13 i 3 \ g MAN £0) fact au 5 iT lr i 3% w ¥ wd , : ; RT 3a : - h ££ . Ry shod a i 5% 6% LENEE 5 3 r 4 TID hd oo - J] bh \N z : - * & + . " " gh T : ari RETR, 7 _e \ ; LUE RAST oF & Gd £4 Th 4 + -- b) a IE " 8 --t : -- ¥ : o by % Svriinmr il td pi WA -- Only a Short Walk From Industrial Area Note The Above Sketch--- Every Oshawa Citizen Knows the Location Chevrolet, Olds- = [= er 3 WHY MOTOR CITY PROPERTY bile ond Pontiac | Moderate Bailding | WILL INCREASE IN VALUE ' Restrictions WIELD . are at Your Service | epee 0 Jong as | ~--Because 10,000 men and women sre employed # 4 k free ald clear of all encumbrance, Withows employes and it is reported they will employ nearly |. Property Without = i Ss ph osmosn, Purchasers of local factorh io Inspect Our | 7,000 after the new year. : ht standing industries will almost equal General Mo- ] ' 5 % ' 3 " . i $4 a . 4 ( ¢ . aka sur il X il \ \ Think of it -- You = lid Choice Lotsin This serie) Flourishing City pL mt a at $10 Down and Ls $5 Monthly ® $200 Per Lot [ Imagine a Pro perty I Inside the City Limits at this Price! And just one mile from the Dominion Bank; ¢or-~ "1.1 ner of Simcoe and King streets--Or 1,100 yards | from the General Motors' new office b and less than 880 yards from Fittings, Limited. * Jil} ~--And 15 minutes walk from the Ontario Mal- 4 : leable, the Pedlar People, or the Phillips' Glass ~~ | Company. --City water now to the corner of the property, and mains will be extended as soon as buildings ». warrant, --Lots 40 feet by approximately 120 feet. Price $200, A few lots on the corners are 52' x 120°, Price $250 per lot, --Practically every lot from the centre of the busi» ness district to the border of this property is now built on. : --OSHAWA is growing very rapidly, therefore this property must increase in value, --Buy now and either build for yourself in the ; spring or sell at a profit. --1Jf you have faith in Oshawa inspect this prop- erty. --Last May lots as far away from Oshawa's busi- § ness district sold for $195 per lot are today sell ing readily at $500 per lot. History repeats itself. --Buy now and sell a few months hence st a large and logaiions witli other de- No Lots Sold .Until Monday, December 12, at 10am: | Inquire at MOTOR CITY REALTY LTD. (OPEN EVENINGS) $124 Simcoe! St. N. For Further Particulars 24 Simcoe St. N.