RET Jisappearance of Agent] wh) PERJURY CHARGE Once Missing Toronto Insurance | icon ta Man Reported Both at i £, Byers, R. Wood, C. King, V. Har Emest Burrus Taken Into vt ton SALES TE MO oi Ea Again Br hs Juscripti ot ak : G. Bradley, A. Fluke, J.' Clarke, TE LO Th der Record Aud is Believed to Goin sil MINSTREL SHOW |: sviess comin iemk] | con so Boren ea \ hy re omas, BE, e, B. Whitby, D 9.--Ch d ith Be Suffering From Loss of pom Je : bolm, C. Colley, F. Long, E. poriury (THAT i . ' : Ap ing Foy RN rl LT TY : Sleightholm, D. Holliday, G, Rob-| Duke who was dismissed on a char We are here wi ank Calver Charged : Memory. rn AR on mi sin; Whitby Organization Scores aa. a, Gil. M. Hicks, of Wine A Bo me Haute Buge as ci al Ch th : . ; y v or. 29, ] n eight-plece orchestra hel on nesday, Ernest Burrus was ? (By Staff R: ) : ¢ arly | Bie Hit on Two Night to entertain those attending. ped arrested in Oshawa this Warming : xe pe Perj In Gir S ath, Bowmanville, Bec, --Another ru- | WA A . "a vel Performance bers of the orchestra are, Jaek [brought to Whitby. He is appe mas Offer mor in the" disap pearance §f Major the And War Vi ) Clarke, Erie Clarke, Grant Lynde, |in police court here before aise ' Osborne Lean \ : : F. Threadgold, J. Broadbent, trate Willis this afternoon, Rolosed On $15,000 Bail agent, has, bod racked to. jis source Ci 'as a result (By Sart er Reporter) Willis, J. Bandel and snag Burrus on Wednesday afternoon [| YEAY the offer was Whitby, 8.---Memhora of | admitted that the statement which - | different man. eng fo he Whitby ~ Ciizens" Band, in |uie. he made to Chief of Police Gunson |] 13XON UD 1 I That First Swtoment 5 TEE Soy UH | oly Bec, Me Los Bl lino yin a7, wo hws, bo, aul SE SVD A | (hen op In a few R y y ted at the pgra Ho correct but declared that he was | i My iver 1g TWO pial a tation, telephoned the pol olice here le pe times | 1 ae and' te be Tenéated tonight, Btn Frank Wells were: Guy Lot-| ip catened by the police with arrest ay 3. W ¢ put on statement. When asked what the to say that a Wan Ju deen seen | (a bd of ig syed themgelves to he possessed ph yg Sydney Erskine; Peroy Mark-| i no did not sign. as ot | b \ . pressure was, he said he had been hii Answers the Arp s po - . was seen in wt' 6 Tu in Port[of extraordinary taiént. The 'end|® Frank Wells, Amelia---Guy's| Mrs, Letitia Carbno, who formerly pot 12 argam threatened with asvest. i Ny EL mony pietre Hope, and it is in the latter town |men of the company, with their Wife--Louise MelIntosh; Louise | worked for Mrs, Harbey, 48 Burke tts of the statement which oncentratin gl bout leading men of the| dyson, Vyda Erskine; Mrs. Snig-|street, Oshawa, refuted Burrus' |§ of three - 3 Charge at. Preliminary i. Cava nid we not ue Jere Fred Fag) = Been yy jo "The boy tent Bro of Bowman: a nrtn, gigs, Margaret Sleep; The Sniggins'| statement. Mrs. Carbno was charged pianos ." that he had seen Winnie Ward on | Fred almer, leacer of the HOYS| ic was largely Tes onsible for the In addition to the Minstral| Child, Myrna Counor; Betty, Gerts| with frequenting a disorderly as ecial Christ Hearing, a Wednesday night and on Friday Scout troop here, alah with. Je. information gleaned here about Show. there was a small playet,| rude Lynde. house, but the case agawnst her fell p mas night, Wiltord ouch and, 4 Mise GC. prea - the or of Mrs, [jor Osborne, as they co- "operated entitled "Dinner at Siy." with the| The executive of the band which | through with Mrs. Duke's dismissal. sale By Repo on Ly R uid they ha Chester Johnston found that the man seen very materially with with the searchers.| To ining story centred about|Was resuensible for thé entertain The hoi for ig ei : bio charge yesterday morning night ig Bm ho of Mr. | had been noticed by Norman G, Hol- Statt Reporter) the misplacine of two letters in|ment are: President, F. J. MeIn- Have the har Tale 3: lis on oN ai . Eating and Mus. Ross Stevens, where Miss mes, section hand, on Friday of ast LH ig 8.--That |envelopes. Everyi! ing comes out et i on { by Chi ef AaTge wa: the agaligt of : 0 1 i' » end and everyone | Richardson; A 3 ® 4 ie ol iia Hi. Storey, © oboure, Rrank Ward had been employed. Mrs, "oh { descriotion of the man | Mador Osborne Lean, Toronto In- airicht | nthe end, and everyone) oO rreasurer, §. B. Sexsmith; | Crown Attorney J. A. McGibbon. W. | This year we are pipes was released on Cul falver gave Sstimany that LA us is THe suena! Set five feet, eight |surance agent, who has been gp 8 gg vel 4 of the minstrel | Stage Manager, F. B. Nixon; Elec. H Kennedy defended Mss. Duke and 1 . hi ree ho! s ~ | Ban een e evening e ol g nnstre 3vaamBalds , Carbno, on som lained of is the assertion | Wednesday, Nov, 9, and that he had | inches, weighing 180 pounds, and [ing since November 29, wil 1® | show includes the following tems: | trician. Ceeil Greenfield; Proper- 1 & arb Baden. evaviaeia en arging t 18 offer alver while under oath at|peen home on Friday also, in the [clean shaven. , [found either today a Soar: have| Opening chorus, Southern melo. |Ues, J. M. Hicks; Musical Direc- cons Night nian TRE kn he BR, on November 30 into the | earlier fi of the evening "Did he say where he was going?" [the expectation of hg no ur dy. entire compan: Miss Anna. |tor, Jas. Rainnie; Manager, J. M, | Son®tare, LEH ~ONE Ble pa to=-= eath of Winnie May Ward, that ot is likely that D, A, J. Swanson, | Mr. Holmes was, asked. been conducting Heother-in- | belle Lee, Syd. ine: Russian] Short. : Ur Was Tred a Hon hy stars. Warts of the statement made by him | KC, of Oshawa, will "defend Mr.| "Ves, he said he was going to Bow- [him R. F. Rowland, br Habe: Ta we SI | Lullaby;, Jack Slim and . Qo. the police a few days before were Culver on the charge. Bail to the | manville, and that he was just com: law of the missing man, Who 18 TRG | Fannasan, B. Hum-| PROMINENT NORTH BAY MAN Se | FIVE ot true. amount of $1,000 was advanced by|ing from Lindsay. He was rather|thought to be suffering from an- Ine p rd an MAY FACE PROSECUTION rem re |! : Interviewed last night at his home | William Ay of 'Bowmanville, in ne faced." ¥ iid has received "word that his Biirlas; eg fo # url, Ped Toy North Bay, Dec. 8--In accordance a Bn geil Sigur Negaly an in ii Duke Street by the Oshawa Daily | the form of a marked cheque. Al "Would you take him from his ap: |velative was seen in Newcastle 4 or once Arain. Wy. with a resolution passed by the City | tion on the City of 'North Bay, Hl 'limes, Mr. Caiver was unable to | personal bond of $500 was advanced | pearance to be a man who worked | Tuesday and also in Port Hope. ndersoni . Unte Azgin, ov | Council, Police Commissioners will | teresting devel ; : N nderstand the trend of events and by Frank Calver. mdoors or outside?" It is thought that Major Lean H. Richardson White; Chick instruct the Police Department to teres ing developments are anticipat germed his arrest a. misunderstand: |. 'My, Calver has been married for | uf would take him to he a man who [must have got a life from some Chicken, Vernon Rowe, Ted. Hum- h ev : BR lodge information under the L.CA, 7% He is certain that when the| eight years, and has a family of | Loo citside a great deal" motorist, for Miss Wilhelmina phrey; Pussy Willow, EB Brignall, against a prominent North Bay Ital. A we ght before Magistrate | three girls, aged seven, five. and one | "nif he carry .a cone?" Romber. who directed him to Mrs. R. Nesbitt; My Shadow, Milt, Bals-| ion "Tne Council's action is a sequel on December NE wi years, respectively. "No, he didn't, He seemed to have | owe's rooming house keeper, on don; Dew Dewy Day, Ted Bowman, | 1, 3 "recent Police Court case, in LACKHEADS dims. he warrant for his B® no difficulty in' walking. However, [pemnerange street. Thursday, saw Jack Frost, W. J. H. Richardson,| which two witnesses testified that irest was issued by Magistrate DOCK STRIKE OVER he said he was a returned man. Hel, P in on Monday noon when |d: M. Short; Garibaldi, Syd.| they had purchased liguor at this Don't squeeze hlackheads--dissolve ard at the request of Crown At-| Sydmey, Dec. 8--The striking got very nasty, and said that if heh" anh oing to Bowmanville | Erskine; Wylets, R. Bud Harper; | gentleman's residence, In presenting them, Get two ounces of parosing prney W. F. Kerr, KC, Cobourg. = | dock workers returned to work to- she was K i ] ) ! _ powder from any drug store and h : h di h | Prior to the inquest on Novembet | aay but, because of the accumu- saw anyone from Lindsay in Bow- High School. Miss Rember says Broken-Hearted, Vivian Rice. Mary | the motion in Council, Alderman | rub with og, wet, cloth briskly over the nisne mt e new 1] 1] manville, he would cut their throats. -|MacConnell, J, M. Short; Side by| McColeman said the fact that a | Diackheads. They simply dissolve and disap. into_the death of Miss Winnie | a0ion of ships the demand for He said they refused him a match she remembered him and he gave ko at a 151 pear by this safe and sure method, 8 ny ard, who was found dead on the |yopkery far exceeded the supply. | (o light his pipe and also refused |her & smile of 'recognition. : ---- Art finished Bir 8 Lake Ontarie,. near he Interstate sailings will he resumed | him a ride on a hand car. Although Mise Rember had read 4 iption of | tomorrow, but it will be some time | "He seemed to be rather 'gone' in The Oshawa Times' descr! Rvs Roles Chained hig before sailings are normal again, | the head, in fact, I took him to be |Major Lean, and knew Bn to be hich he denied at hte inquest. In-| Shipowners estimate thelr losses at| crazy, and moved away from hin, missing, she did not t uk a ector E, C. Gurnett and Constable | between £150,000 and £200, 000,] He said he fought for the Flag and [the man she saw was he, because 8 : . i bet treatment | he did not appear so tall as six , Storey of the Provingial Police | The losses in wages 'Were probably | was. deserving of better treatmen lo 44 not appeut 59 ial 1s wa d g c . A : W dh of his tired condition on Thurs- MN | A . " u ¥ J |. i i TTT Cm day last is that when Miss Rem. arab Fs ber was directing him, he had to ER "87 A Clothing N | [[m-- W. A. DEWLAND | ox. f= 3% ge NOW! Hike The missing man, Major Lean, Phone 2695 has a fine war record, having serv- J wad h ---- ed in the both the Boer and Great ! nv 4 n se ™O STORES Wars. He was seriously wounded SPECIAL f t sin his body, It is hh CHRISTMAS ragment sin h A ! h i ) y thought that his disappearance at ' vial 0h 4 E our OFFERING OF this date has been caused by tem- ; : { porary loss of memory. and today carries many shrapnel * EN SN Oh . Bl | This Williams Piano Special Purchase 855055 x & 2 CREDIT Bridge | Bil ,.0uorrroe | J i Tan fan 2 a Lamps | §I|| io pio cor in . - | commiox on, is Slewn shaven a 4\ } I : ts mpire; 1s One Hundred Separate Pieces Of [=r wr wns shin: W Well Trust You Value $l Deig put on See mal ver the top of the head, but the . - ket a » bu Hand Painted Japanese rate Lda ---- $7.50 ht 3 $505, bu 4 e left hand is missing. weld) MISSES! AND 50 cents down se- | : | is only ais =f He walks with a decided mp | § B8¢ ! y , CHILD'S COATS | ORE Lt Teak Wood Trays, Glove Boxes, Hanker- 0 0 Bl | os o result of several war wounds : % 3 cures one of these chief Boxes and many others, all different % S| | in the less, and carries a walking . 17 _e ADnattrs splendid lamps, * desig ns. A very acceptable gift to any lady ° i | ttex with a hooked handle i 8 Isle in Suede Come in and] Hi and at a Bice Shot brings them within the Each i ( AKF FIRE PUTS | ¢ A Bie wavy Shoots. Jou lamp § ! oat (Basement Gift Shoppe.) : $ > gains for Christ. ! / LS 2 mas Selling A #8 FIREMEN ON RUN nic Ee, 1] A cou cro to yn : ted wasn' ere gobo hd J : i of $70. Positively {4 Why Not Give Celanese Lingerie This | Bl. ttn na | 37.80; Ladies'| [||| fv pianos with. sol Christmas nl snd extinguished: one. cake. Mrs : and wad 0 0' C : a ' at ia price » would | L nrroug . id orig street, > oa 3 i you . come There is none better. The new textile, with unusual qualities rivalling Shy Oe secre yi a early. If you wish we ihe 4 sicheot h oF olka, providing those who love to dress smartly with || [8 Ths oud Pave Deen Sule OF Xaxy Chinchilla, Mele will hold your piano garments for every dictate of fashion. Celanese is range was still turned om, snd - bgp Po. for Christmas delivery, not Rayon. It differs fundamentally. Something new to Canada. 2 | Mrs. Borroughs forgot the cake. For Afternoon and Even- "outs, , ; All| it started to smoke, fin fact i) | ing Wear. Georgette and mowest Styles and a ia Guaranteed. All shades in Vests and Bloomers. (Main Floor), I Velvet, Flat Crepe and Colops, Special terms like in the old tale of Sir Walter Crepe Satin. smart and prices for Christ. po V 8 4 50 Raleigh, thought there was a fire. showing of the A ry . | mas Selting. id They turned in the alarm by tele- Latest Model, Specially u ; > A ests M [ ] oomers . phone, and the firemen made a priced for Christinas Easy Sr . gallant rescue of--the cake. No Ing A in sizes 14-50. Prices $17.50, $19.00 other damage was done. "$15. 00, $17.50 Wo 9 : Tra if ? Chinese and Spanish Hand Worked Pure | | ; and upward A Desire d Cina Guest Towels : 4 This is something different, never on the Canadian market before. Scalloped [| . ' j cdg wih handoome designs in» vasity of coor. A real Gift Suggesion t | Men's Suits&0'Coats 98¢. to $1.95 : Splendid values in Men's Heavy Blue Suits, one and two trouser models. Specially priced for Christmas selling. In sizes 34-44. Priced from orp Deen rm on ern | REEZEE =] | 327.50, 35.00, 37.50% Every litle gis in town, yen, snd big girls ll enti one of these for Christmas. One of the ig of Dolls one £f these fo. Shun Over 5000 to shooge from, aud raze bargain at from, ow a 69. to $7.50 each