However, your feputation is not' JGGESTS USE OF DIAN NAMES FOR CANADIAN TOWNS (Continued page 1) on," he to piano se- rendered by Miss Marion mmow, "I k it was a polka 1 it greatly, But, this be h about music, kor i discussion sometimes to embarrassment. Such case of two men who stood the outskirts of a throng in London about a brilMantly ted banastand. Strange Refrain 'One declared that the selec- n being played was a 'Refrain n Tannhause,' the other as utly maintained that it was a frain from Lohengrin.' Both re certain that they knew their nar "To decide the matter, one of m called upon a diminutive cknev to worm his wav through crowd and read the board fch was prominently displayed those ocounving seats, "The boy returned rnd they ask. in unision: Vat does it sav?' 'It says,' tho lad triumphed fran from Spitting.' 'I like to come to Oshawa," speaker declared, 'and one of reasons is because of the hean- 3] name which your city bears. at a . " lessed relief! to think that there is a laundry like this that was designed, built and equip- ped for the sole purpose of doing "family wash,' It means that with five different services, each one taking the wash one step nearer completion, you may have just the amount of help you need with this household prob- lem. And prices, you will find, are a decided inne- ystion, They are modest: ly low, Our phone staff is especially trained to assist you with informa- tion == or perhaps a trial wash would be more con- vincing, Phone now! Wright Funerals J. A. WRIGHT FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND DISNEY FUNERAL Service ® Sioecs 81. 8, rence Phone 1082 )shawa Luggage YOUR INITIAL FREE On Suit Case or Club Bag ywell & Son BOND ST, WEST » | butter and eggs; THE OSHAWA DAILY. ves SATURDAY, DECEMBER. © 192) altogether good. We in Welland are your slaves. We rise by sun- rise and work until dark to get enough money to buy your money cars so that you, here, may bask in opulance and luxury. "But your citv name is ome of the sweetest, soffest and most me- lodious in Canada. Your teacher of moderns, Miss Violet Smith who has honored us hv occupying a place on this wlatform, comes frony Winona. which was selected by a gathering of ethnologists at Oxford University as the mos! beautiful place name in the world "I have occasion tn nass through Winona occasionally in summer' and I have often thousht that it has the loviellest name, it cer- tainly has a setting worthy of its beauty, Yonder the blue waters of the lake; there the towering green of the mountainside; and ybout it the rich plain set with many vineyards, "However, thinking these houghts on the train as we came to it, the brakeman stuck his head "n the door and yelled 'Wy-No- Neh" Story Mr, Duff recalled that he was once a component part of a com- iencement audience at Queen's 'nd was reminded that there was 1 Dr, Norman McLeod there just 8 there was a Mr, Norman Me. Leod at the Oshawa Collegiate, Towever, the former was a huge man, a minister of the old school, who used to tell & story on him- self, Dr, McLeod and another minis- ter, a very small man, were on a ferry on one of the Scottish lochs when a storm came up, Dr, Me- Teod said: 'Let us pray," but the old boatman protested: "Haud a wee, meenister, Ye lend a hand wi, an oar and let the little yen pray " Those were gay days at old Queen's, At the aommencement referred to the professor of clas- sics made a noble plea for the study of Latin, saying: "How else may we unlock the golden treas- ury of the ancient world than by. Latin," and from the gallery came a voice: "Use a Key!" And that a Kev is often needed was shown bv an unnamed stu- dent of Queen's who. with his father, passed a cemetery gate over which was the inscription: "De mortuus nil nisi bonum." "What does that mean," inquir- ed the sire, "De mortuus," the startled youth replied, "Of the dead---of the dead. Oh ves, Of the dead no- thing remains but bones." However. Latin is not the key to greatness of service, Mr, Duff averred. Heine, the great German poet, failed in his university exam- | § inations 'in that tongue, hut he wrote a book of hymns that stand pre-eminent to this day, Referring to his morning talk on Canadian newspapers, Mr, Duff declared that he took for his text the two first advertisements. pub- lished ia Canada, the other for pens, paper 'and ink. . Symbols of Destiny "Those advertisements were symbolic of all that Capada has been, is and shall be; and they are symbolic of all that. transpires in your lives and mine, and paper and ink are the things of the spirit: the butter and egg outlook is the merely physical. The two things are not much re- lated, and proof of this statement is to be found in the works of one |. of the greatest of modern philo- sophers who, while writing his epoch-marking books, had an in- come of only some $15 a month, |' "The pen and paper and ink out- lm ---------- * Dem't Fail to See I Lycett' 5 i Windoy COAL - COKE - WOOD Nut and Egg sizes, per ton, RP, $15.00 Stove size, per ton, 16.50 Pea size, per ton, Coke, per ton, Best Anthracite Coal ml J. TRIC RICK COMPANY, LIMITED 3 Ld -- A -- BOYS WANTED AS CARRIERS AND COLLECTORS ae SOF THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES High School Boys Preferred . * Libera! commision and steady employment " pa to capable boys. ~ Apply to -- MR. BOYCE -- Times Office One was for| Por In"péns' | Yori Money | to Distant Points OU can send any amount of mon- ey to any point in Canada at a minimum of expense a Standard Bank method is the simplest, safest and most 'onvenient way to send remittance by nail in the Dominion; if the mail goes \stray no loss is sustained. Should you lesire to send money to a point out- side the country, Draft will serve your purpose for for- Moyey Order. a Standard Bank warding jin to foreign places. Branches also at Port STAN DARD BANK OSHAWA hr EE C. BA Manager Newcastle, look upon life is that of the soul harvester. Oliver Goldsmtyg our- ed Europe as a voung man with nothing but a flute for his pass- port and letter of credit. But he brought back more from Europe than most of us, lacking genius, could gather with a Cadillac car "There was, also, George Bor: row, Take my tin. voung frienas, if you havent's yet made the ac- quaintance of Borrow do so im- mediately. As a young man he was emploved at Norwich some 90 miles fromr London where he was offored better employment, He made the journev with only a shilling in his nocket for food and lodging, but out of that adven- ture we have 'Lavengro" and "Romany Rve." "Take Guttenberg in the little Cerman town of Mainz. With a little metal he made the first type; with a wine press he printed the first hook--the Bible. His edi- tion comprised onlv 210 volumes the first of printed volumes. Vast vear ore of those Pibles sold in New York for $106,000. On that basis, his hondiwork was worth over $2,000,000, But that, again, is merely the butter and egg out. For Better V»'ues DIAMCHNDS Burns' Jewe'ry Store 23 SIMCOE 8. PHONE 880 00k. The world of books which we have today is the epic of the things which are symbolized by pen and paper and ink, "Handicaps mean little or noth- ing to that soirit, Francis Park- man, the historian, whose "Conspi- racy of Pontiac," is one of the classics, But Parkman was so weak of eyes that he could mot see to yead; he had a nervous dis- order which prevented him from concentrating for more than a half hour at a time. But he had a man read to him; and when he wrote his notes he used a device some- thing like a music stand whereon, between metal wires to guide, he set down the material of his great history, "Spirit counted In that little, one eyed, sickly naval commander who wrecked Napoleon's hopes of world empire and that man was Lord Nelson, "In what was perhaps the most notable address given so far in this century, Sir James Barrie at St, Andrew's University at Edin- burgh said to the graduates: "I give you two staffs for the journey of lite. The one is cour- age and the other is cheerfulness,' "I give them to young people, With courage and cheerfulness and u bit of imtelligent curlosity, you will have a splendid equipment for the race of life, "For the ancients had a race in which the business of life is typi. fled, The winner was not mereiy the one who could run the fast- est, but it was a torch race and the victor was could a the course and keep his torch alight." CALIFORNIA'S GOLD Mammy Songs and the Mason. Dixie Line have all melted it seems, before the Sun in the orange groves of California. And there's a reason, The praise is go- ing to the worthy, If there are cloudy days in California one never hears of them, and it is reasonable to suppose that ome should if there were, A million people each winter follow the steps of the conquistador of whom perhaps they have never heard. They search for gold--the gold of the beach, of the groves, of the sunset over warm Pacific waters. And there is a mine there for you; & real mine of health and a wealth of sport and recreation activities for you to exploit at will Any Canadian Pacific Agent will gladly supply information regard. ing fares, routes, etc, upon e- quest, M. R. Johnson, city ticket agent, 11 King street east, TRENTON SECURES ANEW INDUSTRY Oliver, M, Hinkson, Son of J. E, Hinkson, Oshawa, is President Announcement was made late yesterday that the Direct-O-Clothes, Limited, with head offices at Mon- treal, had purchased the business and equipment of Fred Abbott's factory, in Trenton, and will pro- ceed manufacturing soon after January 1, 1928, The acquisition of the Direct-O- Clothes, Limited, to Canada's in- dustrial circle is of great impor- tance, The new firm, which has grown to immense proportions in the United States, maintains a large head office in Montreal, and it was with a feeling of confidence that Trenton was selected for the site of a branch, Land has also heen acquired in Oshawa and in the near future a branch may be established, The branch will be In charge of a man highly respect- od and thoroughly acquainted with their particular line. The presi- dent is O, M, Hinkson, son of J. E, Hinkson , Centre and Metcalfe streets, Oshawa; vice-president and general manager is G, B, Ronayne, formerly district sales manager of the Nogar Colthing Manufacturing Company of Reading, Pa, Secret- ary, Harry Gordon, and treasurer, B, B, Warren, Mr Hinkson was formerly sales manager of the Bec- that rusmer whe PAGE NINE $100,000 Namare done hy wind during the last storm Several thomsand dollars IAMALE WS ua Lu wll ings by windstorms, Provide against such per. ils through V. A HENRY Insurance Phones -- 1108w, 1858) 113% Simcoe Street South ker Tailoring Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, Prospectus of the company deals thoroughly with the new concern. Rather interesting is the matter of business. It is operated on a sys- tem of 'factory to consumer' and consists of concentrating produc- tion in one place, at a reduced cost, in eliminating the jobber and deal- er. It deals directly with the con- sumer through experienced sales- men of known ability, Thus, the heavy overhead of maintaining dis- tricts, ete., is done away with, J. H. R, LUKE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Money to Loan on First Mortgages Phone 871 or G8TW Regent Theatre Block Consult HORTON & FRENCH For Everything in Real Estate 22 Bruce St. Phrne 1207TW Beautiful Solid Brick House on Brock Street East; six rooms, all conveniences, well decorated, garage, side entrance and side drive, trees and shiubbery. Cash payment $1,000, Do not overlook this one. Disney Real Estate Associate Salesmen L. V. Disney, W, G. Pru. dence, D, J. Rutherford, R. 8. Disney, A ------ LYCETT Your Real Estate and Insurance Broker AUCTIONEER 85 King St, B.~Corner Celina Phone 205 CARTER'S Real Estate CARTER'S REAL ESTATE, 5 King St, E, or phone 1380 THE BEST CHRISTMAS Present you can give your wife is a nice New Home with all convenieces, We have them on easy pay- ments--give us a call, W. J. Sully Real Estate Auctioneer and Insurance 9 Alice Street, Oshawa Phone 2580--716j MONEY TO LOAN Loans arranged on residental properties at current interest rates, See Mr, Douglas, Swanson, German & McKenzie Standard Bank Building 2 King Street East PLAN BOOR with 150 pages of ideas for home bufl- ders. Send for yous copy to-day, Price Ste postpaid. Published by MacLeau Builders' Guide 337 Adis W., Tor GUIDE TO VALUES Help to Build up Oshawa by Shopping IN OSHAWA In Oshawa YOUR LAUNDRY DONE PROPERLY Just Phone 2520 and a Driver Will call. OSHAWA LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING CO. When We Test Eyes It is Done Pro JURY & OPTICAL PARLORS Phone 28 or 20 Mill Street or Eel Ol Ctl Ce eC rl la Oshawa OSHAWA LUGGAGE Presentation Club Bags ssd Suit Cases with Initials in Gold free of charge at SAYWELL and SON 19 BOND STREET WEST --- PHONE 328 ly Read the L Advertisements To know what is advertised. To know where values are obtainable, To know where quality reigns supreme. "The Oshawa Daily Times" J. C. YOUNG 4Y, PRINCE ST. Phone 793 Insurance and REAL ESTATE If It's Electrical~ We Have It BOWRA'S ELECTRIC! For. EVERYTHING FOR TOMORROW S DINNER ELECTRIC BAKED Nut-Krust Bakery : "Quality and Prompt Service" ow molto lh <n RD I ambi A Sain ------ z= FEE REE Er