HE Ae Tn SD £3 B= pe UB Ng SA FOR 'Dallas, "Texas, Dec. 9--Lawrence Selman, Jim Dunn, Bill O'Hara and gh Bog of Toronto left here last night for New York, happy as school boys on vaeation. Through their efforts landed the twen- th Alia ion of National Association of Profes- 1 Baseball Leagues for Taron- to next year. Chattanooga, Ten- nessee, put up a great battle for the convention, but the delegates voted 13 to 10 for the Maple Leafs, and later made it unanimous. The southern city put up Look- out Mountain and a few monu- ments as an inducement, but the banner put in the balcony of the Baker Hotel, where the delegates held their convention, which read: "Toronto wants you in 1928, the eity of freedom." did more appar- ently for the Canadian city than all the pamphlets and arguments advanced for the cause of the South, Bill O'Hara was the real insti- gator in bringing the convention to Toronto. Baseball men are far from being poor spender: and To. -- | Leaf Otticials Leave For New York In Happy Mood; Secure 1928 Convention ronto merchants have O'Hara to thank for the thousands of dollars which will be spent and which oth- erwise would have gone elsewhere. The twenty-sixth annual conven- tion came to close here Wednesday after the minors gained what they believe iis the final stroke levelled at the mejors. The minors wiped out completely all form of the draft. The vote to eliminate the draft was 13 to 5, John Conway Toole, president of the Internation. al League, expressed delight at the vnal outcome. The International were pioneers in attempting to break the shackles of the Majors. Before leaving for New York, where they will atend the Major Teague meetings, the Toronto of- locals announced the purchase of Joe Rabbitt, . an outfielder, from Omaha. Rabbitt, who is said to he one of the fastest men in baseball, hit 360. Manager O'Hara stated the purchase price was $3,000. To-! ronto also purchased Pitcher Fra- ser, a hig left-hander from port. land, Maine. Fraser won sixteen and lost six games last year. ---- Bo ¢ cK Panatrope The Entire Musical Scale 4 The Instrument that Has Revolutionized All Existing Standards of Recorded Music. Marvelous, natural, undistorted, such is music of the Panatrope. Music that thrills, amazes by its perfect reproduction, that exceeds the greatest expectations, Panatrope alone can give--because this supreme instrument is the only one to reproduce EVERY note of the ENTIRE musical scale. Every aud- ible sound comes to you so vividly, so unblem- ished that it is an exact transcript of the original Words alone cannot describe this miracle, You must see and hear the Panatrope yourself, realize the truly life-like interpretation that is exclusive to the Brunswick Panatrope, artists' performance, Exponential Typ: priced from 7 $115. to $385, Electrical Type priced from $750. to $1700, Trae Brunswick-Barke-Corienn: --OMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver oe Sign of Hsizai rosige Trunewic '4 FANATROPES + ELECTRICAL RECORDS Luke Furniture Co. Phone 79! 2.52, 63 King St. E. 7 Music which the Then only ean you The Music of the Panatrope isthe Standard which Imitating Manufacturers gre geriving to attoin Your Brunswick dealer will be delighted to demonstrate the superiorities of the Panatrope for you any time. This, of course, in- curs no obligation, Times vs. Scarecrows, Good SECURES PRO BASEBALL C BOWLING RAILWAY LEAGUR EXPRESS vs. OFFICE 158 145 mn LOV® ---meeee 164 189 Miners ----------- 243 146 Brewster --.----- 266 138 Corkery 134 { AMD aanemminier 319 7338 HORA mean meres 41 Total---26086. Office ROSS = amor m mm Scott Smerchanski . -- 7" 186 226 116 \ 129 - 130 Whinfield eo 198 217 Total--234% TRAINMEN vs. FREIGHT Trainmen Brant 212 Emmons - 112 Howard cece - 111 Smith 120 109 228 162 109 St. Andrew's ...-- Oldrey Total--2130, Freight Fal» ( CNOT cso ene Yolug Ryan Dainty Total--2808, LADIES' LEAGUE MAPLE LEAFS vs, MARSHAYS , Maple Leafs Mrs. Coulson 102 Mrs VOogerman .oeee-= 148 Mre. Poll 164 Mr: Perking ...oewwe= 66 Mrs. Hurst 167 Total--936, Marshays Miss MOrgan «..cones Mrs, COOK worn oims Mrs, Purdie Mrs. McKinnon ....--- 81 Mrs. Hardman ...-..... 121 LaSalles vs, Fairplays, poned, '218 221 200 110 3 8 63 69 182 post A mixed league has been form- ed and schedules arranged for competition at the Recreation Bowling Club, commencing De- cember 14. Teams named, Regu- lar Fellers, Scarecrows, Jail Birds, Bijous, Good Times and High Times have entered. The sche- dules are as follows: Wednesday Dec, 14, Regular Fellers vs, High Times, Scarecrows vs, Jail Birds, Bijous vs, Good Times, Wednesday Dee, 21 Jail Birds vs. Regular Fellers, Good Times vs. High Times, Bij. ous vs, Scarecrows. Wednesday Dec, 88 High Times vs. Jail Scarecrows vs. Good Times, vs, Regular Fellers. Wednesday Jan, 4 Birds vs. Bijous, Birds, Bijous Jall High Times vs, Regular Fellers. Wednesday Jan, 11 Regular Fellers vs. Scarecrows, High Times vs. Bljous, Jail Birds vs, Good Times, AMATEUR FLAYER PASSES Toronto, Dec. 9--Another athlete has gone to his reward. Frank Kit- chen, brother oi Hobart Kitchen, the Kitchener proicssional hockey star, passed away yesterda yafter a lin- passed away yesterday after a Jin- Frank Kitchen had established a fine reputation as an all-round athlete, playing hockey for K. & 8. in the Industrial League and the CN.R, 140 SPORT SNAPSHOTS ere was a little the fans, It is just game. Fans should re- decision in a boxing bout. way--that was a real ring with good accomodation for the officials and press. The cash customers seemed pleased with their seats too and every! could easily see the fights The club will have its eq ent quite handy for the next scrap. It can't come tog soon, . That amateur athletics in Canada were on a smooth and exceptionally firm basis was the opinion of Dr, A. S. Lamb, of McGill new president of the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada, upen his return to Montreal after attending the an- nual meeting of that body in Edmonton. Co-operation be tween the various branches of athletics was the keynote of the success at our meeting," said Dr, Lamb, 'and we feel tha everything is in order for the Olympic games next year as fa as Canada is concerned." Dr, Lamb had no doubt that th Varsity Grads would bring the hockey championship of th world again to Canada, . - Election of officers and a gen-:a! wind-up meeting of the Oshawa City Football Club will be held in the Y.M.C.A next Tuesday night, at 7.30 o'clock, it was announced toda; by the executive, Every member of the champions of the Toronto and District Soccer League will be presented with a photograph of the team at Tueslay's meeting. All club members, executive and fans ave oted to attend. gathering next week, to attend, » Ld Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club will also have a wind-up It will take place at Welsh's Parlors next Wednesday night. Cards are being sent out by the sec- retary. Prizes won by the various followers of the trundling game will be given out and indications are that a good get- together will be held, All bowlers should make it a point L Advice from Dallas, Tex., where the National Associa- tion of Professional Baseball Leagues is in convention, are asking. to the effect that the gathering of 1928 is Toronto's for the Toronto made a bid for the convention of 1927, when the clubowners met at Asheville, N.C., last year, Louisville, Los Angeles, Hartford, Conn., New Orleans and Buffalo have had the big gathering of moguls, players, scouts, managers, league officials, etc,, major and minor, in recent years, but the association has never met in Canada. At least be held. three new hotels, the Royal York, Ford add General Brock, will be ready by next December when the convention will CANADIENS WIN Montreal, Dec. 9--A Joliat-Morenz rush along the left boards' after three minutes' overtime play broke up a 1--1 deadlock in the Toronto Maple Leafs-Canadiens National Hockey League game here last night. Joliat scored the winning goal and Morenz was credited with an assist. The 2--1 win put the local team in the leadership of the Canadian sec- tion. The first two peroids were rather slow and listless. However, the final period' more than made up for it with the Toronto forwards going at a terrific rate in an attempt in tying the score on a lone rush and long shot. Hart had put Canadiens in the Ig4 after six minutes' play in the first period by batting in his own rebound. Tell a boy that he is no good and you will help him to become so.-- Chicago Daily News, ---- team in Montreal. In lacrosse he was a highly effective player with Toronto St. Simons, The funeral will be held from 77! Winchester Street tomorrow afters | noon at 3 o'clock, All sportsmen ex- | tend their sincere sympahty to the bereaved family. FLETCHER SATISFIED St. Louis, Mo. Dec, 9--Arthur Fletcher, coach of the New York American Leag.ers said yesterday he was "perfectly catisfied" with his job, and would keep it if the club want- ed him to, | "I have not been offered a job as manager of the Cleveland team," he said. "In fact, I have had no com- munication from any of the Cleye- Jand officials regarding my willing- ness to accept the job, | Fletcher, who was at his home at | Collinsville, IN, a suburb, said he was unaware that Billy Eyans, newly appointed general manager of the Cleyeland Club, had arired in St Louis today from Dallas the' ex- oress purpose, as reported in Cleve- land despatches, of meeting Fletcher nd signing him to a contract as manager, CONDITIONAL IS RIGHT Dallas, Tex, Dec. 9--Billy Evans general mapager of the Cleveland indians, who told Joportets Wednes- day that Art Fletcher, coach with the New York Yankees, would manage the Cleyeland i team mext season, left here for represen- Jand last might, No other i club could be found today to comment on denials of the Report from ogy : ans, in making his anmounce- ment yesterday, explained that the appointment was conditional on the release of Fletcher by the Yankees. ze | COMMUNITY PLATE in the pew "Bridal Chest" Ow does pot have to be 2 bride to be delighted with this smart Community chest set, Nor be an expert to appreciate the perfection of the tweaty- pix pieces it contains, The chest is done in jet black and red, the silverware is. Coppanary Prats, covered by a replacement guarantee, and the price is $35.75. Five lovely patterns to choose from. Ilnserated is the new Colonial design-- the Pal Revers. The Bridal Chest may also be had pith 42 picces (Service for cight) and 50 pieces (Service for twelve), ONVENTION . FELT BROS Gift Room will be n on =d 4 Open Evenings Till . Christmas EF Zh Canadiens ..., Montreal , Ottawa Tororito .. N.Y. Amer 3H United States 8 P. N.Y. Ranger Boston ,,, Detrcit Games Saturday night--Otiawa at Toronto, Detroit at Montreal, Ameri- cans at Pittsburg, Boston at Chicago, Games Sunday--Boston at Canadiens at Rangers. WILL NOT OPERATE Winnipeg, Man,, Dee, 9. -- There will be no senior Amateur Hockey League in Winnipeg this year, Varsity and Elmwood A cations, which were given until la:. night to accept membership in the Manitoba Hockey Association, failed to answer communications, and their non-ac- ceptance of membership automatical- ly closed negotiations, Brandon was desirous of joining a proposed intercity league, and ac- cepted membership, but with the re- fusal of Varsity and Elmwood to come in, it is cxpected the Wheat City will organize a league with ad- jacent Manitoba towns, MIKE BROPHY RELEASED Toronto, Dec. 9.--Cutting his Ra- vina squad to ten players, the lea- gue limit, Manager Frank Selke last { night released Milk Brophy, substi- tute defence and forward player, and the Collingwood boy immediately left for Providence for a trial with Jimmy Gardner's Reds, and if he is used on the defence he probably will make the grade. Brophy jojined the Ravinas at his own expense during the training per- 'od, after asking Manager Selke for a trig, For a time it appeared as ii he would make 2 place, but his Detroit, | | best work was acccr defence, and in that position there wasn't any rocm for him with Earl Voss, Bert Corbeay and Art Smith available, And he did not front age liotg, Shrir Mc dle and Lloyd Crogs. It was not hecanse of lack of try: ing that Broohy {failed to make it go with ghe Toronto Canpro tean have a chance up ri , red Fis Art Ran- lished on the He gave his all when used, but fi shy in ability by a small marg However, he will likely make a p with the Reds, COUCARS BEAT N.Y. Detroit, Dze, 9--The Detroit Co gars fought their way through thi | Pi tonight, coming out victorious g the New York Americans by 2 to Ol mn | wrosaid handy packs 0 fives | a at current interest ajpkopertics Mr. Douglas. Swanson, German & Mclienzie Standard Bank Building LXCE AUCTIONEER 25 King St. E.~Cornesr Celina Phone 205 CARTER'S Real Estate CARTERS REAL HSTATE. 5 King St. © n' BH A REAL BUY Bungalow style, cloce #0 General Motors' new building, on paved ful'y modern with h 4 floors, built-in cuph . $4,800 with £500 cash. = 3 \ E3 Disney Rea! Estate Associate Salesmen L. VV. Disney, W. G. dence, PD. 4. Butherfo:d, S. Disney. 3 A go-geiter sama who "uns 4 eas frvr mis f omoa flips . A 8 Ed tion.--1.¢ dcucth L dats.