'Wonderful Reception Given 3 hours Lindbergh Greet Famous New York--Paris Flyer After Hours of Anxiety-- 'Mexico City, Dee, 14--Lost for wo hours over the mountainous i 8 of Mexico until he picked his bearings again from a name '$n a signboard, Colonel Lindbersh| d here at:2.39 o'clock this af. . , ending his 2,031:mile ht from Washington in an elap- od time of 27 hours and 10 min- * Nearly 200,000 persons--the t that has ever assembled exico for any event--were [ng for him on Valbuena Fly- 'Field, and accorded the lone ® a welcome which was all the re riotous because the gravest leave had been felt for his safety. Lindbergh brought the silver- monoplane, Spirit of 8t, Lou- down on the sun-scorched air- pme with a graceful swoop, The ultitude that had waited for and thrilled to two false as other airplanes arrived, that it was really the famous ag ny a | "We" this time and burst into a i 8 4 9 { ty Viva!" Then the throngs | had stood patiently in lines Y t deep on a front four miles g around the field broke the line lof soldiers and police and swarmed ut on the fleld, A 'motor-cycie squadron dashed poss the alrdrome to head them off, but were confused and baffled the cloud of dust raised by ndbergh's plane, Mexican avia. rs, however, quickly formed a g about the American flier and this plane to protect them from tne mthusiastic mob, Ambassaaor {ght W, Morrow, who had been waiting anxiously with the equally- orried President Calles in the lat- Lter's box, ran out to he the first p greet Lindbergh, but was tossed at Mexico City about: like a chip en the waves of humanity. bers of the presidential staff savedithe jostled diplomat by pock- 'ng Bim up bodily and putting him in a motoreycle . sidecar, hurrying aim back 1¢ his automobile whic he had abandoned in his faule afforts to reach dberg"s side. The fiver, carried high on the she rs of the crowd, was lifted also nto the Ami 's car and driven off the field, towering above his yguard and smiling at the shy g mob, From that moment they mot only admired him; they loved him, Pr t's Wel The flier was taken to the presi- dential box, « Senor Calles did not content himself merely with the first warm double hand shake, he threw both arms about the flier and hugged him impulsively, pat- ting his back affectionately, The President had sat in his box for three hours, growing more and more uneasy as Lindbergh failed to arrive, and the relief that he felt was evident in his face and every action, Lindbergh had been expected here exactly 24 hours after he left Washington. At 11:30 this morn- ing Ambassador Marrow, accuinpas nied by First Secretary Alan Wins- low and General Jose Alvarez, chief of the presidential staff, got in one of the embassy cars to wait on the field for the flier's arrival, A plane emerged from the haze overhanging the mountains, In- stantly from the vast throng went up a ery, "Ya viene, Lindbergh," ("Here comes Lindbergh), The goldiers and motoreyele police straightened and stiffened their lines, Ambassador Morrow took out his watch, "Well," he said," "it took him exactly one day to make the trip." The band began to play the Star janner, This was the first of a series of false alarms. Another plane came out of the , and In' the erowd eraned for a sight of "Lind bergh," President Calles, with a worried look, ordered General Alvasez to mist THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1927 been town of Yuriria, A seco! sald Lindbergh had been sighted over the city of Salvatierra, Guana- juato, and hope revived in the wait- ing erowd. Finally a third m came in- luca, the capital of the State of Mexico. This news was communicatea to the crowd by blackboard bulletins and occasioned much rejoicing. President Calles smiled broadly in the reaction from his grave fears, and Ambassador Morrow was the picture of joy and relief, The nerve racking suspense was over{ everyone knew it would be only a matter of minutes now until Lind- bergh arrived, for these late ve- ports had been branded as authen- tie, As a mratter of fact it was at Toluca that the United States air. man, circling low in an effort to pick up the name of the city from a railroad station or factory build- ing, and greatly at a loss through his ignorance of Spanish, saw the sign board which finally directed him, He located Toluca on his maps of Mexico, saw that he was only 40 or G0 miles from Mexico City, and pointed the Spirit of St, Louis across the mountain tops tq his hidden goal. Ahead of Schedule He said that he had arrived at Tampico a little ahead of hig sched- ule--he expected to arrive here in 26 hours--and taken a compass course inland, being thrown off the route he intended to follow by fog encountered en route, by a slight misealeulation, and by his inability to check his whereahouts by land- marks or towns whose names he could discern. When President Calles greeted Santa Says: a-- Rr L «If You Would Give Hap- piness and Prosperity, . GiveOshawa Real Estate! pr? Oshawa's expansion means constantly growing values in all inside city property, particularly in the Fairview section. Dau or fos . Let Your Gift to Son or hter, Brother, Sister | Friend be the First Payment On A Lot in - FAIRVIEW PARK No.2 With the first payment provided for, the balance is just a matter of easy monthly payments. And the first pay- ment is a very modest amount. Let ns show you how to arrange it. A "phone call to 295 will give you all particu- lars of our Special Christmas Offer. Five | Lindbergh, it father teh | thank might have beem a own heart, It 1s an honor to know iW. » Lindbergh, still a little fluster- ed by the warmth and manner of his greeting, looked. down. * he sald, "1 want to wu for inviting me to come to Mi Mr, President. I'm proud to have made the ot "You are at home im Mexico," President Calles replied. 'I want you to feel that this is your coun- "Thank you," said Lindbergh. Then the President motioned his interpreter aside so the muititude could get a good look at Lindbergh. A great shout went up, and the band played "Dianas," Lindbergh bowed courteously, raising his nand in semi-salute, and from over the fleld came a thunderous chorus of "Vivas." The police lines broke suddenly before a concerted move- ment of the mob, which pac Sunsely in front of the President's 8 h Sees Familiar Face, Lindbergh finally stepped back and was holding out his hana to President Calles, when he caught sight of Will Rogers. His face broke into a smile--the first since he had entered the box--anu w moment later he turned from the President and gripped Rogers' ex. tended hand, The crowd broke in- to a cheer for both men, Lindbergh's escort literally nad to fight a way for him to Ambas sador Morrow's car, in which h« entered the eity, riding between t! ambassador and Mrs, Morrow, This was an event without precedent in the history of Mexico City, For the entire distance of five miles the sidewalks were jammed with humanity, and every man, woman and child seemed to know Lind- bergh at sight, They greeied him with *Vivas' and 'Bravos and showered hi with confetti and streamers, Frer there and everywhere America: and Mexican flags hung side by | side to do him honor, Lindbergh appeared t ate the magnificent gpe the car turned at last fut the great square fronting tional Palace, the you w one of the sichts o appreei- | le. Wh | acie. ful flier 8 of his life, | of people, who 1 th with ringing 'e in the em! ¢'s first thought was to 1 "a of the grime gathered in bis hour flight, He was shown to t*2 bathroom, and emerged a half br later looking as clean and fr" as if he had just risen from a refreshing sleep. The corres. rodents thought they had their in t- iew at last, but he dodged away ad seized a telephone, over which he obtained a long disance econ- nection in surprisingly quick time ? i 80 on Tonight President Calles issued a formal statement eaying thar Lindbergh had captured tKe heart of the Mexican people and priceles good will result from his flight, It rexds: "The United States In sending tr Mexico the highest reprezentativ nt its manhood, will power an heroism, has created clomer spir: uzl and material relations. I co: gratulate Colonel Lindbergh an the American nation, which is fu! ly justified in baying reared such a man," Lindbergh's Story. 'Upon bis arrival in Mexico City, Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh g- plained that fog between Tampico and the Mexican capital had caus- ed him to get off his course. His own story of what happened was tL.s: "My delay was due principally to I ran into it after leaving .zinpico," he said. "I couldn't ind 4.y names to guide me, Maybe it +48 because I couldn't reaa ppan- 0a very well, "I had expected to make the trip .n 26 hours. I got to Tampico ahead of time. Then I Jost the route, I was flying by compass, of course, bu' to save my life I could- n't pick up any land marks until I passed over Toluca. How recognize that place? By a name I saw on a sign board." | Lindbergh delighted Mexican | newspapermen especially by volun- teering an expression of pleasure at being in their country. "I've always been interested in Mexico," he said. "I always want- ed to see it. When I was up at Kelly Field in San Antonio I n- ned some day to make a flight to Mexico. So I've looked forward to this visit for many years. Please say that I very much appreciate. President Calle' kind invitation for me to come here. "Here's something perbaps you would like to know. When I took off, I wasn't sure whether I'd muse 2 non-stop flight or not. I hadn't decided. But when I found the go- ing was good and had no trouble, I just kept on. [I didn't have Lue slightest difficulty with my engine irom the time I started until I landed. Everything worked siaouuu- 1y." "hat time was it when yum crossed into Mexico?" he was ask- ed > bd 1] "I really do mot know, I won't know until I go over my map." The flyer gazed out at the sunlit Mexican sky for a moment or two and added: "It was a great sight coming over the mountains inte this valley. The scenery was womn- derful." His plans for the immediate fu- Na- | r the vast area was one seething | cived Lind- | Eid di ture received brief mention. "I'm going to fly back," he as- serted, "but don't know yet wheth- ov I'll go by way of Havana wr by some other route. That hasn't been decided." "What are you doing for the rest of the day?" ) "I havn't quite figured that out." Lindbergh replied with a touch of formality. "Anyhow that's entire- ly aside from the object of the flight." The flyer refused to be inter. viewed until he had a bath. He emerged from it lookinz as clean as a hound's tooth, He showed not the slightest strain from hig 27- hour journey. He was in high spir- its as he dodged a waiting group of reporters and camera-men and bolted for a telephone. BIGAMY CHARGE LAID AGAINST ENGLISH WOMAN Chatham, Dec. 14.--Arraigned before Magistrate Arnold in coun- ty Police Court on a charge of bigamy, Mrs. Catherine Theta Butcher, aged 34, of Raleigh, was not asked to plead. She was re- leased on bail of $300 to appear I through a form of marriage with |land, knowing that at the time her |land, is still alive. Police say 'that Albert Butcher on April 7, a few | husband, Ernest Yopp, whom she |Butcher d"d not I'now that the wos on Saturday. It 1s alleged that she went SIGNET The problem of sclecting a suit. able gift for a man is always per. plexing. A signet ring may prove a happy solution, Priced from $4.50 to $20.00, talking for several minutes to his | [§ mother in Detroit, 1 Links in ail the season's newest |' styles, The wide range of shapes will enable you to select just the gift to please him, Priced from $1.00 to $25.00. Aid 1g and in tion with PP in mountings of borutiful lace of- fect. Price from $8.00 to $3500. ---- An days after her arrival from Eng-|married in July, 1924, in Eng- {man was married, a E CORDIALLY invite you to visit our store and inspect whatever may interest you, You will be courteously and intelligently served, for we are always glad to show our "Gifts That Last,"" We offer you a stock to choose from that has been diligently selected for quality, and is the largest and best of its kind between Toronto and Montreal-- priced in many cases less than so called sale prices, TEA SETS Our stock affords you the portunity of selecting a style that will harmonize with your dining recom furnishings. Priced from 310,00 to $75.00. Astounding Watch Values GENTS' STRAP WATCH| WRIST WATCHES oh Thar, 2 Bests fe | Meine peel og Christmas Special $10.00 Others from $500 to $100.00. cases, illustrated is priced at $10.00. Others from $500 to $500.00, TOILET SETS Never have these popu'ar {9 been so rich or so attract! y come in a wealth of bea: ful mew » Choicest of Gems WORDS cannot do justice to the beauty of the collection of diamond rings now on display. The artistic designs of the mountings in either green or white gold and 'platinum make a wonderful frame for our choice diamonds, ,Craect Uy es' red mantel dock chim'ng eve cvaic: of an b en ba fully fond roms. Q display ehepld be of 'ntoroct, Priced from $2300 to $100.00, -- Sd . ROLL CASE Ladics Mopicure S soit leather cases