THRTY-TVO We Titled Farmers Till | Canadian Prairies RE OCD FO0W -ELEDING WwW wie Canada is becoming very popular with lords and ladies of high rank, From Eng- land, from France, from Denmark, and from ungary~to say nothing of Russian nobles, they are to the prairies of Alberta and Saskatchewan .%0 prosper on farms or ranches, yon knows, of course, that the Prince of Wa a large ranch in Alberta, stocked with alee Las 2 cattle, sheep and pigs, But everyone does not know that along the shores of the Saskat- chewan River at Fort Saskatchewan a twelve room of graceful architecture and modern throughout Lo been built on a ranch covering a thousand where Lord amd Lady Rodney, with their ily® have decided to spend the rest of their ,. with occasional trips, of course, back to Eng- to visit their friends and relatives, Before Ein to ™m the ranch, however, both of them out as farm hands on a neighboring ranch they felt that they kmew something of condi- which homesteaders on the prairies are obliged VES IN CRITE AY CUNVALA to meet, Now they are not only successfully running theip own large farm, but friends in the nobility of England have sent out their promising sons to train under Lord Rodney before they, too, buy their own ranches, Lord Montague, son of the Duke of Man- chester, is a pupil on Lord Rodney's ranch, The son of Lady Farquhar, of London, England, is another Lady Rodney's Tittle son, John, although only eight years of age, helps his father round the farm and bids fair to being an experienced farmer before he is out of his teens, (3 One of France's wealthiest noblemen, the hand- some Duc de Nemours, who attended the annual ride of the Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies this summer, was so fascinated with the country round Banff and the Yoho Valley that he is reported to have bought some property and intends go return again next summer, Prince Eric of Denmark, whose ma rriage to one of Canada's best known society girls was an event much heralded, has expressed his intention of following the a: ample of the Prince of Wales. ------ Death Has Removed Baby-- Surviving Children Range from 8 to 13 Years of Age «General Response to Appeal By the Committee will Help to Relieve Bur- den -- Rotary Club Heads List With $300 -- Christ. mas is Drawing Near and Prompt Action is Neces sary has already taken the baby of a widowed mother's family of five, and in behalt of the surviv- ing children of this brave wom. an's family that the Christmas Cheer Fund, No, § Bond street west, appeals today, The four children range in age between § and 13, but none of them have underclothing fit to meet the challenge of winter, That this case is entirely deserving is certified to by reputable citizens. They know the problem the mother has had to face, the sickness, the daily struggle to provide her lit. tle ones with food, But this case is just one of the many that appeal to the benevolent of Oshawa, A little bis from every- one is gaing to help solve these problems and bring Christmas hap- piness to homes where poverty in its bitterest form {is & constant guest, Cheques for the Christmas (heer Fund should be sent to Man- ager C. N, Henry of the Dominion Bank who is treasurer of the fund, 18 SIMCOE STRENT PECs RIEL ERE BMRRRERY DINNER IRE E VE EE Clk lb Thompson's Drug Store bu of Host of Charming A y Mani- $4.00 un F rench Ivor cure Sets Perfume ; Compacts 75¢ to $6 Cutex Sets .... 35¢ up Bath Salts, 75¢ to $3 Dusting Powder $1 up. Face Powders, 50¢ Page and Shaws Neilson's . a DeNilliess. Perfumizers From $1 50 to $5.00, Ashes of Roses Toilet Sets, $5.00 each Yardley's Toilet Re- quisites in attractive Christmas boxes. Hudunts Flower Toilet Rre- parations, CHOCOLATES Hudunt's Deauville, Hudunt's Duberry Three Toilet Sets Safety Razors Shaving Brushes Yardley 5 Slhiaving © Bowls Nested Ash Trays... $1.00 to $7.00 Parker and Eversharp Pencils, $1 to $5. Brush and Comb... WERE ENNNE KT Correspondence Cards ........ ; Boxed Stationery . ) Assorted French Ivory Pieces, B0¢ up French Ivory Boudoir Lamps $4.50 up Yardley's Bath Salts ETT ---- So. nomen sans ones, -- $1.00 A SISDMLIS INC Cigars, all brands, from $1 to $8 a box | Brownies, $2.25 up EY a AY - Military Brushes, $2.75 up--Cigarettes in Fancy Christmas Boxes, all prices i UD 0 Hs RO BV iy PT, | yg? Ai We "2° F. W. THOMPSON DRUG STORE SIMCOE S87. 8S. . 3 : | il = B.S BIBS SEB LEELA EO BERS FEES L3G FIRS IIR The cheques should be made pay- able to him as treasurer. Cash contributions are received either at the Dominion Bank, the Christmas Cheer Fund Headquar- ters at No. 8 Bond Street West (Dominion Employment office), or at the office of The Oshawa Dally Times. Kvery gift will be ack nowledged,.no gift tou small to be of service, Donations. Oshawa Rotary Club .......$300.00 Pythian Sisters 5.00 Rex Harper (in meat) ..... 0.00 Assoclation of General Mo- tors Employees --...--... 300.00 Ross McKinnon ... 10.00 J. H, R, Luke 5.00 Miss Bessie Pascoe ....-... 2.00 SAYS RUMANIANS WANT REPUBLIC Canadian Violinist Gives Im- | pressions of Visit to Balkans NO LOVE FOR CAROL Miss Kathleen Parlow Was Entertained By Queen Marie New York, Dec. 14,--Kathleen Parlow, who has just completed a round-the-world tour, -durh@ which time she was entertained hy many crowned heads, 1s amused at some of the New York press comments on the possibility of Prince Carol, ever returning to the throne of Rumania. That country generally 18 looking forwdrd to be- coming a republie, she declares, Miss Parlow, who is Canada's foremost violinist, was entertain- ed by Queen Marie for three days, playing for the Royal family at Sinala and travelling with the royal entourage to Bucharest the following day, The retinue in. cluded Queen Marie's daughter, Elizabeth, the ex-Queen of Greece, her husband, the ex-king; Crown Princess Helen, Carol's wife and others, "In addition to talking wun these, I had considerable opper- tunity to discuss matters with Ru- manians outside the Royal circle," Miss Farlow declared when inter- viewed, "The common people of Rumania want a republic, They have but little respect for Carol, You see, his absorbing passion seems to he driving automobiles, He likes activiiy and speed. The quiet routine life members of the | Royal family lead around the pal- ace affords no opportunity for ex- citement. The entire entourage follows the queen wherever she goes and their doings do not af- tord thrills for Carol, Of course, the commen nenple not look up to Carol ar a grew personage, While his life has pot been wll that it should he, they do not hold this against himr, how- ever, heing still possessed of the half-oriental idea that a prince must have his diversions and af- fairs, But they do regard him 28 lacking in character when he allowed himself to be persuaded by his love affairs to give up his duty to his country and ahdicate, The, people loved the old king, they love the Queen, and also Helen, Carol's wife, who is charming snd sweet in every respect. However, since this was a marriage of con- venience, Carol cannot be alto. gether blamed. "Indeed, many sensible, sane people of Rumania look forward somewhat eagerly to the day that the country will be a republic even though they have loved Queen Marie with much devotion." ELECTION IN N.S. Rhodes Would Resign if Re- elected, it is Re- ported Halifax, Dee. 14.--That Rhodes Government intends to go to the people in June and that following the election, Premier Rhodes, if re-elected, will resign as Premier of Nova Scotia are ru- mors that appear to be based on substantial ground work amd that from the inner Comservative OR The Government intends to the Old Age Pensions Bill this ses- sion of the Legislature and to anos. ish the Legislative Council and IN JUNE RUMORED the | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. THURSDAY. DECEMBER ©. 15, 1927 Christmas Cheer Fund will "Aid This Widowed Mother With a Family of Five PIANO SALE "Christmas a adliett Be Christma Without Musigr 0# Greatest Value in any Piano Bvt & Sold in Oshawa. This Sale £2 4 to Home The Williams Piano is Internationally known, and in ore der to give the people of Oshawa an opportunity of own« ing one of their newest creations, the extremely low price is offered, Best Piano Value in Oshawa Come in and Inspect this Piano THE WILLIAMS' NEWEST CREATION THE 1928 MODEL STYLE "K" This Special Sale is going big and if you are thinking of buying a piano in the near future: we would strongly advise you to come in and see this new model, ZEEE $325 strument 1s $805,00 The This price includes every Je sure and come early as our sale is li mited to 5 pianos, ' thing, and it means a clear saving to you of 970.00 by buying now, Special Factory to Home price is, "Make this the Christmas Gift of a Lifetime" 20K THE JOHNS PIANO STORE 80 Simcoe Street North dshawa h J One Delightful Greup af 98¢ HERE you will find Hats for sub-debs ~-- Hats for misses -- Hats for matrons in large, small and me- dium headsizes. Smart creations in felt and velvet that are distinct- ly new! Group at $1.98 \X/EEXS of eareful planning makes this tremendous Milli- nery clearance possi- In this group are the close fitting hairline brimless hats, tu turbans, berets and hats with tiny brims, All pew! Skull Caps Enamel Pins Tilting Hats Small Brims Tailored and trimmed ef- fects, many brilliant metallic Hats included-- faney pins, pleated and tucked crowns! worth your attending this clearance.