A Woman Sold aBaby Carriagefor $30 Witha 30c _-- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1927 PAGE E Want Ac 4 Z Legal Music For Rent ED C. MacDONALD,, BARRIS- Solictitor, etc. Simcoe and Rich- d streets, Oshawa. Phone » (108-1) S. EBBS, BARRISTER, ici or, Notary Public, Conveyancer, ne; loan. Room 2, Royal Bank mcoe and Bond streets. (121-mo) INANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, ors, Notaries Public, Ete. Con- ing and gencral practice of Offices 7% Simcoe St. south, . Phone 63. G. D.: Conant, + LL.B.; AF. Annis, BA, a St E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C, BANK Commerce Building. (116-1yr.) SEPH P. MANGAN, B.A --BAR- er, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- ancer. Money to loan. Office King St, East, Oshawa, Phone Residence phone 837. IERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- ers, Conveyancers; Notaries Pub- etc. Office over Standard Bank. trance Simeoe St.' Phone 13. : Grierson, B.A, T. K, Creighton, 1 ay SQ 3 490 The LAHOKLA STUDIOS, IN- structors on Hawaiian or Spanish guitar, ukelele, tenor guitar, man- dolin. Open for engagements, Wilson and Lee Music Store. Phone 2388. (Nov. 24-Dec. 24) HERBERT C. TRENEER IS PRE- pared to accept pupils in piano, or- gan and vocal music. A free booklet giving full particulars will be fur- nished upon request. 50 William street east. Phone 466. tf ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEACH- er (Hamhbourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams, Oshawa, Fridays, 92 Sim- coe St. North, Phone 371J, (120tf) EE ri Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. Re- putable Fire Companies. (118:tf) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R, N, Johns, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protected. (Oct. 11-1yr.) ANSON, GERMAN & MAC- nzie, Barristers, Conveyancers, ptary Public, etc. All branches of iminal and Civil Law. Money to n. Office over Lamble's store, 2 ng St., east. Phone 940, D. A. Swanson, H, N. German, F. G. ackenzie, J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, licitor, Notary Public, Convey~ er, money to loan, Disney Bldg, posite Post Office. Phones, office 4; residence, 2239]. (626) Money to Loan UNLIMITED FUNDS EO RFIRST mortgages, Building loans arranged, Bradley Bros. Phone 169, 420, (96-tf) FOR RENT---BLACKSMITH SHOP, fully equipped, woodworker pre- ferred. W, S. Park, Myrtle, Ont. (131b) SPACE TO RENT FOR BARBER shop. Apply 504 Simcoe St, 8S. (131¢) FOR RENT--APARTMENTS OR rooms, heated. All conveniences. Immediate possession. Phone, ete. No small children accepted, Apply 165 Verdun Rd. (131¢) TO RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED rooms, heat, light and water sup- plied, Apply 211 Huron St, (131b) ROOMS FOR UNFURNISHED light housekeeping. Apply 176 Elgin east after six, (131-a) GARAGE TO RENT, CENTRALLY located. 87 Queen street, (131-¢) FURNISHED BEDROOMS SUIT- able for two rooming together. Breakfast optional, 165 Ritson road south, Phone 24667, (131-1) FOR RENT---LARGE BED SIT- ting room nicely furnished, suitable for two gentlemen rooming together, or married' couple. Very central Apply 17 John St. Phone 2382W, 130c FOR CITY AND FARM LOANS No commission, Building loans. Legal work done at this office, ig Parkhill, Barrister. Disney Bldg, Phone 1614. (176-t Contracting pUIS 8S. HYMAN AND COM, ny, Barristers. Money to loan. er Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe eet north, Phone 67, residence DTW. (tf) Medical R. R. E. McMULLEN, PHYSI- n, surgeon, and obstetrician, Of- e and home, 456 Simcoe street th. Phone 2667. (114-tf) R. HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- n, Surgeon, Obstetrician, ~Spe- 1 reference to maternity work d diseases of women. Two years' st graduate experience. Office d residence 167 Simcoe St. N,, or, Brock) phone 303. (119-tf) R. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- on, Accoucher, Office and resi- ce, King St, East, corner Victoria , Oshawa, Phone 94. 4 NT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, eases of infants and children, Of- le and residence, 97 Bond east, one 1155. R. B. J, HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI n and Surgeon, special attention en to X-ray work and Electro- opy. Office, Disney Block, Phone , (tf) vr, Nose, Throat Specialist T. W. ENGLAND AND R., DOUG- lass, bricklayers and contractors work taken by the thousand or by day work. Repair work of all de. scriptions, Satisfaction guaranteed, 318 Division St, Phone 2579W, (Nov, 24-Dec. 24.) THREADGOLD BROS., GENERAL building contractors, Let us give you our estimates, Write or phone (Whit- by) 255. (73-tf) Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS- ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior ttim, F, L. Beecroft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324. (69-11) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, graining, ete. Twenty years' experience. Prices right, Work guaranteed, 151 Huron street, Phone 2067W. (45-tf) Elocution 1 » MISS EVELYN TRICK, MISTRESS of Elocution, graduate of Ontario Ladies' College, will prepare bhe- ginners and advanced pupils for all platform work. Apply 193 King street east. Phone 134, (Dec, 2-Jan. 2) R. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR eet West, Toronto, will be at his ce over Jury & Lovells Drug bre each Saturday, from 1 till 4 n., for consultation and treatment diseases of ear, nose and throat ly. Appointments maye be made drug store. Phone 97. (49-tf) Tire Repairing L KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale, mieson Bros, Phone 438. (tf) Dental R. D. R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER ard's Store, Simcoe strect south, trous oxide oxygen gas admin- ered for extraction, nurse attend- Phone 231, Residence 1087. (tf) R. S. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- le over Bassetts', Phone 950; sidence 300. | 1yr. . H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST rth, over Mitchell's Drug Store s for extraction. Phone 54. R. L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, rous oxid oxygen gas for exirae- ns. Office, Royal Bank Bldg. one 948, residence, 1378M 35-tf W. H. GIFFORD. OFFICE gent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780). sidence. 669. 66-tf gineering and Surveying DNEVAN AND SMITH. ONTAR Tar4 Surveyors and Civil Engin- « sub-divisions, town planning, bn. .pal engineers, Bradley Block, a. Phone 1635. (104-tf) Transportation CARTAGE AND MOVING, LOCAL and long distance, W. Borrow- dale, 609 Carnegie Avenue. Phone 1618. (Dec. 1.Jan, 1) SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIM- ited, Simcoe St., S., phone 346w., 242, Front St, E. oronto, Phone Main 7637. Superior Transportation Ser- vice, (42-tf) COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR- age. B85 Bond St, West. Phone 82, 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warehouse equipment, Baggage transferred to and from all trains, (64-tf) Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital. 503 Masson St. Phone 629, (56-tf) C. S. DICKENSON, V.S, DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically treated. Domimon Government Veterinary. 34 Brock St, E. Phone 105]. (131-tf) Furniture Storage FURNITURE STORED IN SEP- | arate compartments. 85 Bond street | west. Phone 82. Coleman's Cartage and Storage. Corseteire CORSETIERE--SPIRELLA SHOP, 2 Elgin St. E. Mrs. Annie Pentland, mapaging corsetiere. Evenings by sypointment. Phone 442]. (tf) Machinery Repairing Dressmaking DIES' OR CHILDREN'S sses made or remodelled at 550 coe street morth. Phone 1493J. h (Noy. 18-Dec. 18) RESSMAKING, PLAIN, FANCY fing. Miss Flossie Boyd, 362 Les- St. Phone 1842]. (Nov.25-Dec. 9) DRES prices. 1347M (Nov. 19-Dec. 19) Watch Repairing A. VON GUNTEN. EX iss watchmaker, repair 4 King Street West. page is solicited. Signs MAKIN" Cail at 21 L KINDS OF ne at reasonable we St. Phone PERT shop at Your .pat- (29-11) DURRANT MACHINE CO.--WE do all kinds of machinery repairing. Excelsior starter ring gears installed; connecting rods re-babbited; crown gears or pinions supplied for all makes of cars. 161 King St. bi t Phone 519 f) Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 149. Res. phone 909 Undertaking FOR RENT--LARGE BEDROOM suitable for three or more gentlemen, Close to factories, ' Consider board, 74 Drew St. Phone 2314W. 130¢ NICELY FURNISHED FRONT bedroom to rent. Separate beds. All conveniences. 172 Celina St. (129-¢) * : 5 Notice Re Classified Ads. Effective immediately clos- ing time for classified ads. 9.30 am. Monday to Friday and 8.30 a.m. Saturday. Ads for Too Late to Classify and Coming Events, received up to 10.30 a.m. < " k K L L L " Rk L # " Help Wanted--Male EXPERIENCED TINSMITH WITH tools, wanted. Apply General Mo- tors of Canada, Limited. (131-a) Situations Wanted ALIENS, POLICE SAY work. Experience in dairy farm work Box "P" Oshawa Daily Times. YOUNG MAN DESIRES FARM Fourteen years experience. (131-¢) Trio Under Arrest Tell of Wearing White Sheets on Trips Over Ice Rates for Classified Ads. First insertion--11§ cents i Each subsequent insertion lc per word, Three consecutive inser. tions for the price of two first = insertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box number 10c additional Profoasions] or Business s, $2.50 per th for 20 words je less 10 cents a word per month for each additional word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACe COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart- ment. i) WIDOW WANTS WORK mestie housekeeper. road, AS DO- 150 Verdun (131-¢) Windsor, Dec. 5.----Arrested here in connection with an glleged plot to smuggle aliens into the United tion in office, bank or store. YOUNG LADY WITH 7 YEARS teaching experience, wishes posi. Box "G" Oshawa Daily Times. (131-b) States, Percy Hood, 24 years old, negro, of Terre Haute, Ind., and John Kanacas, aged 16, of Sharpes- ville, Pa., this afternoon were turn- ed over to United States Immigra- Pets and Livestock Ewes. Apply J. W. Balson, R. No. 1, Hampton, Oshawa. | FOR SALE--6 OXFORD DOWN or phone 164812, 130¢ tion officers. Hood and Kanacas are said to have confessed to being here as agents for an international ring of smugglers with headquarters at Sharpesville, They made etate- ments, Windsor pdlice said, giving Lost and Found details of how the smuggling is carried on, particularly in winter time, when the rivers are frozen TWO GEESE AND A GANDER strayed from 1456 Olive Avenue Saturday morning. Phone 738M or apply at above address. (131-¢) over. Aliens taken 'across the ice, they stated, are camouflaged in white sheets. The arrest of Hood and Kanacas Wanted to Rent | followed complaints by foreign residents of the East Side of Wind- sor and Ford City that the suspects Fob with one other, Single beds | Box "H", Oshawa Daily Times, | GENTLEMAN DESIRES SINGLE room and board, or would share (131e) had induced them to part with fees ranging from $2 o $10, promising that good jobs' would be found them in the United States, the "fee" to include the cost of trans- HOUSE WANTED--FOUR five rooms with stool, Can pay $300-§500 cash. Ap ply Box "U" Oshawa Daily Times UNFURNISHED Downstairs, Ap- street. Phone (129-¢) TWO LARGE rooms to rent. ply 34 Avenue 1275F, Motor Cars ids 1927 MeLAUGHLIN COACH AND coupe, Privately owned, Phone 166 or 1603M. (131-¢) 1926 CHEVROLET TOURING IN good condition, Neal bargain. Phone 397. (131-¢) NASH SALES AND. SERVICE Twenty-five different models to choose from, Ask for demonstra- tion. Reid Nash Motors, street, Whitby. (Dee, 1-Jan, 1) Board and Rooms BOARD AND ROOM WITH PitIV age if desired. Phone 1405, (131a) BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO gentlemen. Centrally located. Apoly 147 Athol St. E. Phone 765] 130h Beauty MARIE RENWICK'S BEAUTY Shop, 9 Celina street, at Watson's Barber Shop. Water waves, mani- cures, marcelling. Phone 2653. (Dec, f-2an.6). Parlors Auction Sale AUCTION SALE--THIS PROPER- ty must be sold to close up the estate. Having received instruc- tions from Fred White to sell by public auction the estate of William and Henry White on Lot 31, Con- cession 2, Darlington Tp., on Sat- urday, December 10th, 1927. Sale at 2 o'clock sharp. We also will offer for sale the house, lot and outbuildings, the following farm implements, automobile and house- hold effects: 1 Ford touring car, 1 wheel barrow, 1 plough, 1 set of harrows (1 horse), 1 cultivator, 1 one horse wagon, 1 aged mare, a number of garden tools, 1 cook stove, 1 heater, 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 dining table (6chairs), 1 rock- ing chair, 1 couch, 1 high chair, 1 eight day clock, 1 wash tub, stand and wringer, 1 wash stand, 1 iron bed, spring and mattress, 2 extra mattresses, 1 dresser, 3 pairs of pillows, 1 feather mattress, 3 quilts, 1 kitchen table, a quantity of lin- oleum, 1 pair of blankets, nearly new, Terms: Household goods, cash. Property, 10 per cent. om day of sale and the balance to be arranged. E. J. Pomery, Auctioneer, 18% King St. East. Phone 1013M. (131b-134) Dundas | ate family, suitable for two, Gar- | OR conveniences or (131¢) portation ever the international boundary. . Deroit's agents of the United States Government, it is sald, today furnished city police with names of a score .or more of local men Articles For Sale FOR SALE uprighi to Box PIANO, WILLIAMS good condition, Oshawa Daily Times, (131a) i "( FOR SALE----ALL KINDS OF SEC- ond hand lamber, doors, windows, beams, trimmings, garage doors. Apply opposite 81 Ontario St, (131d) ORDER YOUR i} NTER SUPPLY slery now. Cash- wool, and 58, hone 2546J, (130¢) of "Selec SH silk and \ res, h! me silk, Reply | pure ! Work Wanted ESTIMATES © kinds of earpenter work floors laid and finished. manship guaranteed, "hone Hardwoor 24797 CARPENTER WORK, SHINGLIN( furnaces repaired and chimneys cleaned and rebuilt, floor | oiled, cleaned and waxed. Genera Phone 2:82W (Nov, 17-Dec. 17) [.1.¥ INDS 1 Work attended to. UPHOLSTERING OI { chesterfields 1 guarant 7 Mechanic 1 A ed FOR SALF ONE. CARPENTER"S Rd. 8. Phone 1910], | | FOR SALE | (Guente y-Ox | quantity of fence posts Phone 1827-14 MARVELLOUS LINIMI rheumatism, paralysis, joints, and all external pains. Liniment | guaranteed. Patent Pending 330,352, | Phone 1457). Salime Larocque, 112 Barrie St. 1301 | ONE | al or wood ; )» radio poles, ; ristmas trees, 130c FOR ppl and sore Balsam, 1724V. (1291) | | PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD | furniture at 151 Brock street east, , Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, December 7, 8, 9 and 10, nine till 11 a.m. and two till five p.m, each day, Owner leaving city. Spruce and Cedar, Phone 2464W. (129-¢) ELECTRIC FLOOR LAMPS, watches, clocks, rings, jewelry of all kinds, easy payments; impredi- ate delivery. O. H, Dell, 22% Simcoe south, Phone 1656, | (Dee. 2-Jan, 2) HOT WATER HEATING PLANT for sale. Good condition. Low price, | This plant was used to heat the| Mundy Block, about 10,000 square feet of floor space, before new addi- tion was erected. It should be just the thing for a store or apartment block. Apply C. M. Mundy, Oshawa Daily Times, Telephone 35 (106-tf) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Phone 660. Waterous- Meek Ltd. * (Mar. 26-tf) For Sale or Rent condition. Cheap. HAVING RECEIVED INSTRUC- tions from Mrs. Pickell and Mr. Johnston, to sell by public aue- tion on Wednesday, December 7, 1927, at the hour of 1.80 p.m, at 4 Athol St. W. (upstairs), the following articles: 4 beds, springs, mattresses and bedding for same beds, 3 dressers, 4 chairs, 4 tables, fruit and pickles, 5 congoleum ruge, 2 blinds, some curtains, a bookease, stovepipes, 1 oil stove, 1 washstand, 1 mirror, 2 rugs and carpet, 1 bicycle, 1 eook stove and pipes for same, 6 dining chairs, 2 rocking chairs, 1 sideboard, 1 ktehen eabinet, 1 refrigerator, 1 spring cot, Singer sewing machine, some dishes, 2 pillows, 6 flannel blankets, electric toaster, electric iron, ironing board. Everything must be sold. ° Positively no re- serve. Terms cash. E. J. Pomery, auctioneer, 181% King St. East. Phone 1013M. (127-e) Wanted to Buy LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East. Ambulance. Residence, 19 Division 8£t. 069 King street east. Phone 210]. Machinery RTISTIC DE- od. cot R. COULDERY, Al ating Signs on paper, , brick: show car peice tickets every description. Regent black pr Jerry's Barber Shop, Oshawa (229-16) | | MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS, | sleighs, »ns, new or second hand, {also repairs. Beatty stable equip ment Agent, H. Pawson. 550 Sim | coe Street north. Phone 1493). (Nov. 21-Dec. 21) MR. 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS, and all kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries, old cars and poultry. Goods called for. Phone 2060M. Residence 99 Mill street. (111tf) Window Cleaning OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS --House cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screen and store win- dows put on and removed. Phone 1302w. FOR SALE OR RENT--EIGHT roomed housé on Gibbon street. $35 per month. Price $2800. Phone J42F.° 130¢ "Real Estate for Sale BARGAIN -- NEW . 12 ROOM brick house, 2 three piece bath- rooms, oak hardwood floors, won- derful house for boarders. Three minutes from G. M. C. Only $6,200. Cash down $2,000. Apply 22 Bruce St. (131e) FIVE ROOMED HOUSE FOR sale. Apply 86 Park Rd. S. ; (131ic) FOR SALE---SMALL HOUSE IN Whitby. Cement cellar, electrie light and water. Apply 152 Elgin St. BE. Phone 16667. (129¢) NEW BRICK HOUSE, SIX ROOMS sunroom and bath. Oak floors, chestnut trini, laundry tubs, wired for electric stove. Private drive. Centrally located. Phone 2627. : (126-1) ON WARREN AVENUE, PAVED street, #ix or eight room houses, rug brick veneer. hard wood trim, just completed. All conveniences. Phone 1537W .or 2072. (Nov. 23-Dec. 23) CHOICE BUILDING LOTS FOR sale. Ten minutes walk from Motors. Richmond and King Sts. A good buy. Safe investment. Apply C. L. Trull, 194 Division St.,, Phone 553]. tools and chest-$30. Apply 123 Ritson | | hou CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE, | Phone | (129¢) FOR SALE--I'UL COAT IN GOOD | Help Wanted- -Fe WANTED--MAID FOI k. Phone 291] 3 Special! Men's Oversho 2.Buckle 50-54 King Street West, Oshaws: Opp. Centre St, ALL Work- (131¢) cleaned, repair work of all kinds promptly A. Con- 1.Coilis & Sons {who are sald to be making big money by smuggling aliens. These include several who pose as re- ;pectable business men, police said. FOR THE HOSPITALS : (Life) It was in the paper the other day that, Wayne Wheeler being dead and the terror diminished, the Guv- ernment had given 1,300 odd cases of champagne and substantial qu- antities of other stimulants to the Army hospitals, That is a step in the right direction. All the cap- [tured rum that is fit to drink ought {to be given tg the hospitals. Maybe they would eredit sgme of it on the ,| patients' bills, But it is not at all thay the hospitals are extortionate nor the best of the doctors greedy. What confronts us is a situation, Can our present economic system | carry the present cost of health, CAPTAIN RESCUED UNCONSCIOUS GREW {Cape Breton Sailor's' Heroic Action in Face of 1 i ) Only $300 down, balance very easy, like rent--buys a large 7-roomed (rame house; electric lights, stool and water, on paved street, Immediate pos- session, Also 5-roomed bungalow, electric light, water, Cash down, $200, balance as rent, Posses- sion at once, See these snaps. he Oshawa House & Land Co. 88 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Open Evenings. Phones 464, 1330W Death North Sydney, N.s¥ Dee, 6-- | Three Cape Breton mariners ar- rived at their home shore yesterday | after a thrilling escape from death, | although two of them were in ig- norance of their peril until after the worst was over, and owe their lives to the quick actidn of their captain, When 20 miles off Cape Smokey, early last Tuesday morning Capt, Lewis Ingraham, of the North Syd- ney schooner Kathleen W,, discov- ered that the vessel had sprung a leak and was on the point of foun- dering. He dashed to the cabin to arouse his sleeping crew of two, his brother Manfred, and Riley Morris. only to find them both unconscious from breathing esrbon monoxide gas which had escaped from the auxiliary engine. Captain Ingra- ham had scarcely thrown the limp 25 KING ST. E. $7500.00 BEAUTIFUL NEW, brick veneer house, 7 rooms, 3 piece bath, laundry tubs, double garage, paved street, The ideal home you have beem looking for. $6500.00 SEMI BUNGALOW, brick veneer, 8 rooms and 3 piece bath, mantel, all con- veniences, large lot, paved street, a real bargain. $5200.00 SQUARE PLAN, 6 room brick veneer house, hot aiy furnace, large verandah, lovely lawn, paved street. See "this one. $4000.00 NEW BRICK VE- neer semi bungalow, 5 rooms, 3 piece bath, chestnut trim, French doors, hot air heating, only $4,000, easy terms. $5800.00 VERY CENTRAL, new brick veneer, 6 rooms, 3 piece bath, chestnut trim, oak floors downstairs, French doors, fire place, large sun- room, fully modern. Don't overlook this one. The above properties are all porth of King street and are exceptional values. A. C.LYCETT Phone 295 25 King St. E. _ STORM WINDOWS Combination Doors Machine Floor Sanding B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. W. (Nov. 16-Dec. 16) Office phone 481; Res. 180 R 2 A.C. LYCETT forms into a dory and pushed off when the schooner sank. The fresh air revived his companions, and #f- ter rowing for eight hours they 'were picked up by a fishing vessel and taken to [Ingonish, from whence they arrived here. SMALLPOX OUBREAK IS UNDER OOTTROL Grimsby, Dec. 4--The new cases of smallpox developed in North Grimsby Township over the week- end. The total under quarantine still stands at thirteen. No cases have been reported in the Town of Grimsby, but the doc- tors have been working overtime. It is estimated that more than half the population of the town has vol- untarily submitted to vaccination. Dr. J. H. MacMillan, Medical Of- ficer of Health for North Grimsby, stated last night that though the outbreak in the township was un- der control. snd thafgvery few more cases v " 'avelop. The t ve is of's very mild na- ture, and the only cases reported are rapidly recovering. TORONTO YOUTH INJURED i IN ACCIDENT ON HIGHWAY Hamilton, Dee. 4--Henry Smart, a youth who Mves at 29 Somerset Avenue, Toronto, was injured this evening near Stop 97 on the Queenston ray when the car Be To maid Ls SEDs ie ArIvIn® cob lided with another . The youth suffered ul scalp wounds and a broken leg and arm, and was removed in the ambulance) Patricia to the Gemeral Hospital. David Beare, 1126 Ossington Ave- nue, Toronto, who rode Smart escaped injury. Smart was be very low wi of recovery. t 'tonight to only a slize chance NEGRO SMUGGLED to Office Opinion Windsor, Dec. 5--The greatest victory yet law and order. made the police charges turned at the head of th a huge majority, while who opposed the "clean- badly in the new Counc The result is deemed a tr The Border Cities Star. feeling is general that t} of the vote. The vote in the muni tion in Windsor is a gre for its forces of law and the fight for a thorough tion of the Police Depart the six Aldermen who in his endeavors, wei to office by comforiab The vote was fairly I the lack of a Mayoralyy ¢ v 1,600 over Alderman ( wards, one of the si led to the resignation Chief of Police Den who quit just L re t lie the results of a thr inquiry into his admin the department. Alder headed the poll in pra subdivision. There was no contest Mayor Cecil E. Jacks been returned for a secon mination day, All Returned Alderman C. D. I'n Kerr, C. R. Tuson and I enforcement, were all practically complete figu Council, Alderman A. J. will be members of the 1¢ McTavish, a veteran of service on the Council, Joshua Gitlin, merchant sky and Gitlin. two to one for a reducti size of the Council from six menrbers. 1929 election. gin, This by-law calls spending of $75,000 for tion of a new building to now practically tumbling ins. Hydro Commissio! There was a contest fo dro Commission, with J, able margin. for six places. in the following order: Howell, Percy P. McCall J. Mitchell, Mrs. L. A. Ki ton R, Weber, Frank W. Mr, Mitchell, former the new members. If Big Bill can make G an issue, us Democrats be able to dig up one som Dallas News. election here today proved achieved for Ald. Curry, Commission was about to mi acclamation a week ago on Ar LAW AND ORDER WINS VICTORY IN WINDSOR VOTING Curry and Aldermen Who Supported Him Returned TRIUMPH FOR STAR Curry 1,50 Votes Ahead of His Nearest Rival, Shows municipal the yy eI Ald up' fa il lina iumph for and 1e O g Government ignore the significa ]1 e} t victou order, us y Alderman Clyde W. Curry, who | invests ment ked derman Curry heads the wiao | him up in the hattle whi , | Hospital ax ee Wee stration ¢ fayor, | ad term li er, the other five wlio back derman Curry in his fight ret res ed, In fact, all but one of the 1f A Py MeTavi 28 hoard. | 10 loses to and mem- ber of the furniture firm of Mert. Windsor hes endorsed the small- er Council plan, voting, practically on of the twelve to This will have to be submitted to the Ontario Legisla- ture at the coming session, and will be effective in Windsor for the By-Law Opposed The ratepayers also approved a new fire hall by a comfortable mar- for the the erecy house the central fire station, the old build- ing being entirely inadequate and ine ru- n r the Hy- H. Shep- herd, veteran sitting member, run- ning against J. E. Moore. Trades and Labor Council candidate. Shepherd was elected by a comfort. Mr. For the Windsor Board of Fdu- cation there were eight contestants A summary of f polls out of 105 gave the rinm. re Fred L. m, Frank Clif- Harding. ayor len, Windsor, and Clifton R. We eorge III ought to ewhere of | TIME Tames | CNR, TIME TABLE (X) indicates change in former time tables (Effective May 1) Eastbound Traine a.m.--Daily except Sunday, 3% a.m.--Sunday only. .m.~Daily except Sunday. .32 p.m.~Daily except Sunday, 6.54 p.m.--Daily except Sunday. 9.42 p.m.--Daily. 11.09 p m.--~Daily except Saturday. 12.09 a.m.--Daily, 12.25 aaa.~Daily. Westbound Trains 4.44 am.~Daily. 5.45 a.m.--Daily, 5.28 a.m.--Daily except Sunday. -- Daily. a.m.-- Daily except Sunday, 2.22 p.m.--~Daily except Sunday. 8.14 p.m. --Sunday only. 7.27 p.m.--Daily except Sunday, 4.37 p.m.~Daily, 8.45 p.m.--Daily except Sunday, C.P.R. TIME TABLE Eastbound Trains 1077 a.m.=Daily. xcept Sunday, tho nd | | years Westbound Trains y except Sunday. unday only AY Jatly except Sunday, m.--Daily, u.~Da i ept Sunday, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE DAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Arrive Oshawa £ 7.05 an WEEK Leave Bowman. 5 Ain .05 a.m, 12.40 p.m, 2.10 p.m, 4.10pm, 5.40 p.m, 6.40 p.m. 8.00 p.m, pi 10.10 p.m, 1.00 p.m, 11,30 ig Bar Time marked * are through busses to Whitby Hospital | SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE | Goin est Leave Lenve Whitby 6am Leave a.m a.m, a.m, mn. Arr4.00 p.m, 5.03 pom, 6.0% p.m. 7.20 p.m, Arr.8.20 p.m, 5.40 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 8.00 pm nn, # 111] Swoaser 2588888 vey pag 85 ih 7.55 p.m, 10.45 p.m. 11,10 p.m, Phe 44 Special Busses For All Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR ou Bewmanville=Plon an awa Wail ng Bl Pes ev Pp Pp Pp. Davidson & Samells $8 Simcoe St, N, Phone 287 "For Better Shoe Values" mm | | t { | | A. G. BROOMFIELD Batteries, Electric and Supplies Auto Accescories Oshawa Battery Service 37 King St. W. Phone 'THEIR SOULS GO MARCHING ON/m They kept the faith---omr sons and fathers who fought our fight. Keeping the faith is what makes life a worth. while adventure. V/. J. Sargant COAL, COKE and WOOD Bloor St. E. Phone 198