THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1927 (a LA Radio for } Christmas Like a motor care= the satisfaction that you get from a Radio depends greatly on 'he te onsibility of .he r from whom you oy You are interest. ed in getting trouble- free results from your Radio. Then buy here at "Radio Headquar- ters"where we have specialized in getting the best all round re- ceivers, We have a Nor only is a Radio a complete selection that mighty welcome Christ- The air which you breathe is at this very moment alive with music and festivity, But withouta radio you are like a deaf person at a concert. You can hear nothing ! A modern up to date radio will fit your needs, We will instal your set properly -- and see that any necessary service is taken care of promptly, mas present, but it is some- thing that provides enjoy- ment for years to come, Giving a Federal or Atwa- ter Kent Radio Set shows Good at any price keen discrimination on your with its single control, and micro- " ¢--now much lower metric selectivity will bring you # \ ys 5 ow thet he pron of Av the programmes of hundreds of #§ ® ropped to sensations! new R ' Je veld, don't Joss snother dsy broadcasting stations scattered over visto voila the North American Conlinent. - = enjoyment, Come in snd select your model. A few minutes' demon. stration will convince you that ned ll dg s alwa, way, Universal demand Ste {mass production with its vest savings, . Bverybody knows thet the tome, relisbility and simplicity a i a = " - . % < - - ya Join in with the world-wide festivities this merry Christmas season, by installing a good radio, §& = of Alwer Keat Radio sre be- You will surely never regret it. EPI A A Cod our i J RN ITURE COMPANY | A You hear No Outside Aerial Required with this Powerful Set ONLY ONE STATION ¢ at a time a 2g 3 ky ts 8 9 t AE a 3 xX mW x5: Tar ay 3 -- Listen in on the World's Christmas Festivities with this Me ke YY ND a = TEFEN EARBY local brosd- cast stations do not Ag in uninvited on Federal Ortho-sonie Radio Receivers--because Federal engineers have back of them the radio ex- to build a really selective receiver--one which tunes sharply to the station you want, And all the time you #n at wonderful Ditve 10 = iz i % wh of every pote, ioiony cabinet We offer you a wide choice aE 2 of Ortho-sonic models from the priced from $140 up, Come Con Table, 0 Ms in and hear them. EE a a - - = Console Tobie, os Buse A Moda PtomSsven bs bed, for » nll Sods with loop. ol. sos Bsus ofr pesher hon bubes shar v nted Ortho-sonic circuit in five, six or seven ers in each class an efficient radio, assuring the utmost in selectivity, sim ity of control and the maxi- ving range, , - An VAT Mar Mert By Mr: AN Mark AD. ads: MBAS. . . " r - . . . < <9 FEDERAL ORTHO-SONIC Minimum service required A wide price range A model for every home Truly, the ideal radio. ' : J ) 3 TR 1 < i i y ! to ! ar GIGI IGE AE I Pe PRE Pe BE 2 IF 4 DFE 258 6. VY SF dF dF Tr