hl A L 'ler (Hambourg Qonservanary. toni) 0 ae $v) pos st, LL mg, 130i) Reon ay = 8 Finda tandard Jhonk Jipe K. ton. 8, ~~ GERNA & MAC: Syansess, pis All branches of Law. Money to rambles note, 2 2 N° German, BARRISTER, lic, vey ne St, a. ao, Ape ey to oan, Pansy Plde. te Post Office, Phénes, offi tee 229], ({ EE RR Wa ire a Companion 118-1 ed rooms to rent. All conveniences. Partly heated. Apply 90 Eldon Ave. (136¢) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent, ground floor. Apply 276 French street. (136-¢) GARAGE TO RENT AT 131 Al- 'bert street. Apply 275 King east. (136-h) TROT BEDROOM, FURNISH- desirable location. References required. Phone 627F, (136-b) UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO vent, Also shack to rent. Apply 278 Haig street. (134-0) FURNISHED BEDROOMS SUIT- able for two rooming together. Breakfast optional. 165 Ritson road south. Phone 24667, (131-¢0) fons RANE Jae, ests eh ene peat. 11-171) Money to Loan UNLIMITE FO ranged NE yi 7 ATT FOR CI No commission, done at th Ms pay goouu Hv your Barrister, Contracting HYMAN AND OOM, RR. Money to loan. Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe north, Phone ". residence Medical C. N, CARR, PHYSICIAN, pn, "Obstetrician, office and nee, 666 Simeoe St, North, 2415, (Dec 12-Jan, 12) R, E: MeMULLEN, PHYS! | aw , and obstetrician, - on y 456 Simcoe street Tra (114-tf) HAROLD W, TRICK, PHYSI- Surgeon, Obstetrician, Spe. ferences to maternity work iseases of women, Two years' graduate experience. Diriee idence 167 Simeoe St. N,, Brock) phone 803. (119-tf) McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- Accoucher, Office and resi- King St. East, corner Victoria shawa, Phone 94, RANT DERRY YSICIAN, es of infants ildren, Of- and res ww east, L106, TW. ENGLAND AND R DovG- bricklayers and contractors of taken by the thousand or by day work, Repair work of all de. scriptions, Satisfaction guaran 818 Division St, Phone 3570W, (Nov, 24-Dee. 24.) Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS. ed timber, lath, h, shingles, sash. d sash, oars and interior trim Beecroft, Whitby, Tumbst and Weadyard, O Osh 69-tf) Painting - ling R, GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER. hanging, graini Toenty years' Ee Wy right. Wor! guaranteed. 151 Huron street, Phone 2067W., (45 tf) Elocution SEIT Bast is 4 Motor Cars NASH SALES AND SERVIOR. to | Twenty-five different madels to choose from, Ask for demonstra- tion, Reid Nash Motors, Dundas Whitby. (Dee. 1-Jan, 1) and Rooms BOARDERR AND ROOMERS wanted, Apply 106 Colborne St. (Dee. 7-Jan, 7) Auction Sale AUCTION SALE--THE UNDER- signed has received Instructions from Mrs, J. 8S. O'Brien, 151 Brock street east, to sell Wednesday, De~ mber 14th, by public audtion. wing to the illmess of her hus- band, Mr. O'Brien, everything must be sold. This is the best house of furniture I have ever offered for sale. One solid walnut dresser, fea! a8 new, ard others, Brass spring and mattress, four fece oak living room suite, floor amp, willow living room chairs, 'oil paintings, fern stand, oak din- ing room suite, leather chair, screen, trays, several pleces of cut glass, kitchen table and chairs, velvet rugs and others, wash tubs and stand, hall rack, seat and clothes tree, garden hoe, steplad- der, garden tools, scales, good as new, sealers, carpet sweeper, floor polisher and mops. Terms cash, E, J. Pomery, Auctioneer, 18% King street east, phone 1013M, (1844) Wanted to Buy MISS EVELYN TRICK, MISTRESS of Elocution, graduate of Ontario Ladies' College, will prepare be. ginners and advanced pupils for all platform work, Apply 188 King street east. Phone 134, (Dee, 2-Jan, 8) Beauty Parlors WANTED--CHEVROLET COUPE, Must be in good mechanical order. Reasonable price for cash, Box "Q" Oshawa Daily Times, (136-¢) MR. 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS, and all kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries, old cars and poultry. Goods called for. Phone 2060M, Residence 99 Mill street, (111tf) , HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- "Surgeon, special aftention to X-ray work and Electro- ly, Office, Disney Block, Phone (tf) Nose, Throst Specialist T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR West, Toronto, will be at his over Jury & Lovells Drug each Saturday, from 1 till for consultation and treatment aes of ear, nose and throat ppointments maye be made ug store. Phone 97. (49-tf) INDS OF TIRE REPAIRING al Tire res for sale, Bros." Phone 438 __(if Dental D. R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER 's Store, Simcoe street south, oxide oxygen 2 admin- d for extraction, Phone 231. i , 1087. (tf) , J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- over Bassetts'. 950 nce 300. Phone] yr. Shop. MARIE RENWICK'S BEAUTY Shop, 9 Celina street, at Watson's Barber Shop. Water waves, mani- cures, marcelling, Phone 2653, (Dec, 6-yan.6), Transportation CARTAGE AND MOVING, LOCAL and long distance, W. Borrow- dale, 609 Carnegie Avenue. Phone 1618, (Dec, 1.7am, 1) SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIM- ited, Simcoe St, S,, phone O82, Front St, E., oronto, Phone Main 7637, Superior Transportation Ser- vice, (42-f COLEMAN CARTAGE et. Ss OR ae t. West, 6 BR on "lor" prompt ki Lig Moning yon 30d storage Sarehiniie t. Baggage tran to equi i I tri A (6dr! Veterinary Surgeon DR SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Hospital, 503 M sed Dog" Masson C. S. DICKENSON, V.S. DISEASES of all Homestle animals scientifically t tad , M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. over Mitchells $ Drug Store. or extraction. .. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, s oxid oxygen gas for extrae- Office, Royal Bank Bldg. pe 948, residence, 1378M 3 s5-u W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE pt t Theatre Bldg. Phope 1 and Surveying |1? | VAN. SMIT ONTAR- a Suvdyor ni Go Wl ivigions engineers Bradley 1 EAL i a 104-4 Dressmaking CLASS DRESSMAKING emodelling at 97 King street (Dec. 8-Jan. 8) ernment Phone (131-tf) Furniture Storage nd I LE h street rf Phone 82. Coleman's Corseteire RE SPIRELLA SHOP, east. Mrs. Apnie Pent- . Even- (133-4f) Veterinary. Eh Brock St, 105], ES' CHILDREN'S made or remodelled at 550 street morth. Phone 1493). (Noy. 18: Dec. 18) ING, PLAIN. FANCY Flossie Boyd, 362 Les- 842). (Nov. 25-Deé 23) KINDS OF DRESSUARIE |. at reasonable or cs: Call at 2: St. 8 "ov. is ec. 19) SEY HARRIS IMPLEM) S, wagons, new or BSA g. . Phone Pets and Livestock GIVE YOUR BOY A POLICE PUP for Christmas, Beautiful thorough- bred specimens. Eight weeks old, For sale reasonable, Kanadda Ken- nels, 3 Bertie street, Lindsay, (135-2) TP RRSEHPRE [OSA Situations' Wanted Ps AT 8 £1 1 Effective immediately po Son 28 la for Too Late to Classify d Coming Events, received Camas saan ss ub 10 10.30 am, Rates for Classified Ads. First insertion--134 cents p per word. Minimum charge--30¢. Each subsequent insertion 1c per word, | tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, G0 cents. Professional or Buinets Cards, $250 mon fot hod wotds ey 10 onth oh a nal word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACe COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart: Box number 10c additions! | | THRIFT QUESIONS BEFORE COMMONS | House Meets a Jeausry 26 and Lively Times Expected Ottawa, Dec. rom Bo of the session of Parliament on Thursday, January 26, a date frequently fore. cast, was decided on n the Cabinet council week, was after- wards Mh ofiicia ly, Cabinet councils during the week had been devoted to arangements for (the session,-and for much legislation "as is intended to be introduced, As stated before, the program is not likely to embrace a wide variety of subjects, but. those which are to come up, such as the tariff and taxation proposals, and any matters arising out of the Dominion-Provincial con- ference, will be of great, importance, No doubt the Opposition, under ment. new and aggressive leadership, will w-- Articles For Sale FOR SALE--SOLID ASH FLOOR lamp, also table lamp, also a small dobbing work, 'Mr, W. Bircham, 311 French St, Phone 1420W, (136tf) FOR SALE--SIX TUBE STEW- art-Warner radio. Single dial control, Great distance getter, Wonderful tone, $55. Phone 1504M, (136¢c) itself bring up many questions, and seek & general critical review of the acts of the Government, So far notice has been given of little private legislation save a large erop of divorce cases, the recurrence of which, mainly from Ontario, will cause another effort to confer upon the Ontario courts jurisdiction in that respect. Such a bill was initiated in the Senate last year but was not pressed in the House. |" The railway and financial situation, the St. Lawrence development issue, the tariff, immigration, and tax re- duction questions, further complaints from the Maritime provinces about A NUMBER OF NEW HOME- made quilts. Also orders taken, Apply 98 Albert street. Phone 1761F, (186-c) STOVE FOR , SALE. IN GOOD condition, Apply 184 King street west. (136-¢) SOLID MAHOGANY CABINET Victrola, B55 records. In good condition, $6. Phone 2617 af- ter 6 o'clock, (135-¢) FOR SALE--PIANO, WILLIAMS, upright, in good condition, Re- ply to Box "C" Oshawa Daily Times. (186-b) WILL SACRIFICE GOOD HEINTZ- man and Co, piano for cash or terms to reliable party. Apply Box ""R" Oshawa Dailly+Times, - (136-1) BROWN Phone FOR BSALE--LADY'S coat, fur trimmed, size 42. 1294J. (184c) HOUSEKEEPER'S POSITION wanted, farm preferred, thorough- ly experienced and reliable. Box *N"" Oshawe Daily Times, (135-b) ) WIDOW WITH GIRL 12, SEEKS bousekeeper's. position. 2 or 3 adults, References. Care of Royal Hotel, Whitby. (132-e) Ee a as ONE BOLID OAK TABLE FOR sale. $10, Phone 1910J, 123 Rit- son Rd. 8, (134¢) ONE PUMED OAK DIVANBETTE upholstered ip tapestry, one fumed oak rocking chair, upholstered in brown leather. Apply 6577 Simcoe St. N. Phone 1193W. (134c) Lost and Found LOST--WATCH BETWEEN WIL- liams Piano Co., and Prospect »t., Friday night. Reward. Apply 664 Prospect street: (136-8) Physical Education HERCULES SCHOOL OF PHYSI- cal Development, under the direc- tion of "The Masked Hercules." Individual end Class instruction, Classes for ladies, Moderate terms, success assured. Winter classes now forming. This is your oppor- tunity to learn the treasured sec- rets of physical exercise 80 cure- the fully guarded by some wo. 1ne world's most famous strong men. Apply in first instance to Box "Vv" Oshawa Daily Times. (135-1) Notice WiLL ge THREE Fors WHO t rom bicycle outside the or Sor 12 Saturday afternoon return it to the store and avoid yJusther trouble as the elder boy is known. (136¢) PERSON . WHO EX- bats by mistake in Knox Church Sunday night, please phone 16957. (1868) Help Wanted--Female WILL :| WANTED---TWO WARD MAIDS, Apply Oshawa Hospital. Restaurants (132-0) C. STENHOUSE -~ GENERAL Lo OSHAWA CAFE. 31 BOND ST. gast, We serve a good dinner or supper for 3fe. fish and chips, se #s usual Deliver orders om only. B...." LR d. 7 Window Cleaning OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS ) Aecat, H. Pauson. ircet worth Phone 1 ado, 21: LUKE BURIAL €O. 47 KING ST. Easy. Ambulance. Residence, Hest cleaning. dg St. 69 King street cast | de on. and Phone 240). ow woodwork and Polished. screen and store waa removed. Phone CHOICE CHRISTMAS TREES. For Christmas delivery. Phone 1618, J (132-11) ELECTRIC FLOOR LAMPS, watches, clocks, pings, jewelry of all kinds, ehsy payments; immredi- ate delivery. 0. H. Dell, 22% Simeoe south. Phone 1656. (Dec. 2-Jan, 2) HOT WATER HEATING PLANT for sale. Good condition. Low price. This was used to heat the ag 2, about tre ns eet Of floorspace, clogs | new tion was erected, It should be i for a8 store or apartment y CM Mundy, O ol Pas rat ARD AND SOFT WOOD block. Daily MIXED the imp) ting of the Duncan re. port, and the alleged evasion of the C.N.R. of the freight rates legislation of last year--all these and many other questions to be raised later will provide material for discussion, The Address may be moved by j William Bock, new M.P. for' Maple Creek, and will be seconded by a Quebec member yet to be selected, It is presumed that, on the eve of the session, six Senatorial vacancies will be filled, There are three in On- tario and three in Quebec. As almost seven weeks intervenes before Parliament assembles, the time would appear to be ample for the preparation of the Government program of legislation. THE MOORCROFT MANOR MYSTERY (Continued from page 7) rapped out Wishart, A confident smile played about the secretary's lips before he spoke, "You make a mistake, when you say the Constable had the keys of all the doors, Inspector. There is one door that, so far as I am aware, has no key at all. [I discovered it quite by accident a week ago. That is how I came to enter the house without your Constable seeing me." "Where is this entrance?" The Inspector did not like the calm, un- hurried way this man answered questions. - Any other man in similar circumstances, he reminded himself, would not have been quite $0 sure "I can point it out to you," smiled Morrell. "Is there anything else I can tell your" "I suppose there are people who gould corroborate your story, if Wessisaty 3" yes--dozens of them." i rouble you for them a little later on.. I don't think you can help us further, My, Morrell." Montague Morrell with another | men glance at Sinclair, turned on his heel with 2 smile of thanks and left the ucts fellow, that," commented Hid whten the door had closed. the type of man I'd baye chosen pS cretary. Sather self-opinion- think ?" £, lk, did not reply. pcross to the win- aside the curtains, now under way. "This is worth m- vestigation. Box "J" Times. (132-1) ON WARREN AVENUE, PAVED street, six or eight room houses, rug brick veneer, bard wood trim, just completed. All convenientes. Phone 1537TW or 2072. (Nov. 23-Dee. 23) CHOICE BUILDING LOTS FOR . Ten minutes walk from Motors. mond and King Sts. A good buy. le invest it. Apply £. 4. Troll, vision St) Phone oi: (New 16-Dec. 16) : Wanted to Rent {ed sound of the rings on faced the long room. and Sir John were stand- ing ovef by the empty fireplace con- wversing in low tones. Suddenly they heard the Inspector fared he thors, of tn ne Ush banking house. Turning from "Qur Mr. Dormer," . B the war, Mr, Mottram here pro- |vides what is essentially a study Tsu, Voge nM gids 3 Seivé Dorire 24 shoud va. the Quaker before has a modern writer given so vivid and sympathetic a study of an early nineteenth ocemtury business man. The story fa also full of incidents, including high- way robbery and imeendiarism, Warwick Deeping's new book, "Kitty," is an unusual love story. It is a romance full of human usn- derstanding and & woman's faith. The story is of 'an undaunted wo- man's tight for the man she loves, in which love, ingenuity and re- source triumphs over cumaing and ride. "The Ringtalled. Ranny-|t avg " is a story of the Montana hin country, of Western range life and frontier fraceses. = Calamity Connor and Hurricane Smith, two old timers, after a long and un- explained absence and with a rec- ord nome too savory, come trail ing' back to the scenes of some of their early adventures and im- mediately become involved in a feud which has its culmination in a frontier saloon, This is the be- ginning of a series of exciting en- counters in the which the "Ring- tailed Rannyhans," notoriously bad men, are for ones on the right side, 'More Than Wife," by Mar- garet Widdemer, treats of the problem of how a girl on her sure way to a career, who is intellectu- ally alive and wishes to remain an individual after marriage, can find an opportunity fe® the use of her talents and at. the same time provide a happy home for her husband, It fs a vital yet amusingly written story. 'Back of California. were bosom friends from their teens om, Marias, owing to a Puritan mother, was good--as @ rule--though under protest, and never went with anv bovs except Dan Stilima, Sydmey; thanks to an adoring grandfather, was wild and merry, "Back Fire," tells how the two girls: grew up, won thelr independence , and used it, "Mother India," by K. Mayo, is an' uncomprisingly bitter arrsiug- ment of the social evils of India as seen by an American woman. About halt the book is devoted to the position of Nomen, of which lit- tle is sald that i» not appalling. Other evils discussed are the fan- tastic and wasteful religious cus- toms, the neglect of old age, and primitive motions of hygiene. The book 'offers no conclusions or solutions to . India's problems, merely presenting faets. 'The Silent Fores," by T. M. Longstreth iss dramatic anecdotal history of the mounted police of Canada. Be- cause he has had access to the original records of the police as well as his persons! friendship with the men, Mr. Longstreth has been able to gather unusual pmt- orisl and to divulge 8 realistie pic- ture of the Pores. To the gallery of rogues pictured in his previous volumes, Mr. Finger bas added a new series of portraits' of way- ward fellows, no less ue in their careers. in his new book, "Romantic Raseals."" Among the knaves and rufans portrayed in the pew: collections 'are the Count of Ssint Germsine, preseptor of the infamous Cagliostro; Caglios- tro bimself. whose ehirsnsries set halt Europe by the ears: De Ber- Bf H. Prost Is the stories of eight great ses battles from Sslamis to Judapd. "Why Stop Learning." by D. C. Fisher describes the new concep- tion of aduit education, and takes 8 look at possibilities snd: temden- cles, "Genius and Character," by Emil Leavis, desis with nineteen of us. oderick the Great, Lenin, Da Vinei, Voltaire, Byron and twelve others are written about. Lagwis ites » with a of critical and the Iyrieal. He neither Misnvia that of "ya- in terms of their Indiscrations) por does he make portraits jike pas. utter a sharp exclamation of sur- prise. Turning swiftly they saw him standing" over by the bureau gazing down upon the little table that stood beside it and on which the dagger had reposed. A moment before it had faid there glittering with sinister effect in the! light from the large electric pendant that swang from the centre of the ceiling and which, at the Sergeant's Shatruetions had been kept lighted. ' ut gow the table was completely Pu The dagger that had killed Silas Owerington had mysteriously vanish- na the Inspector had reach- FURNISHED FLAT OR APART- ment. - 3-4-5 rconis Give nari- jemlars. Box "B" Osiwa Daily Times. SR ~ 1154¢) i ed hy and pulled it open, but the halt except for the umilcnmed Cent . MES empty (To Le continued.) ¥ Buy you Lot NOW, before prices advance, which they Fire," by L, J, Simmson, is a tale]: Marias and Sydney |'! IX 'PICK-UP HELPS RELIEVE CAR TRAFFIC JAN Interesting Experiment Made by Chicago Police Officer TWENTY MILE RUN Margin of 28 Minutes For Car With Quick "Pick-Up" Chicago, Dec. 12--New light has been shed upon the subject of speed- ing up motor car traffic without in- creasing speed limits, through inves- tion 'carried on by the City of Chicago as to the effect of quick "get away" in relieving congestion. With an- expected addition of 316,- 000 units to Chicago's motor car population during the coming twelve months, the problem of handling the traffic with speed and safety is one of tremendous import, and a test run was recently made under the super vision of Chief of Police Hughes of Chicago to determine what effect quick acceleration would have upon traffic movement. In the test run using two different types of cars, it was demonstrated that apd acceleration--quick "pick- w "--would increase traffic mobility to 25 per cent. in Chicago under the present street capacity and under the present "stop-and-go" light sys tem. Tust how increased car acceleration ails in the movement of traffic and the relief of congestion is shown in the results of the test run from the city limits on the north -- Sheridan road and Juneway terrace--to Russell Square at the south-eastern extrem- of the city--a distance of over miles, Each of the cars used in the test carried - two official observers and timers with stop watches. The first car with its quick pick up, left the Howard street district and made the run in an even 60 minutes with only 14 stops for traffic lights. (On much of this route traffic signals are set for continuous travel at 25 miles per hour), The second car entered upon its run six minutes earlier, but was soon passed by the first car since, due to its lower acceleration, it was com- pelled to stop more often. The run to Russell Square at the south-eastern extremity of the city was completed by the average car in one hour and 25 minutes, thus giving a margin of 25 minutes to the car with the quick "get away." Neither car, of course, travelled over 25 miles an hour at any time during the test. Both cars were of approximately the same weight and each carried two passengers. FUEL COAL Stove, $16.00 per ton Nut, $15.50 per ton COKE $13.00 per ton WOOD Soft Slabs, load, $3.25 Mixed Slabs, load, $3.50 Hard Slabs, load, $3.75 Bodywood, V/scord, $4.25 "Buy Relisble Fuel from » Relisble Firm" Waterous-Meek Lid. Yards, Cedordale--Fhone 1288 Ors ORs 7 Ke. ¥, # surely will before long. We have Lots from $300." Pn emall down payment and very Some ma soe pope hg Lado The Orava | House & Lend Co. 38 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phones 264, 1289w OPEN EVENINGS Daily Et Sunday, L~Daily. 8.45 pm.~ Daily except Sunday, CPR. TIME TABLE Easthound Trains yi a mRaily. 08 hha Zab except Sunday, i" a p.m.~Daily. 12.09 a.m,--Daily. Westbound Traine 5.45 am.--Daily except Sunday, 6.23 a.m.~Dail 7.35 a.m. ht ik 2h only, 8.40 a.m.~Daily except Sunday, 4.47 p.m.~Daily. 7.34 p.m. ~Daily' except Sunday, A Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville E BUS LINE ! WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Arrive Oshawa 7.05 a.m, 8.10 a.m, 11.00 a.m, *12.10 p.m, 2.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. + "10 pm, 5.10 p.m. #6.15 p.m. 7.40 p.m. 9,10 p.m. 10.10 p.m, 11.30 p.m. Leave 6.15 a.m, 7,20 a.m. 10.15 a.m, *11.30 a.m, 1.20 p.m, + 2.25 pm, 4.20 p.m, *5.40 p.m, 7.00 p.m, *8.35 p.m, 10.50 p.m, Leave Hospital 1.00 p.m, JArr.4,00 [i m, 5.05 p.m, 6.05 p.m, 7.20 p.m, 8.00 p.m.Arr,8.20 p.m, 9.50 pom. 10.10 p.m, 11,00 p.m. 11.30 p.m, Time marked * are through _-- to Whitby Hospital SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDUL| Going West k 4.35 p.m, 6.45 p.m, "9.40 pm. = i] ACAD TER Pee. 8k3 PTPTTE? BEBES SOLS 'W. A. Hare 8 King St, W Phone 888 "MNHEN PERSE SHAKES HANDS WITH- ENTHUSIASM SUCCESS IMMEDIATELY JOINS ° » TUE PARTY 2 When your furnace ems braces our coal 'a wamm friendship deselopes lm mediately. Our coal is a friendly fuel that © finds favor in every Lome. W. J. Sargant 00AL, COKER sad WOOD Bloor St. HK. Phoue OR