SERRE CTOOOR 'What - Give at Christmas Some Reflections in the Problem of Appropriate **" Giving--Elephant Not Suitable for Youny Lady ~Hy Maurice Hewlett, MOMIMNS MIFR SHINS Momentous as it is to consider you shall give, and how to give it is still more fy purpose to ke up your mind you give it A certain Jameatable tale, hi is perfectly true, will make pt Jo ot Jed 2M n rishe 3 Jott inl Car- 1 aly Salle is to y Joshua. . Wate e Dever had an lish poet ua, and are r Tikely to have one--but that is He was an old peet, one, and had a Annie Vivanti, in l ed, They did not et very often, though they met r they could ; but he lived in apes 8 and she RB Mian, and both usy, er, they once ad a > Hotday together in Switzer. d, where she rode a pony 'and he ked by her side, e was en- nted with the sf pt yA her * Ln Val Fachack, and ie, as t would pn % do, and ini Thy all sorts of beautiful ¥ came fo an ad ; Li went ck ro Milan to earn ory} aples to earn ut his oa ul thoughts pt with him, One fine day, later , Annie Vivanti was told by her mend to expect a present from him; nd to make a long story into a ; ort one, the present came. It was-- a ® horse, A horse! In Milan! To a gir! with £8 a month! Unfortunately inspired poet, he might as well have n her an elephant, orse Died There nevertheless, was the horse; d little but the horse, must poor A Vivanti now devote her days d nights, her #8 a month, and as much more as she could come by. She begged, she borrowed, she worked [herself to the bone to keep this most d rous present going, She did hing for the horse except ride v time ¥. we Hor tha, Shas Lh hn Milan not; on! thread t ¢ d by framwa th fried ve 1 nail a mee W airplanes, ; abominable ) horses, t became a real servi which only did not end with her because, mer! the horse d first; and ers 80. it might have ligone on, if the poet had not died ext; for, so long as he lived, she di not dare tell him what had hap- and he died believing that the e was in full vigor and the de- tht of her life, "The moral of that tale certainly is: give anyone » i 1 sure, before you a ent, that you know why you do be Dog in the Hamper oy knew 8 man, who was very fond dogs, and of his nephews, too, but } dogs best. So he gave a dog one of his nephews for a Christ- resent, arguing that, as he dogs Bisel. | naturally the he would, So h The ing of the Were: Jd a great s. The boy's breath was taken iWay--which is what every present- er desires, But the first thing the did after shaking himself all the 'way down to the tip of its tail, was 1® bite its new owner severely in the § Most unfortunate--but you can't unt for such things, The dog had d him over and decided that it 't like him. Dogs are parties, like and me and our nephews, They e feelings, as we have--and only way showing them. There n the uncle went wrong. If you ii give a dog, let it be a puppy, But you, as the giver, have every oe to be as well as the r and so you may be if you don't t too much, Give rarely, and . heavily, is the sound rule, : you do it too often you will be ted to go one better than your- f every time; and nobody can keep t up. The thing to aim at, of se, is the knock-out blow. Your nt should deprive the taker en as of sense and motion. Let it hit him in the wind. Think of & beetle on its back, and try for that kind of effect, If you can be apropos 2s well as munificent, it is to the have a case im point from a nd of mine. A'man in bis village it his heart, and naturally also his I He broke the law, broke it ply, and was caught and sent to ison. There was no doubt, I under- ¢ ind, that he was sorry for what he | pe pniless, workless, and hopeless. He be id no nerve leit, no self respect no aze at all. .W, ymonsly, sent by pos 4 iF a short mes- Be attached: "A new start. ve it" confidénce, and told him how it Po a Try wo} One person only was in | 88 been received. The man, he said, | @aped at it - like a dead fish, bu | jgmdually a flush seemed to come up | i er h'm irom under his shirt-coliar : and then he put his face in his hands land cried like a child. It came off, thouzh : I heag that he has done well : 3 That ks 2 good dea) fof 2 fen and note to do--but be pleased to | I RR Sf SO observe that, if it had been a hun dred-pounder, it would almost cer- tainly have failed, There again-- suit your bounty to the taker, what- ever you do. I end up with that, for it is the whole thing. Give rarely, give heavily, don't give money (or a horse), and, whatever you do, never let it out beforehand what your pre- sent is to be, 'That is fatal; for the moment a child knows what it is to have, it has it. The actual thing, when it comes, is bound to be a dis- appointment, How should it not be? It will have to stand comparison with the thing of fantasy, UNDER THE STARS Under the stars, one holy night. A little Babe was born; Over his head a star shone bright, And glistened till the mora. And wise men came from far away, And shepherds wandered where he lay, Upon his lowly bed of hay, Under the stars one night. Under the stars, one blessed night, The Christ-child came to earth, And through the darkness broke the light Of morning at his birth. And sweet hosannas filled the air, And guardian angels watched him where The Virgin Mother knelt in prayer, Under the stars one night. : Under the stars, this ha»ov nie' We wait for him once more, And seem to see the wondrous sight The shepherds saw of yore. O Baby born in Bethlehem, Come to us as you came to them, And crown us with love's diadem, Under the 'stars this night. xt Foods and Favors for z | the Christmas Table AURINOIRIRIN OIG RII © HIN The maxim "Environment is] lower part of the trees without dam- Everything" holds true at this sea- e to its life or to its graceful shape. son more than at any other time of hese branches fasfened to the plate- the year. For nothing so thrills one | rail, the stair banisters, and the tops to the real feeling of Christmas- | of windows, with an occasioned bow bells, stringing of pop corn and cran- | or red ribbon or red paper, create a berries, and the making of many | delightful effect. In the South, mis- vari-colored bags of tarletan to put | tletoe is used almost exclusively, the goodies in--and the tinsel rope | large graceful branches being hung of tinfoil, is there a soul from 6 to| over the front entrance, in the din- 60 whom they do not fascinate? | ing room and oit times in the win- We're all alike, all children, and it | dows, in place of holly wreaths, is very good that we can return, once Bells and ropes of colored paper a hurried year, to those simple pleas- | are used also, but somehow nothing ures which soothe and cheer, and | is quite so pretty as green things, ive. us cause to remember many | nor so natural and refreshing. The appy celebrations. dining table centralizes the decorat- Very effective decorations may be | ive scheme, and 'tis here the house- attained by the use of cedar or pine | wife exercises her nimblest thoughts, branches, which can be cut from the | both in decoration and menu. 1S A GIFT HERE Come in and choose your Xmas Outfit and just say "Charge It" Coats! Coats!! Women's and Misses' Fur Trim- 'med Coats, luxuri- ous fur collar, attrac- tive linings, in a great variety of styles. Smart coats for large and small women. Just say charge it for your choice. Special terms and prices for Christ- mas, from $11.95, $15.00 and up. Values that cannot be duplicated elsewhere. Come in and see these bargains. You'll be un- der no obligation to buy. Do not worry if you do not happen to have just the amount of money at hand that you need to complete your Christmas Shopping-- Come here, we will gladly extend you easy yr ; ' SPECIAL Ladies' Dresses Dainty Georgeite and Velvet Evening Gowns, - Smart Frocksfor Affer- wom and Goon Wear == A Host of Styles and Colors to Choose From, Priced at $13. $15. & $17 ane very x Bees Ve an of white sand (to absorb the nam we). Surround the with _irreg- ular fluffs of cotton sprinkled with diamond st, Place a toy Santa with his sleighs and prancing rein- deer atop the glistening ice, and use glass candlesticks with red unshad- ed tapers. Small boxes filled with candy may be used as favors. The completed idea is charming, Another table, more appropriate perhaps, for grown-ups, might have its damask cloth checked off with strips of scarlet ribbon two inches in width. The central motif is a horn-of-plenty resting at an agree- able angle, on 'a mound of snow, Stationed at the mouth of the figut- filled cornucopia is Santa Claus, Vari-colored "puff-balls" made of fringed tissue paper are placed care- lessly about om the cover, and the candle shades are of the same hues of red, orange, green, lavender and yellow. The combination is color- ful and unique. Two very good and carefully com- piled Christmas dinners are given herewith, with recipes for those dishes which seem to call for elluci- / MEN! Christmas Dinner No. 1 Cream of Asparagus Soup Crackers Roast Turkey or Duck with Chestuut- Stuff Green Peas in T les Potato Balls (parsley) or ied Sweet Portes Waldorf Salad Yuletide Prosing Ambrosia Fruit Cake Coffee Salted Nuts Cheese and Toasted Qk Dinner N (For light housekeepers Oysters on Half Shell Bread Sticks Celery . Roast Duck Cranberries Mashed Potatoes Asparagus with Drawn Butter Sauce Tomato Salad Pumpkin Pie Cheese Coffee The oysters may be last moment and served on chipped ice. The soup is canned, and the other articles can be prepared be- forehand, with the exception of the vegetables and the duck. ut Stuffing Boil and us 1 quart of chest- nuts, Add 1 teaspoonful of chopped Tomato Soup Olives otten at the Special Offering During Christmas Season in Men's Overcoats! spoons ted and green parsley, 34 teaspoon each of shop onion, salt and pepper, and 1 spoonful of butter, Mix with. 1 ce Yuletide Chop fine 1 small onion, 2 parsley. Mix ome teas pure olive oil and 5 tablespoons vinegar. Pour over vegetables and stand for an hour, in a glass Shake for 5 minutes and - 'pour ov salad or cold meats. Two fresh cocoanuts Od dozen oranges, finely cur § t cug ful of suger, Serve with Whipp cream. S Cole 1h. flour Fit 1 = sug ¥ Mb, ci "in, Candied cherries |, + poppe . 4 teaspoonful of suger, ¥ cup d 1m. butt bs. raisins A 35 . candied pineapple. |" 2 lbs. blanched almonds, ] . 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon spice 1 teaspoon baking powder, ) 2 nutmegs, grated 34 glass wine _ ¥ glass brandy 1 cup molasses. . coats. Snappy ' Melton, Chin. chillas and Velour Over- The Season's leading colors and styles Special termsandprices for Xmas---prices:- $17.00---25.00 and up. x FOUR IS ' Shabby Read This SHIRES NRRL NY fitting, Lowpriceand E-Z terms prevail. Just say charge it. Suits of navy serge, pin stripe and worsteds, Finely tailored, perfect Buy now for Xmas, price $27.50--- 32:50 ..- 35.00