[1 i Whitby, Dec. 13--The first civil "case before His Honor Judge Rud- «dy at the sessions which opened "here today was the case of Bath vs, Widner for damages as the result of a motor accident on the Kings- ton Highway on Saturday evening Nov, § near Whitby, It is said (that the driver of the defendant's "ear turned out in trying to pass a ii buggy and struck the car driven if .by Leonard Bath, one of the plam- 4 tiffs, C. C., Richardson, ot 'Wor- ¥ 'onto appeared for the plaintiffs, 'lear on the front left hamd side » resented the defendants. Leonard Bath, the first witness called, said the accident happened on a dark night, just after ft hal been raining. He said he saw ine buggy ahead of him, and coming to- ward him on the south #de of the road. Mr, Bath declared that he was proceeding to Pickering from Oshawa on the north side of the road when the Widner car came from behind the buggy hitting his and throwing it over on its right side across a driveway leading from the highway to a farmhouse. Wit- ness said he was not seeking dam- ages for the shaking up he got, but merely wanted the money to pay for the damage to his car and the sister's clothing which were burn- ed hy the acid from the broken bat- tery. Miss Bath, sister of the first wit- pess, testified as to the aamaxe which was done to her clothing by theacid from the battery. The case will continue tomorrow morning. while Louis Heyd, of Toronto rep- The jury as finally chosen includ- the gift supreme. F The Unparalleled Gift OR centuries the diamond has been considered Its scintillating radiance has conveyed the feelings of one to the other and has made it the engagement ring incomparable; and a diamond by Bassett's is sure to please to the utmost because of its beautiful quality and superbly designed and exeeuted setting. Let Us Show You Up Line Specials at'$50 to $100. Others from $25 to $600 BASSETT'S On Oshawa's Main Corner ed Charles Juight, Brock; Walter Francis, Thora; C20rge Jobaston, Rama; John Colmer, Uxbridge; Earl M. Moore, Oshawa; Robert Aynesworth, Mara; G. Reginald Somerville; William J. Herron, Brock; Richard Brown, Thora; Walter McRae, Rama; Max Camp. bell, Mara; and Dougall McPhail, of Brock. Those challenged by counsels were James Hill, Oshawa, by plaintiff; Allan Swam, Pckering, by defendant; Frank Connell, East Whitby, by defendant; Wesley Sad- ler, Pickering, by defendant; Al- bert Hamley, Oshawa, by plaintiff; George West, Pickering, by defends ant; and James Boles, of Reach, by plaintiff, CROWN ATTORNEY I5 CONGRATULATED J. A. McGibbon Makes His First Appearance in Sessions Court (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dec. 13--Upon his first appearance in the general sessions of the peace since being appointed to the office of crown attorney, J. A. McGibbon, of Oshawa, was paid a glowing compliment by His Honor Judge Ruddy this afternoon. Calling the attention of Mr. Mec- Gibbon after the dismissal of Sid Kenney of Oshawa on a charge of arson, His Honor said, "As this is the first time that you have appeared as crown attorney before the general sessions of the peace, I wish to con- gratulate both you and the county upon the appointment of such a com- petent person to the office of crown attorney. "What I have seen of your work since your appointment has made me certain that no better appointment could have been made, "It is not as well known as it ought to be, that you distinguished yourself in the Great War, and it is pleasing to see such offices filled by such men as you, particularly the office of crown attorney. "I know and feel that you will dis- charge your duties in a very capable and thorough manner," concluded His Honor, Replying to the tribute paid to him in open court, Crown Attorney Mc- Gibbon replied, "I thank yop, Your Honor, for your kind words, and I am sure that I will endeavour at all times to discharge faithfully the du- ties of my office." ONE JURY CASE AT THE SESSIONS (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dee, 13--O0ut of six ca- sese scheduled to be tried at the present sessions before His Honor Judge Ruddy, one has been settled out of court, and two othess have been postponed until a later date. More Eggs, Less Feed, Greater +To get the biggest profits you must have maximum pro- duction. Feeding hens Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash is the Profit certain method of getting most eggs. Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash is a scientific balance of many ingredients with an oatmeal base, It provides the right amount of working work. Because finely ground, Ful-O-Pe ested. No waste. All feed, C combination, apest feed you can use BECAU EGGS FOR THE LEAST MON Mash and Ful-O-P protein and carbohydrates necessary for heavy ens, supply the necessary minerals, All elements which the hen reproduces in eggs are fully restored, keeping her fit for heavy production. The Cod Liver Meal in Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash replaces the missing sunlight during shorter days, and its vitamines make other ingredients do better Bone meal and ealcium ens eat Ask your dealer for them. Quaker FUL-O-PEP Made by The Quaker Oats Compiny, Peterborough, Ontario, Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter; Growing Mash; Quaker Pul-O-Pep Chick Quaker Ful-0-Pep Egg Mash and Quaker Ful-O-Pep Milch Cows. Quaker - Cooper-Smith Co. Manufacturers of Quaker 1 for Poultsy, Schumacher Feed for cattle, Hogg & Lytle, Lid. Oshawa BUY QUAKER FEEDS IN STRIPED SACKS 916 Quaker Dairy Ration f Hog ona hey SOLD BY » Ontario A Egg Mash is easily every bit of it. SE IT GIVES MOST EY. Ful-O-Pep Egg ep Scratch Grains form the ideal carbonate ro 4 [ y- 4 TRRRRRRN Of Furs In ' * (By Staff Reporter) Port Perry, Dee. 14.--The drag. net of the law has again been found too large for: light hands to evade and the result is that yes: terday provincial police officers, Messrs, Cookman and Mitchell, to- gether with Chief: Constable Nes- bitt, located the thieves who stole 100 skunk pelts from Ike Turner's property and an automobile frome the garage of Alex Giboord, The thieves were caught near' Parry Sound, after selling their loot. Dur. Theives Wanted For Theft Port Perry .. Are Caught In Parrysound ing the short time the pelts have been away from this town they have been sold twice according to the provincial officers. The auto- mobile was recovered undamaged and in the course of a day or so the pelts will be back in Mr. Turner's hands. They are valued at about $200. Provincial Constable Geo. Cook- man and Chief Constable Nesmtt are expected back from the North with their prisoners today. The identity of the thugs has not yet been made known here. NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Dec. 12,--The Christmas Bazaar was held at the school on December 9th, The day was plercing cold with a raw wind, The sale opened at 3 o'clock, Ow- ing to the .north room being so cold all the booths and tea room was in the south room, The bean guessing contest was won by Miss Verna Powell who was just two out, The silver sugar and cream set was won by Mr, Stafford, of Oshawa, The three tier Christ. mas cake was won by Miss Ruth Huggins, of Courtice and the cush- fon by Mr. Thaniel Scott. The centerpiece, the proceeds of which will be used to frame the diplomas won by the school was won by Mrs, Taylor, who held the lucky number. The wee dressed doll went to Arthur Moffott. The good- ly sum of $65 was taken in, The president, Mrs, Solomon, wishes to thank all those who worked so faithfully and all who donated cooking, fancywork, candy, ete, The singing lessons being taught by Mr, Lynde, of Toronto, are getting along fine, Who knows we may have in our school one of the famous singers. of to- morrow. The Christmas concert for the school wil Itake plale on the even- ing of the 21st. The teachers, Mr. Arnott and Miss Rathwell, me very bugy getting the program prepared, The Sunday School concert ama tree will be on December 23. Mrs. J. Knox and Miss Gertie Fice ure teaching the children, Miss Gertie Fice visited her sis- ter, Mrs. Terwillegar, in Harmony, for a few days. Migses Bella Bleir and Annie Walker, of Oshawa, visited the lat- ter's sister, Mrs, Bruce Glover, Sat- urday. Both services at the church were well attended on Sunday. Mr, Bunner of Bowmanville officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Killen, and family, of Zion, visited Mr, and Mrs. Knox, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons, Harmony, Sundayed with Mr, and Mrs, Ed, Fice. Mr. and Mrs, T, H. Solomon visited Mr, and Mrs. Doug. Stew- art, Sunday and attended the even- ing service of the new Knox church opening of the basement, Rev. Mr. H, E. Abraham, B.A, minister of Eglinton and Bedford Park. Presbyterian church of Tor. onto, conducted the service. The Bunday School Christmas concert is on December 23. Mrs, Harold Powell and baby, of Raglan, visited Mrs. Charlie Pogson, for a few days. Mrs. William Blight has gone to Smith's Falls to visit her daugh- ter, Mrs. R. Brittan. Mr. Ed Blight, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. W. Glover. Misses Annie Walker and Bella Blair, of Oshawa, visited Mrs. Solo- mon on Saturday, Mr, Thos, Heaslip has opened a butcher's shop in his old store and handles beef and pork and other meats, MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Dec, 18.--Sery- ices were as usual well 'attended on Sunday. Rev. Dr. Ross wag un- able to bé present but our pastor very secceptably occupied the pul- pit. Mr; Nichol adided in the serv- ice by singing a solo and leading in A song service, We 'expect them to be us mn next Sunday. Mins Sons yg sd Brown's School, Newcastle, spent Sunday at home. ' Miss Mabel Dowson, Providence, spent the week end with Miss Ma- bel Stevens, ' Mr. Ernie Laird, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Mr. and Mrs, John Snowden and Misses Vers Trimble and Eileen Hockin spent Sunday with relatives in Oshawa, : On Monday evening, December 12, about 75 of the peopls of this The only jury case being tried is that of Bath vs. Widner for dam- ges arising out of an automobile accident on Nov, 5, while in the non-jury sittings, the following will be heard: that of Kropovski vs. Zevior, and The Ontario Plano Company against Elliott. L. 8, Hy- man fis representing Kropovyski, Thomas Humeniuk is conducting the defense for Zevior, J. P, Man. gan has been retained by The un- tario Piano Company, and Fred C. Suburban and District News Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents community assembled at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jeffery. We enjoyed playing various games until about 10 o'clock when all was stopped and Miss Mabel Stevens read a nicely worded address to the young couple after which they were pre- sented with a furnery. Each, in turn fittingly replied after which all joined in singing "For they are jolly good fellows." Fruit and candy were served. The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Band was held in the hall on Friday afternoon when the members of the Band enter- tained the ladies of the W.M.8. A splendid program was given by members of the band also a short talk by Rev. Dr. Ross which the children enjoyed very much after which Mr. Nichol led all in a short song service, At the close of the program a dainty lunch was served and a social time enjoyed by all. A large number from our com- munity attended the High School Commencement held in the Opera House on Friday evening. Con- gratulations to Miss Corsina Samis on winning the Couch prize for writing, ENNISKILLEN Enniskillen, Dee, 12.--Mr. and Mrs, John Slemon are visiting their son Dr. C. W, Slemon, Bow- manville. Owing to the indisposi- tion of Mrs. John Slemon their their stay has been prolonged longer than was expected. She is now reported much better and is expected home shortly. Mr.' Herbert Slemon has been reported rather ill in 'Toronto, later reports are much more en- couraging, Mrs, Preston, Oshawa, formerly of Enniskillen, is visiting old friends here, The severe wind storm of last week gave us a taste of the rig- ors of winter, No very serious damage resulted. Some small out- buildings were blown down in- cluding a porch on the parsonage. Owing to the severe weather on Thursday the Ladies' Aid bazaar was postponed until Friday. This somewhat interfered with its suc- cess, financfally, but not socially. The league room was beautifully decorated and in every way pre. sented a busy, cheery, satisfying scene. Most of the goods were sold and many persons partook of the cafeteria tea, Mrs, J, A, Wer- ry, president, thanked all who had helped and announced proceeds of about $70. Immediately following the bazaar the C.G.IT. gave a concert program in the church including a one act play entitled "The Way of a Man." Each num- ber was ably rendered and was en- thusiastically encored. The play reflected great credit on the train- er, Miss Alma Orchard, and on the players for their naturalness and good acting in coming through many trying and humorous situa- tions. The whole evening's enter- tainment was a good argument to "Hear Home-talent First." HAMPTON 'Hampton, Dec, 13.--Young Peo- ples' League meeting on Friday evening was in charge of the sec- ond vice-president Mrs, Harold Salter, After the opening exercises 'and usual business Mr. Will White read the lesson, Misses Sadie Vir- tue and Isabel Campbell, favored with a piano duet. The devotional was taken by Mrs. Lewis Allin and the missionary topic by Miss L. Horn. The meeting closed with ie Mizpah benediction, r. and Mrs. George Edger and daughter Rosena, Courtice, > sited at H. W. Wilcox's on Mon- oN r. and Mrs. Lorne Robbins, Leskard, at Mrs. Gertrude Vir- tue's on Monday, Mrs. C. W. Souch with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Cole, Bow- manville. Quite a number from here at- tended the Bowmanville High School -Commencemen; last Fri- day evening. Towing the date of December ! , for the Christ ristmas tree and -About thirty-five relatives and neighbors surprised Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, on Monday night and Presented them with a ten piece get of pyrex, it being the occasion of their fifteenth anniversary of their wedding day on Sunday last. 4, MacDonald is representing Elliott. The case of Morrison vs. Dizon was settled out of court. | > ) 14.--After a short Yisit it to Tronto, Gould Thurs- ton and §. I. Varcoe have returned home to Bowmanville. (HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1927 LAURENTIDE HAS OPTION ON HUGE EDDY PULP PLANT Necessary Papers Drawn Up, It is Learned in Ottawa AMOUNT UNKNOWN Reported Match Factory Not Included in the Deal a---- Ottawa, Dec. 14.--The Lauren- tide Pulp and Paper Company, it became known here Monday, has secured an ofition on the big pulp and paper plant of the E. B. Eddy Company and its extensive timber limits, The principal owner of the Ed- dy Company is Hon. R. B. Bennett and the conrpany is valued at many millions. The amount of the op- tion and the period it covers is not stated, but it is known that the necessary papers have been drawn up. An exception is made in the case of the match factory, which, it is stated, will be taken over by the International Match Corporation. The proposed purchase is in line with a general comsolidation of various pulp and paper interests. The Laurentide Company a few months ago acquired the extensive limits of the Hawkesbury and Pembroke Lumber Companies und has formed a new company known as the Laurentide-Ottawa Com- pany, Hon. R. B. Bennett, in recent years has been directly concerned with the Eddy Company and has given it much attention. When he was chosen Conservative leader, however, he indicated his puipose of divesting himself, as soon as poseible, of his business ana pro- fessional interests and the big deal now in prospect is in line with that policy. 4 CIVIC FURNITURE SEIZED BY BAILIFF Lachine, Que., Dec. 11--A SBupe- rior Court bailiff walked into the city hall yesterday and seized the city's secretary-treasurer. This was to drive home the fact that the city has been condemned in a $280 salary suit. Apparently the bailiff's emphatic argument will succeed, for the secretary-treasurer has hopes of sitting down again without delay, PURSE OF GOLD PRESENTED TO BISHOP OF NIAGARA St, Catharines, Ont., Dec. 11.-- Right Rev. Derwyn T. Owen, Bish- op of Niagara, was presented this evening with a purse of gold by the officials and eongregation of St. Thomas' Church, Bishop Owen concluded a series of addresses during the annual mission week in 8t. Thomas' Church parish, and it was in appreciation of his visit that the gift was proffered. Canon A. H, Howitt made the address, and the gift was formally present- ed by Wardens H, B. Burgoyne and John Archer, In the afternoon Bishop Owen unveiled 8 memorial window for the late George W. McBean, of Winnipeg, at Memorial Chapel, Ridley College. The T q Kelly, or the office of publication at Oshawa. PUBLIC SCHOOL PUPLS' CONCERT To Be Held in Bowmanville on Thursday and Friday Evenings (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Dec. 14.--After prac- tices lasting about two months, the pupils of the Bowmanville Public School are well trained in their parts which they are performing at the publ school concert which is being eld in the Town Hall on Thursday and Friday evenings of this week. Miss Helen Morris, A. T.C.M.,, Super- visor of Music in the local school, has been conducting the rehearsals. Pianists who will render music during the evening will be Miss Leta Bragg, Miss Marjorie Robins, Miss Marion Warder, and Neil S. Stewart. They will be ably assisted by the Trinity United Church Orchestra. Over three hundred pupils of the school are taking part in the program and there are two choirs of about 150 children cach, On Thursday evening prizes for academic work during last year will be presenfed. Two of the prizes are donated by the Women's Canadian Club to the two entrance class pu- pils who make the highest standing in Canadian History during the school term. George Weekes and Maurice 'Ross are the two winners, Another prize is donated by the Men's Canadian Club to the pupil in the Junior Fourth Class who makes the highest mark in Canadian His- tory, 'The winner of this award is Elsie Carruthers, Maurice Ross and Betty Morris are the winners of the prizes donat- ed by the Public School Board to the two pupils having the highest standing at the June Entrance exam- inations. J. H. Johnston, principal of the school, is donating a prize to the pupil making the highest mark in arithmetic at the Entrance exam- inations. Eric Coombes is the win- ner of this award. : Having been declared winner over all pupils in the county of Durham for her paper on Confederation, Eve- Ivan Goddard will receive the silver medal, which was donated by the Provincial Department of Education, Adrian Berry is the winner of the Strathcona silver medal for makin the highest score in the County o Durham in target shooting, | The pr is as follo Forlohspy and ! Franz von Si hs chorus, "Hail Smiling Morn," forth, Public School Choir; tion, "Santa's Mistake," Bradt; song, "We've Just From Bashful Town," Junior bef and girls; drill, "French Rolls," pri ary; song, "Good King Wencesk Traditional, South Ward nif de; chorus, "Silent Night," F ber, Public School Choir; "Goin' Fishin," Bertha L. Tambl Junior boys; recitation, "Naugl Wide Eyes," Marion Scott; doull quartette, "Pale Moon," , B ty Tamblyn, Marion Glanville, Sidn Dillick, Harold Colmer, Edith wright, Frances Clarke, Albert ley, Ned Rehder; drill "Peppermi Sticks," Junior boys; chorus, "Gip Chorus," from "Bohemian Gir Balfe, Public School Choir. Part Overture, "The Olive Branch," ward Hazel, Trinity Orchestra; p sentation of Medals and Prig (Thursday night only) ; chorus, " of Hope and Glory," Elgar, Pub School Choir; drill, "Hcop Dri South Ward primary; song, "O tle Town .of Bethlehem," Seni boys; folk dance, "Ace of Diamon (Danish) Third Class girls; "Phy cal Training Exercises," Fourth Cl boys; duet, "Peterkins and Polly Dorothy Nichols and 'Carl Raby; P ramid Building, Fourth Class boy song, "Daybreak," Wilson, Seni girls; chorus, "A Dream Boat Pas By," Lemare, Public School Che NEW ENGLISH COLONY Washington, Dec. 9--The first & perimental colony for English cole ists in Argentina under the pro sions of the London consortium Argentine railways has been start by the Beunos Aires & Pacific R way, about 280 miles west of Beu Aires. Trade Commissoner Magy F. Ford today confirmed the repd from Beunos Aires. The colony consists of a group 40 small farms of about 250 a each, At the end of 30 years ¢ farms will become the property the settlers by means of the pa ments distributed over that periad DRILL TESTS SOIL FOR WINDSOR TUN. Windsor, Dec. 13--To make tests in connection with const tiin of the tunnel between Wind and Detroit, drilling startea ne today at the north end art! Place. : 4 Work of making similar tess the bed of the river, tempora abandoned because of the rece storm, was also resumed, - S TOBIE, Stocks F ORLONG & Bonds Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa -- Above C.P.R. Office Phones 143 and 144 : S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Co Grain -y LI CAA The newest Maon's Strap Watch -- green or white gold re- inforced case, fitted with a rectangular movement, $50 "The latest creation"-- 14k. Bolid white gold ease, decorated, $60 Pentagon VeriThin rein. forced gold-filled $75 | On Special Exhibition Thursday and Friday The ele Wo! rkshops' patterns of the Gruen Watch Makers Guild, Here may be seen the celebrated Poni Bele Bhi; gic vm tion of cases, in reinforced and solid gold, platinum and diamond set, de- signs. Prices $25 to $1,000, To those searching for a distinctive gift, this exhibit, under the personal direction of Mr. LaPenotiere, mem- ber of the Gruen Guild, will prove an unusual opportunity. FELT BROS. Oshawa's Leading Jeweled 12 Simcoe Street South Established 1886