"EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS MAY CUOQOSE KINGSTON 'There is every probability that g iat ation) ploughing match. vig event in which the fore~ m \oughmen in Cana'a and ins mied States take part, v'Il be aie a Ringnon abe \ the The it take place om the " bas tiary Sa | MEMORY S11 GONB a ¥ ARE Maa wlo sufiered 8 4pso @) memory ard was foun? 'wander'me in Pelleville has nat Teenvereo. nor hay anrene ame hte identify him. Fe is stil) &% the ¥ospital under the doctor's aretent the man does poi EN Ay where he eame from or haw he oot to Belleville, RNORO! RO" GIRL HELD ©Caarged 11 th Hing on tne avails of vice, Paymon Phill 4, aged 32, | Italian, Oarvitom Stree, Toronto, was arrested by {ote ve-Sergts. aterhouse and Wiatars Yast night nlmie Marchant, .aed 17. of the same address wit hvhom he fs "sald to have heen living, was lock- ed up on a charge of vasraney. The gin Pain from Pcterbere, Ont, two weeks ago. LODGE MARKS KS ANNIVERSARY [+ Forty years acc Toronig Fast WJadge of the Brotherhood of Rail. (way Trainmen, No. 198, was in "stalled and last evenin= at John- glone's Academy, in Belleville, the event was fittin®ly commemor- ated, There was also in connection with the function a public joint instalaltion of the newly elected of- ficers of the lodge, also the officers of the Ladies' Auxiliary lodve of ithe Brotherhood of Railway Train- men, No. 689, $l HEAR DR, SHIELDS { Rev. Dr. Shields of Jarvis Street Baptist Church, Taranto, held a . Meeting in the Lindsay Baptist hields wes accompanied hy the Rev, Mr, MeGinlay, The audience [| seemed in full sympathy with the | fundamentalisy point of view, | Gi ers of the Fenelon Falls Bap- congregation at a meeting a night deelded to join ndamentalist section of the May a8 represented by Rev. Dr, Shields of Toronto, { SENTENCE INOREASED Michael Cassidy, found guilty In {County Court of assault, was yes terday sentenced by Judme H, A, Lavell, at Kingston to two years in Portsmouth Penitentiary, and | to recelve tem lashes witihn six months, In June last Cassidy was ound guilty of assanlt and rob- , And gentenced to a term In the 'ontario Reformatory, Tne re- ghureh, , Boheaygeon, last night. Dr. 4 trial ming found Aim mot I, on the theft charge. In passing sem tence, Judse lavell sald: "It &s trae that you have been some montks In eastody, hut, having de- sired a now trial and made up your miad to demand one, no doubt you counted the eost and realized fim ons allure would in RUNTER 18 1 EYONER. TED Accidental death with no blame attached to anvone was the verdiet returned by the jury at the in- anest into the death of Felix Clouthier, foreman § . the lumber sompany of Ingram Elliott, ay Bass Lake, wha dled in the General Hos: nital Monday afternoon from hem: horra~e resulti-m from a bullet wound, in the left heal. Auguct Trince, head road cutter in the umber camp, from whose gun th» fatal bullet wy discharged, was the principal witness, FAYY, PROVES FATAL Peter Grant, aved 76, lvinw o the south side of Wolfe Islan? died lata Wedne~day ni~ht as th- resilt of an aceldent twenty-forr hours previously. He occunied » new but unfurnished house, an"? on Tuealay nitht, got wun to o° down stars He made a misste nlun~ed down the stairs, fragtu- ing his skull, He remained uncon- scious till death ensued. Deceased was a successful farmer. a Coth- olic and a Liberal. A widow and two sons survive, BECOMES INSPECTOR Provineial Officer David Sylves- ter, who has been stationed at Belleville for the past ycar and a half, has heen apnointed a district insnector under the I.C.A,, and will he moved to Hamilton in the near future. Mr, Sylvester will have under his command at least five provineinl officers. Previous to joining the Ont-rip Provincial Po! lice, Mr. Sylvester was a member of the Royal North West Mounted Police and was stationed in the Yukon for five years, DENTES REPORT Denial of the accuracy of the Kingston, Jamaica, despatch de- elaring that the Canadian Nationa! Railways were ahout to commence the erection of a tourist hotel ir that city wes made at Brockvill" vesterday by J. Gill Gardner, » director of the system, who de clared that neither the rallwarr north the Dominion Governme-' had in prospect the investment n' a single dollar in such an enter- prise. He confirmed, however, th report that negotiations were ir progress to the end that 8 moder» ed a few months |- eonment an and you lost." |° sted ¢ hg {ingston ion. CHARGED On the charge of securing good: 'rom Kingston merchants by fraud ulent means, giving cheques fo "hich he had no funds in the bank. John Jenkins, azed 20 years. came refore Magistrate Ferrel in the lice Court yesterday. He plea not guilty to both charges. his ex lanation being that he was engag- 2d In work f a ai hg . a dank nad oney enough to cover them, -- CREAMERY MAN CHARGED Charles Campbell, proprietor of the Cobourg Creamery, was "harged in Port police court "esterday font W. H. Tloyd, with a Viola of the Dairy "Products Act. ass of "achnieal wii TL Ni ng ex- onsive examination and eross-ex- mination relative to the business 'ecards of the creamery, the case "as adjourned until Dec. 23, The harge against Campbell, as laid y Clayton Chambers, Belleville 1spector of creameries, is the firs! bd oa kind ever heard in thé lova' Ure. NINPSOR YOUTH CHAR WITH SMUGGLING len Detroit, Dec, 15.--Alonzo Ledus '8 years old, of Windsor, is hel ere by the Immigration Border Pa trol on a charge of smuggling int he United States Steve Ostoich, age! 30, a native of Jugoslavia. Ostoict and his brother also were arreste' n a West Side rooming house. Th- Inspectors said Steve Ostoich told them his brother paid" Leduc $50 tc bring him across the river. Steve Ostoich was released six months ago 'rom a Russian military prison where he had been held since the close of the World War, A critic describes the modern voung wife as pretty and affectionate but with expensive tastes. A little dear, in fact. Mr. Greene: "These jellies ali seem the same flavor to me, dear." Mrs, Greene: "But you can tell the difference hy the labels." "Possibly. I never thought of tast- 'ng the labels." SLEEPLESS NIGHTS Loss of sleep or worry mear: rother 'tired out" day, Stop | take JR NILES' Sold by: Jury & Luvell, Oshaw. ntario, Taunton, Dee. 15.--Busy pre: rations for Christmas are on eo way. Maxwell's concert is on he 22nd, in the afternoon and orth Oshawa's in the evening op Wednesday the 21st. Mr. and Mrs. George Hilts, of Jshawa, visited at Wes. Glaspell's 'ecently, Miss Lillie Short, of Brock Ht. shawa, has been sper?ing a few lays at the home of her brother, Mr. Gordon Short. Miss Bernice Arnott is 111 with an attack of tonsilitis. Mr. and Mrs. George Scott ana 1aughter, Grace, visited on Wed- nosday with Mr, Jas, Scott, of Jolumhbus, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Wight and laughters, Jean, Aileen and Elen- ore spent Sunday with Mr, and "Trg, Jesse Arnott. Mr. and Mrs, Cecll Crossman 2? North Oshawa were at her par- onts' home on Sunday. The school was closed the first '70 days of this week owing ho illness of the teacher, Mise roan. A merry evening was spent on "riday tie 9th, at the home po' r. and Mrs. John MeGre~or's, A 'mber of friends were invited in nor of the birthday of Mis 'dys Doan. The evening wa nt in progressive euchre afte hich the guests were invited te 'e dininz room, where lunch wa rved and a real happy time war ont, Miss Jen Middleton and iss Baker, of Whitby, were among 'e guests. | PRIZF WINNERS AT THE ANNUAL POULTRY SHO 1% Judges Canpleled Task Last Evening--Show a Great I eem---- \ In one of the best Po eon and Pet Stock shows whiel a eon held under the auspices of the local association, the judges yesterday af- ternoon completed their work at the Armories. The poultry judge was J. W. Clarke, judge of pigeons was G. Snowden and of cavies and rabbits, 1, Wragg, The winners in the final classes are as follows: Waterfowl and Turkeys Embden Geese--R. R. McLaughlin, Oshawa, cock 1st, hen 1st; A. Bal- son, Hampton, cock 2nd, hen x Geese, Loudouse--R. R. NR lin, Oshawa, cock 1st, hen 1st, cock- erel 1st, pullet 1st. Geese, Chinese--R. R. McLaughlin, Oshawa, cock Ist and 2nd, hen 1st and 2nd, ecockerel 1st, pullet 1st; A. Ralson, Hampton, cock 3rd, hen 3rd, cockerel 2nd, pullet 2nd. Pekin Ducks--A. Balson, Hampton, hen 1st, cockerel 1st, pullet 1st. Indian Runner Ducks--A. Balson, cock, 1st, hen 1°¢, pu'i=t 1st, Rouen Ducks--R. R. McLaughlin-- cock 1st, hen lst. Rabbits, Flemish Giant, A.V.--E. 8. Jacohson, Ist and 2nd. A.O.V. Rabbit--E. S. Jacobson, 1st and special; Clifford Wilson, Osh- awa, Ist, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 4th; F. W. White, Oshawa, 4th. Cavies, Solid Color,Male--S. How- lett's child, 3rd; M. Montgomery, 1st, 2nd; Matt, Lewden, 1st; F. Wads- worth, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Solid Color Female--Matt. Leyden, 1st; A. Westlake, Oshawa, 2nd; F. Wadsworth, Oshawa, 3rd. Broken Color Male--Ed. Higgin's son; Ist, 8. Howlett's son, 2nd; Matt, Leyden, 3rd. Broken Color Female--Matt, Ley- den, 1st and 2nd. Rouch Coated Male--Matt. den, 1st and 2nd, Rough Coated Female--Matt, Ley- den, 1st and 2nd. Sow and Litter--S. Howlett, 1, Higgins, 2nd; M. Srd. FCR ATHTLETIC YOUNG MEN (New York Correszondent) Many athletic young men fill the wnguid rele of life guards at vari- us beach resorts during summes to cir winter at colleges Ley- 1st; Montgomery i marriages. Last ummer's crop included three who narried heiresses, From loaf to loaf, it were. jo ed there's compensation swans in blue and colors. Price ,, . A ---------------- KINDERGARTEN SETS Kindergarten Sets finished in golden shade or red enamel, comprising Table and 2 Chairs, Boy' Auto with showy disc wheels thick s rubber tives, finished in red, Slakcul yeion dpome, Pies Company, King St. Several Choice Gift Selections L 4 $2.75 Price, set prprprprrr S450 Strongly made Boy's Wagon, fit ted with rubber tired disc-wheels DOLL Little Tots" Carriages in VATIONS COIOIS +4 +» srrrrrsr Larger sizes in various colors , , BOY'S WAGON CARRIAGES $5.95 $2.95 $5.50 $15,00 t KIDDIE boys. 80 strong. boats, with large tired wheels M5575, 36 price from p rors rrraprnrnnrnsa Well made Kiddie Car, strongly made painted in blue and red colors, with thick rubber disc wheels. ROLLS RACERS These are just the things for the bigger The construction is first class. A grown up person can ride them, they are like horses and sail dec rubber $13.50 . CE teres: ' Velocipedes in various sizes and makes, idly constructed. , $6.50 to $21.00 : SLEIGHS All sizes of Sleighs in stock, ranging in CARS 1] $5.50 , 95¢ to = 55.0 pe ----..--... "| & on! % Bia" S Rg Mh 7 clephone~-- 262 Four direct lines Cen Seivay 3 ake Premium € Coal General Motors W Wood Al Fuel Orders weighed on City Scales if desived, DIXON'S 1 n the beaches for women as well as men, Look: at those living ducklings who marry the millionaires or be- come stars in the films, $5,000,000 LOSS SSES TRAP, Dec. 15.--Another story of heavy losses, coupled with a hint of reorganization, is told in the re- port of William Beardmore & Com- pany, a big British armament firm, covering two years to the end of 1926. A deficit amounting to more than $5,000,000 is attributed mainly to continued depression in the iron and steel and shipbuilding industries. A committee which has been investi- gating the company's Josition hopes to suggest a scheme for reorganiza- tion early next year. eo] i ! f » f / f COAL + COKE - WOOD Nut and Egg sizes, per ton, Stove size, per ton, Pea size, per ton, 15.80 12,60 Coke, per ton, 12,80 Best Anthracite Coal Ww. J, TRICK COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Albert Street EOE EOE EES OTS EERIE Special Christmas Bargains SATURDAY i AT THE ARCADE Only 7 More Shopping Days Before Christmas 75 Pair Embroider ed Pillow Cases, nicely boxed, Satur- day Special, Pair, $2.25 kadise Si J d ool Hose. ar value $1.25, Satur day Special. Pair, 98c Gifts for Wife Satin Dresses $16 iad ES 100 Men's Shirts Broken sizes, fine quality, plain, colors and fancy stripes, Broadcloth, assorted , Saturday Special, to clear, each, Ll Gifts for the Home Wool polep s450 1,000 Ladies' Hdkfs, Fancy embroide ed and lace edge. Satur- day Special. Each, 25¢ Men's Hose, silk and wool, all new de- signs, Pair .... T9¢ Artificial Flowers, Extra value, Sat., Gifts for Sister Corticelli ! Hose . $1.95 wood Ken Blankets, $10.00 Lingerie Sets, $3.96 Rayon Bedspreads, $4.95 Ash Trays ... $1.90 Chiffon Hose, $1.50 French Kid Gloves ....... $2.95 Comforters, $14.35 Silk Cushions, $4.95 Wall Vase ...... $1.00 Corsage Flowers 68¢ Silk Vests ...... $1.00 Georgette Writing Sets, ..... 95¢ Skating Sweaters .... $5.95 Novelty yells, $3.95 Rubber Aporns, 95¢ Harvey Silk Bloomers ... $149 Pullover Sweaters .. $395 Chamoisette Gloves ........ $1.00 Dress Buckles .. 65¢ --