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Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Dec 1927, p. 5

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"WOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST | SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co operation of ita readers in items to this ; Send in a postcard or phone 83. --Mrs. A, I. Morison, Connaught Reeet is spending a few days in oronto, with friends, \ ,=--Mrs. A. C, Cameron, mezzo-so- 0, was the guest at Chistian urch on Sunday ev --Miss A, Henderson, formerly of this city, returned here today after spending six months in Calgary search of her health, --Mrs, A, King of Peterboro, who recently underwent an operation in the General hospital here is recover ing in a satisfactory manner, --Mrs, Herbert Darling and Mrs, Francis Craig have returned to their homes in Peterboro after visiting with friends in this city, for a few days last week, . Our Daily Recipe Apples Stuffed with Dates and Bak Wipe and core 8 sour apples, Fill the cavities with stoned dates, Cover dgtes with boiling water and separate them, drain from water and lay them off, cut each date in half lengthwise on am agate ple pan, set in oven to dry, remove stones and use as direc Arrange apples in an agate dripping pan. Bake until tender, basting several times with hot sugar syrup, le sugar cooked with 1 1-2¢ water 10 min, Serve hot or cold with rich The regular monthly meeting of the Simcoe street Ladles' Ald So- clety yesterday afternoom in the Sunday School room, was the an. nual election of officers, After the opening exercises, a Christmas Scripture reading was given by in | Mrs, Tuttle, then the leaders of the groups gave their yearly re. ports which Were very encourag- ing, Dr, Dougall presided during the election of officers, Mrs. W. Ellls, is the honorary president; Mrs, O. M, Alger, will act as presi. dent, with Mrs, H. Moyer as first vice president and Mrs, G, M, Trewin as second vice president, Mrs, W. Donald will act In the capacity of secretary, Mra, A. Smale will fill the post of corres- ponding secretary and Mrs. W, Wallace was elected as treasurer, Dr, Dougall congratulated the ladies on their year's work then closed the meeting with prayer, Refreshments were served by the 'adies of Mrs, Horsey's group and a social half hour was spent, "Merry Say it with the latest ¢ 2, JOGE ! 'BATIE RY Jt |_ranio Rr ECEIVING Christmas!" Be \ 12 SET Symphony Console 2004 Equipped with single-dial eowiyol, Rogers A/C tubes {including power tube), com, oted dial showing Speaker with tome-flier system, ely shielded audio amplification wmit, illu wave lengths, Famous Rogers Symphony Genvine Walnut cabinet, $420.00 complete, NE gic das ma wise men will give their families be this latest Symphony We say "wise men," because the electrically-operated set has operated sets will be the definitely "arrived" and by mext Christmas battery- practically obsolete wherever current po . USHANA & DISTRICT Exhibit of Watches An interes! exhibit of Gruen Watches will shown at Felt Bros.,, on Thursday Friday of this week, The assortfent is ome of the finest ever shown in Can- ada and 1s under the personal direction of Mr, LaPenotiere, mem- ber of the Gruem Guild, Any one contemplating the purchase of a good watch should not miss this opportunity, (137h) No Police Court Today There was no Police Court this morning, No arrests were made last night by the local guardians af law and order, but Magistrate A. F. Hiad, confident that there would at least be some summons cases to occupy him for a little time, came up to the court room as he is accustomed to do each day of the week, There was, to be sure, one case scheduled, but for some strange reason the defendant did not put in appearance, The charge was not a serious oune-- merely the infraction of a city by- law relating to the selling of cigar. ettes,--surely something was wrong, Then our worthy Chief of Police had a hunch, He began looking through his desk, And there, in an obscure pigeon hole, was the summons, It had sever been served. An officer had taken it out one day, but had not been able at that time to find the man in question, and had bruugnt a back and put in the pigeon hole, where it had remained, The case will, it is understood, be heard a week from Friday, : Another Car Stolen, . Another stolen car was reported to the loeal police yesterday after. noon but was recovered soon after- wards, The automobile was an Oldsmobile sedan, owned by Wil- lie Lee, of the Boston Cafe, and it was stolen from a parking place on King street east, The car is a 1928 model, and carried license number 54-968, It was reported stolen at 4.05 yesterday afternoon and was recovered at the Moffatt Motor Oales garage at 4.12, Stationary Truck Struck, A truck parked on Albert Street suffered considerable damage when it was struck by another truck about 7,30 o'clock last evening, The damaged truck was in charge of C, McLean, who had parked it on the west side of Albert Street facing south, J. Mackin, 140 Al- bert street, who was driving truck, license number 388-567, turned north onto Albert street from Olive avenue, and in so doing struck the McLean car. The latter was dam- aged in the radiator, left front fender, left front tire; and a head Jight.. A settlement of ghe damages was arrived at, BAZAAR AT NORTH SIMCOE SCHOOL WAS A GREAT SUCCESS The North Simcoe Home and School club held a most success. ful bazaar on Saturday afternoon. The bazaar was opened at 3 o'- clock by Mrs. R. D. Preston, who, in a few well chosen words told of the al mof the club and said that the money raised at the pa- gaar would be used for the main- tenance of the rink and to buy playground equipment for the school. Mrs, H. Smith, president of the club, received the patrums at the door, The ladies who were chosen as conveners for the various bhpoths were: Mrs. C. Spilsted, who had charge of the fishpond; Mrs. A, Durie, in charge of the . Christ- mas tree; Mrs, H. Rae, who con- ducted the handkerchief booth; Mrs. H, L, Harding, who presided over the apron booth; Mrs. U. Jones, who looked after the fancy work booth; Mrs. 8. Perry in charge of the tea room and Mrs. I. E. Gillette deserves great credit for the success that she haa with the home cooking and candy booth, learing $50, during the afternoon. The total proceeds from the whole sale amounted to $150.00. LADIES' AUXILIARY G.M.C. SOCCER CLUB NAME NEW OFFICERS The Ladies' Auxiliary of the G, M.C. Soccer club held their an- nual meeting in the Y.M.C.A. on Monday evening when the election of officers for the new year took place. Mrs. Brockman .was ap- pointed president with Mrs. Simp- son 8s vice president. Mrs, Hay- ton, of 185 Arthur street, phone 1643W, will fill the post of secre- tary. The treasurer for the com- ing year will be Mrs. Stevens, and the executive committee will be made up of Mrs. Mcintyre, Mrs. Fry, Mrs. Purdie and Mrs. Mur- rell. The meeting was largely at- tended and 8 very successful year is anticipated. To attain this end it is mecessary for the soccer of- ficials, the players and the fans to give their whole-hearted support and do all in their power to en- courage the ladies in their efforts. It is very evident, by the officials appointed, that the ladies intend to make this year the most success- ful of their career. In order to get each other acquainted, it was decided by the auxiliary to have 2 social evening in the Convention hall on Mary street on Saturaay, Degember 17th, at 8 p.m. Players are requested to get in touch with Mr. J. Miller, 316 Haig street or phone 1363W re admission tickets. Pupil Nurses Wanted BUFFALG QITY HOSPITAL 462 Grider St., Buffalo, N.X. 863 beds for the reception of every known disease. DISPENSARIES IN CONNECTION Afilated with the University of Buffalo Medical and Dental Schools and District Nursing Association, 3 year registered course, fitting pupils for Bedside, Public Health and Administrative Nurse ing. 670 hours devoted to classes, reci- tations, demonstrations and la- boratory work in Dietetics, Home Economics, Bacteriology, Chemistry, Physiology and Gen- eral Nursing subjects, » Opportunities for selected gradu- ates to fill paid executive posi- tions or pursue special study courses. THE EXPERIENCE WE OFFER EQUALS A THREE YEAR COLLEGE COURSE Entrance requirements: '1 year New York State High School or its equivalent. Salary, §15.00 a month, Food. lodging, un!forms, laundry and books furnished free. Straight eight hour duty, watches, One wholes every seven days. A well conducted nursing course 1s a fine preparation for wifeh od and a splendid opportun' aj cultivate the habit of ri; 1 No split day off ing. A JANUARY CLASS NOW FoniniNg The soccer club officials wish to extend their appreciation of the fine work done by the Ladies' Aux- iliary last winter, and wich them every success In the coming year, In answer to varlous requesis the soccer club have decided to hold the Friday night dances as usual, ANNUAL MEETING MISSION CIRCLE St. Andrew's Ladies Elect Officers for Ensuing Year The annual meeting of the Wom- en's Mission Circle of the St, An- drew"s United Ohurch was held last Thursday afternoon, when Mrs. C. B. Ewing gave the last chap- ter of the study book "New Days In Old India", Her topic was very well presented and she showea ¢ thorough knowledge of the whole book, After Mrs, Ewing's address very encouraging reports were giv- en from each department, then the election of officers took place, Honorary presidents are Miss J Patten and Mrs. George Yule; y'res- ident Mrs. W. B. Jamieson, with Mrs, F,-J. Maxwell as first Vice president, Mrs, C. BE. Ewing as sec- ond Vice-President and Mrs, F. E, Hare as third Vice-President; Re sording Secretary, Mrs. Stuart Storie; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. P, H, Beattie; Treasurer, Miss J. Dillon; Supply Secretary, Miss A, Seott; Strangers Secretary, Mrs. T. H. McMurtry; Literature Seec- retary, Mrs. 8. W, Cox; Press See- retary, Mrs, J. C. Young; Mission Band officers for the coming year will be Mrs, 8. Buckler; Mrs, George Yule, and Mrs. Clarence Sadler. Conolence Secretary, Miss J. Patten; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. W, H. Hale, HJ -A Rin worthy of her' SLENDER band of white or green or of plati € the new and Me-Not" design i flawless dismond---tusely engagément ring to deli onc fancily Look for the . "Key Quality" trade-mark. It is ~~ assurance of a perfect stone and highest quality of delicately-wrought workm; rat anship. Rings are sold at 4 4 fina TaN Forget me not DIAMOND NGAGEMENT RINGS #0 WEDDING F'NGS , yt ; LITY Jewelry ».ric Watches. | " The auditoriuny of Simcoe Street United Church was filled last night on the occasion of the annual Christmas concert of the Sunday School, The church was very pret. tily decorated, and a large Christ. mas tree, resplendent with tinsel, candles and gifts occupied a prom- inent place at the front of the church, The program presented held in. terest for everyone, for it was to a great extent given by the children, Little beginners, primary and ju- nior pupils united in awakening a spirit of Christmas cheer, and put- ting pride and joy into the hearts of the people present, Songs and choruses, recitations and orches- tral numbers made up a large part of the program, and almost every number with the exception of the instrumental selections, was pre- sented by smaller members of the Sunday School. About two dozen | selections were glvem in all, and the prozram lasted for a period of ihout two hours, The attendance was excellent, members and friends of the Sun- | 1ay E€chool fllllng the auditorium -------- A] ---- ---- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1927 pre sident, Mrs, A. C. Reeves, in the chair conducting Ye devot cises, Reports of the year's work were by the various offi cers and approved. one Sranen report was gra as i stated that the allocation for the year had been more than met and all contributions had been voluntary and there had been no special efforts made by way of teas and so forth, to help the ladeis reach their objec- tives The Welcome and Welfare Secretary that -one_names had been received and fifty-five of them had been located. The former offi- cers were all re-electd with the ex- ception of Miss Moore, pianist an Mrs, A. I. Hamilton who was assis- tant "Glad Tidings" secretary, It was decided on motion that the new study book "The Royal Road" be taken up during the coming year. aaa d (tes a visit to South Africa cannot be PAGE YARDLEY'S Toilet Requisites Christmas Gift from $1 up KARN'S DRUG STORE NEXT TO POST OFFICE AMIS FRI CII SII BALDWIN UNLIKELY TO VISIT AFRICA London, Dee. 13--The report that Premier Stanley Baldwin contempla- a confirmed. The Premier's secretary sayps he knows nothing of any such pr al and the report was also dis- credited at Mr, Baldwin's London residence, Arteries OF COMMERCE MUCH of the great development of national and international commerce is directly attributable to the development of communication. It is of primary importance that news of widely separated parts of the country be ex- changed quickly and accurately, Today Canadian commerce fs depending more and more upon electrical products to keep in constant touch with business and social conditions, From mining camps in the newly conquered wilderness to the offices and factories of the metropolis a network of wires and cables knit widely divergent interests and communities together. The Northern Electric Company serves Canada by making a great deal of the equipment ne c:sary for the development and maintenance of con niunication throughout the Dominion. The Northern Electric laboratories and factories ave constandy secking to periect means of transmitting sound and power Norton Begtric Eqvipuient for Transmitting Sound and Power Information rr been into 1867 + CANADA - 1927

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