x ine USHAWA DAILY HME, "SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1927 PAGE y Anythingls Lents Until Y ou Have Tried A Want Ad D C. MacDONALD, BA Bolictitor, etc. and NT 4 at a or ~SINCTATRS mmerce Building, EPH | ANC W BY; King | Rusu (h6-1yr)) TEAR | oe fics it, i. Sues hone 8 CSaveyancs 1 4 vgs te, Office ne andar, Pai | ance Simeone A Phone 1 rierson, w Tr Ka reton NsON. RM fa MAC ie, ha Tristers, veyaneers id Fb fie J pt | Ly 0 pinal and Money " Office over rol 4 wore, 3 St, an Phong 940, wanson, erman, ¥ ¢ kenzie, , PARKHILL, BARRISTER, pitor, Notary Public, Convey r, money to loan, piney dg, | & psite Post Office, Phones, office ; residence, 2239], (621) oon Bt, North, } re y putable a Aca a y ra hag "we Hid | ivy your interests prot Money to = UNLIMITE dng. ou ¥o 0 RFIR§! Boris uilding | EH Brad ros, Phone 10, FOR ay AND. FAR LOANS No commission, B loans, Legal work done at this ce, J, Prk, Barrister, ir 0 rn 10th h i] 18 _8, HYMAN AND COM. , Barristers, Money to loan. Dewland's Stove, 16 Simeone t morth, Phone 67, Tesldente Ww, Medical R, E. McMULLEN, PHYSI. surgeon, and Jutpirician, ot Meo and home, 4 (114-14 HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYBI- Surgeon, Obstetrician, Spe. 'reference. to maternity work diseases of women, Two years' graduate experience, Office yesidence 167 Simeoe Bt, N,, ,. Broek) phone 803, (119:t0) McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- , Accqucher. Office and resi Bu St, Hast corner Vietoria sha Phone RANT BERRY, PH DICIAN, Mi of infants and residence, nd ord" on or , HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- "Surgeon, special attention ' " X-ray work and Electro- py, Offige, Disney Block, Phong Ah T, W, ENGLAND AND R. POUG lass, brigklayers and contractors work taken by the thousand op by day work, Repair work of all de. seriptions, Satisfaction guaranteed, 818 Division St, Phone 2579W, (Nov, 84-Des, 84.) Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS. ed timber, lath, shin th 0 s doors 0d, interior trim, eeeroft, hithy, , lumb a and woo yard, Or » Ww one Painting and Decorating R, GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, graining, efe, Twent vices right. Wer! years' experie iaraniend 118 Huron street, 1] Elocution MISS EVELYN TRICK, MISTRERS of Elocution, graduate of Ontario Ladies' College, will prepare be. ginners and advansed pupils for all platform work, Ave 198 Kipg street epst, Phope 184, (Dee, %+Jan. 2) Beauty Parlors , Nose, Throat Specialist F, T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR t West, Jaron: io pit b be at his over Jury vell's Dry e each ii Med from 1 till for consultation and treatment iseases ear, nose and throat Appointments Suh be rami LORE, "Tire Repairing KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING deal Tire Shop. Tires for sale, ieson Bros. Phone A438 (tf) MARIE RENWICK'S BEA BAUTY Shop, 9 Celina street, at Watson's Barber Shep, Water waves, mani- cures, mureslling. Phone 8668, (Dec, B+98p:8), Transportation CARTAGE AND MOVING, LOCAT, apd lopg distance, W. Borrow: dale, 600 Carnegie Avenue. Phone 618, (Dee, 1.7m. 1) , | wanted, For Rent EVAR Sani. {) ly rences required, - Phone 63TF, (135-b) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO pd Also shack ta vent, Apply Hale street, (184-¢) Tr -------- MODERN APARTMENTS, THRER rooms, electrie wange, &rate, re- frigevator, $60. - Box "F" Times, (133-0) NEW HOUSE TO RENT, § ROOMS and bathroom, alse furniture fey sale, 620 Rortep avenve. (133-¢) all FURNISHED BEDROOMS SUIT. ther, itson able for two rooming t Breakfast optional, 165 road south, Phone 24667, 121-40) Motor Care ASH SALES AND SERVIORN, wenty-five WUtterent doles 18 Ho al Nn RL Dundas Whitby, Dee, 1-Jan, 1 'and Rooms BOARD AND ROOM, 3814 Biv oon | Atreet, (184+h) A A REAL HOME AT 187 RITSON road south, Board and room, §8 a week, Mrs, Winegard, Phone 1856, (188-c) BOARDERR ARD ROOMERS Apply 106 Colborne St, (Dee, 7-Jan, 7) Auction Sale AUCTION BALE--THE UNDER- signed has ryecelved instructions from Mrs, J, 8, O'Brien, 161 Broek street east, to sell Wednesday, De- cember 14th, by public auction, Owing tn the illness of her hus- band, Mr, O'Brien, everything must be sold. This is the hest house of furniture I have eyer offered for sale, One solid walnut dresser, ood a8 pew, ard others, Brass d, "pring and mattress, four piece oak living room suite, floor amp, willow living room chairs, oll paintings, fern stand, oak din: ing room suite, leather chair, sereen, trays, several pieces of cut glass, kitchen table and chairs, velvet rugs and others, wash tubs and stand, Ball pack, seat apd clothes tree, garden hoe, steplad- der, garden tools, sgales, good as new, sealers, carpet gweeper, floor lisher and mops, Terms cash, B, Jo an Auctigneer, 18% King street east, phone 1013M. East. (1844) Wanted to Buy WANTED--CHEVROLET COUPE. Must be in good mechanical order, Reasonable price for cash, Box #Q'" Oshawa Daily Times, (1356-¢) MR. 8, JACOB, DEALER IN BAGS, and all' kinds of metals, uying ord batteries old cars and poultry. Goals galled for, Phone 2060M. Residence 99 Mill street, (111tf) Notice Re Classified na tig A ..) PS Ly o ity Rates for Classified Ads. Fivat insevtion--1 t a 14 cents preg sharge--30¢. Beh svbttupent insertion EERE Minimum Sharge for three Box number 10 additional fart av Business it 3 dy or ov " cents a mon far oath additio onal w TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACe COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 3% Ask for Classified Ad Depart: ment, | Real Estate for Sale 100 ACRE RE FARM--A4% MI north of Oshawa en County iy 4 way, of the best Buidion Bast walt ¥ Towasnis. uiiding in fist elasa condition, eo large stome house, hip-roofed bap, steel siding, hen house and hog ) , implement hed and garage; arge hardwood lot on farm a a spring epeek, The farm ig In & good state of eultivation, For fuy- ther Jartisulate apply to W. B, N. Sinclair, K.C., Barrister, Bank ol ae Building, Oshawa, tario, (185-141- "ho venlences, Simene §t. N. ot Garage. Price Tight, ( FOR QUICK BALE, 6 ROOMED frame house on Montrave avepue, garage, small payment down. Ap- ply 894 Montrave Ave. No hone 10 f8-¢ HH 134s Bight roams, all wired, Cheap. Apply 8vd house south u.¢, tracks, Park Road south. (188-6) BUILDERS' OPPORTUNITY -- Close in property. Wide deep lots, | high, level and dry. Reasonable prices and terms, Construction now under way, This is worth n- vestigation, Box "J" Times, (1381) FOR SALE--TWO NEW BRIOK (ing houses on Nassau St, six rooms, square plan bungalow, Rg floors Hr 5 aha Sin, enamel uv PS, LAPS veasenable, Phone 8 or, (1884) ON WARREN AVENUN, PAVER AR Articles For Sale street, six or eight room houses, Pug brick veneer, hard weed trim, just completed, All sonveniences, Phone 1p87TW or 8072, (Noy, 88-Deg. £3) $16, Phone 1647W. (1868) FOR SALE--ARGON A AND B Battery charger. Nearly new, Price CHOICE BUILDING QTs FOR sale, Ten minutes walk Form Mo OFS: Hickman ER ip "nl MAHOGANY CABINET Vietrola, 65 records. In good condition, $5, ter 6 o'clock, SOLID (186-¢) Phone 2517 af: fe investment. 194 Division St., $537. Nov. 16-Deeg, i Wanted to Rent FOR BALE--THREN GOD DE- mocrat wagons like new, price, Also good buggy. John Percy, Bowmanville, (186-3) FOR upright, in geod condition. ply to Bex "€" Oshawa Times. Daily (186-b) man and Co. piano for cash terms to reliable party. Box "R" Oshawa Dally Times, (185-1) halt SALE--PIANO, WILLIAMS, Re- WILL BACRIFICE GOOD HEINTE- or Apply Near General Motors, Box "WW" §IX ROOM HOUSH, ALL ox portation norm dlatriety irle risees wii, do) Deel pou NEW FRANE HOUSH FOR SALE, fate «| SPONSORS RAILWAY IN PEACE RIVER od Veteran Proposes Opens ing Up 25,000,000 Acres (By Canndion Frese) (Ottawa, Dee. Phe trans: the = he dar be iE -- Tonk a Sutton a tite, Bh) A i] ha nT re tor h iia flrs one Hopes fo diver: aR EROFMOUS Anowt of trafic at esent travel ing eastwards, io ANCOUYEY, showid he sue: ceed, eH pre wr... would bring con- siderable itlonsl business te the Panpme ba The scheme ig 89 a | inisrent than ) promaier bh " dy Sut ton in # May whe served in the "rent hd with the rank of temporary | planeat, Ho was in the Gall where he was wel = grt +4 ty which necessitated tl He amputation of bis right arm. inued to serve in an a ve sdpacity - ti} the close gh the war When he was demobl Wowever, in - | 6pite of his air he was still Ris soldier that wes heard of churis, where vice of hoe be practically his eh yiger. He left L.A Manchurian war lord last veer with fhe rank Pues sashioho biel 0, Bo ¢ eatablishe * ish Coiymbis where the virgin AM |eight roomed furnished house, Oshawa Daily Times. (186s) FURNISHED PLAT OR APART- ment, 8-4-5 vooms. Give parti- enlars. Box "B" Oshawa Dail Times. (1848) FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED room wanted for business woman where twe boys 6 and 7 would Le looked after during day. Mrs. Reilly, 16 Bond Bt. W, (138¢) lands of thet western province, with al) their weslth in timber and minerals, intrigued him. "General Sutton devoted him self to sploration and aEploita- tion of itish Columbia's re- sources, snd became Interested in the Ssitation of the ferment of the Peace River district in Nerthern Alberta for an outist a the ses. To this project he is pow devot- ing his abilities, with what sue- WANTED TO RENT BIX ROOMED FOR BSALE--LADY'S BROWN coat, fur trimmed, size 42. Phone 1204). (134c) AVIATORS LEATHER COAT. Wool lined, Medium size. Price $10. Phone 1403J. (134¢) Fels and Livestock GIVE YOUR BOY A POLICE PUP for Christmas, Beautiful thorongh- bred specimens. Eight weeks old. For sale reasopable, Kanadda Kep- pels, 8 Bertie street, Lindsay. (136-2) SMITH TRANSPORTATION ay ited, Sigicoe St, §, phone 346w, Fron at E, oranto Phone uperior Transportation id vice. (42-tf) 'Dental D, BR, DAVIES, OFFICE OVER d's Store, Simcoe street south ds omvges pvt Sho on Prone 81, Kes Residence e087, (tf) S.J. PHI PS, DENTIST, OF- over Bassetts 950; d oe COLEMAN, LARTA e, A Kg Nu Moving van equipment. Veterinary Surgeon a4 STOR Li om) nd 0 ns ph Service, naEape bransferred Situations Wanted | EOUSERERPER & POSITION wanted, farm preferred, thorough- Ir experienced and reliable. Box HN WiDow WITH GIRL 12, BEEKS bousekeeper's position. 2 or 3 sduits. References. Care of Royal Hotel, Whitby. (132-e) ' Oshawa Daily Times. (135-h) H ONE SOLID OAK TABLE FOR sale. $10. Phone 1910J. 128 Rit: son Rd. 8. (184¢) ONE FUMED OAK DIVANETTE upholstered in tapestry, one fumed oak rocking chair, upholstered in brown leather, Apply 677 Simcoe St. N. Phone 1198W, (134¢) CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE--ONE Quebgs heater, ope Detrgit vapour coal gil stoxe, one Quehec heater with oven. All in geod condition, Apply 71 Ritson Rd. 8. Phone iow, 4 (138¢) house er flat, reliable tenants, central. Box 'M" Pimes. (188-¢) Work Wanted CARPENTER WORK, SHINGLING furnaces repaired and elé hed chimneys cleaned and rebuilt { oiled, cleaned and waxed, eRe repair work of all kinds Gene attended to. Phone Xi 82, Noy. 17-Dec. 17) A "Peace often heen mooted, apd at the mo- ment that distriet is served, with an eastward bpul, by the Edmop- top and Dunvegen rallresd. "Gen- eral" Button now proposes to join up the terminals of this fine, Whitelaw gi of the Peace Fe | ®iver) apd Spirit River, (a point south of that river) and loop his own railway on both sides of the Peace River westwards toward Hudson's Hope, in British Colum- a River Brive" bas UPHOLSTERING x ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order. ork: ma nship 78 0eed £ E A. 5 e, echani 158 0951. Bg phe Help Wanted--Female WANTED---CAPABLE WOMAN for general yy evenings, 7 and 8. FOR SALB--DIVANBTTE TAP- estry soversd, almost mew. A ply 120 Agnes St 188¢) Lost and Found a ba. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, i H M, KE, 9 E. 5, SIMCOE ST. 1% bh, over ay a L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, us oxid oxygen gas for extrac: Office, Royal Bldg. 948, residence, 137 shu W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE |w ent Theatre Bldg. Yh . 669, ey Surveying EVAN AND swe 0 Suryeyors and sub-divisions, town ; Bradley L 0 a IY. -- = &. Dr S Ci I Fe LING remodelling at #7 (Dec: 630m 8) $) IES" OR EN BR Phone TiVAD (Nov. 18-Dec. 18) F, Bork, 367 Low . 26-Dec. 23) KINDS OF DRESSMAKINC at reasonable Call at 2 St. (Nov. 19Deec. 19) , - 2 8. DICKENSON, V8, TE ------ | FURNITURE ig IN SEP- 7 hone 65 Cotomer's Cornge Corseteire CORSETIERE spiRELLA LA SHOP, {12 Bein east, ts ns ama Boon i a i 0 Waith Rosoing oo F. A. VON GUNTEN, 2 re Wate = Machinery Repairing pag yo dk Esme] Axchitects LOST--STRAYED FROM THE premises of Frank Conlin, one bright red steer, weighs about 900 Ibs., on or shout November 28. Finder please phone 1914J. (1868) Physical Education SECOND HAND LUMBER FOR sale. All sizes. Apply 3rd house south C.P.R. tracks, Park Road south after 6. (188-¢) FURNITURE FOR BALE. APPLY 620 Hortop Avenue. (183-¢) CHOICE CHRISTMAS TREES. For Christmas delivery. Phone 1618. (182.44) dienry, 1830 King street (185-3) WANTED--TWO WARD MAIDS, Apsly Oshawa Hospital (188-0) Notice to Creditors i ER 16 Geo. V., Cap. 40, Sev. 8g, IN THE ESTATE OF LAUREN 6. DREW, Solicitor, decessed. ALL Persons having claims against the estate of Lauren @, Drew, late of the City of Oshawp in the County of Ontario, Solicitor, d, whe died on or phout HERCULES SCHOOL OF PHYSI- ea! Development, under the diree- of "The Masked Hercules." Individual and Class instruction, Classes for ladies. Moderate terms, Assured. Winter classes now forming. This is your oppor- tunity to learn the treasured sec- of physical exercise so cure- fully guarded by some m= 10e world's most famous strong men. (135-1) MARVELLOUS LINIMENT FOR rheumatism, paralysis, sore joints, and all external pains. Liniment uaranteed. Patent Pending wil Phone 1467). Selime Larocque, 1 Barrie St. BLECTR FLOOR Tg Si rings, Jowslty 0 of , 'easy ate delivery. 0, H. Ty 20% Simcoe south. Phone 1656. (Dec. 2-Jan. 2) Dee. 9.1 Deliver orders on Friday omly... HOT WATER HEATIN Good PLANT Ww price. {, the Seventh day of September, 1927, are hereby notified to file with the undersigned op or be: fore the twentieth day of Deion ber, 1937, full lors of so filed, AN at pode By the 24th of November, A.D. 1927, HJJAM E, N, SINCLAIR, K.C., Solicitor of the Estate, Bank Commerce Bldg., Oshawa, Ont. sai Apply |umbis log Se. % A he bia, From that point scrogs the Roek ais the | TUR A ga Sok Quesnel, er raise the lige of ibs Conpdisn National peilway ot Prince George, ul Bilton. staat The dificuity ing to "General while the province of British Eol- Genera} prepared to purchase the mécessary land it Alberts will FOUR LOSE LIVES AT PAUGAN FALLS Construction Workers Are Drowned When Raft Cable Breaks ONE MAN SAVED Three of Quartette Recently Landed in Canada Paugen Walls, Que, Pee, 10.-- Four econstruetion company em- ploves of this town were swept tp 2 | their death in the tail vace of a _| power dam here when a steel cable 18: vere. wor the raft on which they were working, snapped without warning, The dead are:--Robert H, Bail- ile, 87, of Breckenridge, Que.; A Salo, 24-vear-0ld Fipn: J, Macko, 18, Czecho-Slovakian; J. Sankke, 21, also a Finn. Salo, Macko and Sankko bad emigrated to Canada only a short time ago, Sale was the only married man of the four lost. E. Rinto. who was also working gn the large raft when the tragedy occurred, managed to swim away from the fast eddying tail race and he was rescued hy other work- men attracted tn the scene hy the cries of the drowning men, Mesgre revnris of the tragedy Feashing superintendent A, Norris of the Fraser-Brace Copstruction Company which emnloved the men, would indicate that it was brought shout through Robert Baillie mis- taking his orders, Those drown- ed were members of 3 Bang as- pigned te remove hoems above the dam which are now out of ser- vies, The hoom on which those lost were working was anchored 600 feet above the dam hy two gables, a main cable holding it safely while a second one snubbed it elose to the shore. Jt had heen the inteption tn release the spubbing eable first but apparently Baillie eyt the main sable lopse prematurely and the Current caught the beom with such force that the secondary eghle Wes snapped. The hpom with its human cargo was carried into the turbylent tail race and the four men quickly disappeared under the water's surface. Rinta leaped in- to the water with the hreaking of the eable and succeeded in reach- ipg the shore. The four men lost had heen em- ployes of the Fras r-Brace Com- pany, for mare than a year. All were carpenters ethbridge, Alta, Dec atson is dead and Fy icin ill, but will recover, 8s a result of eating spoiled meat on a farm seven miles from Vulcan. They were bach- FUEL COAL " Stove, $16.00 per ton Nut, $15.50 per ton COKE $13.00 per ton WOOD Soft Slabs, load, $3.25 Mixed Slabs, load, $3.50 Hopd Slabs, load, $3.75 Bedywood, '/ cord, $4.25 "Buy Reliable Fuel from 's Relisble Firm" Waterous-Meck Lid, Verde, Cedordsle--Phoue 1288 Uptown Office, 66 King St. W, Phone 660 ISONED BY SPOILED MEAT | 1 TIME TABLES iam | -- CNR, TIME TABLE X) mn X) he ar time L~=Daily eacett Sanday. a.m.~Sunday only. &.m. bey . nh y xcept na L.=Daily except Sunda Daily, mn. oi hai except ,. Dail . % Daly: Woathound Traine y except Sunday, aly acer ---- pally except Sunday, CPR. TIME TABLE * ] PEE SS TS RS wep TeRRSe LiLLLLLLL] PAMPERED nS 2332823288 he] Daily, = =Daily, ~pain except Sunday. mo Hii BSERS am Pe pa pm a ---- i am.~Daily except pA ay. a.m. ~Dail a.m, ay only, a.m.~Daily except Sunday. p.m.~Daily. p.m.~Daily except Sunday, Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanvilis " "BUS LINE ys ) aman easbins WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave man. 6.15 a.m. 7.20 a.m, 10.15 a.m, *11.30 a.m, 1.00 p.m, 4.35 p.m, 6.45 p.m, 9.40 p.m, vy m, 7. 00 .m. 7.20 p.m, 8.00 p.m. Ary 8.20 p.m, 9 50 p.m. 10,10 p.m, Hao pam. 11.30 p.m. "Time marked hr h | ML busses to SUNPAY AND ig big MEWRDIAE Leave Rowmanville AN gm, 1% fin. 23 54 74 5.4 10.40 of LO pw, 3.00 pon, 4.20 p.m, b 0 p.m, £.30 pan, 10.30 pas, Going East Leave Oshawa 11.20 a.m, 1.45 p.m, 3.45 pai, £.00 p.m. pm, Pai. 5 § § 3 fm. 5 p.m, Leave Whithy 11.00 a.m, 1.30 pm. 3.30 p.m. 4.43 p.m, 6.45 p.m 7.00 p.m. £8.45 pn, 8.00 p.m, 10.45 p.m. 15.10 p.m, o Special Busses For All Oceasiong Reasonable Rates and Careful T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR Arr, Bowmanville--Fhene 412 Oshawa Waiting Room--i# Pri Strest Phone 2283 " _-- Correct Glasses Correctly Fitted Ww. A. A. Hare 8 King 5 ov (A fc E Davidson & i$ Shneoe Bt, N 4 Prone ar