Mrs. N. L. born, wa, be graduated a he Ton Institute of Ch aya, mn a class of {'t.=s: ven, 8 day exercises at nd wi. will he weadeast iva WMBI, 1140 kuocye ing where they McLau~hlin iting with friends in Toronto. mmandant erday, 've a Brownie Picture-making fascin- ates i i By why a Brownie for Christmas can't help but give your y :ungster unusual pleas- ure, Brownies are insignifi- cantly low in price ($2.25 up), but they ake good pictures eas Ys, Complete Brownie line | at this store KARN"S Drug Store Phone 378, Nest P.O, . and radio 263 ers, Mr, and Mrs. R. 8, NeLaugh- returned from New York this have been ting with Mrs, Coard Tayler, entertained nds from Toronto at lunchenn ay. Mrs. A. I. Morison, Connaught t, has returned home after and Mrs, Os- ne of the local branch of the vat'on Army visited in Tornnto --Mn Jack Carter, is visiting at his home in Napaneee, where he Wi Temais till lafter the New 's Holldays, ALICE JACHSON MISSION CRG ear Splendid Reports of Past Year -- Elect Officers The monthly meeting of the Alice Jackson Mission Circle was held at the home of Mrs, Hales Barker, 213 Arthur street on Decembe: Re- ports from the different officers were iven showing that the Circle had een very successful during the last year, A most pleasing reading was iven by Mrs, A, J. Bell and Miss rene Winter rendered an enjoyable solo, is short program was fol- lowed by the election of officers and Miss Flora Hawkins was made hon- orary president, Mrs, H, 8, White was elected president with Miss Ir- one Winter as first vice president and Miss Norah Tuckler as second vice president, Miss Noreen Hortop will Hh the post of Recording Sec- retary during the next year and Miss \da Gallagher is treasurer, The cor. responding secretary for 'the new year is Miss Vivian McRitchie. Miss Rose Davies was elected Superinten- dant of Christian Stewardship, Mrs, Roy Stevens is to hold the position of Strangers' Secretary, while Miss Ella Stevens is convener of the Flower Committee, Miss Margaret Lennox is pianist and Miss Rowe was elected as press reporter, After the Meeting a dainty luncheon was serv ed, WOLVES INVADE ALBERTA RANCHES Lethbridge, Alta., Dec, 15--The protracted cold weather in this dis- trict is driving coyotes and timber wolves into the settled sectivus, and not in years has there been 80 many of the prairie marauders on the sheep and cattle ranches, Coyotes are travelling in bands this © 8s" ~f the World's Greatest RA AEE A Artists RECORDS Winter, a rare habit among tnes animals, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBL:.. WOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST YOUNG HEIRESS WILL TAKE VEIL Daughter of Wealthy Chi- _cagoan Decides to De- vote Life to Religion Chicago, Dec. 16.--Jane Evelyn Cusack, who 1 sonly 22 years old and is financially able to have any- thing she wants, has chosen to be- come & mun. Miss Cusack is a daughter of the late Thomas Cusack who made mil- lions of dollars in outdoor adver. tising. She entered a Dominican Convent at Sinsinawa, Wis, a week ago, according to her hrother, Thomas Cusack, Jr, and after a period of study she plans to take the vows which, will bar her for- ever, from spending her fortune in worldly fashion, "My sister has always been studiously inclined and deeply reli- gious," Cusack told the United Press, 'She has no reason for go- Ing to the convent other than that she wanted to become a sister, There was no tra~edy in her life which would have prompted her nection." AGED RESIDENT INJURED While in the cellar of her home at- tending to her furnace on Sunday mornin Miss Vail, Byron street north, Whithy, had the m'sfortune to trip over the open ashpit door and fall to the cement floor, At first it was thouvh that she had sustained a fractured hin, but in the Oshawa General Hospitnl, to which she was taken by Dr. R. T. Maclaren, an X-ray revealed that the lizaments had hee.. sprained. She suff~red much pain hut is now resting easier, Storm Saches On E£ale Combination doors, storm sash and covered doors, Just now we are specializing in storm sash and { assure you that I am never in the "SERVICE SUNDAY General Motors Quintette to Assist Christian Choir The services in the Christian church on Sunday, December 18 both in the morning and evening are to be largely of a musical nature. The choir is being assisted by the Gen- eral Motors Quintette, Messrs Have- lock, Morrison, Birch, Paterson and Unitt, who throughout the day will sing in solo, duet, quintette and quartettes, assisted by Mr, Bateman, cornetist, in the following musical program. In the morning the choir will sing the Anthem "The First Christmas Morn" by Newton, then the quartette will be heard in two numbers "Wake, O World From Slumber" by Molly-Neal and "Hark The Herald Angels Sing" by Men- delssohn-Lerhman, In the evening the choir will sing "Behold IT Brin You Good Tidings" by Churchill, solo ::The Voice of the Chimes" by Hahn, a farhet solo, played by Mr. Bateman "The Holy City" by Adams, a duet "Watchman, What of the Night," by Serjent and an anthem "Star of the East" by Miles will close the program. Mr, P, Mercer, organist and choir leader at the Christian church, ac- cording to the usual custom is pre- senting the Christmas music the Sunday preceding Christmas, and lovers of music, and those who re- joice in the Christmas spirit, parti- cularly those not attending the ser- vices at other churches, are cordially invited to the morning and evening festivals of Christmas joy, The Bishopwas rebuking one of his clergy for his fondness of riding to hounds, "My Lord," said the good man, "everyone must have some re- laxation, assure you I never visit gambling haunts," "Aha," said the Bishop severely, "I perceive you al- lude to my visit to Monte Carlo dur- ing my vacation, Let me tell you, sir, that although I inspected the celebrated Casino, I was ncver in the room in which the gambling tales places." "Quite so, my lord," said the sporting vicar, "and permit me to same field with the pack." doors and can give good service at right prices. Phone or call at rear of 442 King street east. | (1392) "aims than "A g'rl detests being kissed on the chin," says a novelist. She probably thin) man should have higher that, a -------------------- I on -- ELECTRICALLY RECORDED All 10-inch Brunswick Reconte-Cold, Rurple 75¢. Think of it! Music ir Arumentalists and anpreciation F pular your r Some Noted Brunswick Symphony, Opera and Concert Stars Your Brunswick Dealer Has A Wonderful Selection of Special Christmas Records by Famous Brunswick Artists iz" good music be a | All 10° records 7c. al ary with these remarkable All 12-inch Brunswick Records=--Gce!d, Purple and Black Label $1.00 by the world's most brilliant symphony orchestras, opera stars, concert artists in your own home anytime. No longer nced your wick electrical recor: S records $1.00. Now is the time to complete Electricall Brunswick ry y Recor: Edith ith Mason, Lauri-V, RRA, s now sell at Brunswick Electrical Records Play on ANY Record-Reprod-. Instrument, but Best on the Brunswick Penetrope of Canada, Limited MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, CALGARY, VANCOUVER Company Luke Furniture Company Phone 79 ol 63 KING ST. ON : SEiho® cing PLAN MUSICAL. | 0 "nb at its ennucl meeting in the | { Wednesday | ° Take a quart of pure Good, Will, Cool off in an atmosohr-re Stick a d-zen ra'sins in And such fruits as you can win Ma%ke a batter frem the And you'll have a perfect dream NATE $1,000 70 BUILDING FOND St. Andrew's Ladies' Aid Society Also Give $10 to Christmas Cheer St. Andrew's Ladies' Ald met on Thursday afternoon for thelr regular meeting with the president Mrs. P. Wannan in the chair, The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs, J. T. Lethbridge, then the group leaders brought in their reports showing a balance of $1,600 for the past nine months, The ladies decided to hold the Christmas treat for the Sunday School on January 9. Mrs. P. Kylel was made a life member of the W, M. 8. at vesterday's meeting, The Soclety donated $10 toward the Christmas cheer fund and $1,000 toward the building fund, then Mrs. G., I. Lander and Mrs. J. T. Lethbridze were nomirated to audit the books, Mrs. P. Wannan, last year's presi. dent spoke a few words of con- ~ratulations and thanks to the ladies for their good work and help to her in the past. The elec- 'lon of officers took place with Mr, F. J. Maxwell] acting as chalr- m~n, All the otuwevs of last yyear were returned by acclamation, "resident, Mra, P, Wannan, with Mrs. ¥erh Smith and as first vice nresident and Mrs. Harry Wilkins ~8 se"ond vice-presidint, Mrs Weank McTaugh'in will act as Sec- retary a~a'n w'th Mrs, J, C, Young as her assistont. Mrs, Murry Mil. 'elr was returned to the post of Press Secretary, Mrs, 8. J. Bahe will a~ain act as Treasurer and Mrs. Roy Danlels will preside at the organ, FIVE CAND IDATES On Tnerdav evenine the Daugh- ters and M~ids of En~land initioted five cand'dates at their revulap maetir~, then Most G-and Worthy PPresi"ent Elster Poultelr nf Ta 'ontn acted pa cha'rmen for the 1928. Vor' - Denuty Sister Planche Ball wha was to act as ~hairm~n was nn~hle tn he pres- art, The fi=ctzl'»*ion nf the new 0®'ee~a will take place at an =n+ly date, SICK ATP ANITIAT, W. J. Borrett, 'fhorton's Cor- "rs was e'ected to the presidency ' the Ochawa' Bick and Annual Tors of En~land Mall '~ht. The foljowin~ other. officers ova elected: sccvetary-treasurer, " Mears, Oshawa; Blek Steward, ' Rowden, Ozhawa, A committee i also appointed, The eluh, "*h meeis monthly will gather 2in on Jonuary 18. INSTALLED OFFICERS W. J. Barrett, recently appoint- Dictriet Peprty of the Sons of nd, and-8. Wotton, both of itv, were In Port Perry Tues- y night where they officiated *t the inctallation of officers of "e Port Perry Lodge, 1 Flavor well with symp-thy, Boil it on the fire until It is fu'l of bubbling Glee. Season with a dash of Cheer Mixed with Love and Tenderness, That is mostly Kindliness, Gathered from sweet Laughter's vine In a purely Jocund line. cream Of geod spirits runn'ne high, Of a Merry Christmas pie, EAST ARE INITIATED |} electlon nf officers for the year |§ CLUB OFFICERS] | ammen o Christmas Dollar Day SATURDAY 500 Boxes ON Christmas Greeting Cards "\ Euch box contains 18 cards with envelopes | No such value has ever been offered before Y The price is a meve fraction of their actual worth SALE FOR 39¢ BOX | BAZAAR PROVES GREAT SUCCESS Knox Women's Association Hold Ann:al Event--Well Patronized A very successful bazaar was ne!d under the auspices of ine Yomen's Association of the Knox Presbyterian church, yesterday af- tornoon in their new church base- "went. The Apron booth was un- der the direction of Mrs. R. Meln- tosh, with many lovely, as well as veeful, aprons. This booth was wel! ratronized all afternoon and the ladies were well pleased with the success thot attended the efforts jut forth by Mrs. McIntosh, Mrs. A. Cox, conducted the tea room serving a dainty supper at pretty decorated tables set at the front of the room and which were filled all aferncon, Mrs. H. Deyman and Mrs. E. Mann, were the conveners of the coumittee who looked after the children's booth, while Mrs. Bond and Mrs. R. Meek, lent their very able assistance. The ever- nopular candy booth under the aus- »'ces of Mrs. J. Hamilton was clos- A comedian has caused a theatri- cal sensation by resigning his part because he considered himself over- paid. Wht makes some comedians so funny 5 that they don't.--Punch. It may be that 8 woman has a emaller stock of words than a man, but think of the turnover.~San Diego Union-Tribune, pu Model B-10== Siz tubes, Iluminated scale. Single control. Rick brown ma- hogony cabinet with besutiful inlay -- withous tubes--3225. The same re- ceiver equipped to operate from the 50 - no batteries--wib $375. Console Table, as illus brated=--350. OUR in results. of 63 King St. F, ORTHO 'CRYSTAL- in Tone FEDERAL PURE' isa receiver, radio telephone rec nD ses 1s built on. the highest standards it will give the purest sound! and let us demonstrate to your ears no other receiver can you secure Phcne 7¢ --- -SONIC RADIO | pa EE Eo ad oS Luke Furniture Co. £3