ny mre Wrurery y . templating purchasing . Construction throughout the Do | P _ minion, taking all forms into con- eraion; has mow. exceeded the final totals for the entire year of 1926 by '2.8 percent. Comparing the corresponding period of eleven months, it is ahead 6.4 per cent. Contemplated new work §0 far this year totals $614,337,300 as com- pared with $505,905,300 for the same period last year. According to MacLean Building Reports, Ltd.,. construction started during the past month in all Can- ada amounted to $30,260,500. This total is a decréase from the Oecto- ber total of 35 per cent. from the previous November of 13 per cent, The Province of Quebec came to the front again during November and accounted for 44.5 per cent, of all construction or . $13442,300; Ontario followed with 33.2 per cent! or $10,087,600. In the Prov- ince of British Columbia awards were made to the 'estimated value of $3,162,800, which is 10.5 per cent., while the Prairies undertook 9.5 per cent, or $2,869,300 and tne Maritimes $608,500 or 2.3 per cent, For a change, . residential con- struction takes the lead in contracts awarded. . During November that classification took care of 37.7 per cent, or. $11,422,500. Business buildings accounted for 85.1 per cent, or $10,619,400, Public works and Utilities turned in a total of $4,614,600, while industrial under. * takings show $3,604,000 or 11.9 per cent, By classifications for the first eleven months of this year business buildings are well in the lead on their record of $140,212,100, being 36.7 per cent, of all forms of con- struction reported during this per- fod. Residential work stands at 30.9 per cent. on its total of $118, 288,800, Engineering contracts are estimated at $85,004,500 or 22.3 per cent, while industrial work re- mains at 10.1 per cent or $38,674,- 200, By geographical divisions, tLe largest total is shown for the Prov- ince of Ontario during eleven months, $169,306,900, being 44.3 per cent, of all new work in Can- ade. $120,063,600 is shown for Quebec Province or 33.8 per cent. The Prairie Provinces follow with 11.8 per cent. or $45,143,600; British Columbia with 7.7 per cent, or $29,439,900 and the Maritime Provinces 2.4 per cent. or $9,315» 600. NEW SLEEPING CAR SERVICE TORONTO TO ROUYN VIA CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS d Canadian National Railways have much pleasure in announcing establishment of a new sleeping car service between Toronto, Ont., and Rouyn, Que., operating via Canadian National Reallways to North Bay, T. & N. O. Ry. to Swas- tika, Ont., thence the new Nipis- sing Central Ry. branch from Swas- tika to Rouyn, Que. This sleeping car will leave To- ronto Union Station daily on Cana- din National train 47 at 9.05 p. m., arriving Rouyn 7.45 p.m., the following day. Returning, the sleeper will leave Rouyn 11.40 a. m, daily, arriving Toronto 7.10 3. m. following morning, First trip northbound from Toronto will bh? Monday, Nov. 28th; first trip southbound from Rouyn, Wednes- day, Noy. 30th. Tickets and reservations may be secured from any Canadian Na- tional Agent. 5 NO RUSH FOR LIQUOR PERMITS Work is Progressing on Put- , ting Store in Readiness for Business That citizens of Oshawa con- liguor 'medium of the Liquor Control Commission's store here, are not rushing to the local issuer hy Edward Martindel. ' Screen News and Reveiws by "Old Bit" "ALIAS THE LONE WOLF*™ Bert Lytell is right at home in this picture, which portrays anoth- er of the incidents in the eventful lite of the "Lome Wolf", adapted from a segles of stories which ap- eared not so long ago in one of the popular magazines. hy It you like mystery dramas, you're going to enthuse over "Alias the Lone Wolf." It has all the allure and intrigue that are associated with stealthy figures moving in the dark: menac- ing shadows,- and plotting and counter-plotting. The thrills are many. The major part of the action takes place on an ocean liner. The heroine, Eve de Montalais (Lois Wilson), is smuggling a valuable collection of jewels into the United States. It is her intention to sell them for all she can get. The sum realized is to go toward restitution for a large sum of money that her brother has embezzled. But alas for the best laid plans, ete. The knowledge that Miss De Montalais has in her possession a king's ransom 'in jewels is shared by a gang of desperate and unscru- pulous thieves, who have tasen passage on the same boat in order to filch them from her. Also un board is Michael Ianyard, "The Lone Wolf," (Bert Lytell), who fs known as one of the most daring adventurers on the continent, It would be unfair to reveal all the details of the plot, or the man- ner in which the tables are turned on the gang and Miss De Mona. lais' jeyels made safe for smug- gling, restored to her. Oh, yes, the gang gets the jewels, but enly for a while! A swift-moving romance starts soon after the story opens, and this is brought to a successful close with the final fade-out, Altogether, 'Alias the Lone Wolf" ean be set down as a worth. while screen play. Bert Lytell, as usual, is excellent in what is hy this time a familiar and likeable characterization. Lois Wilson, 2s the very-much-beset heroine, is good to look upon and plays her part with naturalness and restraint, Others in the cast that give more than commendable performances are James Mason, Paulette Duval, William V, Mong, Ned Sparks, Ann Brody and Al- phonz Ethier. The photography is excellent throughout, The play was directed hy Edward H. Griffith, In addition to the feature, Man- ager Ernie Marks has provided two comedies, the first entitled ""Keep- ing in Trim", and is unusually hil- azious. The CoMeglans series, whieh is fast becoming one of the most popuiar semi-serials we have had, features George Lewis and his fair co.eds in some new mirth-pro- vokinz frolics, which are as good as anything they have ever done, | In spite of the terrible weather last night the New Martin was fill- ed to capacity. To say the weather was "inclement" is putting it very politely, and it looks as though nothing short of an earthquake would keep Oshawa fans away from their entertainment. "THE DUCHESS OF BUFFALO" AND THE SUPER-PANATROPE Little Doreen Sullivan, a daint; morsel that belongs right here ip our own home town delighted the audience at the Regent last night with her Charlestoning and inter pretative dancing music provided by the Luke Furnituré Company, The Papatrope is a marvelous eom- bination of radio and phonograph. using amplification tubes as a means of increasing the volume of sound to any desired power. The volume is tremendous, and the re. production absolutely true to life. One of the records, a selection from "Pagliacei" was exquisite, though perhaps a trifle too loud-.._but that is a detail which is very easily adjusted. Other records, to which little Miss Sullivan danced accompa- piment were "My Blue Heaven", "Down South", "Dancing Tambour- ine" and "'m goin' to damece with de guy wot brung me". Both the Panatrope and petite Doreen were most enthusiastically applauded, and there was no doubt about the manner in which the large aual- ence showed their appreciation for both features. The scenic background to * rue Duchess of Buffalo" is excellently carried out, and no detail is left undone in order to create the true Russian atmosphere. Constance Talmadge, a natural born comedi-4 ene, has a part which is perhaps a little heavier tham most of the pic- tures in which she has starred, but she is quite equal to the demands of the plot. which is an adaptation from the Hungarian play "Sybil" which created quite a furore mn Europe sometime ago. , As Marian Duncan, an American dan-er she makes a tremendous hit with the Russian aristocracy. (tae period of the play being previous to the Revolution, when Grand Dukes and Grand Duchesses were at the height of their power). During her dance of the Seven Veils, her lover Lieuterant WYiadimir Orloff, he comes so excited that he rushes to the back of the stage and com. mands her sot to remove the-last veil! The character of the Lieu: tenant is splendidly played by Tul- lio Carminatti, 2a new-comer from | the Land of Mussolini and the! Black Shirts. Our old familiar friend, Cheste Conklin has some fine opportumitie to imfuse the particular brand of comedy tha: he knows so well how to perform. while the Grand Duk: Alezandrovitch is wery well dor La is 2 peculiar fact that while | Mdiences will always apyland 2 play on tke ligitimate stase. umles | it is very very poor, it takes some | Ch TRIE . THE .OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 192? ---- thing very much out of the ordip ary to Touse an 'audience to an of enthusiasm when 'witness- ng a screened version. Therefore when we say that last night, wher Marian Duncan and Lieutenan Viadimir Orloff partook of their fin al kiss, there was a prolonge round of applause fromr all, over the house, it means only one thing and that is that the picture arouse' the audience out of their usua' quiet and undemonstrative accept- ance of the entertainment. This happens so seldom that it is worth of more than passing notice. LH ---------- The news reel also was particu- larly interesting, especlally those flashes showng the recent terrible floods in New England. Nothing that we have read gives anything like the vivid realization of these views, some taken from an wuwro. plane, and some right at the edge of the swirling flood-waters smasn- ing their irresistible way through --_-- Massi, and other equally well known in that sect'on, : Mandger Osier i8'to be comgratu- lated on the type of entertainment whieh he is providing for the pec- ple of Oshawa, and their apprecia- tion is well evidenced by the fact that there are seldom any vacant seats within half an hour of the commencement o fthe program. PRICE OF NEW HAT BULLET IN NOSE New Orleans, Nov, 2§.--Robert Hackney, city detective, lost part of his nose but he won a hat ves- terday. Hackney and Eads Blocker, a salesman, both expert marksmen, bet a hat on their respective prow- ess, A pistol was produced and Hackney shot six cigarettes from between Blocker's lips. Blocker flicked three cigarettes from Hack- ney's mouth but his fourth bullet pierced the detective's nose. Hack- country villages and great manu- ney went to a hospital. = * French Canadians of English Montreal, Nov, 29.--French Cana- dians want the co-operation of Eng- lish Protestants of the Province in solving problems of the future, and for the "common good of all," Pre- mier Tasschreau said last night at a dinner in honor of Joseph Cohen, M.L.A, St. Lawrence, and Col. Re- nuf and Allan Smith, unsuccessful Liberal candidates in the last provin- cial election in St, George and West- mount divisions respectively. Want Co-opera Protestants Over Problems ee tion After noting the preponderance of French Canadian members in the Provincial Legislature and making a plea for more support from the Eng- lish Protestagt community Premier Taschereau asked: "What has the English Protestants' community to find fault' with? In what way have they been wronged? If we are to sih government wants to sin on the side of excess of gen- erosity." REV. DR, MacKINNON St. Stephen, N.B.," Nov, 29.-- Rev. Dr, Clarence MacKinnon, of Pine Hill Divinity Hall, Halifax, eseaped injury here on Saturday when an automobile. owned and driven by Rev. R. W. Anglin, of in which he was a into another St. passenger, Stephen, crashed ESCAPES INJURY [car. Mr. Anglin alsa escaped in- jury, while Everett Bateman, of St. Stephen, driver of the other auto- mobile, was slightly injured. First Golier--How does Flubson act when he makes a bad shot? Second Golier--Oh, he takes it as a matter of curse. U.S. NAVAL STATION COMMANDER KILLED Honolulu, Nov. 29.--Lieut. Com- mander Millington B. McComb, commander of the Pearl Harbor Naval station, was killed late on Saturday when a land 'plane in which he was escorting the steamer Malolo out of Honolulu Harbor on its return trip to San Franeisei, plunged into the sea off Koko Head. A mechanie, I. C. Anthony, who was in MecComb's 'plane' is missing. Lieut. Commander McComb had been accompanied by Lieut. R. P. Kauffman, flying in another plane. The latter returned to Pearl Har- bor and reported the mishap. The Malolo reported she was re- turning to port with the officer's body. Mike--Phwy is it, Oi wonder, they always make the last Thursday in November Thanksgiving Day. DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store 23 SIMCOE S. PHONE 889 Cash or Terms ES -------- College Woodwork Frames and sash, combination doors, . storm sash, Garage doors, general mill-work, Ea timates given, 4 N. J. Wagar, Supt, Tel, Felt Bros The LEAVING JEWELERS Established 18%¢ 12 Simcee St, South Dbang.uet for ohm Smith 18 oer ~-- trie Zast of oratory has blown itself out --anda Elo. doesn't even krow whom she's WIEST ~ GETS, THE LESS WARM UP TO MY ELLA CINDERS--Now She Knows M UP WO 7" THouaHT I'o Vi BE NEEDED TO WATCH CARS, § UT WT USE CARRIAGE -Y, TARTER IN VENICE, BUT | Sa, FRANZ, WI WAS, THE GETTING A, a IC: GUY RESPONSIBLE KR ALL THE DISHES OIRTY DEAL? J" J By Bill Conselman and Charlie Flumb A BG ENGINEER { om EM 7s + | Wit ' REN WATS THE MAT TER U GONE: TRI Wie ol 2 --- | 3 ne pn, OGEFGOSH! | IF I Can Cry | alpha pp br tn sry ts. ong wm BRINGING UP FAT CABBACE- DO Yow HEAR ME? el Kp . J A 4 ¢ » ' | | ! betel T8 ! , ) > | "TAELLING TOVN{ ¢ ---- -- 8 THE FIRST THEATERS | BUILT AND THE FIRST -- ) TOMMY Bir es] 5S 1 5 [|] i Vo a RD 0 cd " bi! A I I | NOW: DON'T You DARE [ORDER SULH A LOW: DISH AS CORNED BEEF AND St Sty 2 H WERE VSRITTEN BY THE GREFIS BROW SVGCEDT WERE PLAYS i LOVE TO BLOW BUBBLES LIE mug! IT's OTSA [ An I® YOU WiGH ME To | A DEL [ D1%--1 WOULD TRY THAT: ANTR ALA PIERRE. ARE CORNED | L By Ceo, M I DON'T KNOW JUST HOW | THE SAUCE 195 MADE EOT THE MAIN INCRE DIENTD | hls vs Zor oravAmC POLITR, {ORAL GRANDEUR A ARTISTIC PERFECTION, GREAT GREEK TRAGEDIES ARE EQUALED ONLY BY THE GREATEST WORKS OF SHAKES PEARE , THESPIS, YiHO LIVED ii THD 67 CEHTURY 0 THE Vs TRADEGY. HE OPENED THE WAY FOR AESCHYLUS, SOPHOCLES, AND EURIPIDES, ViHO ESTABLISHED THE DRAMA AS ONE OF THE NOBLEST FORMS OF UTERARY ART. ares Synducnte In FATHER OF GREEK Coma F WHAT DO YOU KHOYY ABOUT THE PLAYS OF | SOPHOCLES, i ¢ ¥ Of, THEY PRI ALL ¢] {GREEN TOE! M, it i «f ns 'ER phe; 24 i : = il "3 ' } ) | SHE SHOULDNT BE DOWG IT DURING OFFICE HOVRS BUT WE CAN'T AFFORD FO LOSE A FIFTY- SHARE SALE - FINISH HER WORK. WELL I OPE SOU SOLD THAT CUSTOMER YOU HAD IN THE ROOM! Re MAC D A | \ }] = ALL YOUR! [ (TWSAEs SPEECHY ) ) By Russ Westover Th T3252] TOF LQIREE LE (RIFE) 145 nor Gas DR 948; DR 44 wm rn I2EE¥8| EeL | BERE 8E [EEE | TER| eR i