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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1927, p. 9

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Frid Rv Dec. 12th, to Mrs. Terey Northey, a son, 'Can has sent a reply to and girls' letters he has recently, He wants them all ow that | be with them 3 concert next Thursday even- . os in the §.5, His letter reads i ie time 1 wil arrive at the concert next Thursday wy .-- now cannot say, as the tiny , et of my reindeer travel very slow- ' over these rough roads, but we ill be there as early as we can, Mrs Lanta Claus regrets she cannot come lo this year, but sends you her love | 1d best wishes for Christmas. I will to distribute the sugar plums, ly dimples" and games for the ys and girls, and hope to please ual with glad Christmas messages. I do not have an opportunity to ake hands with yeu all, I will leave happy return of Christmas wishes iw both young and old, | I am, as ever, your devoted, rosy- eeked, Santa Claus, "Miss Edith Elliott has taken a posi- on in Woolworth's Store, Oshawa, ir the holiday week, | Mr, J, Lindsay, Miss Mary Lind- ww and Mrs, W, Langmaid motored » Toronto last Wednesday and at- I nded the funeral of their aunt, | The Scouts were entertained last riday night in the S.S., and a very Newecastld, Dee, 16.--Mrs, C. A, Cowan recently received the sag news of the passing of her sister, Mrs. Quantrill, of Carnduff, Sask, leaving to mourn her death, a hus- band and five children, of whom the eldent, a girl of 20, is married. Mrs. Quantrill was here about two years ago visiting Mrs. Cowan who since that time also mourns the loss of a brother in the West, Don't forget the Christmas Tree entertainment 'in the United Church S.8. rooms on Thursday, December 2. Good program now in preparation. : Dr. and Mrs, R. L, Wright and son, Dickie, have temporarily clos- ed their house here and gone to Toronto for a season, Mrs, L, Stewart, of Arnprior, visited at Mr. Wes. J. Gienney's and Mr. W. N. Buckley's and was joined for the week end by Mr. Stewart, The visit was the outcome of a 'pleasant acquaintanceship - | which sprunz un between the fam- flles last summer, when - Mrs. Glenney and Mrs. Buckley were at Arnprior in company with their hushands who were engaged on a road building contract. Miss Marjorie Jones has been seriously ill the past week and her condition has given rise to much anxidty, You are reminded once more of St, George's Christmas Tree en- tertainment in the Parish Hall on Wednesday evening, Necember 21. You will enjoy it, Mr, Lewis James, eldest son of Rev, BH, R. and Mrs, James was recently married to an English lady, Miss Priscilla M. Martindale in London England, but it is too soon yet for particulars of the wedding to have reached hera, easant time was enjoyed by the ays, playing games, and they were i fruit and candy, The boys usually | 1joy a festival of this nature a few i" 1ys before Christmas. We all wish ie Scout movement continued suc- 288, | ---------------- For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store 23 SIMCOE 8, PHONR 889 Cash or Terms eated to a nice lunch with plenty | | Gardens, The London Times of Aug, 16 had the following announcement of the marriare: A marriage has been |arranged between John Edward Lewis James, son of Rev, R. E. James, Rector of St. George's Church, Newcastle, Ont., and Mrs. James and Priseilla Mary, youngest daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs, C. 8. Martindale, 39 Rowland London, Newcastle friends extend congratulations. We wonder at any township's council permitting the erection of Hydro poles, or any other poles in fact, so near the actual driveway as are two large Hydro poles on the fisheries. road near Mr. Sam- || nel Richard's, We especially won- Miss Edith M. Smith Bowman- ville, was a Sunday guest of Mrs. John Robinnson, Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Lake, New- castle, announces the engagement of their daughter, Mary ni- frede and Mr. Clarence Bom of Truro, N.8., only son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bombard, Bowman. ville. The marriage to take place the latter part of December, BROOKLIN Brooklin, Dec. 14.--Mrs. Wm. Draper visited friends in Toronto last week, "The 'Women's Tnastitute at the home of Mrs, Norman White on Wednesday and had a most in- teresting meeting, Mrs, Hunter brought a fine report from the con- vention recently held in Toronto and presented it in a very pleasing manner, Mrs. Hunter is convener for the Province of the work of Community Activities and brought in a resolution at the convention in regard to the presentation of a better class of films than are being shown at the present time. Mr. W. L. Smith gave a very interest- ing address on "Canada, Past, Present and Future." Mr, Smith has had a wide experience in travel and newspaper work and his story of Canada's development was very interesting, Miss Mary Grigg favored the gathering with a very pleasing solo, The Ladies' Guild of the United Church held their monthly meet. ing at the home of Mrs, Wm, White. At this meeting the officers for the coming year were elected and all of last years' officers were re-elected, Miss Boyd played a very pleasing piano solo and Mrs. N. White and Mrs, BE, Pascoe sang a duet, On the last Sunday of the year, 1867, the Church now owned and used by the United Church In Brooklin was dedicated for pub- lic worship by the Canadian Metho- dist Church, At a meeting of the Official Board on Sunday morning event by special services on Sun- day, January 1st. A committee was appointed, consisting of Messrs. A. C, Elliott, Wm, Rateliff, P, L, Jull, to make suitable arrangements, The committee would be glad to hear of any persons living who were members of the congregation at that time, or remember being at the dedication services; also any other matters of historic in- terest, 4 The Women's Guild of the St, homas Church held a successful sale of work and a good chicken supper last Friday, A good pro- gram was given by the Hawalian Trio from Oshawa, assisted by lo- cal talent. A short play was given by three Brooklin young people which was very humorous and well given. Miss 2 Pascoe, of Enfield, spent 8 _few day 8 with Miss H, Mackey. = You Own YourOwn Home = Better Houses For Sale . Houses Immediate Possession PS URIAH JONES Phone 1947W New re aD cemyoricees We have them on easy ments--give us a W. J. Sully Real Estate Auctioneer and Insurance 9 Celina Street, Oshawa Phone 2580--716j CAR1TER'S Real Estate CARBTER'S REAL ESTATE, | Re Consult HORTON & FRENCH For Eyerytbing in Reel Estate 22' Bruce St. Phrpe 1207W John W. Lint 3 6 rooms, central, all 3 conyeniences, well] decorated, nice lot. Reasonable. $3 Bungalow, 5 rooms, all » modern conveniences; easy terms; value. i 6 rooms, mew, near $4,50 General Motors, mod- ern conveniences, Easy terms. $8 5 9 rooms, brick, 3-plece 9» bath, oak floors, mew- ly decorated, nice lot, concrete drive. A real home, close in. Easy terms--See this. List your properties with me for quick sale. Satisfaction guaran- teed. John W, Lint 67 Bond St. E. it was decided to commemorate the | Slaying of 12-Year-Old Girl in Los Angeles Stirs Continent a Angeles, Cal, Dec. 1§--Dis- i bered portions of 'the body of lite Parker, kidnapped last Thu , and part of whose remains were "returned to her fa- ther last t by her abductor- killer, in return-for $1,600 ransom, were found by police today in Ely. sian Park here. hundreds of police and detectives and of citizens, no trace could be found of the flend, Who stole and murdered the 12-year-old school girl, A member of one of the civilian posses made the find this morning by the side of a road leading into the Hill Pork area of eastern Los Angeles, Wrapped in newspapers in four separate packages, were the forearms, A tremendous man hunt invoiv- ing every available peace officer in southern California, and thousands of civilian volunteers, moved slow: ly across the Grange Belt today, combing every district and hlocking every possible avenue of escape for the "end who killed the girl, Suspects were rounded up as the human net dragged across the country, and wre put through se- vere cross-examination to establish their identities and whereabouts during the past three days, Clue is Secured The police late today arrested a suspect whose name they refused to divulge, Officers stated, however, that the prisoner was a young man of 36 years, the son of a Los An- geles doctor, a military school and University man and known in the past to have committed offenses againsy young girls, The police further divulged the fact that the imprisoned suspect was in a position to know intimate details of the Parker family life. A valuable clue was given poner tonight, when a woman repor- tre finding of a sulg case con- taining bloodssoaked papers and other articles tending to link fit with the Parker kidnapping and murder case. The sult case was found In the gutter in front of the woman's home, at a point just a block from the spot where the slayer was given the $1,600 ransom, Inside was the name of the trunk manufacturing company, It contained several blood-soaked newspapers, one bear- ing a date line in November, and another the date of Dec, 11, a quan- tity of thread together with a spool of the same kind, Two tablets also were found, one being of paper similar to that used hy the slayer Jn his letter 'writing, of paper similar to that used by the little girl in her two Ilttters to her father, The horrible extreme to which the warped mind of the killer of Marian Parker carried him was revealed in the surgical examina- tion of the body. Death apparently came either from ehloroforny or loss of blood after a terrific lashing, The arms had been severed at the elbows and the legs were gone at the hips, The torso had heen disembowelled and the cavity filled with rags, What remained of the body re- vealed the lash marks. Detectives shuddered and declar- ed they bad never seen such muti. lation, Packages Thrown From Auto Captain of Detectives Herman Cline said that from the locatiJn of the gruesome bundles beside the road it was apparent that the mur- derer had driven through Elysian Park some time during the night and thrown the packages out ope by one, They were scattered slong the roadway for some distance, Immediately upon receipt of the information that he dismembered pare of the slain girl's y bad been located, Captain Cline dis- patched me from the homicide squad to the seene with imstrue- tions to mote each bit of evidence available before moving the pack- ages. Special attention was paid to the automobile tracks made appar- enly by the slayer's car. Surveillance was continued to- he! What appesred to be 8 possib clue was shattered at 2 o'clock this BEER, His Despite an all night search by general little vietim's two legs and the two | e other was | of pepper. Turn one box of shredded. codfish. into a piece of shoesed ugeze diy ad then iy to the prepared Beat until the mixtures is fluffy and then use a wire po- tato. masher to beat. with,. Dron from - a tablespoon into smoking |. hot fat and lift with a wire spoon. Shake well and. then lay on a warm paper sankin in a warm, place. VOTES FOR "FLAPPERS" (London Daily Mail) "It Pg for .flappers' goes through, the effect on Comserva- tives will be theraughly disheart- ening. The rank and file will know that it will be useless for them to work for their party at the next election, .- They. can .see very well that Conservatism fis Bound to go under automatically as the result of making the So- clalists a present of some three or four million' new votes, 'sq very minced parsley, one-holf tea- ad J, the fish first | id ."Dieior Cy C igo 'New Haven, . Coun a 'Concentrating son the. State. pelice Thureda; ed a two-masted EE in. the East Haven-River and seized valued at between .-$40,000 - and $50,000,» and. arrested 11.persops, including Ross Mason. of Scotia, captali 'of the vessel. . -» 'The raid sarprised landing pre- 111 '10-gallon ' kegs of' mialt "whisky, 33° cases 'of gin; "Iivate parations an and several quarts stock' were seized, of Four members of the Schaoner' 8 crew, who were held undes $10,- 000 bond, gave their names and| Fred 4 8 addresses as follows: 27, Boston; John, Pearson, Sweden; John O 34) . Edward. Decker, -2 , i New City; James Brogkett, BSeareoce,; Fred Antonio, B, Talmadge, all 'of Sport wely "held In bonds of trom' $1,041] o $3,000. wun adi Ppt liquor for the holiday. Dyde bila he, "Anthony-{ Jasnaen, all of New Haven; Walter Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Willia, Owing to ne to the ~~ ohh Ara Hayor | ppg saip's pavers tndienied ¢ that M. E.. Hanes of Digby ir was the 'Nova i ny. ° .S., wag hamed Jenson, "éook; Robert Carlsonyven- 1 utente, Yo heme nenbu na Be Fa é . HOG AND, BACON (Detroit News) ore r in ho hs 8 Other a Mege' professor fore an assemblage of farmers {You.tarmers geg 10. > for hogs on thé hoof, while the 5 | peaple-in the' city hive té pay 50. "cents a pound for hacen * The pro- dor's conclusio] was that "iher¥'s "somethin wrong." AR 4 Ome can ayes v rd ik go James "Not a Bea Victrola, Here is a family gift which re _ merely in the j joy of giving, ment you ey from'it'fo not too early, to beg in planning' for 'one of these wonderful ak instruments, Today, His Master's Voice. dealers, have complete: selections of models, but no one dares predi¢t: for bow long, Your instrument reserved, -- is your instrument' assured, People often wonder why the 'new Othe : phonic Victrola is "so much. alone" in its 2 other th Col Offs: Argue MoLaug hiin eu tissue paper and dnivered ina gi Almost any .fazmer n the could ing d told the tHe logical difficulty :that.yom can't get bacon on the hoof. There are jabs to be dome hatwosn lay in nthe vi usband's so Ee L that' embarrassing? bit." day |' "Yes. Isn'y yours Jealouery, " » Spedking 3: fo NY that humiliating? cents a pou Do i, Sm-- "1 should think your Aten would cause you fovea: ihe. Shliaren, h, no; I employ ABOVE Select and reserve your Christmas ys not joy- tis but in' the rever At hn mis po practical matghed § "Trhe dna Bi AIT The secret lies in the toni, A the principle of it~ --- : or ins eu Hobo' flow of sound The; Datos re ictor-coptrolled, ound uk : them in no other instrument, -. vi With' Victor music at honle, yout can tum. n 'the' flow of 'entertainment' as 'the fmpels, , Whén"a 'record, finishes 'dont rush. io situpitsiops itself, al drive; if ou. Wishrat. £. onal A eau. A ven. beauti .; models to choose from, irom $100.4 ' ras' low as $115, all ob terns! ftom' His Mentpr's } # Voice x desler. TY a EX BAC Y Parag additional ad TE a oF Jeweller'. i. ia 2 2 ines, 10 do that." instrument. At His Master S- Voice Dealers only. iy Plan now to give your family a new Orthophonic 7 +s ' Fr ry BE PR @ i |} ER RER TY Bx WH 12 Noon \ vice wi Wi gan £12.30 KM box. 12 Noon 3 cal, 12.05 fpm C 2,00 p.m. 8.00 Ci

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