F. D, Dinner rw] heon music. oon-day musi: lero ¥. Rolls's Sxchsisa. py 'Y o ECA (S~Calgar. News: wear wnpl Bioe § Is. News; Lf Figs. Contart ld uy "Veo wgtam: 0 Tam. 1+ St, do progam. Around OF Qin Gym fb = Buffalo, Concert en- BE aan Organ, Al Car. icago, | Petite ensemble. ncheon music: DN a: indy SE, wow, id t, Tuller T i fi (by CS Am: Mg: fades; ish: Ui Drake ensemble, : me hour. "Daily Menu," Denver. Or an, Bos RT Vl "hd opin. chil» | (94) Milwaukee. Public serv. 1 (0) Kanses City, String (8 Gl! Hasler, Des Moines. Music mast. chestra. na (448)--Chicago. Chapman's or- 18 ya Th a wal io £815 Xines. 0 FOR THE KIDDIES Fe EE iy Tuneful Tales. addy wens (39)---N.Y. Uncle Gee Bee. 615 Yad' (#48)--Chicago. Topsy Turvey ES (-Bosen Brother, a G2 "Bob, a Cr Rails Bedtime story. Ju Wan (306)--Chicago. Uncle Quin. 45 WGHP (319)--~Detroit. Evening chat. 3-1 KOA (326)--Deaver. Tiny Town Tales. POPULAR PROGRAMS 7.00 pm. KVOO (39)--Tulsa. Organ and ? Networ 3 Vier WE eRe RR WAL Topline ome i (0--Deurot Piano recital, Tom WIE DRA Kobe KYW Whe! G Nor, Ww, KFNF ' (462)--Shenandoah, Concert. KFRU U (250 --Cohumbia, Mo. OM time O. Heart to WaDC Gon --Alevem, ield, Mass, Music. National unica OW, WRC, WTAG: Wei H ALN Brass ass quagiet. WNAC (461)--Boston, Bos ubs. We (523)=N.Y. Rg" VOR (422 1)--Cinci. edi "solos. Web $B (ie --Adanis. Sears Roebuck WAG. AG (546)--Worchester, Musicale, WHK_(265)--~Cleveland. Organ. 30 Blue Netwark--The Sylvan Porters: tom, WJZ, KDKA, KY WBZ, WB PWX (400)--Havana. Band concert. WCSO (256)--Springfield, O. Negro 8) itiats, S (461)--Louisville. Conc: Wik (545)--Buffalo. Violin at UT' (422)--Towa City, Musicale, Ly WALL (283)~Columbus, O. Piano, 9.00 KOIL (278)--Council Bluffs. Prof. BM (389)--Chicago, Male quartet, [ (258)--Charlotte, N.C. Concert, D (246)--Chattancoga. String SH r=Chicage. Children at WLS ( or Chiage. All-state hour, WENY re . Concert, WSAI (361)--Cinci. Studio Program, WSBT {738)--South Bend. Studio pro- am, noveltie Frva (350 =Kichmond. Acca Temple Yea ie con 1365 Norfolk, Tut S. Tr (270)=Milwaukee, Musicale. WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Band, 9.15 KPRC (294)--Houston, Studio, 9.30 Ro (385)--Hot Springs. Organ. Y (380)--Schenectady. Studio pro- Go RioCuattancogs. Organ, WHN (39$)--N.Y. Vocal. wIID x Tivoli Theatre. wos So) his City. Missouri State Teachers College. WPG (13, -Atlantis City, Hills and Far Away. 1C ir du Bo Pianoflage, 10,00 CKLC (357)--Edmonton. Musichle, CFCA (357)=Toronto, Organ. IA CHAIN = Columbia Hour, OX, KOIL, WADNC, Ray-o-Vac "Over the , WGHP, TAR, WMAK, WMAQ, WNAC, KVOO (349)~Tulsa. Concert, KYW (526)--Chicago. Concert. WHO (535)--Des Moines, Four Kings of Harmony. WHT (416)~Chicago. Your Hour, Al and Pat WIZ (45)--N.Y. Breyer Social Hour, JOLY 1210)--Rochester. Feature, B (309)--Lincoln. Harmony Boys. 10.30 Wohl (389)--Chicago. Harding Thea- WhAF (370)--Kansas City. The Caval- iers, WENR (288)~Chicago. Wek (306)--Chicago. "Somewhere in 11.00 gH Aen) --Los Angeles. Popular, GY 384)--Oakland. Vocal program. N.Y. Organ. N (3% WiBo Io -Chisaen, Stage Show. WMCA (370)=N.Y. Vocal, Popular pros 11.30 p.m. Kort: (@78)~Council Bluffs, West Sisters Quartet. WBBM (389)--Chicago. Jazz Potpour: 1. WCAU (337)--Phila., Cheerup Club, 11,40 WGN (306)--Chicago. Melody Time, 11.45 yi BA, Concert, mid PA RAIN --- "Vagabonds," KFOa, 7550, KGW, Ki, 3 fi KOMO, Ki -- Hol kg Dun pros 12.30 Ween fon Mplz, -St. Paul. Organ. 1.a.m. WAMD (225)--~Mpls. P ar frolic, WEBH (366)--Chicago, Informal revue. CLASSICAL PROGRAMS 6.00 WBBR (265)~N.Y. Concert, 7.15 WSOE (270)--Milwaukee. Organ, 7.45 Ki Wily (389) Chicago. Instrumental, (337)~Kansas City. K.C. String i Network-tizolian recital, WCAE, WCCO, WAL, WGY, WEBH, RC, WSAI, WT, WPCA (6)-Clearwater, Fla. Studio, 9.00 WENR (288)--Chics| Classical. WLW (428)-Cinci. Instrumental trio. WNOX ~ (265)--Knoxville,. Classical numbers, 10.00 Wis dl oy. BER Ba Fi (261)--Mpls. ---- con- 10.15 KOA © 00) Denver. Songs written by 10.30 Network--G and " Freischutz, ith WEA owl » WCKE Pal KSD, WHO, WEM, 11.00 CNRW (405)--~Winnipeg. Request pro- ram. FUO (545)--St. Louis. Violin, pi KPO 2)-5an Francisco, J iil 1st, WIZ (459)--N.Y. Slumber Music. MJ (294)--Milwaukee. Organ, RADIO TALKS--PLAYS 7.00 iid WEAF (492)--N.Y., Synagogue WTAM (400) Cleveland. Talks. 7.15 WIID '(366)--Mooseheart, Ii, Talk. 75 Z (454)--N.Y. Johan J 7.30 WICSO (256)--Springfield, 0, Talks. WGY Ay Se ied s yracuse Un- iversity; also from WF BL WMAK. WLW ~ (428)--Cinci. Farm Council 7.45 Blue Network--*Political situation jn Washington Tonight," from WJZ, (333)--Kansas State College. "College of the Air." KMA (395)--Shenandoah. Book review. WAMD (225)~Mpls. Radic Movie Club. (258)--Charlotte N.C. school. WEEL (448)--Boston, M Sa r. and Mrs. WMAQ (448)--Chicago. U. of North western talk. WoC (375)--Davenport. Santa Claus. WSUI (422)--Jowa City. French les son. 9.00 WHN (BON.Y. Prince Joveddah, WOO Phila. Talk. | WRHM @261)--Mpls. Boys' Athletic 2% (422)--Telierson City. Gospel 10.00 '(469)--Los Angeles. Detective KFUO Louis. Bible an DD QU Joi Bie pire 10.10 )--Hartford. 10.30 Sr hiiond, Sctoes news, the 10.4 (M45 i » i os Chicago. Hockey, Chicago [rsd Wan ( A "Sam 'mn Henry." DANCE TO THESE 800 pm. KSO (27)--Clarinda, la. Orches- 1% (294)--Houston. Orchestra. N Troubadours, from WEARERS Kio, VRE CAE WHAS, W "WLIB, 'WMC, WOW, CFCA pot 45 Bh 'oron! o30 KFAB (W0)--Lincoln, Neb. Orchestra. etwork--Goodrich ra Quiet from WEAF, TE Brak he Sohn NY wsaAl y WN, Kab. weeco, ' © WHAS, WSM, WMC, WSE.' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1927 10.00 KTHS (385)--Hot Springs. Orchest WBAL (285) Baltimore. WBAL O chestra. WCAU (261)~Phila. 3 DAE (a8) T amps. 366)--~Clearwater, Dance. w N GSA. naan orchestra. al Dance music. WRHM (261)~Mpls. Dance. WRVA (2554)--Richmond. Orchestra. 030 WHAM (278) Rochester. Dance. WHK (265)--Cleveland. Orchestra, WRC (469)--Wash, Dance, NE ers (238) South Bend. Miami Lucky-Se WTIC 35)--Hartiord, Hotel Bond. 10.45 KFAB (399)--Lincoln, Neb. Orchestra. 11.00 WAAM (39)--Newark. Four Towers. WFLA (366)--Clearwater, Fla. Dance. WHAM (278)--Rochestra. Orchestra. ¢ WLW (428)--Cinci. Orchestra, WMAK (545)--Buffalo. Dance. WMA 2 Ya = Clea. Dance. WRNY (309) music, EA ios am by Dance. Supper WS 11.15 WPG (273)--Atantic City. Club. 1.30 Rou (278)--Council Tlulls. Orches- Red Network--Hotel Manager, WEAF, WCAE, WCSH, Shc a 30)--N.Y. F --N.Y. lic orch: " WTMJ @D-Milwaukee, ai dance, 12. mid WHN (35)--N.Y. Orchestra. wih Popular é Colds re Ah RE NR TO NIGHT ALL OSHAWA'S 7 DRUGGISTS WIBO (416 1245 DAR 70) Kansas City, Night ! am. "CNR (21)~Vancouver. The Night aps. KGO (384)--Oakland. Prior orchestra. KPO (422)--San Francisco. State or- WERK quo chicas. Denes Davis. 200 KNX (337)--Hollywood. Ro i Satis. KEX (200)--Portland, Ore. Midnite re- (Copyright, 1927) Nova Scotia has won the Agent- General's Challenge Cup at the Im- perial Fruit Show held in Manchester, according to official advice by cable. Nova Scotia obtained the greatest number of points in the overseas section of the show, the basis for award being 4 points for each first prize, 3 for each second, 2 for each third and one for each entry receiv- ing 75 per cent. Nova Scotia had 48 entries and won 7 firsts, 8 seconds and § thirds. Alberta's wheat crop is so good that D. C. Coleman, Vice-President of Western Lines of the Canadian Pacific Railway, believes it will reach 180,000,000 bushels. The record crop in 1 so far is 166,000,000 bushels, produced 4. Danger Lurks in Skin Diseases Clean them up with "Sootha-Salva™ A 50c box FREE! Piles, eczema, blotches, boils, ulcers, ete., are not only painful, irksome and embarrassing--they often offer foothold for more serious and d dangerous us diseases. ; thersome sources of pain and irfection are relieved and ed up in an amazingly short time by Sootha Salva--a prescription develo by the same prominent physician who discovered *Fruit-z- ves", the fruit medicine which has many "thousands of friends all over Canada, Sootha Salva not only heals and soothes but also positively arrests and removes any further infection. FREE OFFER To acquaint everyone with the great healing properties of Sootha Siva, leading druggists have supplied with a limited number full size packages to be given while they last, with purch: 0c, boxes of "Fruit-a-tives", extraordinary offer is limited, so go to your druggist at once, For some years we have Sootha Silva on a guarantee Re money back if not satisfied after trying this wonderful ointment. Made by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. [ -- S01 Taxe PLEASURE THAT IN A ROBCNS VERY EAMQO MR R JOHN SoRtTeeaN Ie LRN \S 1S THE By Bill Constliman 'and Charlie Flumb Just \ IMAGINE (Ti 1S THIS FATE --OR WHAT OF WELL | WON | ALOT OF ' CASH TO-DAY AN' I'M $0 HARRY I'M CONNA GIVE © 1927 by Int') Feature Service Ine Great Britain rights recerved DARLIN'G DOME CADH~ "IM GONNA GIVE YOU BOTH A NICE PRESENT OF MONEY? DADDY- YOU ARE a PERFECT DREAM OH - DADDY YOU ARE THE BEST MAN IN THE WORLD nm WAN TO A Ny LE USE TALKIN'= THE Li me "ART hed THRE WOMAN'S GH A - TELLING TOMMY Jl WITH A BOW WAS {INVENTED BY A KING ET me TT ARABS HAD A ONE-STRINGED FIDDLE CALLED THE "REBEK "WHICH FOUND ITS WAY YO EUROPE § SOME TIME BEFORE THE TENTH CENTURY. ---- STRALIVARY THE KiNG C7 VIOLIY MAKIRS ITS LARGER COUSINS. AS ITALIAN NAME SHOWS, THE VIOLIN WAS PERFECTED IN ITALY, WHERE IT TOOK APPROXIMATELY THE FORM WE HAVE TODAY IN THE LATTER WALF OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. THE CHIEF HOME OF THE VIOLIN WAS CREMONA NEAR VENICE, AND THE VIOLINS MADE THERE BY ANDREAS AND NICOLA AMATI, AND STRADIVARI ARE NOW ALMOST PRICELESS TREASURES. © 1927. by Kung Features Syndicate Tne Wirser Britoin sights resrved FRONT AKO SIDE VIEWS OF A STARS Apigam VIOLIN 0 { D2 [a BETTY ? | | tT] ive PL AYS A VICLIN i AT THE OFFICE, # 0 Loi pas I WE "ereram 3 svi NY YYY YY YS, LL BE FIVE YEARS 815 WCCO (405)--Mpls-St. Paul. "Amateur | VE A PLAN? RUN OUT, A COUPLE OF FIGHT TICKETS FOR TO-NIGHT- 'LL GIVE 'EM TO MISS JONES, TO | | SEE MR. SMITH! . TE FIGHTS THIS EVEN- m= ne] HEEn | RES BD | Lee] a a EL ah at amt ta star eit: 24 Remark A yt