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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Dec 1927, p. 2

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EB 134 33] HH HS £2 Baz sk ui side. Bowmanville Bowmanville Council Passes Grant of .. ic Nominations, Including + Council and Board of Ed- + ueation -- E. Curtin Fails "to Get Refund of Taxes i (By Staff Reporter) { Bowmanville, Dec, 6--The pass- i of a grant of $1,000 to the ' Bowmanville Hospital to help along its present drive, and the passing of a by-law calling for an y [H! election on January 2, 1928 for pl) gouneillors and public school board members, were the two main fea- cli tures of the meeting last night of re the town council, The matter of passing of a grant ta the hospital wag much discussed, and when the final vote was tak- en, a tie resulted, with four on each Mayor T. 8. Holgate cast the deciding vote, siding in favor of ¢ 8iving the grant, 8 An amendment of W, C. Caverly, which was seconded by Reeve M. eg J. Elliott. "that this council do not : slant $1,000 to the Hospital as sug- te Beted by the finance committee w but 'that it strongly recommend to cg the 1928 council that it very favos- A ably consider the proposition" was m 'defeated by the Mayor's deciding a vote, is Mr. Caverly and Mr, Elliot, : along with Councillors W A. Ed- ger and A. J. Wadhams, thought that a "Dying Couneil'" should not vote the money of the people, but that the matter should be referred #0 the 1928 council, All were in favor of the grant itself, the indif- ference of opinion being merely a ® matter of time, W. H, Carruthers # moved the adoption of the report 3 _ -_a { (Potees By-law Covering Civ- 1 mm -- VOTERS' LIST COURT .. Notice is hereby given that & Court will be held, pursuant. to The Ontario » Voters' Lists Act, by His Honour the Judge of the Connty Court of the County . of Ontario, at the City Hall, Simeoe street north, on the 16th day of December, 1927, at two o'slock pan, to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the " Voters' List of the Munici- > pality of Oshawa for 1927. boo Dated at Dec, Sth, 1927. od ¥. E. HARE, City Clerk. cl Oshawa, a (] h n : i § E 0 t t |] i [4 i t 1 t on $1,000 to Hospital of the Finance Committee regard- ing the grant. and he was support- ed by George W, James, who sec- onded the motion, and M, H. Min- ore and Deputy Reeve W. H. Thick- son. Nomiaations Reeve M. J. Elliott moved that the by-law regarding elections on January 2 be adopted, By it, nom- inations for mayor, reeve, deputy reeve and councillors will take place in the town Hall on the eve- ning of December 26 at 7:30. Nom- inations will also be taken for pub- lie school board, three of wnom will be elected. John Lyle was appointed Deputy Returning Officer, Miss Ann Lyle, Poll Clerk; Charles Bunsall, 1s Deputy Returning Officer, and Al- bert Bounsall, Poll Clerk; Don Tap- son, Deputy Returning Officer, and Miss Aura Caldwell is Poll Clerk; and James Nokes is Deputy Return- ing Officer with D, T. Hickson poll clerk. There are six members on the public school board, three being elected each year, Those who were elected last year were C. F. Rice, H, C. Caverly, and William Brock. These will continue in office aur- ing 1928, but the following are just finishing their two-year team, Dr, R. E, Dinniwell, the present chair- man. F, F. Morris, and Dr. C. W, Slemon, Trimming of Trees F. Williams, manager of the lo- cal branch of the Bell Telephone Company was refused permission to cut branches of trees which inter- fered with the telephone lines. W. H, Carruthers pointed out one should be careful in trinrming, and that sometimes a severe pruning killed a tree which has taken fifty years in reaching its present growth, Mayor Holgate suggesied Town Engineer Fred C. Palmer trim what was necessary from the trees as it was reported to him, when Mr. Caverly had said that sometimes the companies trimmed too much at once, so as to save the expense of repeating the work, I'. Williams reported to council that he would not be taking care of the fire alarms after Jan- uary 1, of the new year. It is like- ly he wi!l be asked to carry on with the work until February 1 until a new man can be appointed. It was decided to send a bill of $150 to the Darlington Township Council for expenses incurred in the run of the local fire department to the fire at Hampton at 12:30 in the morning of December 1, It was nointed out that the local fire fight- ers worked for hours in the bliz- zard weather, and stopped the dis- Powerful, Penetrating Antiseptic Oil | Heals Eczema and Other Skin Diseases Must Give Results in 7 Days or Money Back, Say Jury & i Lovell, Ltd. and W, H. Karn, Who Will Gladly |. Return the Purchase Price If It Doesn't Help You + Make up your mind today that you are going to give your skin a real chance to get well, You've probably been like a lot | of other people convinced that the : only thing to use was an ointment or salye (some of them are very good) but: in the big majority of . cases these sticky salves simply clog the pores and the condition primarily remains the same. Go to Jury & Lovell, Ltd., and W. H. Karn, or any other good | druggist today and get an original bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil. The very first application will give you relief and a few short vince you that by sticking faith- fully to it for a short while your skin troubles will be a thing of the past. Don't expect a single bottle to do it all at once but one bottle we know will show you beyond all question that you have at last discovered the way to restore your skin to perfect health. Remember that Moone's Emer- ald Oil is a clean, powerful, pene- trating Antiseptic Oil that does mot stain or leave a greasy residue and that it must give complete satis- faction or your money cheerfully that | the | astrous fire at Hampton from spreading and causing thousands of damage. The request of the Goodyear Tire Rubber Company for the use of the town water as an auxiliary im fire protection, was laid aside wumtil more could be ascertained about it. Gets No Refund. E. Curtin, now of Oshawa, tired through C. 8S. Mason. real estate dealer, to recover part of $100 as- sessed him last year when it was {found he was operating without a business license. It was explained that the by-law covering that case prevented the town from making a refund, Upon the recommenda- tion of Reeve M. J. Ellott, the council, however, took no actiom, and is waiting for Mr. Curtin to take the first step. Among the petitions put before the council there was one from C. A. Smith, of the RX. M, Hollings- head Co, of Canada, that the coun- ell erect two lights between the fac- tory and Scugog Street. B, H. Fair- burn, Elgin Street, Robert Down. ey, Prospect Street. and Mrs. Mur- dock, of Silver Street each wanted permission to remove old trees in front of thelr property. CHIEF WILL GET SALARY T0 DEC. 30 (Continued from page 3) of their lives and property, For the information of the Council and citizens, I have been in the service of the city for the past twenty years, twelve years as "Fire Chief and Supervisor of the Electrical Fire Alarm system and my salary during the past year of $2,100.00 is altogether inadequate for the dual position--when I ex- plain that I have always provided and maintained my own car for Department use during those twelve years 'in order that the citizens receive more efficient ser- vice and during the past years, expended an average of $700.00 per year on my car for the De partmrent's usa, Am I not within my rights to ask that an allowance he made me to cover this loss, in addition to the paltry sum of $75. 00, which the city has promised me for this year. Ag stated, in my letter of Oc- tober 28th, it is impossible for me to continue on this salary and maintain my car, for as stated above, 1 am at a heavy loss for the two years' cer maintenance, in ad- dition to the ten years' previous maintenance of car, when | was part-paid Chief, I hereby tender my resignation to take effect at 12 p.m., Thurs- day, December 15th, and shall ex- | pect the city to pay me a full month's salary, as | was not given the proper legal notice. During the past two years, ow- ing to pressure of duties and the inadequate permanent staff, I have been able to take scarcely vne week's vacation yearly, outside tne four days at Dominion Arsgociation of Fire Chiefs' Convention and some allcwance should certainly be THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1927 Whitby W, C, Reinke, Representative, Phones 434 and 342 cuss With Town Solicitor Steps to Be Taken Re- garding Action of C, N. R. in Blocking Byron Street --Routine Business (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dec. 5.-- Appointment of a special committee to meet with the town solicitor and discuss the steps to be taken regarding the action of the C. N. R. in blocking Byron street and in refusing to keep the approaches to the over. head bridge on Brock streey In good repair, was one of the {tems of business dealt with by the town council at its regular December meeting here tonight, The special committee is composed of the mayor, reeve and deputy reeve, and it is expected that this move will precipitate definite action by the council in clearing up this ques- tion. The matter was brought before the meeting by Reeve Jackson, who has been investigating the question. He produced a hopy of as full-time Chief, I have '@pPRroaches. hy-law No. 626, dated Sept. 15, 1602, which he pointed out, pro- vides that the Railway should The railway now claims that they only have to main- | tain that part of the hridge which is over their right-of-way, and thay | the corporation is liable for the up- ment with the city in. 1902 also provides that they should leave a passage for pedestrians across their tracks at Byron street, which the Neeve alleges has heen blocked by railway Dundas and Garden streets. Designation of Brock street as a {through street was made final at {this meeting, he by-law to this ef- | fect receiving its several readinus {and receiving the signature of the | mayor and clerk and the seal of |the corporation. Thils is the second 'move of the deeignation of Dundas 'and Brock streets as through streets, Dundas street, heing part lof the Provincial Highway, beinz | slated for the reception of the Sto signs as soon as possible, The hy- law passed last night provides that stop signs be erected at the junc- tion of all streets except Dundas | street, with Brock street, which is now named a hrough street from the enorth to the southerly limit of the corporation. The by-law Whitby representative, Mr. W, C. of publication at Oshawa. Whitby Council Still Has Street Problem On Hands Appoint Commitiee to Die] the econstruction of their freight | shed. The council also asks that the | improve the crossings at made me to cover my duties per- comes into effect immediately the {formed during vacation periods, as gtop signe are erected. It was pass- I Chiefs in other cities are granted led without discussion by the coumn- three weeks' vacation yearly. In cil. addition to this, my wife has as- | sisted with the secretarial dutie:|mittee was received of the Fire Department free of counts passed in committee of the i charge--no remuneration whatso- | Whole without ehallenge. The Fire ever having been granted her py and Light committee reported the the Council. purchase of gauntlets and necessary 2 : +: |equipment for the firemen, and the For the enlightment of the citi- | ort of the Chief of Police show- zens, I might state that very few led that $119 had been collected in Fire Chiefs are qualified as Elec-|¢ines during November, The ap- trical Engineers, whe have special- | plication of the Hockey club for a ized in Fire Alarnr work and who rebate on the rental of the Town are dble to take care of the Fire Hall for their dance on Dec. 15 was Alarm System. Therefore, in most | granted, the club being given the municipalities a staff of one or|hall for $7.50, payable in advance. | more Electrical Engineers is em- | The councillors were reminded that ployed to supervise and keep the |Thursday, Dec. 15, is a statutory alarm system in repair. This Is [Meeting to settle up the business exacting work as ope is liable for for the year and urged to be pres: call at any hour of the aay or |eRt wi TS neEER PURCHASE OF NEW FIRE BELL In conciusion I want to thank For Port Whithy--Matter is' Mr. Ernie Marks, Chairman of the Fire Protection Committee, mem- bers of the Fire Protection Com- mittee, my beloved good citizens, the pubic press, the Bell Tele- phone staff, the officers and mem- bers of the Police and Fire De- The report of the finance eom- | and the ac- a FERRERS treatments will thoroughly con. !refunded. | ARGUE-McLAUGHLIN COAL C0. for everything in BRICK, TILE LIME, CEMENT BUILDERS' SUP SEWER PIPES, etc, etc, Sole Agents for THE FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE COAL We guarantee more heat and less ash. ' partments for their whole hearted support tendered me at all times in my efforts for Fire Prevention and increased Fire Protection. Be- ing the instigator of Fire Preven- tion methods on this continent, I have received recognition through- out Canada and the United States, thus bringing fame to the city of ! Oshawa. Added to this is the fact | that for seven years Oshawa has | enjoyed the reputation of having | the lowest fire loss of any city over 10.000 population in the Domijn- | lon. | I also wish to express my appre- | ciation to Mr. T. B. Mitchell, Chairman of the Board of Educa- tion, members of the Board of Education, Supervising Principal, Mr. Cannon, the Principals, Teach- ers and pupils of the Public and Separate Schools for the extreme 'nterest which they have taken im the standard Fire Drill in the schools. [ sincerely hope that this work may be continued for the safety of the Principals, Teachers and Pupils. It is my intention to re-establish myself in my Electrical Engineer- ing and Contracting business and shall hope to receive the same kindly support from my good friends, the citizens of Oshawa. Until December 15th, at mid- night, the citizens can depend on me to remain loyal to my many duties. Argue HcLangblin Coal Co. 10 King St. West Phone 1246 For a a ------ Yours faithfully, A. C. Cameron, apy Chief, Fire Department. Be About $200 (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dec. 5--The question of | replacing the bell at the Port Whit- by Fire Station was again under discussion at the meeting of the town fathers last night and again the matter was left over withont definite action other than he de-, cision to take it up with the South Ward Ratepayers' Association. The discussion last evening was precipitated by a letter which was received from a bell foundry giving further information regarding pri- ces and specifications. The price, Jaid down in Whitby, would be sbout $200, and it was mostly over this price that the battle raged. Investigation has been carried on by Councillor Kenny. chairman of the fire and light committee, with the purpose of establishing a ure alarm at the south end fire station more effective than the ome in use now. it was stated by several councillors that the present bell, which has been in a cracked condi. tion for over a year, could not be heard for two blocks, and it was was therefore useless as an effec- tive alarm in case of fire. Mention was made of the possi- bility of installing a more up-to- date system than fire bells, and mention was mrade both of an elec- tric siren and the installation of telephones in the south ward fire- men's homes. It was decided by now getting The Times by mail r boy at the delivery rate of 10¢ the council, however, that no ac. tion should be taken at this meet- ing, and that the whole matter should be left to next year's council for definite action. NEW INDUSTRY IN SIGHT FOR WHITBY Whitby Council Calls Public Meeting to Discuss Terms Company Demands (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dee. 6.--Passibilities- of another large manufacturing indus- try establishing in this town was presaged last night by the action of the council in calling a public mcet- ing to discusg the terms which the company is asking, and also the ma | ters of site, etc This firm is a Toronto concern | which is contemplating removal of | its plant to a smaller place Besi Whithy, they have in mind two « towns, but it is understood that they are better pleased with general con- ditions here than with those of either | of several thousand dollars, as well as other concessions, and it is to discuss these terms that the council is calling a meeting of the ratepay- ers. This meeting will be held Fri- day evening at 8 o'clock in the Coun- cil Chambers. WHITBY PREPARES FOR NOMINATIONS Council Appoints Deputy Returning Officers--Names Polling Places (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dec. 6--The usuai oy- law to appoint polling places and oficials for the municipal election received its several readings at the hands of the council last night and passed. Nominations will take place on Monday, December 26, at 7:30 p. m. in the Town Hall, and should a poll be required, it will be held on Monday, January 2, from 9a m toh p m The polling places and deputy returning officers appointed by the council last night are as follows: Polling sub-division 1, A. G Browning's office,, D. R, 0. W. E Rice; No. 2, Ed. Bowman's office, D. R. O. Wm, Maw; No, 3, Jounmn- cil chamber, D. R. O. Wm. 3. Ellis; No. 4, D. Turner's store, D. R. O. W. J. H. Richardson; No. §, Com- munity Hall. D R. O. J. W. Wilson, PLOT TO DEFEAT | FASCISM FOILED Lugano, Switzerland, Dec. 5--A plot to overthrow Fascism has been frustrated by many arrests in Turin, Milan, Savoni, Rome, Naples, Paler- mo and other towns, according to information reaching this border city. A conspiracy to establish an active political opposition to Fascism was the principal objective, but there was also a military plot it is reported. The most important man arrested was the Duke Di Cesaro, a former Fascist Minister, who was taken at two | build and maintain the bridge and | of the other places. They wish a loan | kis home in Palermo. Deputies Pon- zio Di San Sebastiano and Piuano, th Fascists, and an officer of Pre- micr Mussolini's body guard are mong those in prison, ------ DISCUSS WAYS T0 INDUGE C. N. R. 0 KEEP AGREEMENT Whitby Council Brings Up an Old Question for Consideration (By Staff Reporger) Whitby, Dec. 6--Echoes of as- pirations of other days were heard at the meeting of the Town Coun- cil last night. The question under discussion was that of inducing the C. N. R. to fulfil the terms of its agreements. The spokesman was Reeve Jackson who referred to the clause: "and that the Railway agrees to build and maintain a bridge over their right-of-way at Brock street, with approaches so graded that it shall be suitable for the passage of modern elec.ric street cars, operated by the muni- cipality or any company which has recelved a franchise from the mu-, nicipality." The document was by-law 626, dated September 15, 1un2, and attache' to it was the and the Grand Trunk Raliway rela- tive to the building of the present station, ete. It was a clause from this agreement that the Reeve was quoting. The agreement had pro- vided for the closing of Byron and Centre streets except for a path across the railway at Byron street, where the railway was giv. en the privilege of erecting their station across Byron stree:. The question under discussion now - lates to the keeping in repair the Brock street overhead briage, the complete closing of street by the new freight shed, and the condition of the railroad eros- sings at Dundas and Garaen streets, The council is not pressing ti Railway to keep the bridge in « dition for street ear traffic No. | agree- | ment between the Town of Whitby | foot- | Byron | he 1 | etween | 1- | East, and COUNTY WARDEN SEEKS MAYORAL Mayor Holgate, of Bowm ville, to Be Opposed By County Warden Elliott (By Staff R eporter) Bowmanville, Dec. 6.--A fight f the mayor's chair is assur 0 Bowmanville when the annou ! was made last night by Warden M J. Elliott that he would contest wit Th mas S, Holgate for the mayor: uty, Mr. Elliott has been reeve of Be manvilie for four years, and becam Warden of the United Counties © Northuiaberland and Durham thi year. He is a member of the Trin ity United church, and is a memb of the Conservative party. His oc: cupation is farming. Mr. Holgate is just finishing hi fourth term as mayor, and is al a member of Trinity United chureh and used to sing in the choir. is « member of the Liberal party and is head of the firm of Holgate and Son, coal dealers and builders' sup: plies Other members « not expr to run f the council have] sscd their decision whethen or not. TESTS ARE INAUGURATED FOR AIR MAIL SERVICE Ottawa, Dee. 5--Montreal is no confronted with the important pro spect of hecoming for Eastern Can ada the centre of an exténsive al mail service. Already tests have becn inaugu rated for letter delivery by aero planes hetween Montreal and At lantic liners in the lower St. Law rence in the summer months, and | between Montreal and the two At of |1 winter ports--Halifax and mai service next and I ¢ such as New York City, linking up with th 11 flutes air sail service a and Albany, In the for Middle West deliver ch to Chicago, at Buffalo, may Montreal States cities, ali iectady keep of the approaches, The agree- ' " HR EO RR RB RRR BP BR BU (Ss CP Oe -- Special Christmas Terms UP TO DEC. 24th, 1927 ONLY x INOZCY CASH One Year Over $2,000,000 worth of Rogers Sets sold since Sept. I, 1927, absolutely outsell- ing all other makes in Can- ada. Left Over--Price Would ; Balance Over COMPLETE No Extra Charges s Batteryless $36 Radio} $23.95 CASH Balance over one year. No ex- tra charges except speaker,. » $18.95 Cash Balance over one year, No cept speaker. extra charges ex- ak | ROGERS ELIMINATOR $10 cash. Bal- ance months. over SIX No ex- tra charges. Generator and Starter Co. Lid. 15 Church St. Phone 1433

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