-T0 VOTE ON LAROR ke municipal election in the aship of Manvers, which is to piace on Jan, 2, payers will vote upon the question er not statute labor is to Be abolisned in the municipality. i. DRIVER FINED $100 [* Basil Melntyre, Lindsay, was figed by Jedse Swayze today $100 'costs on a charre of 'erim 1 gence while driving a car, hy gh the insurance company, J, A. Carroll £300 and Wik Conway of Toronto 3800, JUDGMENT RESERVED Judge MacLean reserved judg. ent at Belleville yyesterday in he case of Lee M, Brown v. George ' , arising out of options om i on Huff's Island, where Mr, p planned to establ [) ki: farm. The case was heard Lh 1 \ "MOVED FROM B { Mr, Harold Toms, Superinten- of the Bridge Department for LN.R., is being removed from lle to Richmond, Quebec. ds today presented Mrs. Toms a beautiful electric lamp, and 8 regret at their removal the oity. .. STILL, OWNER JAILED . Charles Eckhert of Lutterworth Township, Haliburton County, was sentenced to six months in jail for Sraatng an illicit still, Incidental- | ly, he told the officers that some American tourists used the radia- tor of their car for making moon- shine whiskey, ' + LIQUOR THIEVES FOILED ' Whieves, in search of liquor, voke into six box cars at the O, | N.R, shed siding and two cars at the O.P.R. freight siding at Lind- pay. They were unsuccessful, At the ©, P, R, they entered the freight office and rifled the till. They also ransacked the warehouse, tamper. ing with almost every crated are ticle there, APPEAL 10ST Michael Cassidy, for the second time, was found ruilty on the same charge of assault at the County Court before Judge H. A, Lavell, Oassidy had been found guilty in June last and sentenced to a term fn the Ontario Reformatory, An pppeal was entered, on the ground hat the eharge of assault and a charge of theft should have heen heard separately, He will he sen- tenced after the charge of theft is disposed of, MINISTERIAL OFFICERS At the annual meeting of the Cobourg Ministerial Association, held at Cohourg Monday, the foil- fowing officers were elected: resident, Rey, T. Stannage Boy'e, A, D.D,, D.CT.; Vice-President, Rev. W. R. Tanton; BSecretary- Treasurer, Ensign Polloch, Rev, yr. Tanton was appointed minis- rial representative on the Board of Cobourg General Hospital, Johns Piano Store BO Simcoe St. N, Phone 251 group-- tion School; second, Carp Continu- ation School; third, Ottawa Normal Model School. The competition was competed for by 87 senior and junior teams,, the scores obtained being higher tham usual, RR COMPANY INCORPORATES Announcement has been made at Kingstan yesterday of the incor- of N. hy Men manufacturing druggists, at $200,000, Mr. Polson stated that the incorporation of thin mew company had beem brought about as the natural outcome of his drop- ping out of the company, with which has been identified for §0 years, His Neil Polson, will assume the presidency and also the direction of the company, The N. C, Polson Co, was for many years located in Kingston, being removed to Montreal a few years ago. Mr. Polson was very active in muniel- pal affairs in Kingston in hia younger days, and was Mayor of the city in 1893, AMERICAN CONSUL DEAD Col, Felix Salm Salm Johnson, United States consul a; Kingston died suddenly yesterday afternoon. He went to his home for lunch, his dead. Col, Johnson had been a resident there since 1910, sue- ceeding Col. Van Zant, who recent. ly. died at. Dunfermline, Scotland, Deceased was 57 years of age, the son of a U.S: consul in whose of- fice he'received his early training. A brother, Frederick, 1s consul at Fredericton, N.B., and a sister, Mrs. Wilcox, in the consulate at London, Ont. Col Johnson served in Nova Scotia, Honduras and Norway, coming to Kingston from Bergen. His aunt was Princess Salm Salm from whom he took his Christian names, PROMINENT MAN DEAD Wm, H. Letcher died at Port Perry yesterday morning in his 77th year from the effects of a stroke sustained two weeks ago, He took an active part in town af- fairs being 8 school trustee for 2 number of years, was an active worker in Masonic Lodre, Odd- fellows, Sons of England and Nranre Lode, heing a past master of Fidelity Lodre. 428, AF. and A.M., also past distric deputy of [.L0.0.F. fer Ontario County, He was an enthusiastic supporter of sport, taking an active part in hase- pall in his younrer days and lat- terly in lawn bowling, Up until 1914 he conducted a furniture and undertakin~ husiness, He was 1 member of the United Church, Be- sides his wife he leaves two dauzh- ters and one ron, Mrs, J. C. Mae- nah, of Uxhridge, Mrs. Alan Craw- frd, of Soyvannah, Ga. and w. Merlin Letcher, of Port Perry, FOG CAUSES CRASH The heavy fog Tuesday night was responsible for the collision of two cars on the Provincial high- way west of Belleville limits. Al- lan H. Cameron, of Peterboro, and Charles Yorke, of Trenton, were more or less seriously Injured. Cameron's left forearm was cut to the hone hy broken glass, and Yorke suffered a severe scalp wound, Both cars were damaged to a considerable extent. TEN NOMINATED Ten have been mominated for directorship of the Belleville Chamber of Commerce for the en- suing two years: H. W, Acker: man, J. B. Boyce, C. A, Cameron, R. J. E. Graham, H. F. Ketche- som, W. C. Springer, G. A. C. Weir, Cc. E. Wilmot and E. W. Worth. Five of these are to be elected on the final ballot. RESULTS ANNOUNCED The result of the annual com- petition held among the cadets units of Military District No. 3 for the Laura Secord prizes was an- pounced at Kingston yesterday morning from headquarters, M. D. 3, as follows: Semior group--First, lembroke High School; second, Low rental, STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT About 12,000 ft. of good dry storage space, conveniently locat- ed, with Canadien National siding, for rent either in whole or in part. CHARLES M, MUNDY ¢/0 Mundy Printing Company, Limited Telephone 35 or 312 Co. sat and read. Later the maid found {Ht OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1927 The List of prize winners in the Sixth Annual Show of the Oshawa Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock As- so-iation, December 13th, 14th. and 15th at the Armories is, in part, as \ [ H ASIATIC Olas 1, AN. R. R. Mclaughiln, Oshawa-- Cock, 1st, 2nd; hem, 1st, 2ad; cockerel, 1st; pullet, 1st, 4, Rocks, Th Whitbhy--Cock, 1st, hen, 2nd, 3rd; cockervel, 1st, pullet, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, D. Crawford, Oshawa--Cock, 3rd; hen, 1st; cockevel, 4th. 8, 'White J. Pascoe, Oshawa--OCock, 3rd; hen, 1st; Pullet, 1st, P, Toronto~--Cock, ' 2nd; hen, 2nd, C, M., Larmer, Oshawa--OCock, 1st, 4th; hen .4th; cockerel, 1st; pullet, 2nd, 3rd, Js 2nd; 2 Olss Wyandotte, White BW. a Oshawa--Cocker- el, 2nd, 4th. L. Fisher, Oshawa--Cock, 1st, 2nd; hen, 1st, 2nd, 4th; pullet, 1st, 2nd, 3rd,' 4th, i , Oshawa--~Cock, 3rd; hen, 8rd; cockerel, 1st, 3rd, ' Olass 11, Rhode Island Reds, 8.0, H. B. Wilson, Oshawa--Cock- erel, 4th; pullet, 5th. A. Wilson, Port Hope--Cock, 1st, 2nd, 8rd; hen, 1st, 2nd, dvd; cockerel, 1st, 2nd, 3rd; pullet, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Class 18, Leghorns, White, 8.0, P. Coyle, Toronto--Cock, 1st; hen, 1st, 2nd, 8rd; cockerel, 1st, 2nd, 38rd; pullet, 1st, 2nd. P. Kilborn, Oshawa--Cockerel, 4th, Olass 14, Leghorns, White, Rose Comb A, Balson, Hampton--Cock, 1st; hen, 1st; cockerel, 1st. Olass 16, Leghorns, and R, O, A, Tubb, Oshawa--Cock, 1st, 2nd; hen, 1st, 2nd, 8rd, 4th; cock- erel, 1st, 2nd, 8rd; pullet, 1st, 2nd, 8rd. Olass 16A, Leghorns, Buff J. Pascoe, Oshawa--Cock, 1st; hen, 1st, 2nd, 8rd. W. Woods, Oshawa--Cockerel, 1st, pullet, 1st 2nd. Class 19, Anconas R. 8. McLaughlin, Oshawa-- Cockerel, 8rd; pullet, 8rd. R. BR, McLaughlin, Oshawa-- Cock, 1st; hen, 1st, 2nd, 3rd: cockerel, 1st, 2nd; pullet, 1st, 2nd. Class 20, Andalusians A. Balson, Oshawa--Hen, 1st. Olass 22, Orpington, Buff Phelps and Reid, Oshawa--ULuck, 2nd, 8rd; hen, 4th; cockerel, Znu, 4th; pullet, 1st, 4th, Dr. Dickinson, Oshawa--Cock, 1st; hen, 1st, 2nd, 3rd; cockerel, 1st, 2nd, Fth; nuHot, 2nd 2rd Class 23. Orpinrton, Buff R. R. McLaughlin, Oshawa----- Cock, 2nd, 8rd; hen, 18 cockerel, 2nd; pullet, 1st, David Heard, Whithy -- Cock, 1st; hen, 8rd; cockerel, 1st; pullet, 3rd. Class 24, Dorkings, A.V, Charles; Game, Oshawa--Cock, 1st; hen 1st, 2nd, 8rd; pullet, 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Class 27A. Sussex, Light Brooks and Rice, Osh wa--Cock 1st, 2nd; hen, 1st, 2nd; cockerel, 1st, 2nd; pullet, 1et. 8rd. R. 8. McLaughlin, Oshawa Hen, 8rd. 8. Ward, Oshawa -- Cockerel, 3rd; pullet, 2nd. Class 28, Hamburgs, A.V, A. Balson, Hampton, Onpt.-- Cock, 1st; hen, 2nd. Dr. Dickinson, Oshawa--Cocker- al, 1st; pullet, 1st, 2nd, 8rd. less 83. Old En~lish, A.V. R. R. McLaughlin, Oshawa--Pul- let, 1=t, 2nd, Class 85. Bantams, Black or Br, Red George Fuller, Oshawa--Cock, 1st; hen, 1st; cockerel, 1st, 2nd; pullet, 1et, 2pd: pen, 1st. Class 87. Pr»tams, Birchen Phelps and Reid, Oshawa--Cock, 2rd; hen, 2nd George Fuller, Oshawa--Cock, 1st; hen, 1st; cockerel, 1st; pullet, 1st, 2nd, 8rd; pen, 2nd. Class 88. Bantams, A.0.V. Ben. Sharp, Toronto--Cock, 1st, 20d; hen, 1st, 2nd; cockerel, 1st, rd. Class 89. Panis, Old English, AV. 8. Howlett, Oshawa--Cock, 1st, 2nd; hen, 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Class 40. Bantams, Buff Phelph and Reid, Oshawa--Cock Ist, 2nd; hen, 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Class 41, Bantams, Black Cochin Phelph and Reid, Oshawa--Cock R. McLaughlin, Oshewa-- 1st; hem, 1st, 2nd; pullet, nC, , Oshawa--Cock- 2nd. Rose Comb , Oshawa-- hen, 1st, 2nd: , 1st. Dr. Dickinson, arel, 1st; pullet, Class 48. G Ww. Cock, 1st, 2nd; ~ockerel, 1st: PIGEONS Class 62. Bald Head, Tumbler Class F. Forman, 2nd, 304° hen. ist 2nd 2nd. Class 69. Owls, AY. J. Camble, Oshawa--Cack, fist. Class 72, AON. : PARTIAL PRIZE POULTRY SHOW WINNERS t, 2nd; 2nd. , of error without that Lan CIVILIANS DURING LIST OF / § 'Camble, Oshawa--OCock, 1st; Hen, 1st, HOMER Class 1, Flown 500 Miles % Brambley Bros, Oshawa--Cock, st V. Whitely, Oshawa--Cock, 2nd, 4th. W. Cowle, Oshawa--Cock, 3rd, Class > Hen Flown 500 Miles a Bros., _ Oshawa--2nd, < Whitely, Oshawa--1st, 4th, Class 3 Flown 300 Miles Bramley , Oshawa--1st, Thomas Bottrell and Sons, Bow- manville--4th. Wotten and Marritt, rd. W. Cowle, Oshawa--2nd. Class 4, Hem Flown 300 Miles . Foat, Toronto--1st. 2nd, 4th, omas Bottrell and Sons--3rd. Class 8 Oock Flown 150 Miles V. Foat, Toronto--1st, 3rd, 4th. C. Sparrow, Oshawa--G&th. E. P. Burns, Oshawa--2nd. Olass 6, Fen Flown 150 Miles J. Askew, Oshawa--3rd, V. Foat, Toronto--1st. ' ©, Sparrow, Oshawa--4th, 5th, Bramley Bros, Oshawa--2nd, Class 7. Cock,- Likeliest Flyer V. Foat, Toronto--~5th, 0. Sparrow, Oshawa--4th. Bramley Bros, Oshawa--1st. V. Whiteley, Oshawa--2nd, 3rd. Olas 8. an, ¥ikelaet Flop, V. Foat, Toronto--1st, 4th, V. Whiteley, Oshawa--2nd, D. Cooper, Toronto--3ard, . Hotton and Merritt, Oshawa -- th, Class 9. Cock Bred 1027, Flown 200 Miles C. Askew, Oshawa--3ard, Bramley Bros, Oshawa -- 1st, 2nd. Wotten and Merritt, Oshawa-- 4th, |Olass 10. Hen Rred 1087, Flown 200 Miles Sramley Bros., Oshawa--1st, 8rd. i Thomas Bottrell and Sons, Osh. awa--2nd, Olass 11, Cock Bred 1027, Flown 100 Miles ©. Askew, Oshawa--2nd, Bramlev Bros., Oshawa--1st, BE. T. Burns, Oshawa--3rd, Wotten and Merritt, Oshawa-- 4th, Class 12, Hen Bred 1927, Flown 100 Miles V. Foat, Toronto--2nd, 4th. Bramley Bs, Oshawa--3rd. Thomas Bottrell and Sons, Osh- awa---1st, Class 18, Cock Bred 1027, liest Flyer V. Foat, Toronto--2nd, 4th, Bramley Bros, Oshawa--1st, 8rd, Class 14. Hen Bred 1929, Like. liest Flyep V. Poat, Toronto--1st, 2nd, 4th, Wotten and. Merritt, Oshawa-- NEW EVIRENCE FOR SNYDER MURNER Report of Discovery Fails to Cheer Condemned Couple Oshawa-- Like- Ossington, N.Y., Dee, 14.--A re- port that pew evidence has heen turned up in their case Sunday fa'l- ed to cheer Mrs. Ruth Brown Sny- Ider or Henry Judd Gray, who are to be executed next month for the ,mrrder of Albert Snyder, the for- mc:'s husband. i A men pamed David Chombers livirs in New York claims to have found that a "Western New York man," eided Mrs. Snyder end Gray in th~'~ plot to kill Snyder. Pric n officials gave little cre- dence to the report but counsel for Mrs. Snyder announced that they have been in possession of the information for some time. "Mr. Chambers' letters are in my ' office," said Edgar Hazelton, one of the defence attorneys. "I nave investigated the charges but I do not wish to say what action will be taken upon them, "As 8 matter of fact I am still investigating and at this time I cannot say whether there is any substance to the charges." Keepers of Sing Sing sald Mrs. : Snyder saw little chan~e of saving herself through "new evidence." Joseph Lonardo, another de- fence attorney, apnounced that Mrs. Snyder was Shost o* © has no means of raising the $4,- 000 which would be required to send the minutes of the trial to the United States Supreme Court. Because of that shortage of funds, Lonardo said he would esk the court to waive the reading of the trial record and permit him to make his application for 2 wris formality, KILLED WAR AIR RAIDS , Dec. 14--One thousand hundred and seventeen civilians i killed ing the tn were J be . i to figures out toda; ment by Sit Samuel Hoare, Air Min ister. FREAK ENDURANCE Warsaw, Dec. 14--A Polish or- claim the world's endur- of and the wiolinist was play- '# one string when the endur- a test ended, bettering the Ger- record hy two hours. MILTON PRISONER Hamilton, Dec. 14.--John Wood- cock, who escaped from the Milton jail a few hours after judge Elliott sentenced him to three years ia Portsmouth Penitentiary about ten days ago, was captured here tonight in a house at 77)2 Mary street. The fugitive made no resistance, and will be returned to Milton, where he will face an additional charge of jail- breaking. : : Wi k's arrest tonight came. as the reward of several days of vigi- lance on the part of local police, who had received reports of a man who for money to buy food and e description tallied closely with that of the escaped convict, Traced i : by Detective Tonight a man believed to have been Woodcock was seen on a street not far from the centre of the city, and was followed by Detective Thompson to a house at 77% Mary street. Detective Thompson imme- diately got in touch with Detectives Duffy, Gillespie and Roughead and Chief Lee Smith, of Burlington, who happened to be at local headquarters This squad of officers went to the house, and were in the act of sur- rounding it when an Indian whom Woodcock had knoyn at Burlington came along the street and entered the house by the front door, Immediately the officers also emter- ed the front door and saw Wood- cock leaving a room with a view, it was thought, to departing from the house by a rear door, The fugitive was recognized immediately and plac. ed under arrest, Has Long Record Woodcock has a lengthy crim- inal record and was sentenced here in 1924 to three years' imprisonment for burglary, He was sentenced at Milton a few days ago after being convicted of three charges of bur- glary committed at Burlington. Woodcock was to have been taken to Portsmouth Penitentiary on the fol- lowing day, but he had not been in his cell many hours, it is said, when saws which must have been secreted on his person were pressed into sil- ent and efficient service, with the result that when guards went to his cell the next morning they found him gone. Bars cn his cell window had been sawn and wrenched away to permit exit, Woodcock, it is said, used part of his bedding to lower himself to the jail yard, but how he succeeded in scaling the wall and reaching freedom is unknown, Police circulars advise that Wood- cock escaped from the Milton Jail on December 6. Screen News and Reviews by Old Bill" AT THE NEW MARTIN "PHE MIDNIGHT LIMITED" It is quite a waile since Ushawa picture fans have secn a real "rail- road thriller", such as those which used to feature Helen Holmes some years ago. They were at one time a very popular form of amusement, and an old railway train hes been wehed to atoms end molecules to h a thrill to the jaded nerves of theatre audiences. In "The Midnight Limited" which cominences tonight at the New Mar- tin, we have a railway relodrpiia that is bigger and better than ever ' inciuding a bigger anda pees train wreck! With Gaston Glass, Wanda Haw~ ley and Richard Hoit, as co-stars in of talent, and this, combinci w'h a well-developed plot and stirring incidents, combine to prouuce a pu ture that will interest everyone. You all know "Big Boy", that loy- able little scamp with the Charlie Chaplin shoes and the big hat! He will appear in a new comedy, "She's a Boy!" which is certain to raise a storm of merriment, Then there is the 11th episode of »Blake of Scotland Yard". New Martin "regulars" are following th's serial with great interest, and will be anxiously awaiting the next de- AT THE REGENT "THE LIFE OF RILEY" George Sidney is Chief of Police and Charlie Murray the Fire Chief of Elmdale Center in "The Life of er. We've often done that. --Montreal Star. this great productiop, there is no Jack | Li velopment of this dramatic story, VESSELS SAIL FOR HUDSON BAY ¥ i i i | "ed H : Is gis ; ti i 8 fi g B ¢ f of ik : # i H fzFa ; 5% i i wh : | £ i : & £ ] : i ; 8 i ] i ji Telepirone=-- 262 Four direct lines to Ceutral For=-- Solvay Coz 'We are Sole Agents Jeddo Premium Coed The Best Produced in America General Motors "Won d All Fuel Orders weighed on City Sca'es if desired, DIXON'S ' UG pid J TE TG A NEW GAME INTERESTING FASCINATING PROFITABLE =The= oo, "BOOKS z= BIBLE" GAME ~The Very Game for COMPLETE TH your Home or Club e | or Class 50. IT MAKES A NICE CHRISTMAS GIFT _ For Sele By FELT BROS, ROBERTSHAW AND Hw