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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Dec 1927, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1927 Suburban and District News EBENEZER | There will be no League meet this week on account of the vanzelistic meetings being held at 0. 8 school this week. 1 "The young people are preparing Operetta entitled "The Belles f Fol-de-Rol," which will be given on. Watch for the date of the resentation. { The meeting of the Women's Missionary Society which would regularly be held during this week Mill not be held until the following week. Sunday School on Sunday, De- ember 11, will be held at 10.20 a. am., and will be followed by church at 11.15. The evening service will be at 7 p.m. as usual, { We are becoming used to wint. for now, since the cold snap over the week end, ! Ehenezer, Dec. 5.--Although the Sweaiher was rather severe on Sun- day last, three splendid services 'were held at Ebenezer. The church gervices were of special interest, 'the speaker being Dr. Ross, the 'evangelist, who is conducting ser- 'vie tor two weeks in this com- 'munity. He gave two inspiring gormons whicl, were instructive to tall. The sing ng was led by Mr, 'Nicholls. Sund:y School was good 'as usual! with a very good attend- ance, Mr. Sidney Nichols spent Sun- day at his home here, , The regular monthly meeting of the Tadies' Berean Class was held on Thursday, December 1, in the Sunday School room, The pro- gram which was in charge of Mrs. Cecil Found's group consisted of the ic by Mrs. George Penber- thy. musie by Miss Vera Werry, ~golo by Mrs, W. R, Courtice and Mothers! Get your Boys' Suits at the Leader Dry Goods Co. Extra Low Price 82 Simcoe St, 8, Phone 740 Radio Electric 15 Prince St, Pheae 2477 S. COWELL, Prop. Beach Ranges Hurley Washers Estimate given on wiring jobs Radio paris and sets in stock. Full line of fixtures in stock Phone 936 WO OD Soft Slabs, 14 cord $3.25 Mixed Slabs, 14 cord $3.50 Hardwood Slabs, 14 cord $4.00 Campbell & Barnhart OFFICE AND YARD 84 Richmend Street West Phones 936 or 278w \ a reading by Mrs. R. C. Pearce. The annual election of officers was also held, when the following offi- cers were elected. President, Mrs. W. R. Courtice; vice president, Mrs, A J. Gay; secretary; Mra, Charles Found; assistant secretary, Mrs, George Penberthy; treasurer, Mre. A. E. Rundle; pianist, Mrs. N. C. Pearce. These officers will form a fine executive to carry om the splendid work which the class always do. THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, Dec, 5.-- The bright, clear, cold weather we think now has come to stay, after so many days of rain and soft weather, But rains in the fall are a benefit for farming the next year and wells and cisterns will not be so apt to go dry dur- ing the winter, The young people are practicing for the Christmas concert to be held soon. A good time is always expected on this festal occasion, Mr. 8S. Bagg attended the Hol- stein cattle sale held in Cobourg last week and reports some good sales of fine milch cows, Mrs. G. Robinson and Ted took a motop trip to Toronto Saturday for treatment for Ted in the Sick Children's Hospital. Ted is bet. ter, we are pleased to report. Mrs. IL. Howell spent Sunday with friends in Port Hope, Miss Orilla Taylor spent the week end with friends. in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, A. Pierson, and Mrs, G. LeRoy took a motor frip to Toronto recently and while there Mrs. LeRoy was soloist at a grand concert held in the FPresby terian church there, Miss Leah Burke, of Halibor- ton, is spending a few weeks with Mrs. F. French, Mrs, F. French who has heen quite 11 recently is much better. Farmers are well pleased with the cattle feed they have received recently an dche tests of milk is high in the dairys we are clad io say, while the reports of the in- spector is a good one for milk pro- ducers in this section, PORT PERRY Port Perry. Dec. 5--Mr., and Mrs. W. 8, Short spent a few days fin Toronto last week, We are glad to see Mr McIntyre out again after his long illness. Mr, Joseph Baird: attended the Convention" in Belleville of the Young People's Society of the Uni. ted Church, last week. Mrs. Christy and the Migses Har ris were in Toronto on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs, . H, Cutts and Mrs MacMillan of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs, William Cutts last week, We are sorry te report the seri- ous illness of Mr. W. H, Letcher, Miss Miriam Harris spent the wek-end with friends in Toronto. Mrs, Thomas Caesar spent Sun- day with friends in Sunderland, Mr, and Mrs. M. G. Thompson nf Wellington visited Mr, and Mrs, W A. Christy last week, The Port Perry Archery Club had their weekly hike and Target practice on Saturday afternoon, The shooting score was very good con- sidering the extremely cold weath er and the short time the members have had .for prectice, Robert Woods was the lucky one, winning the Red Arrow by one Point, The following are the best scores: Out of 20 points, Robert Woods 17 points, Terry Woods, 16 points, Al- bert Cawker, 16 points, oJhn Far- mer, 16 pointz. PRilly Cawker, 16 points, Philip Orde, 16 points. Next target practice, Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. Among. the pictures on tion at the Art © Exhibi- Carolina by Mr. and Mrs, William Cutts of Port Perry, HAMPTON Hampton, Dec. 5.--Young Peo- ple's League meeting on Friday evening was in charge of Miss Norah Horn, A song service was engaged in for about tem minutes, conducted by Mr. Theodore Salter. After the opening hymn and the business part of the meeting, the Lord's Prayer was repeated in com- cert, The lesson was read by Sydney Martin and Raymona Burns. The devotional was takén by Mrs. Jas. Burns. Misses Sadie Virtue and L. Horn favored with a duet and the topic "What is Success?" was ably dealth with by Mr. Hilton Peters, Miss Helen Johns gave a reading on "Success." After the closing) hymn. the meet- ing closed with the Mizpah bene- diction. Mr, and Mrs, J. B. Horn and daughters, Naomi and Aloha, and son, Clifford, visited at Mrs. C, Horn's recently. Mr. A. E, Billett is with friends at Lindsay. Mrs. Mary Goodman has been under the doctor's care, Mr. and Mrs. H,L W, Wilcox and family, visited Bowmanville friends on Sunday, and enjoyed the spe- cial services at Trinity United Church. Mr, Tom Sykes is suffering from pleurisy having contracted a cold at the fire -on Tuesday night -last. Another vacancy has been made in our village, by the removal of Mr, Johns' wagon shop, but not by fire this time, we are glad to say. It has been moved across the road behind Mr. H. W, Wilcox's blacksmith shop. where Mr, L, Johns intends carrying on, as usual, Mr. Johns is suffering from a minor hurt received during the work of moving the building. Mrs. M. Langmaid is still confin- xd to the house having been under the doctor's care. The Adult Bible Class are hold- Ing thelr semi annual "At Home," in the basement of the church on Tuesday night. Miss Reta Kerslake has return- 4 after spending a week with Toronto relatives. WOMAN MAY BE FIRST VICTIM OF NEW BAUMES "LIFE" LAW New York, Lee. 2--May English, linown 'to the police as a notorious nickpocket, may be the first woman to be imprisoned for life under the Dat law, She was held without iil today on a complaint by Helen Cr n, 512 Tenth Street, Union City, N.J.,, for snatching her purse containing $43. The woman's crim- inal record dates back 20 years, de- tectives said, and she has been arrest- ed in a dozen cities as a pickpocket, VTHREE TRS GOUGH 1S YOUR DANGER SIONAL Persistent coughs and colds lead to serious trouble, You can stop them now with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote that is pleasant to take, Creomulsion is a new medical discovery with two-fold action, it soothes and amed meme branes and inhibits germ growth, Of all known drugs, creosote is recognized by high medical authorities as one of the greatest healing ncies for persistent coughs and colds other forms of throat troubles, Creom contains, in addition to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the infected membranes and stop the frritation and hy while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, attacks the seat 2f the trouble and checks the growth germs, Crec is satisfactory in the treatment of persistent co and colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and sther forms of respiratory diseases, and is excellent for building up the after colds or flu, Money ref if ed bod z lery in Torontr | gecording to directions. Ask are seven beautiful paintings ot N, | Creomuliion cough or cold fs not relieved after taking For=-- We are 262 Four direct lines to Centra Solvay Coke Agents Jeddo Premium Ceal The Best Produced in America Ceneral Motors Woed ~~ All Fuel Orders weighed on City Scales if desired, DIXON'S = aa any | SCOTT'S EMULSION DARLINGTON TP, COUNCIL MEETS Much Routine Business is Transacted and Accounts Passed Hampton, Dec. 3--Regular meeting of Darlington Council was held here with members all present, Reeve Wight presiding. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. R. Davey made claim for broken auto spring. Referred to The Globe Indemnity Co. Jos, Irwin and W. J. Lc that they be relieved of for' year 1927. Both purti owned dogs ng made, no acti / tue ma duction in his tax action taken, Complaint havi Council as to sanita of one, Philander Ma cal Officer of Healll 1 ed as to his physical conditic the local Board of Iealth having petitioned Council to have hin com- mitted to hte House of uge at Cobourg, request of petitioners was granted and by-law passed to com- mit the said Philander Mallory to the House of Refuge at Cobourg. By-law was given its several rcad- ing for holding of elections for year 1928, nomination meeting to he held in town hall, Hampton, on Monday, December 26, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon. Thomas Baker gave notice to Council that he would accept $100.00 and sign an agreement to assume care of all water flowing on his pro- perty from Sixth Concession for all time to come, and that agreement could be registered against his farm. Owing to the pressure of business be- fore Council at this season the com- munication was laid on table for fur- ther coisideration on Thursday, De- cember 15, 1927. Treasurer acknowledged receipt of $12.50 from Wm. Moorey, balance for damages to sheep by dog. Orders were drawn on treasurer A. H. T, Annis, work on Town Line, E. Whitby, $65.00; Road Supt. road material, $74.50; Road Supt., salary and office expenses, $94,29; Road ask ng (H > 1 , and Supt, road maintenance, $352.90; A.} .W, Annis, sheep inspectoin, $4.30; S. A. Northcott, sheep inspection, $1.50; N. F. MacNachton, 50% hos- | pital fees Walter Dalziel, $21.75; N. | F. MacNachton, 507% hospital fees, | Jas. M. Parker, $23.25; H. Ferguson, | M.B., medical service, late Mrs. Jos. | Adams, $29.75; F. R. Kerslake, disin- fectants, L.B, of H., $15.16; Jury & Lovell, disinfectants, L..B. of H. $16.- 14; A. Hogarth, services, L.B.of H, $1600; W, R. Allin, secretary L.B. of H., $1600; C, A Wight, seryices.and mileage, L.B. of Health, $18.00; H. Ferguson, M.B., services as M.O.H,, $59.00; C. W. Hastings, services as Sanitary inspector, $100.50; C. W. Slemon, M.D., asst, M.O.H., $173.00; | John Baker, sheep damages, $15.00; N. F. MacNachton, Counties Treas., County rates, $25,210.00. Council adjourned to Thursday, Dec. 15, at the hour of 1 o'clock p.m. UNIVERSAL OPINION The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal has, for some weeks, been publishing in each is- sue, letters from subscribers in all parts of the Dominion, in which the opinion is unanimous that The Family Herald is the greatest value at ope dollar a year in the world today It is safe to say no other paper in Canada coula re- produce so many letters of a simi- lar nature. Some sre from read- ers for ten, twenty, and even forty years' duration. The Family Herald deserves fits success. It | has been the motto of the paper to improve and give greater value year after year. Today it fis a newspaper covering all parts of the world, a family mragazine that provides clean, wholesome reading |for old and young, and an agri- cultural journal excelling anything of the kind on the Continent. All these three gre in one big paper of 72 pages, and for one dollar 2 year. It is a credit to Canadian journalism, A DELANEY PREPARING Chicago, Dec. 6.--The first step in the campaign to bring Gene Tun- ney back to Chicago for a match in defense of his heavyweigh; cham- plonship will be taken Friday night, when Jack Delaney and Paul Ber- lenbach meet in a ten-round affair. If Delaney can re~ister two or three impressive vietories here, it is figured he would become a "Jo-i- cal" opponent for the heavyweicht king in another Soldier Field bat- tle. Both Delaner ard Rerlenhach are former light heavyweight champions. The mild weather moy foree a number of people to get their shm- ines Standard. mer furs out of hock.--St. Cathar- | J ------ VALLEYFIELD JURY RETURN TRUE BILL Trial Proper of McDonalds Will Start December 6th CALM DEMEANOR Husband and Wife Face Charge of Murdering Taxi-driver Valleyfield, Dec. 6.--A true bill, charging George and Doris Mc- Donald with the murder of Aude lard Bouchard on June 17 was ie- turned by the Grand Jury here Friday evening. The pair remain- ed unmoved. They listened quietly to the reading of the indictment against themr, and each pleaded "not guil- ty," in a quiet but audible tona. They were not represented by 'counsel, nobody having taken the | place of Joseph Cohen, K.C., and Lucien Gendron, who represented them at the preliminary inquiry, but who withdrew from the case two days ago. J. A. Legault. of, court to represent the accused, Mr. 'had already offered to defend the | accused without charge before the preliminary inquiry. Circumstances had arisen, however, which had brought about his withdrawal. He would accede to the court's re- 'quest, he stated, and would give a | definite answer today. The erowd in the court room re mained orderly throughout the 1 ndings, treating itself to a mr of interest at the ers entered the dock, ceused Juliet s wearing a blue aress small black hat with =» a She exchanaed her fellow ned with fur, L ngle glance with nrisoner as the words "true hill" (fell from the clerk's lips, Bevond | this the pair lsoked quietly at the scene in front of them, Though the Crand Jury met a 11.30 o'clock and the sitting of fhe court was set for 3.30 o'clock, it was 70 minutes after that hefore {the report was ready, and in the interval the crowd fin the econrt {room and corridors waited with a | parent patience. aiscussing the | (various phases of the case in lit tle groups. Once the Grand Jury the completion of its task, the proceedings were brief, Mr, gus-| tice Walsh mounted the bench, and the formal procedure occupied only | ten minutes, The court then adjourned until | this morning and the Me, Donalds left for Montreal in the police au tomobile, which brought them and their escort here early Friday af | ternoon, | Witnesses and the talesmen for the petty jury have been summon ed for 10 o'clock on the morning of December 6, when the trial proper | | will begin. | Just as the court turned to the other cases on the docket the lighting system failed, and for § minutes the Court House was ir | complete darkness. The McDon- | alds, however, were by this time announced jail, the crowd remained orderly to enter or leave the court, all was in order when the lights came on again. The two accused, accompanied by provincial detectives Walter Duchesnay and Harry Brissette, Lucien Berthiaume and the ma- tron, Mrs. Major, arrived here from Montreal by automobile in the midst of a blinding snowstorm. JUDGE DISMISSES Found No Fraud in Sale of Canadian Insurance Company Meredith yesterday dismissed the action for $1,000,000 brought of all other Policyholders' ance Company of Canada against F, shareholders of the tive of' the Life and Accident Insurance Com- pany. His Lordship declared could find no evidence of fraud or Mutual Life Insurance Company to cident Insurance Company. _ The court held that Col. Pratt's dllegation that the Department of Insurance had forced the amalga- mation was not substantiated by the evidence, but that the amalga- mation has in ieality been effected by the shareholders and not by Government officials. 8. C. Tweed was excluded from jcosts against plaintiffs. The alloca- tion of the other costs will be made jon Monday. "The Mutual Life Insurance Com- {pany of Canada" was not involved in the suit. "Honesty, my son, airefi, "is the best policy." "Well, perhaps it is dad, but it strikes me you have done pretty well, anyway." ~ $1,000,000 ACTION. Toronto, Dec. 6.--Chief Justice | the Ontario Equitable Life and Ac- | -- {ploded, shattering back in their respective cells in the! and while ushers allowed nobody | by | Colonel A. C. Pratt and E. Anstin, | on their own behalf and on hehalf | Mutual Life Insur- | C. Biggs, 8. C. Tweed, Misses L. | and D. Featherstone, (the execu- late A. M. Feather- | stone), and the Ontario Equitable ' that he! conspiracy on the part of Hon, F. | C. Biggs and S. C. Tweed over the | sale in 1923 of the Policyholders' | said the million- | BLEW UP SCHOOL 70 KILL SWEETHEART lllincis Farmer's Son Con. fesses Details of Revolt- ing Crime DYNAMITE USED Teacher Severely Injured When She Lit Fire in Stove Dara, Ills, Dec. 6.--Hiram Reed, 24, son of a prosperous farmer, Saturday confessod that he at- tempted to blow up a country school house to murder his sweet- heart who taught there. The young woman, Miss Tola Bradford, 23, daughter of a retired minister, entered the school house Friday morning and started to build a fire in the stove. The match had scarcely been struck until two sticks of dynamite, placed in the stove by Reed, ex- the windows, doors and threw Miss Bradford to the rround. She was seriously in- ured. School children, none of whom Valleyfield, was requested by the |were in the building when the blast {occurred, were the first to discover Legault explained that he the tracedy. Miss Bradford was taken to a nearhy farm house where attending physicians said her chance of re- covery were slight. Authorities succeeded in keeping the news of the affair confined to the few nearhy farm houses, They made their Investigation quietly and Friday night arrested Reed. | After all night questioning Reed confessed it was he who planted the dynamite. There were two sticks, he said. The reason for the at- i temp.ed murder, he said, was the fact that Miss Bradford was an ex- pectant mother. He was to have married her on Sunday. Reed held out stubbornly against making a confession when he was first arrested, but after hours of ucstioning, he turned to the sher- iff and said: Marriage Planned "Well. rir, T was to have married her Sunday and I went to call on Here is an for suffer- & fom try, without cost, soothing, healing ectant ointment Sootha Sootha Salva is the of the phyucen De pion the famous fruit medi- cine, It is incomparable in the tment of most serious skin or itching ht okshes,, Dimples: Wesre, 8 guarantee ---- to purchasers Frutvactives. pointed, Get your see if you do met Salva the most wonderful you've ever known. purchaser is mot satis- | Ot PILES! Famous Healing Ointment Free--*'Sootha-Salva™ Prescription of Famous Physician fied the druggist will return his oo. her money. Certain ha pice wh Yi Rn size boxes of ow Sootha Salva to of B0c, boxes Do not i think f ointment The regular price of Sootha Salva is 60c. r box, Made. by Fruit-a-tives, Limited, tawa, Ont. her Wednesday evening at the house where she boards, Somehow I got the idea of removing her from the picture and the question was 'How,' Finally 1 hit upon this dy- namite idea so 1 went to the school- house and placed two sticks of dy- namite in the stove. I put a ten- inch fuse on the end of the dyna- mite." Redd expressed no remorse and stood up valiantly under the ordeal of surveying the demolished school- house Saturday morning. Miss Bradford, it was said, had not learned that the blast was due to her faithless lover. Physicians weer keeping news of Reed's con- fession fro mthe school-teacher to prevent a possible collapse and death, GRAPE JUICE SALE DECLARED LEGAL Indianapolis Jury Finds No Conspiracy Against Volstead Act Indianapolis, Ind.,, Dec. 6.--Sale of grape juice in its unfermented state even though it may turn to wine with an unlawful content of alcohol after it is in the hands of a purchaser, does not constitute a conspiracy to violate the Volstead Act, according to a jury in federal court here. The jury found three officials ang salesmen of the United Vineyard Association of Chicago, and the Cali fornia Vineyards Company not guilt of conspiracy to violate the Volste: law by selling such grape juice. Th men discharged were Elmer F. Nel buhr, Carl A. Futter, Lester Hyne and J. R. Grable, officers and sales men of the two concerns, Significance was attached to th verdict inasmuch as the companie have sold their products throughe the country. E. G. Yellowley, ol Chicago, prohibition administrator fol Indiana, Illinois and Eastern Wiscon sin, came to Indianapolis to observ the trial of the four men and said be! fore the case went to the jury that i event of conviction action would b taken against similar operators i other cities, Incbriate--"Wash ya looking jee? Cop--"We're looking for a dvown ed man." Inebriate--"Wash n ya& want for?" on Fine Watch Repairing Specializing in the fines work on precision move. ments and small Bracelet vizes, BASSETT' On Oshawa's Main Corner --_------ sy HN Do You Ow: Your Ow Four New Houses for rent. All modern con- veniences, Apply-- W. J. SULLEY Real Estate St. Ph 'ne 2580 Residence 716) V. A. Henry, Insur- ance and Loans 113% SIMCOE ST, 8, Phones; yC J. H. R, LUKE BEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Money to Loan on First Mortgages Phone 871 or 687TW Regent Theatre Block R-------- CARTER'S Real Estate Real Estate for exchange, 6 room brick dwelling, square plan, picely decorated, all mod- ern, paved street, gerage, small mortgage for house on Col- borne, Brock, Elgin, Agnes or Division St, Can give $1,500 cash if mecessary., Property to not exceed $6,000, $4,000 with $500 down, fine seven roomed dwelling, all modern, central fine boarding house. A : 'p for guick sale, CARTER'S REAL ESTATE, 5 King St. E, REAL ESTATE purch Your Real Estate and Insurance Broker AUCTIONEER 85 King St, E.~Corner Celina Phone 205 $1,700 10. ese vor $200 down, balance as rent, L. V. DISNEY Opposite Post Office Phone 1550 A ate Sak LV. Disney, W, G. Prudence, R, J. Rutherford, R. 3. Disney, f tric refrigerators; clready furnished. VICTORIA APARTMENTS 291 Simcoe St. South Now Ready For Occupancy Featuring extra wall beds, providing additional bed room when required; electric stoves; elec. electric fixtures; blinds; washing and drying machines. Containing living room, bed room, kitchenette and dinette, tiled bathrooms. -- One apartment to rent; See Representative 4%; Prince St, at Building J. C. YOUNG Oshawa OR YOUR OWN AGENT

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