THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1927 ---- WOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST SOCIALand| PERSONAL The Times imvites the co- operation of its readers in ontributing items to this column, Send in a postcard or phone 33, or ~ --Mrs. H. A. Wakelin, with ner pn, Claire, of Bowmanville, visited ith her mother, Mrs, B. E. Reed French street. --Mr. and Mrs. 3. Walls and rs, H, Eleanor of this city attend- d the funeral of the late John rockenshire, held at Port Hope. ---Friends of Mm. Arthur Vipond ill learn with regret that he has one to the Oshawa Hospital to [nderso an operation on his throat. --=Mr, Percy Newton, has return- d to his home in Detroit after ending a few days with Miss Mur- 1 Culley at her home on Lloyd reet. ---=Mr, and Mrs, W. FB. N. Sin- air, Simcoe street north, visited ith Mrs. Bdwin Worden and Miss dair, of Powmanville, the latter ho is stilll quite ill. Cur Dail Daily Recipzs Cranberry ie 13 of cranberries, alf, 1 cun raisins eut in 1% cups gugar, 1 cup hat water, 1 heaping tablesnoon 1 tablespoon 'hutter. 2 teaspoons vanilla. (Monk cranhorries, raising. nd hot water until well done. ream flour end hutter and add id vanilla, Serve wiih whipped can. cup cut in hall, flour sugar, Canned emits canned fruits rhonld he ~nd upside down until cold, This 11 prevent fru't from s'nking rpanently to the kettom of An PRatiod Eggs ted in hnttered ' one in each hole with cream, utter and a desh nf cheese, are clicions served on toast. Chopped Citron en usin~ citvon in any quan- fruit calee or mircemeat, sert it in boiling water for a few hinutes and it wiil cut more eas- ,4. LOOTERS CET E74 ENDED SENTENCE NTMMee, Ont, Noy. 30.--The nr young men who were arrest- 1 by Provincial Constable Thomp- n ot the scene of the C.P.R. train ster Dockrill and charged with bbhing His Majesty's mail, to hich charge they pleaded guilty, poeared in the Police Court today r sentence. The magistrate, tak- g into eonsideration the youth " the offenders, the fact that It 23 their first offence and thot ey evidently did not realize the ravity of their erime, allowed hem to zo on suspended sentence i consideration of their each giv- hg a bond for $200 as surety for hefr zond behavior during the en- Mg two years. The young men e well connected. W DAUGHTERS, MAIDS OF ENGLAND MEET The Daughters and Maids of England met in the S.0.E. hall on Tuesday evening to hold their regu- lar lodge meeting. After the open- ing ceremonies and the business was transacted the degree team in- itiated five candidates and wel- comed them into the lodge. * Sis- ters Gordon and Hall comveners qf the different commitiees gave re- ports of the progress that is being made for the holding of Whist Drives, Surprise parties and after- noon teas which they plan tof hold every Thursday, during the coming month. Worthy President Sister E. Gutsole vrged all the members to he presen' at the next lodge meet- ing, for the election of officers. ART OF COSMETICS 1S VERY OLD Philadelphia --The modish woman cf ancient Egypt had all the equip- mont of the modern woman to brau- tify herself and more. Recent esca- vations of Eeyptian palaces and homes, Mrs. Walter Nowak of the Pagypt'an section of the University of Pennsyvania Museum said, had re- vealed many varieties 'of cosmetics sinias to these used by the modern oman, "These cosmetics," said Mrs, No- mk, "wore so ears fully preparcd and fine material that large quan- ¢ been preserved down the The I qypi ian weman had all the modern women's equipment to heau- tify herself and many additional see- rots unknown to ws. In addition to liquid and paste rouges and cye pre- parat'ons the modish woman of Rg- yvpt used carefully prepared oils in erder that her skin might have an added lustre. 'he reason that ths woman of Laypt passed so many hours before altar of beauty was that sie was rmitted to work or participae the not | the | muffin | ike the modern girl. Al- entire day was occupied Leauti wy herself for the magnifi- cont banquets that weve the nightly of the KE yn an rocial set." C.N.E, DATES FOR NEXT YEAR ARE SET AUG, 25 TO SEPT, 2 130. lil,, Nov. 30--The Ca n National Brhibition wiil be he ld at Toronto August 25 to Sep- tember next year, ascording te the announcemant made today by the Internaticnal Associations. o' cite end Exhibitions in annua! ea here, Other Qotes for Canadien exhibi 3 dacided vpon for association~ aff} with the Interpdtional Agzociotion were announced os fol: in sports most her pastime 0, d July Lxhibition an nede--Cg 7, Alberta, 14, Certral Conada Exhibition--Au- vst 21 to 26, Edmonton Exhibition--Edmon- on, Alberte, July 16 to 21. British Columbia Provincial Ex- ibition--New Westminster, B. C. "ent mker 2 to 8. ar atenews n Provincial Exhibi- 'on--Rezimm, Cask, July 30 to Au- uct 4, Stam- vy te Ciieker Proyineiol TFair--Lon xt tember 8 to 15. LADIES' AUXILIARY OF NORTH SIMCOE SUNDAY SCHOOL Yesterday afternoon the ladies of the North Simcoe Street United Sunday School met and organized what is to be known as the Ladies' Auxillary of the North Simcoe Sunday School. The officers chosen yesterday to act till the beginning of the new year are: Mrs. A. W. Bell for president, with Mrs. W. J. Langmald as first Vice President, and Mrs. A. J. Cook as second Vice President; Mrs. Sandford Perry will act as Secretary, Mrs. George Dalmage is the Treasurer. Mrs. S. Germond, will preside at the piano and Mrs. BE. 8. Dafoe was elected convener of the flowers and sick committee. The ladies arranged to hold a seven cent supper in the | Sunday School on December 14, and a sale of 25 cent parcels, the proceeds to be given in aid of the Children's Christmas tree. Prowers Reipg Made. The tazement of the new Knox Presbyterian Church is practicallv romp'eted and inquiry of one of the official beerd reveals the infor. mation that this vart of the church will be ready for occunancy fin about ten days. Construction work wi'l continve on the church build- ing. Pavement Very Slinpery The pavement hetween Oshawa and Toronto and the intermediate noints was exceptionally elippery | lost nizht with the result there was more than one automobile and | truck in the diteh alongside tha voad, Ona truel: was mired just the other side of Pickering and the driver had evidently nbandoned the situation until he eecured help. Ui Deliver pir, Rev. Dr. H. 8. Dougall, pasior o' YWimeoz Sireet United Church, wil! vive an illustra'ed lecture befors he mambers of the Yonng Peon'e's coe on of the Ced~rdale d'ni. ad Chureh. The top'e will be 'Tha {aves Wonders nf the An- fent V/orid', 's reguested in view of tha inter "sting subject znd the vide © which it covers Ho'din~ Spee Sne-ial e is "eing: held in I'nited Chureh tiendances, ment weaiher of yesterday, have heen eteentionally good. The sar- vices are in charce of the Rev, G. IT Jemnbell who will rer ain, it is nn- derstood, until Sunday evening. The services are very .intevesting md {aspirational ond there is no Zeabt but thet the week-end con- sre~ations will fill the cdiliee to ca- Boacity, Albert this weck Strect and the Hold Whist Drive On Wednesday evening at the S. 0.E. Hall the Daughters and Maids of England held a well attended Whist Drive and regardless of the disagreeable weather there were thirteen tables filled. The ladies' first prize, a pair of embroidered pillow cases, was won by Mrs. Gud- geon, the second prize a set of sher- bet glasses was awarded to Mrs. Madder hy virtue of the draw as she and Miss Perry who was given During iilnezs or the pericd cf conval- escence an "C0" bleod, increa cizt enriches' the ss your vitality and helps your recovery to normal health, "0X0" contains the natural digestive principles of fresh, lean beef -- a food readily assimilated by invalids. A little "0X0" with hot milk is a most excel- lent diet, especially when solid food cannot be taken. Jt all grocers--OX0 Cubes in tinsy QX0O Corcials in bottles hh CXO0 fis MEAT and DE to OXO LIMITED, 256 St. Antoi you = TE OSHAWA AND DISTRICT and a nood attendance! ic services are considering the ince' PAGE FIVE hd an afternoon table cloth as third prize, had an equal score. The gen- tleman first prize, a shirt, was cap- tured by Mr. J. H. Donald, the second prize, a silk scarf went to Mr. P, Mathews and Mr. J. Watson won the third prize which was cig- arettes and handkerchiefs. The special prize for the eveming was a table cloth and Mrs. S. Cowlel held the lucky number. Call Softball Meeting The Association of Employees of the General Motors of Canada, Lim- ited, has called a meeting of all softball enthusiasts for tonight to discuss and form a four team major softball league. This will oppose, it is understood, the strongest four teams from the Motors, and the move is being made with a view to making softball competition local- ly more keen. Only One Accident Despite the slippery pavements, Highway Traffic Officer Reid of Pickering reported that only one automobile was found in the ditch this morning when he made his usual patrol over this sect!on of the | highway. It was brought into the | gerage at Pickering. The damage was slight, the owner evidenly {abandoning the car until morning when he most likely intended to have it hauled out of the gulley. Followed Hockey Tenm Quite a number of citizens frem Toronto to witness the Oshawa Rpm gcks. Va sity Thirds gama at |the Arena arden last night. | Thera were hb fifteen hundred nec le in attendance and the major- itv of thsas were either followers of the team from Oshawa er Crh- awa old boys rnd girls residing in| the Areen's City. Chea:in~ w § ostlr for Oshawa. espe~ifally in ha thi*1 period when exeitement ran rather high. Oa%leigh Tod Mrs, J. Barkley was the winner lof the ladies' first prize at the | | enchre he'd by the Oakleish lodre No, 151, last evening in the lod~e rocm 6? the Oran Hall in the Burn; B'-ek, Mr, . Branten won ftha second prize ond the consa's '*nt to Mrs. Rv Hobhs 3 was the first ntlemen's ¢ Buchre { Mr, | nrize wnin2r in the n | tion, Mr. W. McBr'en rece'ved the | second prize ad Mr. D. ham {wai piven the concolation prize. The cuch a wpes held under the vi pehle ecommitiee enmnosed rof Mea, A. Ciban, Mro, H. {and Mrs. H. Dar ar- cope | Invest' zat'ng & | An officip) ¢" |efl 6" the Y. M, of Toronto, Nos i during tha post counle looking into the locol rosards the work of | Reps Christian Acseei Fi3 vg) During bis {tho Motor City, } the majority o' zens particular! is .undersinod ithe pttitnde onal Coun My. Otter 1 the efity of sitvnation the tion in Osh- several + Otter ths prominent eiti. v business men. It Fe is trying to get! the general pub- Ili» towerds the work. The advisa- bilit= of either making an addition to tha present building on Simeoe ree' or the erertion n® 2n entire. brine ta rreet with 1aeall raulrements i3 also being dlscuss- d. of a i CALIFORNIA'S GOLD Mammy Songs and the Mason- Dixie Line have all "melted it geems, before the Sun in the orange groves of California. And there's a reaeon, The praise is going to the worthy. If there are eloudy of them, and it Is reasonable to suppose that one should if there were, A million people each win- ter follow the steps of the econ- quistador of whom perhaps they gold--the gold of the beach, of Pacific waters. And mine there for you; a real mine ploit at will. Any Canadian Pacific Agent will ing fares, routes, etc., upon request. M. R. Johnson, city ticket agent, 11 King St. East. INQUEST IN DEATH OF MISS WARD, (Continued from page 3) death, declared that the young wo- { {man was very absent- minded previ- | ous to her death, and that she was not eating. She said the girl had } asked her the nearest way to the lake, but that she had attached mo special significance to the question. Inspector Gurnett walked the dis- tance from Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ste- yvens' home to the spot where the body was found in exactly forty minutes, he testified last night. It was brought out that the dc- ceased girl had told Frank Calver that she "felt like jumping in the! lake." Mr. Calver did not take the threat seriously and replied jokingly that the water would be rather cold at this time of the year. This was ly on Friday, two days before the rl disappeared. . 8 rhe first witness called to give evi- dence before Coroner Dr. A. S. Tilley was Richard Jarvis, Chief Constable of Bowmanville. He detailed how on November 14 he had gone to the shore of Lake Ontario, near the Third Marsh, in the County of Dar- lington, and found the body of Win- nic Ward. Body Well Up on Shore "Where was it?" asked Crown At- torney W. F. Kerr, KC. | | j "Well up on the shore--the whole body was up on the shore." "What is the condition of the shore there?" "It is a gravel shore. There is gravel here and there changing all the time depending on the waves of the lake" "Yes, I understand," said Ms kerr. Oshawa and District went over to] Kelly wool « FOL LF, visits to is visiting! days In California one never hears | have never heard. They search for | the groves, of the sunset over warm : there is a of health and a wealth of sport and | recreation activities for you to ex- | gladly supply information regard- "It is the same as at Cobourg. One day there is gravel in a certain place while the next day the force of the waves: will have moved the gravel some place else. Is that the way:" "Yes." "What did you do with the body" "We brought it up onto higher ground, and then removed it to Mor- ris' Undertaking Parlors," answered Chief of Police Jarvis. "Did you make any examination of the body?" "No, | called the coroner, and wait- ed two hours until he arrived." "Did you make any examination then?" "No, it was too dark. no light." "Did you make an examination the next morning *" Yes." answered Mr. Jarvis. YHow was she dressed?" Mr. Kerr. "She was wearing a black skirt and a heavy cloth coat. Her skirts were rolled up around her head. You see her head was lying toward the east, and her legs west, and the cast- ward wind was blowing." "Did she have stockings and shoes on?" cs "Ye s. ---- is what I wanted to know, bid you see her undergarments?' "Yes, later." "Whi tound the a0 There was asked "Yes, that is so." "Carciully and minutely?" *Yes." Was Unconscious Dr. Hazlewood then gave evidence to show that the young woman was not; nor had she at any "time, been approaching motherhood. "Your opinion," continued Mr. Kerr, "is that she was unconscious, but not dead, when she entered the water. Would yeu explain that?" "If that were not so, the mcuth would be open, and the mouth would be frothy when the lungs collapsed. Also there was much less water in the lungs than there might be. This all points to a lack of struggle in the water." "You do not base yout assumption on the fact that there was no waier in th: stomach?" vo, if there were wa'er in stomach, ic would show she drowneu, but its absence docs show she did not." "Do you think a fall upen a might cause unccnsciou: ness" "Yes, "Was the t'me between the injury and her dcath a very short period?' "Yes "Theref ore falling on stones, ren- dering her unconscious or semi-un- conscious, might very readily hap- pen?" queried Mr. Kerr. the had not stene "Alfred Bick s on the jury, is he not?" "How do you attribute the fact that these were not on her!" "The force of the water cand which got in.o them and the washed is the cenditien of the i Waves Vere 1 i "You can wade cul 13 ie: [ there is a sudden drop" "Were the waves high when team: down to get the, body "They were very high, | never caw sug ch high waves on Lake Ontario. I Rere nay Lave bzen, but | never [Siw them. They were about 20 fect "high," replicd Chief Jarvis 'Did you sce the waich wearing?" "Yes, ii wa stopped at | o'cioek." I last question, Alived 'Bice, wha {ound the derclothing on the beach called unc He said he found arty coy qd "Who were Sih ed them vp? Ri ay lawson Toronto." "\WWhot happened to them | "Eider Mr, Lay 1 | Le ok them to Chiet | "Did you notice an | caused by th: rubbihg cn them?" "A No, h | t and then | u she was on har wrist, 1m es past dd Mr, Jarvis rep vas pa in pe' and Fred Davi The garmer dentin ify Young tH hemist of to, who rec young wv. led to i | | i | poi 4 thout the contents of stom ! "Some mucous fluid, but was {able to identity two or Bid | portior ns oi a nut, | undig ted food, | "Would that mean there | be n a meal for some hours | "Nothing but these nuts, ar nd there not more man an ounce of the fluid," cnly email That was all the RY ad not there water in the stom ach as is occasionally the case wi drowning?" asked Coroner Dr. A Lilley, "There was no watery content i the stomach," replied Professor Rog- ers. | i "If death is from drowning, is there always water in the stomach?" asked Crown Attorney Kerr. | "I've scen many cases of drowning where there was no water in the stomach," replied Prof. Rogers, who then tendered to the coroner a for- mal report of his findings, Post Mortem Report Dr. B. J. Hazlewood, of Bowman- ville, who conducted the post mortem into the death of the girl, was then | called to the stand. Dr. Hazlewood | read his report which said in part | | that on November 15 he had exam- ined the body of the girl, and found | she had been dead about 40 to 48 | hours when he examined her. Continuing, he read, Tateased | was well nourished, had dark brown | bobbed hair, teeth were normal, eyes | | were closed and were hazel in color. | The pupils were markedly contract- "Very." "Would the wave water and 1 the tse the bry ses on the led and , that would cause the general i of the thighs. The bruise | appeared to the eye to be ante- mor- tem, but th ey Ww amination by br Hazlewood. Dr. I. H. Erb, p tl TE AER ET TT EEE TOT TTS yts:Burns 2 healing, anti- SE " septic ingredients "ia Let, Ams geatly bring socthing ree » given microse " concluded Opie i athologist at the | Sick Children's Hostital at Toronto, who arrived here on the night of November 16 in answer to a sum- mons by the coroner, was then called to the stand. He was asked to read his report, but it was decided that the report should be placed in the exhi- bits and that the witness should ex- plain to the jury without the use of scientific terms written in the report. Dr. Eib confirmed the report oi Dr. Hazlewood and said he had found that a careful and thorough e¢:+m- mation had been made. Toge with Dr. Hazlewood he then examin- ed the body and his finding arrived at was the same as Dr. Hazlewood had detalcd. Menticaning the more import ant de- tails, Dr. Erb continued, "There was a bruise on the right side of the head, which was not ioaiced until the scalp was moved forward, The imner surface of the lower lip was cut, and the tissues around the lps showed bruises. There was a small bruse on the surface of the right arm and on the right thigh. Following the evidence of Mrs. Calver, Coroner Dr. A. 8S. Tilley ask- ed ii anyone else had anything they wished to say. Mrs. Muriel Dunn then rose to say that she had "icund a piece of a man's trousers on Stan- ley Road on the way ty the beach, and that the grass was mown down @s though there had been a Lunn wanted to know why C ¢ not produced in court, It was aid that Inspector Gurnett, having carsiully loo} into with his usual av had decided that the had no ccnnection aiter this matter A d-tail trou i with addr Zz the jury, W. F. Kx aid, qt is plain that the to her death ci Sunday November 13, as a result «of owning. Everything is consiste with the thierry of drowning do not know the reason. There a evidence that she was as! + way to the , and there is qment, probably said in annoy- anc», that she was going to drown hersgh, "The case has rongly, in my Cyn. the Lie heen cleared up mind, There is not iota of lence of either mur- der cr osoault, but ra er Las all the symutems ei drown ra concluded Mr. Kerr. Coroner Dr. A. S. Tilley thea ed the jury if they wished to re | or if they though they could reach suitable verdict without doing so. was agreed that they retire. The Opera House was peonle standing at the doors, pw mg been -.nable to botain seats. ] seating capacity of the hadll is About twelve o'clock there were a= bout 3% in the hall, still waiting for the verdict of the jury who had b out for an hour at that time, whem the fire bell was heard clanging. Cries of, "Oh my little girl (or my tile boys) are in the house all} * were heard, and inside of four tes the house was cleared of 1 icurteen people, which number re press representative: at the home of n, five miles north of bg tvo alon mnu but Bowmanvi to When th: jurymen were 'coming' from the iu ry rgem, there were onl ople int! il, but before the i there were over a to hear it, the news seeming to cad immediately, The jury empanelled on Novembes® 13 to view the body at Morris' Une] dert -z Parlors, and which ad+ journed until 15 days later, was coms posed of Fred C. Palmer, foremanj A. H. Bickle. L. R. Wood, R, Thempsen, Willard ( "aldwell, James Souch and J. E. Flett. Since the jurors were oa the case more than four hour 15 likely they will res ceive an ional fee. There 21 witnesses called to give testimony. bs red pres wird | |B SPECIALISTS IN IFITTING, WEIGHT AND PRESSURE, ACSNTS FOR CANADIAN, ENGIN CRICA 3 SEAM AND SIICAN +3 YLAFTIS 4 2SIERY ------ Pay VY ni EDIT Wer " ~pymiy awnl -1 Ad he sier C1 ~ ca for vou -- and we'll too trust crly ke clad & 30] at vreau Tou, A be&autiful range © Lad'es' Lezutifclly Fur Coa': lized and et romarkebly low prices, e-- anal Cur len's Suits and VERCOATS Special Navy Blu: Suits, Two Trouser Models, wonderful values, Medel Overcoats, end selling. in price upward from ...... fashionable Browns, Grey, ete., specially priced for week Other Brands of Men's Overcoats ranging Blucs and $16.00 $35 Fr) ed, and although rigor mortis had | set im, it was not yet extreme. The skin of the body was covered with goose-flesh, there was no decomposi- | tion, and the nose, forehead and | cheeks were a bright red, as though | heavily rouged. There was a bruise | above the elbow on both right and left arms, and on the right thigh | there was a bruise one and a half | inches long by one inch wide. I "The heart was normal, the mouth was shut tight, and both lungs were partly filled with fAuid. The brain coverings were normal to the naked cye, but on pushing the scaip back- ward and forward, a blood line could | be seen back from the nose, and .a- round to the right side. A smaller spot. was observed on the left side. BD a a Cal LADIES COATS Pinpoint, Duve- tyne, ete. -Lux- urious linings; fur collars. Up- wards from Also a beautiful line of Fur Coats $12.95 These had the appearance of having been caused before death. "There was chewing gum in the | mouth, [ The cause of death was drowning | while in an unconscious condition ' caused by a blow on the head, or b. a marcotic. There was absolutely | uo doubt but that she was alive when she entered the water," summed up Dr. Hazlewood : "Did you seal up the bottle contain- | in - the stomach?" asked Mr. Kerr. | "Yes, and I ligated upper and low- er ends of the stomach before remoy- ing it. Then I personally took it to Toros." "Thank yor," said Mr. Kerr, "I' simply wanted it brought out that there was mo possibility of anything being lost out of it. 1 believe that ins, Dzinty Geor- gettes, Models for every occa- sion for evening dress and office wear in the sea- son's latest shades jin sizes up to 50. Mod- erately priced apwards $13.00 Dr. Erb. at your and my request, re-examined the body in your pre-d scuce." 4 GLASS BROS. nsee a Oshawa Fhone 2278