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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Dec 1927, p. 9

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tSay Anythingls Lost Until YouHave Tried A Wa. -------------- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1927 ---- For Rent Po Len : ALD, BARRIS: D C. MacDONALD. BARRIS opal : was pave ares TS, BARRISTER, Conveyancer, Al * Ww i EN, STNCLAT K.C, BANK * Commerce Budi. _ he yr.) Bank oi | i EE Conveyancers, branches of Money to Lamb e's Wore, 2 eran, ete, Fimael and hil, ly J; BARRISTER, Saticitor, otary 'Public, Convey- ancer, money to loan. Disney Bldg, osite Post Office. Phones, office tivn residence, 2239], (62f) The -- STUDIOS, IN- structors on Hawaiian or Spanish uitar, ukelele, temor guitar, man foun. for Bgl Phone 23 Nav. Se Dee 2 2) HERBERT C % ENEER IS PRE: pared to . ils ) gan nd vod CH ay | Particulars will he upon reques street east. Phone "6. o | ARTROR LYNDE, VOCAL TEACH- er Hames Sonservaieny. bv» pare ? A shave, Friders n Sim- eoe St, North, Phone 87 ' (12940) FIVE ROOMED BUNGALOW TO rent. All conveniences. Large garage. Immediate possession. Apply 233 Eulalie avenue. (140-a) UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. 72 Bond street west (140-b) APARTMENT TO RENT, CON- venient to four cormers. Apply for rticulars to L. 8. Bandel, Whit- House, Immediate possession. (139%¢) FOR RENT--APARTMENT NO. 4, Amylene, Quebec and Smee, bai (139-¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM TO rent, suitable for one or two. Ap. ply 178 Albert street or phone 7314. (138-c) TRS re ii RR a: Ae th KG INSURANCE 80 Simcoe north. attended to hy R bi, auraice Sact) ver "your tergsts. prot UNLIMITED DS mort A FD Bradley Bros, Phone 169, 420, (96-1f) FOR CITY AND.FARM._ LOANS oR sion, Building loans Lea! work done at this "offi Parkhill, Barrister, Disney , Phone 1614. Contracting FO RFIRST ns arranged LOUIS 8B. HYMAN AND COM ny, Barristers, Money to loam, ver Pewland's Store, 16 Simcoe th, Phone 87, residence et. " (tf) - Medical T, W, ENGLAND AND R, DOUG- lass, bricklayers and contractors work taken hy the thousand or by day work, Repalr work of all de. scriptions, Satisfaction guaranteed, 818 Division St. Phone 2670W, (Nov, 24-Dec. 24.) TO RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS .with board, for gentlemen, Apply 21 Warren avenue, (188-¢) TO RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED or partly furnished roams for light housekeeping, no ehildven, Apply 21 Warren Ave. (138¢) Motor Cars FOR SALE--1924 37 Me¢LAUGH- lin four door sedan. Good shape, new tires, $600. Also Oakland 1925 touring with winter top like new, $625. One Ford ton truus, 1028, good as new, stake body, closed cab and hard tires or pneu- matie, $150. Luke Motor Sales Company, Phone 882W, Whitby, (188-c) Fully Phone 2473W, (180¢) sale, equipped, 1924 CHEVROLET SEDAN FOR a Ali Bi] Effective immediately eclos- by} time for elassified ads. 9.30 day to Friday and 83% a Ads for. Ton date to Casiify 3 an ing Events, receive up to 1030 am. 4 AANA RIANA AAAS I -------------------- Rates for | Classified Ads. First insertion--134 cents per word, Minimum charge--30¢, Each. su insertion le per Three consecutive inser: t for the price of two ton "nse owe (three cents A wo! . Minimum dire for three insertions, 60 cents. Box number 10c additional Profession or ns v ment for 20 wards w less; 1 n te a Ww yr mon for sach additional ward. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACe COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart: ment, a {TOR Rah a 8 se a ah -- Real Estate for Sale R SALE -- Five ROOMED Aol 84 Park A EN ad. Wat, i (13%¢) ROOM HOUSE Kingston [| highway, acre on excellent mad, Stable for Duling ote. | ple trees. double garage, ap- hy Box 165, Osh- 'awa P.O, (138-¢) ON WARREN AVENUE, PAVED 'street, six or elght room houses, rug brick veneer, hard w tr ust completed. All conveniences. hone 153TW or 2072, (Nov, 23-De¢. 23) ' CHOICE BUILDING FOR fe Ten minutes ee walk fr on Motoe ichmond a Safe ond aud Ri ui hi ay -Dec. 16) 194 Division St. Pe Nov. 4 Wanted to Rent MOTHER AND SON DESIRE TWO furnished rooms with hoard. Cen- tral. Private family preferred, Box "Y" Oshawa Daily Times. | (139¢) Notice WOULD THE PARTY WHO TOOK hat and coat by mistake, layman's banquet at St. Andrew's Chureh, November 15, kindly communicate with James Scott, R.R. No. 8, Osh awa. Phone Brooklin 220. (139-bh) Pets and Livestock w-- FOR SALE--§ | outside city limits | DANOND DIGGERS PRESENT DEMANDS Pretoria, South Africa, Dec 16. --Diamond diggers, agitated by the recent diamond legislation .|Testricting the output from the, diamond fields of the South Afri. can Union, are adopting an future. Reports are current that many millions of pounds sterling are being offered for digging right In the Namaqualand diamond fields. An important deputation of Lichtenburg diggers Tuesday called upon Hon. F. W. Beyers, Minister of Mines and Industries. in the Union Government, and heatedl demanded that Namaqua- land be exclusively handed over "| the. diggers. The deputation formulated a list of demands which Mr, Beyers described as impracticable, adding that it was intended to begin the exploitation of these diggings on a small scale with Namaqualanders in the service of the state. Pro- ceedings became heated with every body rising to their feet, the de- putation loudly warning the Minis- ter that there would he trouble: iI I scheme was not carried out, FREE, FREE! CANARIES, GCAR- FOR SALE--1626 CHEVROLET Coach in excellent running condi- tion, Very reasonable. Phone 835'W between § and 7,15 or 284 Albert St, W. CARR, PHYSICIAN, , Obstetrician, office and 9, B66 Simeoe St, N, cor. g, Phone 2415. Dec, 12-Jan, 12) oa MULLEN, PHYSI- and obstetrician, Of- 456 Simcoe street 7 (114-tf) DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- Suggeon, Obstetrician, Spe- yolerence to maternity work of women, Two years' guate experience, Office ence 167 Simcoe Bt, N., ) phone 303. (110-t0) {eKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- ucher. Office and resi- fone ay St, East, corner Victoria hawa, Phone 94, ull GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, diseash id infants and children, Of- ind residence, 97 Bond east. 5. 1155, cian ts Bg a Office, HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- Surgeon, special attention X-ray w and- Electro- Disney Block. Phone (tf Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS: ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim, F Beegroft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, sh. awa, phone 32 (69-1) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, Sraining, ete. Twenty years' experience. Prices rignt, Work ranteed. 181 Huron street, Fhone S067 5-tf) Elocution MISS BVELYN TRICK, MISTRESS of BElocution, graduate of Ontario Ladies' College, will prepare he- ginners and advanced puplis for all platform work. Apply 103 King street east, Phone 134, (Dec. %-Jan, Beauty Parlors MARIE RENWICK'S BEAUTY Shop, 9 Celina street, at Watson's Barber Bhop. Water waves, mani- cures, marcelling. Phone 2653, (Dee, 6-gan.6), 2) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office * over Jury & Lovells Drug iors each Saturday, from 1 till for consultation and treatment P iiseases of ear, nose and throat |; hy Appointments maye be pads ow Hoi Phone (49-tf Dental DR. D. R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's Store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide' oxygen gas admin- istered' for extraction, nurse attend- ant. Phone 231. Residence 1087. (tf) Transportation CARTAGE AND MOVING, LOCAL and long distance. W. Borrow- dale, 609 Carncgie Avenue. Phone 1618. (Dee, 1.Jap. 1) SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIM- ited, Simcoe St. B., phone 2613, 242 Front St. E,, Toronto. Phone Main 7837. Superior Transporta- tion Bervice, (42¢0) COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR- age. B5 Bond St. West. hone 82. 6 trucks for prompt service. Moying van and storage warehouse Cauipment, Baggage transferred to and from all trains, (: DR. S. PHILLIPS, PENTIST, OF- fice uh} B Phone gd y #H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. nor over Mitchells Dr Blore. Ra i DENTIST, a rons Dkld oF gen gad for extrac i ud Otten, Roel Bank Phone # 8, residence, 1378M i DE 'W. i GIFFORD, OFFICE Regent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780. ; treated. Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, cat and Do; Hospital. 503 Masson St. Phone (56-tf) C. S. DICKENSON, V.S. DISEASES of domestic animals scientifically Rreates inion " Goyernment rinary. t one 1051. (131-4) -- | children. 64-tf) » NASH SALES AND SERVICE. Twenty-five different models to choose from. Ask for demonstra- tion. Reid Nash Motors, Dundas street, Whitby, = (Dec. 1-Jan, 1) Board and Rooms BOARDERS AND - ROOMERS wanted, Apply 105 Colborne St. Bast, (Dee. 7-Jan. 7) Situations Wanted EMPLOYMENT WANTED BY young man with twe years high school education. Apply 800 Haig street, (188-¢) Wanted GRAND CAFE WANTS PARTY TO take garbage regularly. For fur- ther particulars call at Grand Caf. {180¢) Help Wanted--Female GIRL, WANTED TO ASSIST dining room. Apply at once to I. 8. Bandel, Whithy House, Whithy. (140h) WOMAN WANTED FOR GENER- al housework. Temporary position One child. Phone 55. (140b) WANTED--CAPABLE SCHOOL girl over sixteen to mind child five years old, afternoons, occasional evenings and Saturdays. Apply Suite 18 Victoria Apts South. GIRL, WANTED TO ACT AS mother's help, in care of two Mrs. Ashbury, 16% Sim- coe street south. (140-2) WANTED--GIRL FOR LIGHT housekeeping, small family, good home. Phone 307F. (140-h) WOMAN WANTED AS SECOND cook. Also experienced waitress wanted. Apply Commercial Hotel. IN GIRLS WHO CAN READ MUSIC at sight for pianist, violinist, cor- opet, banjo and saxaphone play- ers. Apply Box "E" Oshawa Daily Times. A139¢) . Physical Education Furniture Storage gi | FURNITURE. STORED IN SEP. Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR hand Survey ad Cond A compartments. Bond street west. Phone 42. Coleman's Cartage HERCULES SCHOOL OF PHYSI- cal Development, under the direc- tion of "The Masked Hercules." Individual and Class instruction. Classes for ladies. Moderate terms, success assured. Winter classes now forming. This is your oppor- tunity to learn the treasured see- rets of physical exercise 80 ware- CORSETIERE SPIRELLA SHOP, 32 Bigin east. Mrs. Annie Pept- land, corsetiere. Eyen- {ings by appointment. (133-1) AND PLATE sewing done, reasonable. 7327. 136 Gladstone Ave. das LAR at 97 King street west. (Dec. hy 8) me is ion 18.Dee. 18) do 362 Les- fic St. Phone 1842 . 25-Dec. 23) ALL KINDS OF done at reasonable Call at 2 Bore Sr Phone, 450%, 1ASSEY HARRIS MPLENENTE Sleigh. Shagons. mew or second Beatty stable LE FT 19 Dee. 19) |, TRE Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss ¥ "| COKE BURIAL €0. § KING 51, 1493] Xow. Sider. 21 | w Division St. 69 King stocet east. Phone 210). w" . | manship {dinner &r supper for 30c. ERAL fish and chips, served as usual. «| Deliver orders on Friday only. fully guarded by some a Ane world's mest famous strong men. Apply fin first instance to Box ~V~" Oshawa Daily Times. (135-1) Work Wanted CARPENTER WORK, SHINGLING furnaces repaired and . cleaned, chimneys cleaned and rebuilt, floors oiled, cleaned and waxed. General repair work of all kinds promptly attended to. Phone 2582W. (Noy. 17-Dec. 17) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to onder. Waork- 1" Macha L £ A. Con- stable, ., Simeoe St | PRICES, (139b) | (139) | | This Art icles For Sale FOR SALE--A QUEBEC HEATER in A 1 condition, nearly new. Ap ply 174 College Ave, (138¢) JE OF HOUSEHOLD Contents of 6 room (180-tf) PRIVATE furnishings. house. 159 Simeoe St, 8, THREE PIE CE P ARLOR SUITE for sale. In good condition. Ap- ply 79 Burk street, Phont 2040W, (139-¢) SEASON'S GIFTS; ALL of beautifully hand embroid- hand painted cushions and hankies, baby wear, lingerie / and a variety of lovely noti The Daintimaid Shoppe, 4 won| street. Phone 1048W, (130-¢) IRON steel ress: child- THE kinds ered linen, BIG SALE OF FURNITURE, and brass trimmed beds, springs, new felt mattresses, lar $18 to $25, at $10.50; ren's cribs, sideboards, extension' tables, gmail tahles, leather epuches, rockers, easy chairs, dres- gers, washstands, kitchen ecanpinets, stoves and ranges, laundry stove, baby earriages, go-carts, strollers, carpets, rugs, large mirrors. Other bargaips, 17 Prince street. (139-c) RADIO AND LOUD SPEAKER, Cheap for quick sale. Phone even- (139¢) ings 1072W. SALE -- COMBINATION doors, storm sash and covered doors. Just now we are specializ- ing in storm sash and doors apd can give good service at right Phone or call at rear of 442 King street east. (139h) CANARY SINGERS FOR SALE. $5 each. Also some female canaries. 75 cents and $1 each, Apply 234 0 Golf St. (138e¢) HIGH FREQUNECY VIOLET RAY generator complete with five eleec-| trodes. Phone 941M. (138-e) ALL KINDS OF SECOND HAND lumber, doors, windows, sash, storm doors, 75 cents up; urge; doors, furnace, tin, metals. Apply. opposite 81 Ontario street, (138-¢) CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE. Balsam, Spruce and Cedar. Phone 1724W, (137) FOR man and Co. piano for cash or terms to reliable party. Apply Box "R" Oshawa Daily Times. (135-f) CHRISTMAS TREES. Phone (132-£) CHOICE For Christmas delivery. 1618. ELECTRIC FLOOR LAMPE, watches, clocks, rings, jewelry of all kinds, easy payments; immredi- ate delivery. 0. H, Dell, 22% Simcoe south. Phone 16566. (Dee. 2-Jan. 2) HOT WATER HEATING PLANT for sale Good condition. price. plant was used to heat the Mundy Block, about 10000 square; feet of floor space. before new addi- tion was erected. Jt should be just the thing for a store or apartment block. Apply C. M. Mundy, Oshawa Daily Times, Telephone 35 (106-tf) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD body wood. Phone 660. Waterous- Meek 14d. (Mar. 26-tf) Wanted to Buy Phone (7240) Restaurants a OSHAWA CAFE. east. 31 BOND ST. We serve a good meal, Also (Dec. 9-1 mo.) Window C'eaning OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS ~House cleaning. woodwork and floors polished, screen and store win dows put on and semoved. Phone 1302W. WANTED -- GOOD GENERAL purpose Horse for winter. Hollands Bakery. Phone 55. . (140¢) WILL, SACRIFICE GOOD HEINTZ-' anteed singers, Hen bird tree with sale of singer, tei. Jays af- ter this notice, Mrs, D. Lowars, Darlington, R.R. No. 2, Bowmua- ville, (140-¢) | FOR SALE--LAYING BARRED Rocks and Leghorn hens and pul- lets. A, Tinker, 30 Buena Vista Park Road N, (140b) FOR SALE---FOURTEEN EARLY spring Plymouth Rock - pullets. (Phone 1373J or call at 22 Park Rd. 8. (1408) Tire Repeiring ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal Tire Shop, Tires for sale Jamieson Bros. Phone 438. (tf) SALVATION ARMY FAVORS AUSTRALIA Commissioner Higgins Lacking iin Co-operation Thinks Immigration Dept, Winnipeg, Dec. 16.--The Salva- tion Army in Epglapd has concen- trated its immigration work on Australia, rather than Canada, be- cause the Department of Immigra- tion at Ottawa, has falled to co- operate, according to Commission- er Edward J. Higgins, second in command, at International Head- quarters, London. Commissioner Higgins arrived here Tuesday from Toronto. "Interpational heddquarters tot? that we are not being given pro- per co-operation from Canadiap authorities," he said, "We believe there had been a very mprarked change of attitude here toward the | Salvation Army immigration work (recently, and we cannot help but 'feel that our efforts are pore ap- preciated in the Pacific." "We do mot intend," Commis- i sloper Higzins said, "to quit im- "migration work here altogether, rand undoubtedly there will be some army immigrees over to Can- ada in the spring." STUDENTS FACE CHEMICAL CARTEL PLAN ABANDONED : British and German Indus. tries Unable to Reach London, Dec, 16.--The plan for a European chemical cartel has heen ahandoned, according to re- Tor! fIRLr of the inability ot the Britisn and Cerman rhe" {reach a rien Vasls a agree ment, The British group concerned, is the Imperial Chemical Industries, capitalized at $280,000,000, and the German is the I, G. Barben In- dustrie, or dye trust. It is under- |stood that the British made their onLrance il the cartel-----which Franze, Belgivm yas {elie as well--condi- tional upon obtaining equality of output apd profits with the Ger- mans. This Germany was unwill- ing to concede, demanding thet the 1926 output figures be taken as the hasis for allotment of fus ture production. The British re- plied that this, besides insuring German dominance, would be un- fair, as the British general strike of 1926 made this year an excep- tional one for the British indus: + According to The Evening Stand~ ard, Germany, as a last move, threatened to cut dye-stuff prices and drive the British from the world market, The British retort- ed with a counter threat to lower the price of artificial fertilizers of which they are the largest pro- iy 4A said pow that while the British apd Germsps may work together on fipdividus! patents, 8 general interpationsl agreemept has been postponed for some years at least, SHIPPING BOARD OFFICIAL RESIGNS U.S, Commissioner Alleged to Have Committed Grave impropriety gressive attitude as regards the r| exposition promoter, da SISTER OF SLAIN WOMAN TESTIFIES, Says Remus as Threatened to "Crack a Skull" to Get Liquor Cortifictes Cincinnati, Ohia, Pec. 10s ter of the alain 1 Holmes emus, Mrs, Grace phell, af fami, Fla, Wed testified 2 he mander 4 trial of hor Wather: n- 0 Rem 8 "King of Pooties gore Fy she had spent nearly two ug I nal vain effort to bring them' to an agreement, She fought bravely to [hold back her tears, hut they came, | along with great sobs, when she | told that Remus, fin demanding the return of whisky certificates held by Mrs. Remus, had threatens | ed to 'divest her of every cant of her fortune and every shred of reputation. Remus threatened that the would Yeragk = skull" unless he got back the certificates, whieh' répresented so much llawor wn warehouses, she sald. i Once, Mrs. Camphell testified, | upon one of her 10 visits te Re mus while he was a prisoner n the federal penitentiary at Atlanta, she had asked him why "my sister cried and was so unhappy and | RHIC sleep at night after see. m " bhi. 3 Yenlied that she did not un-° (de a d him," tet'fled Mrs. Camp. e | Mrs, Campbell's appearance brought the high point of [1 court spaslion Tv gtapte with 8 vitriolie n° ch hy Remus, which he dee' '* 'd ' against rosecuting Charles P, Taft 11, and Franklin Dodge, J» 'the forr Federal Department of Justice agent, to whom Remus attributes all "his troubles. Prosecutor Taft Wednesday was made the defendant in a $500.009 suit for damazes, John S. Berger, reputed rich Los Angeles, Calif. = ding bd nuarizr of a million dollars ea. for statements mede fn a puriney indictment returned by the Hamil ton county grand jury 'snd - rtatements madd hy Taft in grant. ing a newspaper Mterview "I'll be very busy until the end of this case," sald Mr. Taft. in tak- Ing cognizance of the sult. "Inti then I' do not intend to be bothered by flea bites." la) | | SAFETY PIN REMOVED FROM THROAT OF CIIILD Ottawa, Dec. 15.~The 25-months- old haby hoy of Mr, pnd Mrs. Virnel Chartrand of Aylmer, Nue, vho Fad hecome emaciated alrcst tn the noint of starvation because Feo k-4 heen upable to. te'te sc"d peur. ment 'since he was five m-n'h; of age, is well on his wav to reer today, following the removal of pn npen safety pin from the tieepes pf his throat. The pin was: Mseover-A when a surgeon was operating on the child for tonsilitis. MORE FLIGHTS London, Dee. 14--Flvine Officers Nevill Vincent and J, 8, Newell, of | CNR. fille X) wicites ciange Jase (isetne hik fi } except Sunday. CPR, TIME TABLE tonad Traing "= ad HEE ni om Sunday, Westhoupd Tra'ng .m. ~hath | excent Sun .m.-- Dail m= Sun ave y oniy om =Dally 8. t Sunday. m.--Da ig excer vO) BUS LING WEEK PAY SC i £33 SE 5» i] Pe 33833 435 pm 6.45 p.m. 9.40 p.m. SBstostBes 3aRpaasEeaEs 3 O00 NNR LPN TS += DOI, En E-a-b-b-b-Bob BE LJ = > -- 8 vo 3 Time marked ty are Whitby a £5 BRS2Suhiskn = i: 1 Sunday. "ow "DULE BRbhzd SPTPTPT IDS = Chom nawnsitTe BeEsssis 5 EEE EERE H PPTITeeS CEE ET #9388333 ih - 7 io busses to y pital SUNDAY AND HOL'DA HOLIDAY SCHEDULE ¥. A GALI [4 wa Wa Oshawa ing Phone 22 the. Royal Aid Force will start new week in two aeroplanes on #8 propa- ganda flight and recoppaissance to aid transport prospects in India, Burma and the Federated Malay Sta- tes, which will last until next June. An engineer and a photographer will also be carried, - STREPT CAR CRASHES ---- Brandon, Map., Pee. 18.--Jsmes Neatly, Rotors, was badly pjured and two PasSSREers Sus tained slight bruises when a muni.' cipal street car left the tracks and crashed into 8 Meth d Wed- pesday, A brol pxle was respan- sible for the , COURT MARTIAL Rumapien Cities Assesse.' for Damages in Recent - Riots Vienna, Dec. 16.--At least " students who participated in Stl -Hungarign and ait riots at Grosswardein and Klausen- burg face court martial, according to Bucharest dispatches. The re port said Tuesday that the Ru |manian Cabinet has decided to re- move the police chiefs of these ies as well as the prefect of Beharcounty, for failure to per- {dents refusing to leaye their class- he cabinet has assessed Gross- wardein with a damage of 88.000. H00lei, (approximately $520.000) MR. S$. JACOB, DEALER IN and all kinds of metals. Buoy scrap batteries, old cars and Goods called for. Phone Residence $9 Mill street. ont od Found. : LOST--IRISH SETTER, ANS- werg, to the name of "Mike". -Mon- aun day afternoon. Phone 429. 4 (138¢c) {concrete information hefore ing the Transylvanian Dh dein and EK Ancider ito the attention of the Phossnig Eight persons were killed in the riots, scores injured, and puildings fe destroyed, parts of two affected cities though they were bombarded. Washington, Dec. 18,--A resolu- ton adopted by the Upited States Shipping Board Tuesday stated # "grave impropriety," had been )mmitted by W. 8. Hill, who re- Ened as a commissioner Tuesday {1 accepting a loan from 2 shipping © mpany having dealings with the poard, Hill, 2 South Dakotas banker, encountered financial Alisticalies £°d obtained a "substantial" loan } om repreceptatives of the Ship- ing firm of Swayne and Holt, of an Frapelsco, managi id > Sh Yn ' £ dorsed by Robert H. Swayme, "esident of Swayne and Hoyt. FUEL COAL Stove, $16.00 per ton Nut, $15.50 por tow COKE $13.00 per top. WOOD Soft Slabs, load, $3.25 Mixed Slabs, load, $3.50 |i Haed Slabs, load, $3.75] Brief with the looking a# | married Bodywood, Y4cond, $4.25 J} "Buy Relisble Fuel from' » Relishle Firm" Walerons- Moet 147 Hands, Cotactate- 4h. | Uptown Office, 06 King Mt. B PHONE 22 Thompson s 0 Bimcor Bt. B, Davidson & iB Simcoe 86, N, Samells Phone 207

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